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I'm gonna need you to wake up we're missing out on this on this beautiful view it's it's 7:00 a.m. I'm sorry it's it's just it's 7:00 a.m. we got a big day you want to move your breakfast oh okay all right I'll give you like five minutes but we should wake up because we got a big day ahead of us Hawaii day number two let's go step number one to our day is big yes yes so um what do you what do you want you know we couldn't yesterday but I'd love some Starbucks all right Starbucks for breakfast we had it yesterday but oh well look at that pool down there by the way it's nice that's not nice we can you think of swimming in there go swimming in a pool and we have one in our backyard we're in Hawaii whatever it is currently uh 822 Hawaii time we got some pretty cool stuff we're on the road right now for about an hour and 10 minute drive but we got these giant shrimp chips so if you open those up there's a literally a little fan for your phone I don't know we had to buy it I thought it was cool we're gonna see how much it drains my battery as I go throughout my day just kind of Fanning myself but um yeah that's pretty cool in here we've got some Hawaiian drinks as well some guava nectar nice okay so we are on our way a hundred and ten minute drive 110 minutes right no an hour and ten minute drive hundred we're going to some caves that are near the shore hopefully we can do it cuz you you can only do it with it's low tide or else like you'll drown we do you see we can do but if not there's also a really beautiful beach over there but like I said it's 8:30 in the morning right now so we got the whole entire day ahead of us full of fun activities that I bring you guys along with me so let's go Howard's I'm gonna drive over to you now look at these ships I don't know why you're so amused by them have you never had a shrimp ship no pretty good like oh my crunch is it good here let me try it buddy that bag is gonna be empty by the time we get there we are almost here the Muse here absolutely beautiful you're sitting in the middle of the road in the middle of the road of those cars coming that way you know what but it's it's all good we're sitting in the middle of the road because we're trying to go that way but it's all good because I got an ice cream sandwich life's great right as long as I got this you know even if you know we get t-boned by another car yeah we're almost there we are five minutes away one point four miles we've made it over to the caves normal sadly are we almost there are we closer yes most is it like right up yours yeah I guess it's over there I see some people over there but oh my gosh the water is so calm over here so pretty Wow should have brought my drone it's back at the hotel no drone shots today I'm sorry guys all right so we have found the caves right here look down there down there and the entrance is right there it's actually a little beach if you look down here look there's like sand and everything but I'm gonna be switching to the GoPro because I don't want to get this camera wet so me and Kayla are gonna try to head down here which actually here people down there's actually people down there swimming around that's so cool look at that are you ready I'm ready all right let's switch through the GoPro [Music] huge wave we are in the cave right now because huge wave coming in I don't know what's over there but the oceans right out there oh that's a big wave Carrie because they look so big you look you think you're about to be crushed by a bug by the time they reached here there like waves coming in look at that oh my gosh this is so little fishies in here up huge wave coming in [Music] that was so cool here take that it's so beautiful out here I mean you got all the rocky the mermaid caves over here you got mountains in the background the beach over there which we're gonna go to soon oh it's so pretty I really really really really really regret not bringing the drone because I really want to fly it right here with all the mountains in the background I didn't bring it because I was like and you know I thought we saw the all the good stuff yesterday but no we're seeing a lot better stuff today so whatever it's okay we still got this camera of course but drone shots would be so cool seriously like look at this Oh huge way of coming in big wave coming in wait for it wait for it and it wasn't actually that big I'm waiting for a big wave it's just crash behind me you know epic cinematic CG effects yeah there's no more waves coming back in the Jeep it's just a lot of driving honestly like we've just been driving so much but then again we've been going like we'll go to one side the other side then we'll go to this side then this side this side cuz there's so many things to see on all sides of the island you know you really want to explore it all oh oh well yeah this one's gonna be cool we're gonna go snorkeling ton of fun stuff that we got over on the other side of the island so let's go [Music] oh they're so cute bye-bye you later buddy have you ever heard of YouTube chicken is now YouTube fans my name is Nathan I go by and speakable can you please subscribe to my youtube channel please chicken I know you're lonely on again but please come here I want I just want you to subscribe if you could and also leave a like and follow me on instagram please think you know chickens were harmed in the production of this video oh they're going for the UPS truck smart idea smart idea hey dudes I have a same fantast best year day [Music] sajin right so the beach has been wrapped up it's all the way over there if you guys can kind of see it I'm so done anyways so we're heading back to the car right now walking back because we had a park so far because there's so many people at this Beach and the parking lot is so so small so we had to walk like half a mile through the or park half mile away anyways we're going to go get food now because we are starving I mean why else would you