A Murder In The Family (True Crime Story) | Real Stories

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Crushing... Just imagining my mother go through that.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/wu_cephei 📅︎︎ Dec 14 2017 🗫︎ replies

To watch a mother confront the murderer of her son with such grace is incredible.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Dec 15 2017 🗫︎ replies

I have never seen someone smile when asked if they murdered a loved one. That's game, set, match for me.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/peath-a-paper-pleath 📅︎︎ Dec 26 2017 🗫︎ replies
[Music] on a hot night in 2002 a murder took place in this Philippines apartment the victim was a British businessman his death would transform the life of his mother only mother one know what it feels like to lose a child there's part of your soul that just goes out like that and it's just filled with pain and it eats away at you all the time this is the woman Margaret believes murdered her son she's Stephens Widow Evelyn I loved you they loved you your children loved it and look what's happened Evelyn is on trial in Manila she's always protested her innocence but her mother-in-law has spent two years fighting to get her in the dock life sentence is enough for me I think that's too good I've had my arms around this girl I've cherished her but she took my son and she destroyed everything that was good in this world so everyone did you no it was my perfect husband with me anyway I have my two kids in he six years in hell he was my the best man ever [Laughter] it was just a funny guy very different a funny meaning humorous he would tell really bad jokes but then his grin or his smirk what would make it funny do you want her to fly won't hurt anybody and that's how he came over you were so gentle Steven grew up with two younger sisters in Nottingham things changed when his dad died Steven was just fourteen he was quite a playful brother and then when when my dad had his accident and died he became more more of a bigger more as responsible a brother you just want to look after me and look after the girls it became easier actually when Anna and I started seeing each other and then Alan started take Steven on that the male role because I felt that Steven had missed out quite a lot with trying to be such a good boy for me [Music] we just click trilling which was really nice because previous to that life had been pretty tough first Lila I can remember thinking I wished it had got out a little more imparted and stuff which you didn't tend to do today he always he was so taken with his computer and that's what he was going to do with his life while Steven was getting his first job working in computers in Nottingham his future bride Evelyn was growing up on the other side of the world [Music] jerem Samar is a remote island in the Philippines you can only reach it by boat there's no running water electricity or sanitation I know but it's here she was a very good girl she was very well-behaved when she was young she spent most of her time in the house it's about me and when her father was ill she did a washing and help make match to sell she was very talkative even when she was small and when she was asked what job do you want when you grow up she'd say oh I want to be a bar girl so I can marry an American when Steven was 21 he was offered an exciting job abroad a computer company promised to triple his salary if he left Nottingham to work in Hong Kong I didn't call it him so much because I felt that Steven was very skilled very intelligent and could do an awful lot with his life [Music] it was a bit innocent grew up I think he grew up very close to his mother that might not have been the best thing he hasn't been on his own a long time and and I don't think Steve saw evil around him Steven took up a new hobby he joined a flying club in Angeles City in the Philippines just two hours from Hong Kong it's where many professionals come to party he found himself surrounded by pretty women women like - he was a cute he's a big guy with blond hair you know very white face smirk good sense of humor he made them laugh and women were attracted to him like Stephen Evelyn decided to leave home for new opportunities but she was only 13 I cried when she started working because she was very young but she said she had to work because we were very poor it's a two day journey by boat and bus to Angeles City it's where many young girls like Evelyn come for work Angelis is known as the sex capital of the Philippines the bars here are the best opportunity for girls from the villages to earn money to send back to their families they often lie about their age to get a job in some of the bars not this one girls are young as 12 they own a pound a night for dancing up to five pounds that they have sex with a customer there's a premium rate her virgins they're known as cherry girls the bar owner keeps a watchful eye he takes the lion's share of what clients pay [Music] no around sabe she was kind of embarrassed with what she was doing she said she was forced into it I said she would use drugs to help her cope with the situation the only way out for these girls is to get a wealthy boyfriend Evelyn was one of the lucky ones her dream of being rescued by a rich man was about to come true he said that he'd met this girl and that she was in one of the boss I was naive at the time I didn't know what I mean about the boss you you just think the Pope yeah and he was quite smitten with her [Music] Stephen fell for Evelyn the moment he saw her he took her out for the night then paid the bar owner five hundred pounds