Finding a mama for this turkey chick

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[Music] we were young here we were free and running never bothered about what could be coming every day we dance the life was smiling we were young and regular oh I got you there's [Music] [Music] why are you guys back this full that'll scare me Lydia we are not going to feed them then they'll come back get him out there you go get him out get outta here get a mini get out of here we must have forgot fern last night sorry [Music] you were Heidi last night Stella's your first time it's just it's Bella yeah we like kind of wrong [Music] [Music] we've decided to only milk a teeny tiny bit out of penny because her babies seemed to wear on her all day long and I think that they're hungrier there are three of them and penny is an older go even though she produces a good amount of milk forgot the lid need something to squirt that first squirt I don't think that's gonna fit okay I'm gonna leave all that next one up okay [Music] alright I'm gonna shoot it in that bucket missed this [Music] next step oh she's all empty miss fern ain't it all look about fern does need a while ago there's nothing left all right bring Luna this is the first night the Stella has been away from Luna so we'll see how much milk Luna has come on Luna [Music] now we're gonna milk first what's the state of the utter yeah we've been watching Stella closely she's been drinking from this side [Music] all right let him out he's always in the way watch here he comes again she doesn't know yet come on there you go hey hurry and put the other one there she has a note which is way to know what she's gonna know we're gonna drink from her okay hold her there that's Stella Killa only show is drinking six tier one baby that's drinking right hope she likes to sit like this because she's so fat she wants to go play she's like irritated that world in her Stella had the build of the bar goes you know oh she's been zone so she has like that really thick body yeah usually when you scratch your neck your ears go oh they are kind of going up like that higher so Stella is definitely eating from this side this is Lunas bigger side so she's been eating and then it stimulates it to grow so we need to make sure when we feed little hope that we make hope eat on the other side okay got it this is the first year that our hose has ever frozen here in Arizona it's a real pain I have to sit there and try to unfreeze it in the morning to water the animals you guys probably all deal with that but I've never had to go on the ride you don't Bank we're trying to teach all the babies but especially hope because she's the one that nibbles and she's on us the most to not bite and I read that the trick to get a really baby goat to not bite is to kind of flick them on the nose and then scratch them on the neck so you kind of are showing them no don't you know and you can say no no don't don't bite but then you'll give them attention still and then if they keep doing it to just walk away and not give any attention Pope's definitely the most persistent of a biter but they all will try to nibble on you so she's like like you're playing what's that gopher game yeah whack-a-mole and you're like trying to whack each one on the nose real quick I really whack just click they need to get to me but people are in the way [Music] you don't have very much milk if we're not milking Tilly makes a big difference [Music] a sour on [Music] where are you misunderstood said she would [Music] help the ones that you could no glimpse of [Music] where are you yes [Music] legs have [Music] down the [Music] finally [Music] so I've been trying to make a few snacks that we can have in the middle of the day that are high-protein just quick snacks between meals I'm not sure this one's the winner though guys I it was a little too coconut oily they're not bad we call them brownie bites they do taste like really healthy brownies so Lydia's not in love with them but Ethan in Kevin or eating them just fine I would say that I really like the nut butter muffins better than these they basically have the same ingredients except no butter muffins have baking powder in them and they rise like a muffin have eggs in them too so I'll show that in a future video but if you guys have any tips on how to make little bites like this a little bit better tasting let me know I guess not everything can be a winner [Music] [Music] well Kevin it's the end of an era this is reverse Kevin trapped in the corner and then it's reversed because we're taking down the craft I know and we didn't really even show you putting it up but I have to say yeah this is pretty spectacular yeah it's got a rock to wedge it in there really really good you got clumps of dirt to hold it down funky duct tape everywhere oh yeah I mean every time the goats chew on it we just tape it back together so anyways yes this was the craziest awesomest Kevin's craft but it's nice to be able to take all this down because it was really hard to keep the animals from chewing on everything yeah and it didn't work with our internet so nope but running and all the time is just killing us we can in our internet can't handle it and we can't even upgrade to more internet where yeah we guys were the highest and now working okay Kevin right definitely qualifies for a craft because use crafty and duct tape the held so well we had like storms and everything to go out and take it down because I didn't have my dog bowl full of tools as we were doing the livestream I had to make adjustments all the time and fix the light and fix different things and I had a dog dish of tools that Danelle organized and put away so some of you guys said that turkeys aren't stupid but I don't know guys Kiwis been stuck here she gets stuck here almost every day back at the end of our property and paces back and forth and doesn't know how to get out so we have to come back here we have to show her how to get out hey you can get out no way you gotta do this way keep going there you go the miracle I don't know guys maybe she does it to hide from emu but they seem to not really want to be together all the time she seems to really like to get back there maybe that's where she has a nest let's open this up cuz I know she likes to come in here she did lay a few eggs in here but she hasn't tried to sit on any yet so I think it'd be so cool to raise some baby turkeys but not sure she's gonna do it just yet [Music] okay then so I've got an idea all right you ready okay so I read online cuz online is the best place I read that in order to get a turkey to start being broody you have to leave her eggs out there you have to let him build up to like what she has with like a clutch which is like 18 eggs then she'll get broody hopefully crossing her fingers so the trick is that we've got to provide a place for her that she can get breed at the ace and said that the pigs can't eat yeah cuz if I put it on the ground pigs are just gonna eat all the eggs so our mission is going to be to figure out a place she already likes that back area back there yeah so and I bet you will you'd go get the eggs right now so we went back there okay so we found a Kiwi egg right here on the middle of nowhere so I think we need to set up her little nest box over here current plan is to have the pigs locked up in this last pen and then we're gonna make a place really close to where Kiwis been laying her eggs and so Ethan what do you think won't work I hope so I think it'll work we've just got to gather enough eggs okay well we'll see if it works [Music] mommy and daddy have assigned us on a mission right he said we have to go it's not focus our job is to go put all the babies away let's go first oh wait we have to he's gonna immediately there he goes got my hoodie all dirty okay goats are you hungry we have to do the belly feel okay ready well they're hungry you can feel it rumbling oh my gosh that was a good belly feel they were definitely a rumbly in their tumbly 1-6 well you want to drink well oh you want a drink of water all right you guys this was a success I think mommy and daddy will be very proud of us wink wink wink we did a good job [Music]
Channel: Weed 'em & Reap
Views: 189,643
Rating: 4.9576821 out of 5
Keywords: turkey chick, turkey nest, turkey chicks hatching, hatching eggs, hatching, heritage turkey, broody turkey, baby turkeys, backyard farm, living off the land, organic, incubator, family farm, family vlog, farm life vlog
Id: 67nOCc9Ylu8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 0sec (1080 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 12 2019
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