Fine Woodworking - Project 1: Bench Hook

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project one the bench hook this exercise will introduce you to the fundamental skills of sawing and planing first we'll make the stops start by planing an end smooth and square using the shooting board and low angle Jack plane now you can measure from that square end and carefully mark a square line all round then use a bench hook and tenon saw to cut the stop about one millimeter oversize then it's back to the shooting board play nothing spray always check your work as you go the next step is to clean up the faces and edges of your stop using a smoothing plane I'll show you how to set up a smoothing plane for a really fine cut when you come on the workshops two or three strokes should be all you need to achieve a perfect finish now we move on to the block plane which we'll use to Shump for the stop count the number of strokes on each edge this will help you to keep your champers even notice the technique for shampooing end grain without spelling or breaking the grain we'll work through these techniques when you come to the workshops finally mark the face side and face edge and then repeat all of these processes for the second stop next you're going to make the board of your bench hook unlike the stocks your raw material here is rough sawn timber which you'll need to flatten and dimension after you've secured your timber in a panel board take a jack plane and set it up for a heavy cut I'll show you how to do this in the workshops work across the grain at first and take off any high spots it usually helps to work diagonally as you see here check your work with winding sticks these emphasize any twists in the wood when their top edges appear to be parallel your board is out of twist reduce the cut on your jack plane and finish with a series of fine overlapping cuts along the grain you can check for flatness as you work with the corner of your plane take the timber out of the planing board and secure it in the vise plane the faced edge check with the square and adjust as necessary then place the timber in the shooting board with the face side down and the face edge against the stop shoot 1 NS square mark your face side face edge and face end as shown use a combination square and ruler to mark the width of your board then plane down to the line check for squareness from the face side and if the edge isn't quite square mark it with a soft pencil and take off the high edge with a fine set plane next mark the required length if you have more than one or two millimeters to take off place the board in a vise and Shump for one end this will protect the end grain as you quickly remove the excess then finish the court on the shooting board the last court is the opposite face use a marking gauge to mark a line parallel to the face side and about one millimeter less than the narrowest point on the board work carefully with a series of very gentle strokes otherwise your gauge will follow the grain of the wood once you have marked all around run a 2h pencil down the mark and then plane down to your lines with the Jack plane your board is now flat out of twist and dimensioned all that remains is to refine the finish with a smoothing plane once you've blamed both faces on both edges check your dimensions and move on to the assembly process mark the Centers for your screws and prick with a bridle line up the stop and then drill right through the stop and into the board with a pilot drill put a scrap block under the stop and drill the clearance holes then countersink to match the size of screw you will be using use a little candle wax to lubricate the screw and drive home with the right size screwdriver use a sanding block to remove the iris or sharp edges from the board finally remove any pencil marks with a robot by the end of this project you will be able to pick up the correct plane for most tasks and know why it's the right tool for the job you also have a useful bench hook
Channel: HD Media Pro Community
Views: 171,106
Rating: 4.7596998 out of 5
Keywords: Woodwork, Woodworking, Educational, Bench Hook, Project, Fine Woodworking
Id: vIypubtliOY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 21sec (681 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 28 2016
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