Finding Love in Costa Rica STOP Looking in the WRONG Places

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all right you're looking for that special someone thinking about living in Costa Rica but you don't want to live there alone and you'd like to find some love hopefully you're not looking in all the wrong places I'm going to tell you where to look uh I'm going to get into it in a minute guys I'm Michael Al for traval Costa Rican I first want to say thank you for all the birthday wishes and making me feel better about my Alzheimer's that was nice a lot of nice comments of support and advice and feedback and and maybe normalizing my uh craziness a little bit so I appreciate that um real quick guys a relocation Retreat coming up again you know we the one coming up is sold out we're already selling the next one the reason I'm not saying the date is because I want this video always to be good because there's always going to be new dates you know uh for you and if you're thinking it's uh you'd like to live here it's on your radar but you're not quite sure all that inform information is in a link in the description below I would love to see there I can tell you they're filling up now man they're filling up they're getting popular they're getting popular I would love to see you there if you haven't subscribed please do I'd appreciate it and if you want to see videos as uh we put them up hit the notification Bell and if you want to donate give me a nice coffee cup and go to travel Costa Rica and hit the Donate button all right so you know you don't have to marry a hooker I don't know what how that well I know how it got started down here you know prostitution is legal here you know they don't like to talk about it but it is legal and for some reason guys think that I don't know they're not thinking it's actually one of my Ten Commandments I made a video a long time ago you know working girls they know what they're doing and they do kind of help you maybe live in this fantasy world of thinking that you are hot when you're not you know you're not you know you have money you have money you probably got not much else maybe hopefully some personality but sometimes you're older sometimes you're my age or older maybe you haven't really kept up uh your your health or maybe you're you know you're not the best uh looking guy around and you want to come down here and what do you do for some reason you go to the broth looking for love pretty woman is a movie you are not Richard Gear and the girl is not Julia Roberts all right so here's what happens I I try I don't I know more than anecdotal stories I know a lot of stories I know a lot of guys that have done this and it goes south it goes south and I'll tell you why it goes south one is come on man if you go some money they don't have that kind of money so they are gonna they do you know you can't blame them for latching on you but why do you think they're latching on you because you're just so charismatic and goodlooking no it's your money and if you are nice I guess that's extra but guess what the women know their rights down here the women know their rights down here and most of those relationships uh with like let's say a working girl I'm not I'm not bagging on working Girls by the way people got to make money and I get it I'm not throwing and any of that but you coming down here and marrying one probably isn't the best idea almost every story I know and there's a lot of them in 18 years have gone South now I'm going to tell you the ones that don't go south in a minute but those usually go south and guess what the women have a lot of Rights down here they will own your house they will own your house and I just can't tell you man the stories are kind of sad actually so let's rethink that for one there's prenups down here you can do a prenup and for the other thing if you really feel like you got a marry a hooker or not married but why don't you just give her get her a little apartment have her bills under her name because the common law thing is can be can happen to you down here too so you don't want to get common lawed into a marriage that you didn't know that common lawed into some legalities that you didn't know about I'm just saying it's a it's a terrible story because a lot of guys are coming down here with their you know their money that they saved up through life or whatever Social Security they bought a house and maybe they started a little business and man that woman's going to own it dude I'm telling you do you think the Judge do you think the Judge is gonna side with you Greeno boy no okay so now the thing is down here it still is a kind of ma cheeso type of country not maybe not quite as bad some other Central American countries but the guys are guys are guys here women are women women have rights here but it's still a it's still a man's world down here like if you went to a big business you're not going to see very many women in the top echelons of business you're not the ones that are successful down here start their own stuff strong women there's a lot of those I know a lot of them so they're usually doing their own thing though but it's still a kind of a man's world but they they do they still believe in the traditional kind of marriage they know there's only two genders sorry so you know they they like tradition so if you feel like you if you are looking for a love you know a don't start at the brothel don't start at the clubs and don't start at the bars and I would say stay off the apps there's all the apps down here all the hookup apps all the dating apps there's swinger apps gay apps all kinds of apps if you want to hook up and do it that way that's fine but don't look for love there don't look for love there now I don't know if you guys all follow along but done a few videos with our our good friend Matt who's right now in Alaska he got married down here to atika and you know here's what he here's how he found her he just started going to a place where uh he's a writer so he would take his computer and he went to this chicken restaurant and he would sit there and he'd order his coke uh and drink Cokes all and he'd be there hours and she worked there and she's a great girl you know she's not clubbing she's got kids but she's you know she's traditional she's good looking but she's looking you know and they match up because she's looking for a man and he's was looking for this but now you don't have this baggage of You Know The Working Girl thing and you're