so she'd never have to return she said that Steve was kind and he was handsome and he wasn't old but apparent got only he was young like her and also she said that he had plenty of money [Music] were you shocked when you discovered that you'd bought a prostitute for the night I was disappointed very disappointed but you have to be there to understand it some of these girls I could have took home with me they're really not for sexually obviously as a mom they're so pretty so attractive and they don't deserve to do what they're doing he says if you can rescue just one girl from the bar life it says that's what I've done I've rescued her from that life you know [Music] Evelyn Davis is on trial in the Philippines for murdering her British husband Stephen she claims she is innocent if I'm thinking really now all I can do is why he's he's so nice he's so nice it was on a visit to Hong Kong that Margaret met her son's new girlfriend for the first time Evelyn was just 17 Steven was 10 years older you could see why he fell for her um she was quiet she was polite she was just totally acceptable Steven arranged a special surprise for them I'm convinced he only did it because he wanted to share part of his life with us and he bought a beautiful suit I think he paid something like 500 pounds this little white suit she don't love like I don't forget that day it was Coris river was like a nervious you know a little bit and yeah very happy the ceremony was held up because Evelyn couldn't read the vows she'd never been to school I just asked me if he knew what he was doing there's a lot of stories about western men marrying bar girls in the first place and then marrying somebody so young and from such a in a poor environment and I thought there was some you know questionable hard judgment on his part I feel that he was feeling very safe in that relationship with Evelyn because he was the provider he held the purse strings yeah and he he must have felt that um she wouldn't she wouldn't dump him because without him everyone wouldn't have had anything Margaret and Alan were flattered to be invited on Steven and Evelyn's honeymoon they went to the tropical island of Puerto Galera Margaret was worried by what she saw he loved him with everything he got she didn't reciprocate that love though each other will be walking down the road Alistar holds my hand when we go down the road as Steven were tried to hold Evelyn's but she's put a shoulder away those little things that moms noticed sometimes in Steven tell me she did my mother-in-law she doesn't want me to get married with him Stephen said everything I love her and she's she's the one it's gonna be murder and make it [Music] Stephens hopes came true first Jessica was born then two years later Joshua the family moved from Hong Kong to Angeles City it's where Evelyn had worked as a bar girl and in a pound a night now she was in a different world [Music] they rented a house in the most expensive neighborhood Stephen was earning 60,000 pounds a year as a computer technician he gave Evelyn a monthly allowance of a thousand pounds nothing was too good for her in fact I'd tell him that his wife was lazy after she had the children because she'd lie in bed all day and the maid would take care of the children even unemployed maid to do the housework and she wouldn't physically do anything um I need to say she doesn't have to do anything mom she's my princess [Music] and I'm back we all got in yoga Sam she wasn't the same she seemed to have this air being rich and she would always speak of money and in a way would look down on her relatives it wasn't just Evelyn's life that was transformed life on the island changed dramatically for her parents too Steven was sending them large amounts of money enough to buy a fishing boat and to build the only brick house in the village he paid their fares to visit him and Evelyn in their new home sometimes they stayed for several weeks when they'd gone pillows would come missing or like or the rice maker anything they could come and carry away water filter that won't miss it yeah and Evelyn would feel it was okay because she'd just say to Steven we go buy some more Margaret and Alan also visited at least once a year they always took their video camera and they noticed their daughter-in-law was acting suspiciously whenever you saw her she was text messaging communicating with someone when she thought he was out of earshot was you could hear a giggle when I laugh you said it was a boyfriend didn't you know did just buy a whole attitude towards us and towards Steven she was very angry at Steven all the time by this time Margaret nellen weren't the only ones who suspected Evelyn was having an affair her sister Gina had moved in two workers are now me to the children she confronted Evelyn about the rumors she finally admitted that it was true that she did have a lover and she told me that Steve and her were having problems the man in question was a local security guard earning only a thousand pounds a year that was the same as Evelyn's monthly allowance his name was Arnold adore I know I know having affair with him that's that's I don't know why why did thank me that way Steven was becoming increasingly suspicious about his wife's behavior yeah money was going missing he'd given Evelyn the fees for Jessica to go to a private nursery school one day he decided to take his daughter there himself it was really embarrassed because that Jesse wasn't even enrolled meri has taken this little girl to school up at lunch they don't even know who she was and the last thing he said to me was she's really messed up this time mom she's pawned