Finding A Cheap (But Nice) Place To Live In Costa Rica

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so you're thinking about moving to costa rica and you're wondering where am i going to live and how do i find quality but affordable accommodation i'm going to give you a strategy in this video to find some really good places to live so what a lot of people do is they're going to go to a real estate agent there's a lot of real estate agents here in costa rica you walk down a street of one of the busy tourist towns like haka or tamarindo you're going to find real estate offices everywhere they're very common and they will no doubt have places for sale and places that you rent so that is one option another option is of course you can go to airbnb and usually the people listing on airbnb there's going to be uh some flexibility there so for example i myself i have a place on the beach that i list on airbnb and if someone says to me that they want to rent it for two months or three months or i've had people say to me they want to rent for closer to six months usually i'm open to it usually if they want to do a longer period of time such as six months i'm going to give an enormous discount so you can find a lot of really incredible places on airbnb these are people who've come here often foreigners they've invested their money to buy a place fix it up and they've got these incredible homes and they're listing them on airbnb and right now of course with the pandemic they need they need tenants and now it's quite a difficult time so usually there's going to be a lot of flexibility in the terms just from looking at places on airbnb but the strategy that i want to share with you in this video where you can get some really good deals is facebook groups there are these facebook groups and there's a handful of them there's maybe about five to ten main ones and each of these have anywhere from 20 000 people some of the bigger ones over 40 000 people and these are expats living in costa rica in these facebook groups so you literally just go to facebook and search for expats in costa rica or costa rica expats or costa rica foreigners and you're going to find these groups join the groups usually they're going to ask you a few questions fill them out they'll approve you usually within a few hours but join the groups and then go on to the search function and search for terms like rent or lease and you're going to find some incredible deals a lot of these people they've renovated these these homes and they're very eager right now to rent them out especially to quality tenants who are going to be here long term who are going to take good care of the place so they're very open to negotiation so that's my advice to you find these expat groups go on search for terms like rent and you can get some incredible deals let's say you want to live on the beach i've seen plenty of of options apartments condos entire houses on beaches you've got quiet beaches like the one i'm standing on right now this is estorios beach so it's a long stripper beach goes right up but there's a lot of homes here that you can live in for very cheap and if you want peace and quiet then this is a good place but if you want a more busy happening place with restaurants bars you're going to go to the tourist towns like jaco or tamarindo they're going to be a lot more but there's going to be a lot more activity around you can also find homes in the mountains so if you want to live high up on one of these mountains with these incredible unobstructed views where you can see right out to the ocean and i've seen some of these places they are quite incredible they're very quiet they're very isolated they're very peaceful but if that's what you're looking for there are some great deals in these facebook groups now i have a facebook group of my own i've started this more recently this is dedicated to those of you who are thinking about making the move to costa rica and you're looking for helpful advice and you're also looking for these kind of deals places where you can live and you want to know what's available so if you want to join that group it is of course free i'm going to put a link below in the description go ahead request to join and then you can also see what's on offer in my group as well but that's my advice for you today hope you get some value out of this if you want more tips and strategies for building your new life in costa rica head on over to moving to costa rica dot com i'll see you tomorrow
Channel: Moving To Costa Rica
Views: 25,909
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: accomodation costa rica, renting in costa rica, rentals in costa rica, live on the beach costa rica, beach houses costa rica, living costs in costa rica, buying a house in costa rica, homes for sale in costa rica, finding a place to live in costa rica, costa rica rental options, costa rica rent costs, costa rical rental costs, renting a house in costa rica, renting a home in costa rica, costa rica real estate agent, costa rica, costa rica real estate listing, costa rica house
Id: 7lvIoKQHtCQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 27sec (267 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 19 2021
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