going to get more loyalty you're going to get more love you're going to be supported you know I don't know what makes you think that that 27y old freaking likes you she's hot but you're not you're not you're 70 you know you're you're going you're going south and you think these I don't know it just freaks me out now uh it is true that a lot of women down here are looking for Gringos because they assume that they do have a little bit of money and then what's wrong with that what's wrong with that that they want to feel you know supported and you know don't have to worry about money so that's always gonna that's that's nature right I mean everyone you know everyone's kind of like that but you're going to get a lot more with the kind of girl that Matt uh found in the chicken restaurant than you are at the Del R you know it's just you know you got a whole another breed of women you know woman and then if you're you know in the chicken restaurant it's going to be traditional she's traditional man she wants us just have a family she wants to eat dinner at night with you you know all that kind of stuff so uh it's going to be a different thing now you got to remember when you marry if you do marry a a woman down here you're marrying the family you realize that right and if there's and whether there's kids from Bel you know there's kids or there's you know mothers and fathers and grandmothers you're marrying all those people and you might find that your obligation might be a little bit more than you expected because uh their families are close here they might be they might be living with you they might be living with you so I don't know you know there's okay Michael we if they're not in the bars and the restaurants and the clubs where are they well the good the good women are you know at home at 5:00 so you're going to meet them at the grocery stores or at the restaurant like Matt did or at church or at the park or places that are you know Community more Community Based because the women that are you know traditional women aren't out at 12 at night I'm sorry I know that's again not throwing stones I'm out at 12 at night okay I get it but you know if you're looking for a woman you really want one you know that's you know your pay grade you know you're going to find them in those places because they're not hard and you know what I I mean no disrespect it doesn't matter how out of shape you are How fat you are how ugly you think you are or whatever it is they don't care necessarily they do not care about that what they're looking for is you know somebody that's established supportive loyal loving giving and all that so you can be nasty looking and you're still going to be fine you're still going to find somebody now in the opposite direction so the the green the white women sorry the gringas that come here they also uh they get married to tikos you know the locals down here and I got to tell you I'm just saying this because it's just what I've seen in the 18 years usually the the the lady from the United States or wherever um comes down here and she's usually marries just a little bit below her pay grade not saying that's bad uh they but the usually the Woman's little bit more established uh kind of got the money maybe or the the vision or you know working hard or something and not that the guy's lazy or any of that I'm just saying the woman usually is just a little bit above you know just a little bit got her got her together A little better so it can happen with the you know with the gringle women too coming down here they can find love I would just caution uh vacation is not living here just because you're going out you know you went out rafting and that guide was so cute it's kind of like the guy going to the brothel when went when some of the younger women like let's say 35 or whatever they go rafting and they these guides are that's what they do is hook up so it's kind of the opposite can also be true so be careful there's a difference between you know one night staying and having fun on a vacation than you know a romance Brewing okay so I don't know I I I wanted to make this video because I've always kind of said that you know it always seemed to be the uh working girls that the guys that let's say my age were were drawn to or marrying and it and it it and people would kind of get on me Mike no I I married a nice girl down here we've been married 10 years I've been married 15 years I would be hard I I would assume maybe one out of 50 of those people riding me married a hooker you know it all worked out maybe it was pretty woman but I can tell you not normally they probably found a girl kind of like what Matt did whether it was church or some you know uh in the park or at the grocery store or maybe at a restaurant or whatever but uh I would say it's probably not it's probably not a hooker and if it is again that would be the exception to the rule so you want to come down to Costa Rica and you think you're going to be lonely you're looking for that you can easily get it as a outsider because obviously they're looking at that and you know again they think you got the money and so what so what um I don't think there's anything wrong with that I'd love to hear you guys's comments and feedback on this from people that have are married down here you know tell me what I got right tell me where I went wrong tell me what I'm missing uh it helps everybody else you know um make better decisions down here because the guys down the guys that come down here don't have the best track record of marriage I'm Michael Allen travel Costa Rican hey guys things are going to pop up if you're thinking about living or traveling anywhere especially Costa Rica always do your homework and research and if it is Costa Rica my videos out
Channel: Travel Costa Rica NOW
Views: 3,988
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Costa Rica, Relocation Retreat, Relocation Seminar, Relocation Tour, Travel Costa Rica Now Retreat, michael alan, living in Costa Rica, living abroad, expats in Costa Rica, Esterillos Este, Sunset del Mar Resort, experts, international living, moving to Costa Rica, retire in Costa Rica, seminar, retreat, tour, relocation experts, travelcostaricanow, TravelCostaRicaNowRetreat, finding love, relationship, dating in Costa Rica, pre nup
Id: 4FMaelLQdHo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 45sec (765 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 17 2024
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