a wedding ring [Music] it's only in hindsight of the events what happened that she was actually buying things for her boyfriend we did find out that the rent when he bought him a motorbike Stephen too started to spend time away from his family with his single friends they went out to the bars and clubs he used to go to before he was married I don't think Steve had an affair I think he had one a chance now and then as I said I they didn't have a sexual relation whatsoever so I think Steve would go elsewhere to satisfy that need Stephen told Evelyn he was away on business in fact he was staying at Mike's house where they brought girls back to party this was the last home video Stephen recorded weeks before his murder [Music] Stephen still wanted his marriage to work he gave Evelyn an ultimatum she had to give the missing money back and get a job or go to college but nothing changed so he threatened her with divorce she was faced with going back to me and a prostitute in a bar she would be exactly back where she was five years before selling herself to strangers or living in poverty and back in her province after having been the queen Steven decided to stop Evelyn's allowance now she was no longer able to support the large network of family and friends that had come to depend on her I do remember telling him that he needs he needs to be careful you know you know something these people are crazy and he made a comment I'll never forget he made a comment about you know that that they wouldn't hurt him because he's the Golden Goose you see and I remember telling him that you forget the moral of the story is that they killed the Golden Goose and I think we just kind of laughed it off and had another beer Margaret and Alan will always remember their last holiday with Stephen and his family [Music] my anger with Evelyn she let me say goodbye to Stephen that day knowing that we wouldn't see him again here's the it was the way that goodbyes were it wasn't like it been in the past it was a final goodbye shoot she was there she knew she knew and she let him smile afters and hookers and say goodbye to us she knew [Music] on July the 18th 2002 Margaret got the news that every mother dreads that particular morning Anna and I were here on our own and Anna was doing the garden and then I got a telephone call from Mike it was like I'd heard it and if it didn't say it it wasn't true and I just got said smarty you can't Lee he can't be dead not Steven that night Steven and Mike had been staying in Manila at their business apartment Mike woke up when three men broke in one held a gun to his head and said is this him when he was told no he went into the room where Stephen was sleeping at that point I heard a yell and three or four shots they were simultaneous there were Steve Schill he was yelling hey or something along those lines but at the same time there was these shots then I heard a running down the stairs so I went to Steve's room I saw him lying there I felt for a pulse there was not so I just went downstairs and went to the neighbors and called the police and then I just said aloud to one of the neighbors in fact I just turned and said that [ __ ] [ __ ] killed him I meant Evelyn there was no evidence to link it to Evelyn it was just pure suspicion when I said to Mike it was just a good reaction has it got anything to do with Evelyn I couldn't see it I know she was arrogant and ignorant and all the other things we'd learn her to be what a murderer I couldn't see it [Music] as soon as Margaret learnt of her son Stephens murder she flew to the Philippines at the funeral parlor she thought his widow Evelyn was acting suspiciously Evelyn was sat to the left as we walked in and she didn't get up and we went to her Stevens coffin Evelyn never came to us did she seem upset no not at all no not at all no sortir from that girls I know whatever that time they saw me as when he he was just asleep it's here it's just like any victim in this very office you know nothing he came to me and I wanted to come over mister they were Stephen and she said to me young how we see Mike this before we addressed this Stephen was lying there dead in front of us have you seen Mike so I said no I've not seen anybody and should well if the guys were in the room for 20 minutes surely he would recognize them and she was just trying to put me about Mike and that's when my notebook came out and everything every interaction we had I made knows the police investigation was moving very slowly their first theory was that someone connected with Stephens company might have killed him we started at their office which is a few blocks away from the event at apartment all the employees are claiming that the victim is a very good employer they don't think of anybody who would do that thing you're really facing a blank wall day [Music] Margaret took things into her own hands she wasn't going to return to the UK until she had got to the truth about Stephens murder she hired her own private investigator a former policeman who doesn't want to be identified she's crying and give me a hug crying on my shoulder and telling me oh please help my son's case to be solved Margaret's investigator carried out 24-hour surveillance on Evelyn there were two men who paid regular visits to her home one was Evelyn's lover the other his friend another security man Margaret passed this on to the police who called both men in Mike was able to identify them as two of the three men who broke into his flat on the night of the murder at one point he looked towards me and I saw his eyes and those are the same eyes that were you know gonna gun me down right I