go get food I mean you're hungry we're gonna all right well probably the ice cream as well you know oh yeah oh yeah let's go on the way back to the car we have found our friends again have a safe fantastic rescue day buddy be safe cross the road with precaution please we're still walking we've been walking for like 45 minutes oh my gosh it's been like ten oh hey buddy did you subscribe you should have subscribed it's not the same rooster oh give me this town lay that out later down my booty hold wet butt my butt is wet we should have jumped off the rock with me but seriously that rock was actually really cool probably looking good I'd say 25 or 30 feet oh yeah for sure that's pretty cool hey spring on stinks what down the air a little bit thing we're gonna try to feed the mythologies or this East Goose what is it doing wood chips you're probably will car behind me is probably really annoyed yeah they're probably like oh there goes the bag well now we know that geese like onion chips [Laughter] there we go all right oh yes thank you very much okay look at this view guys look at that Wow all right guys so we're gonna drive through here check out this view not right here I mean that views not bad but as we go around this hill you can see from size to church you can see the hole it's hard babe these roads like oh my gosh I love them two lane roads all windy through hills going up the sides of mountains it's really cool [Music] Wow beautiful love seeing grass we're stuck in traffic it's a two-lane road what do you expect but we still got some shrimp chips left in here so these chips they don't have like the ones at the top don't have a lot of stuff on them but the ones at the bottom are just covered in spices these chips are made to be super spicy Italy so once we got so it's pulling out the spiciest chip in the bag Oh seasoning on that's my bite right there oh my god okay so that is my bite right there that is all spice all like whatever let's just cheers boys your mouth is gonna be crying in like 30 seconds this is really not spicy at all no I'm being serious like you thought it's not spicy I took one little bite and my mouth is tingling you put your tongue out like this sneeze a little bear but it's really not that bad these houses though are crazy all these houses that are right here they fall back up to like like the water like your backyard is literally the beach like you own a part of the beach that's just that's crazy honestly who what do we got spicy chicken shrimp another spicy shrimp right ooh a that looks good oh my spicy I will say he trucks in Hawaii in Texas they're okay and Hawaii they're really good but don't get Korean spicy food don't catch mice you know get spicy not only spicy food Korean space not only spicy food but on the side of the truck it said like spiciest shrimp around or something like that so I was like oh I like spicy food I'm a spicy guy I like spicy food like mr. right like sriracha I push the Rotch on everything and sriracha is really not that spicy at all it's just a ploy everything really but I got this shrimp I tell you what I ate the first one I was like oh no bad ate the second one oh yeah that's gonna a little spicy okay ate the third one my nose was just like all down my face I was like I was only almost crying it was like like I didn't need a moisturizer weenie he had three shrimp and he had like seven in the box couldn't even get through it yeah you guys are probably watching this so you guys are probably like oh man if I was there I could swallow all those shrimp in a heartbeat I'd like to see you try yeah I didn't so what's the plans now we have two options oh we want you to do a Burnout do it oh geez yeah that would be a smart idea so now we have two options one ice cream to go back to the hotel you want so hard it's a hard decision I don't know what do you want to do I'm very full but gelato is very very tempting icecream navigate to the ice-cream okay we found a gelato place that is no it's not that oh wait no it's right in front of us I don't know wait supposed to be right there I know it's probably 400 feet away look at that that's somewhere over there I didn't realize the marketplace was right there I want an even way part nice to know Jean I think this one's a little bit nicer than ours unfortunate thing I think okay I know it's a who becomes [Music] looks good this is so good so this is a don't even remember what it is I just know it's vanilla chocolate brownies it's called masseuse gothic cookie dough I don't know excuse me sir do you want to subscribe I don't think he's interested [Music] okay so that is gonna wrap it up for today's vlog I hope you guys have enjoyed of course it's been an awesome day it's been so much fun but the day is coming to an end sorry but I want to thank you guys so much for watching I just want to say if you guys want to see more vacation type vlogs let me know by just leaving a like on this video has that me and Kayla yeah yeah yeah okay hi some more awesome vacations planned so if you guys do want to see us go on these vacations let me know by leaving a like because I don't know if you guys like vacation type vlogs if they're cool or that's lame you don't want to see it just I don't know let me know by leaving a like on this video but thank you guys so much for watching I hope you guys have enjoyed I will be seeing you guys a couple days in a brand new block [Music] the [Music]
Channel: Unspeakable
Views: 3,949,934
Rating: 4.9131832 out of 5
Keywords: unspeakable, vlog, vlogs, unspeakablegaming, prank, comedy, challenge, laugh, funny, moments, craziest, pranks, crazy, no cursing, no swearing, how to, parody, troll, video, react, family friendly, funniest, adventure, trolling, unspeakable vlogs, real life, life, unspeakable real life, unspeakableplays, car, cars, racing
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 2sec (1142 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 02 2018
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