Fine Woodworking from a 2x4? | Fine Woodworking with Budget Materials

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what's up youtube welcome back to the shop i want to run a test today i want to see if i can take a single 2x4 and design a box that i can batch out from a single 2x4 and turn that into an item that i could ultimately sell so what i think i'm gonna do is i'm gonna take a two by four cut a little bit off mill it down make some box sides and for this test what i'm thinking is i'll make a couple boxes and that should give me enough knowledge to know if this is going to be a viable product for me down the road [Music] i got my box sides all done so now it's time to do the joinery so i'm thinking i'm going to do box joints for this they're just a good strong joint i do have a video on making box joints so if you haven't checked that out i would highly recommend it click up there watch it it goes over how to make box joints without doing any sort of measuring that's my kind of joint [Music] i really like how these box joints went together they're nice and tight so that's a good joint so now i got to work on the bottoms and the tops so i took a 2x4 over to the bandsaw and re-sawed it and i really like this look whenever i put these together it has sort of a busy grain in the middle and then as you go out towards the edges it's a little wider so i think i'm going to take these go over to the jointer joint these edges glue these panels together and when they're all done i should have my bottoms and my tops for my boxes [Music] i got my box out of the clamps and it looks awesome especially with that linear grain in the bottom oh really cool and i've got a board here for my lid so now i need to make this fit onto this so while i'm doing that i'm also going to think about a handle i feel like this needs a handle let me brainstorm that one [Music] [Music] [Music] after some careful deliberation i felt like that this lid needed some sort of softer feel so i made a mock-up of a nice swoopy profile for a handle and i'm digging this i really like it so i think i'm gonna roll with this i'm gonna put my template right on my board and trace this out then i can go over to the bandsaw cut this to rough shape and then head over to the disc sander sand down to the final profile [Music] i got my handle cut out now i got to make sure that i center this where i want it on my box lid so i am taking my combination square getting that where i want and then to make this so much easier on me i'm gonna take a piece of scrap i'm gonna put some double-sided tape and i'm going to stick it right there that way i could put glue on my handle stick it back in place pull this off i don't have to worry about registering this side i only have to worry about doing it from end to end not gonna lie i love some double sided tape use it all the time you could also do the old super glue and blue tape for this but double sided tape is much much faster on small parts like this over [Music] boom i'm going to do the wood glue and ca glue trick which is i put a little bit of wood glue on here the wood glue is for strength but i will add a couple drops of ca glue and that is to serve as just a quick clamp so i can press this down on my lid and it will stay in place time to apply finish i'm gonna go simple i'm gonna use some armor seal which is my go-to i love using armor seal thought about doing some sort of staining or dying or whatever but i kind of like seeing this natural look of the pine so i'm gonna roll with that i'm liking the warmth this is providing if you've never used a wipe on varnish or a wipe on poly i highly recommend giving it a shot i have a video on how to use wife on varnishes and i kind of go step by step through my process for it it's just a great finish to do and it's really really simple to get really really good results so check that out if you're interested that was a really cool test but more importantly i just dig the design of the box we came up with it's something that i don't mind making over and over again and that's really the key to selling your woodworking items you're going to want to be able to batch things out and that's going to maximize your profits based off my experience to selling woodworking items online and in person i'm comfortable saying that i could take that two by four and then make enough boxes to generate between two to three hundred dollars worth of sales i think that's pretty good turnaround for the cost of a two by four so if you enjoyed this content then please consider subscribing to the channel and hit the bell notification so you'll be alerted the next time i put out a video i put out videos every week sometimes more than once a week who knows make sure you hit the bell so you'll be notified the next one that gets published until we meet again get in your shop and build something awesome
Channel: Newton Makes
Views: 284,225
Rating: 4.834558 out of 5
Keywords: diy woodworking, woodworking projects, workshop tools, do it yourself, newton makes, 2x4 woodworking projects, 2x4, Beginner woodworking, Make money woodworking, woodworking projects to sell, Save money woodworking, Woodworking projects that make money, Money woodworking, 2x4 challenge, Pine box, Weekend woodworking, Easy woodworking projects, cheap woodworking projects, pine wood, 2x4 lumber projects, woodworking prototype, 2x4 lumber, fine woodworking on a budget
Id: 1wRaF7epUkY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 19sec (439 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 25 2021
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