was 100% sir they were both arrested but Margaret's campaign to hunt down Stephens killers was putting her and Allan's lives at risk she was warned that they were in danger friends of the accused knew who they were after two months it was time to go home but Margaret wasn't going to leave the Philippines without something of Stephens his children she rented to take Jessica and Joshua home to live with her and Alan why did you decide that it was the right thing to take them away from their mother because she was dangerous she didn't care coffee Margaret persuaded Evelyn to let Jessica stay with her for the weekend a few days later she left the Philippines for England with her three-year-old granddaughter she hadn't been able to find her grandson I didn't want to leave Joshua he was the hardest thing I did is to leave the baby there without taking him so he left the passport for Joshua and we actually on the plane yes and by this time I've got halfway down my list because I've got Jessica I got the passports I got Stephens ashes in my hand luggage we've got two guys in jail and was exhausted next on Margaret's list was her grandson Joshua was staying with Evelyn's parents Margaret sent her investigator to the island with an offer of 200 pounds to hand him over I cried I cried over the child he was going far away but I couldn't do anything because I don't have the money for his schooling whatever he wants to study it's better if he is with the other grandmother Margaret she has plenty of money there he can study and choose whatever course he wants and finish his education two months after she fled the Philippines Margaret was reunited with her grandson at Heathrow Airport he was dressed in a pyramid socks a paper Grover the legs cut off because he didn't fit him and a British a oh isn't that pay he it was amazing just tough Stephens son in my arms after all what we would be through Evelyn has not seen her children now for two years living with Margaret and Alan I hope me my daughter indeed when her and I'm never gonna see you again and we're gonna say it again the love of my kids I mean she knows now I love my kids she knows and that my life hemostats my kids in my hands when she knows that even though Margaret was on the other side of the world she was determined to prove her daughter-in-laws guilt for two years she worked every single day and often throughout the night getting evidence it was a costly business she even had to pay the police's petrol money to interview witnesses all together she spent fifty five thousand pounds she wanted justice and I think she was enraged and Evelyn and she could cold-bloodedly kill her husband and then just behave the way she continued to behave all for money it was Evelyn's relatives that gave Margaret the breakthrough she needed whilst out there she and Alan had made friends with them they kept in touch by text message that'd be cooler myself I promised her I would do anything I could to help her she said thank you I said I understand because we are both mothers the family held the key to what happened to Stephen that night and this man was to provide the crucial evidence he's robbing butis Evelyn's brother-in-law and Gina's husband he'd been acting suspiciously since the killing when the police tried to question him he went into hiding [Music] Evelyn's aunts knew where he was and Margaret persuaded them to turn him in finally he admitted that he'd been the third man on the night of the murder at last the truth was out your father being what was around 11 o'clock when everything came and asked me to go I didn't know where we were going I got into the car and then we headed downtown [Music] Robin told the police that Evelyn's lover the friend and Devlin then drove to the flat where Mike and Stephen was staying the three men got out of the car and went upstairs Evelyn's lover was the one who fired the gun two shots then two more Evelyn sat in the car to act as a lookout Evelyn told everybody that Stephen was a millionaire and she would get all Stephens money where Stephen was dead Robin's confession meant that Evelyn's lover and his accomplice were convicted of murder they are both serving life sentences Robin was set free in return for providing evidence in February 2004 Evelyn was arrested and charged even though she didn't fire the gun herself she can still be found guilty of murder the judge will decide if she planned Stephens death with her lover Evelyn denies everything but there is strong evidence against her the men had a key to get into the apartment on the night of the murder Evelyn claims she was asleep at home yet a neighbor saw her come back in the early hours of the morning there are 14 people giving evidence against Devlin but there is not a single witness to support her version of events Nonya Ronnie [Applause] [Music] Makati City Jail is where prisoners are held on remand Evelyn's been here for seven months the only visitor she's had is her father the rest of her family's turned against her and they have given evidence that they heard her and her lover planning to murder Stephen for his money in six weeks time the judge will announce his verdict the penalty for murder in the Philippines is a life sentence or even execution by hanging it's such a shame what has happened to her that she has wrecked her life and allowed herself to be carried away by a door I I guess I I don't want to waste my energy hating her I mean she did what she did she deals with it I feel the loss of a friend [Music] [Applause] Wow [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the upsetting part for me is known that you I won't see him again and also for his children that they won't have that opportunity and I think that's the saddest thing because he loved his kids he was so proud of him most magic words I come out my house with Jessica and it's look like that star up there a beautiful star and I say yes that's my daddy that's my daddy you know it really caught you Margaret's goal is in sight the judge is about to pronounce his verdict on Evelyn and Margaret is determined to be there it's been a very long long journey it's been two and a half years it's been a hard journey a day-in and day-out journey and I just hope that some I can get some resolve and focus on the children and bring the children up and do all the things that Steven would wants us to do [Music] [Music] today is going to be making today if we get a right verdict there's gonna be a huge sigh of relief [Music] Evelyn is about to find out if she will be set free or convicted of murdering her husband Stevens mother Margaret and her partner Alan have waited two-and-a-half years for this moment so coming with no family or friends to support her the only person for Evelyn to talk to is her lawyer was it but for a finale [Music] mr. Shawn a specific portion well for this court hereby finds eviden Bohol Ethan a wagon also known as evident bilal evelyn ball Davis and the Anita ball Davis guilty beyond reasonable doubt of murder qualified by treachery without any mitigating or aggravating circumstances and sentences her to suffer the penalty of reckless on perpetuity Evelyn has been spared the death penalty but she's got the maximum life sentence that means 40 years in prison with no possibility of an early release in your case [Music] we're satisfied that she was just given the resolution I don't get any pleasure in seeing my daughter-in-law go into prison and no matter what happens it would never bring my son back but there's no pleasure in seeing everyone go to prison Margaret has one last task before she leaves she's going to confront Evelyn with her crimes and say goodbye stand up Aaron stand up and talk to the other Lin take off those glasses look at me your Torchic Christ feeding your son Christ for you they were there mummy you don't woman I was jesting just while you're in the oven now you knew that our tell st. Joseph I you know dad I have hockey how can you convince me of that whatever happened with this p1 I don't know you know that mom I was thoroughly Steve and everything what happened with a Steven with his said I was there and I go to hospital when I know we suffered for me and I was crying your boyfriend it was your portion hundred never get a higher iron and even have a relationship with him even if I die now I love to say no to your children look dear and look what's happened Evelyn continues to deny everything Margaret had hoped she might confess but she's disappointing lie I wish I wish I wished it was a lie Evelyn if it was different Evelyn I wished it was April I wished it was just you and the children I bring you some pictures is mommy crying from Jessica it's Joshua bless the house with the blue gates the house lived with Stephen this one is Jessica Mommy and Nana she's beautiful absolutely beautiful he's beautiful generally I don't even feel angry at you I just was so sorry so sorry that we had them in there you'll save some happy days [Music] the family because this with your family I send you pictures of them growing up they'll always know they have a very beautiful mind and they'll always be your children just he courteous angels always it's not going now then don't just stand up and say goodbye to me Evelyn no okay I'm going you got your wish so I'm face-to-face with her let's talk to her that's what you wanted all along so you got [Music] dear Evelyn you're convicted in court of the murder of your husband Stephen with the help of Arnold or I your boyfriend nothing you say will convince me that you're innocent I'm leaving you and the Philippines now and justice has been done and you'll spend the next 40 years in jail you'll be an old woman with a wasted life you had everything Stephen called you his princess and not you very much [Music] you are a very evil woman with no thought of the lash you have ruined and I heard the sacrifice of your family was worth the short time of the love of a door I [Music] you took my son now I have yours and your daughter you someday will come and ask why my way why was you so bad and leave us and killer daddy I will enjoy your children and we shall have some happy times and not think of you I will never forgive you or see you ever again you are no longer a daughter of mine Margaret mercy might still be alive back in Bulawayo my search begins again this time with no leads at all our tourist visas are running out and I don't have much time left in desperation I turn to the phonebook but mercy has one of the most common surnames in Zimbabwe hello looking for
Channel: Real Stories
Views: 6,210,102
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: real stories, crime documentary, full documentary murders, true crime, full documentary channel, full documentary 2021, documentary movies - topic, true crime documentary usa, true crime documentary real stories, ITV, BBC Three, murders documentary, Full length Documentaries, TV Shows - Topic, gang murder, philippines, Amazing Documentaries, Real Stories, spouse murder documentary, Full Documentary, family, Documentary Movies - Topic, Channel 4, Documentaries, Amazing Stories
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 55sec (2875 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 06 2016
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