FIND the SECRET DIAMOND to Win in Minecraft

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hi dudes welcome back to another toxic minecraft video today i'm racing biffle to see which one of us is the most observant we have the hardest spotted map of all time we're gonna be racing through the levels with no hold bars whoever gets the next level first each time wins a point whoever's the most points at the end of 20 levels wins as always if you like see me square up with biffle hit the like button it helps hit the subscribe button if you're new and let's get into the video biffle i challenge you to erase no i challenge you to erase oh yeah well i challenge us to erase okay we're racing to find out which one of us is the best at racing okay me but put your face back on my face i actually didn't i didn't i actually didn't mill a second how do you do that do it again you won't turn around you won't okay that's my cut that's how i caught you that's how i caught you okay look so check this out all right so you get uh we are going to be racing to spot the button these are difficult observant hide the secret types of maps okay um you get uh uh hints based on our xp level and uh that's really it ready set here we go all right are we going are we yeah level one coming in come in coming in level wait level just start dude yep okay all right i found the button nope that's not the button okay yeah race to find the button dude i would i went oh shoot yeah dude oh shoot oh shoot i see it i see it i see it i see it did you get it hey no no no i will dumpster you i will dumpster you i know i know it's there no you piece it okay level two now this is a race you do not have to wait for each other okay don't no it's go time it's go time right you're going dead no i'm not no i'm not going to imagine nothing because you are nothing what are you my mom okay uh okay listen what what are you talking about your mother issues no no i'm fine why there's an oak button somewhere on this map wait no it's a spruce button oh oh wait wait well wait no i know i had the same thought i had the same thought no viva viva vival cleared okay it's gotta be get away from me you degenerate you're degenerate i am a degenerate but difficult what this is this is even difficult when you agree stop stop it why are you it's a button finding contest you degenerate okay um no and i'm gonna find it before you no no i'm gonna find it behind me okay [Music] wait oh we have one oh oh let me see your face yeah hello oh no hit the like button okay we gave ourselves five hints to help us like get through the hints all right uh but you gotta choose oh oh oh my wait what wait what wait wait wait oh sizzles you're stupid no no what am i no what did you find it you're stupid yeah it's no no no no you're not gonna make that jump you've never mounted up nothing do nothing where is it pivotal oh no you good you deserve it oh is this is this straight up neos like what is that what what is this bro where is the button bro where is it are you stupid yes well i don't understand i don't i don't understand i don't understand it literally says this tree it just my thing just points to this tree later wait what what oh that's so mean that's so mean we're even i see where you might have pressed something but i can't oh my that's so mean that's actually i see what click it oh my god i don't see the button in here what how did you pick like a button bibble but i don't see it you just believe and click wait ah bro this is impossible you wouldn't do the same thing twice would they they might they might they might how are you not getting it bible dude i don't see a button in here where are you looking tell me where you're looking tell me where you're looking yeah click the side which side all of them did you have to go in the water no i clicked literally once biffle oh where are the stuff okay don't button okay yeah still buttons okay oh they wouldn't do the same thing twice would they i know all right i'm like i'm i'm is there anything in my pants in your pants are you farting what is this pitfall i don't understand bad people made this map yeah why did bad people make maps they can't keep getting away with it why aren't they doing crimes instead yeah yeah honestly go do some crimes if you don't want to do the times you heard them it's gotta be oh i i okay i know what we're looking for here i know i know i know who they are i know what they did last summer did you wait wait hold on what did they do i know what it was i can't tell you obviously that would be a violation of the parent teacher contract you've been talking to my teachers am i your parent i don't know me neither i don't understand austin i don't understand wait i don't have an idea i do too get away get away no i just got an idea difficult stop it it's not up there it's like look i've spam clicked that for an hour i think i know where it is but where where where is it where is it where is it tell me and i'll tell you how okay yeah i'm listening i'm going to magnifier close to it okay okay what what has gotten into you today you're too feisty okay you know what i'm using my thing maybe it's a crafting table if i had to crap something oh uh-huh uh-huh oh okay would you find something uh-huh i i gave up and used the clue oh yeah i know where it is do you it's impossible it's under the cauldron i tried to oh my look at it look at the hole there there's got to be that right yeah you're right you're you're right wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait it just like went down a level wait you went down a level oh look oh cause it's i know what i know what they did it's snow dude i can't get it wait it's gonna be a button down here there's gotta be a button it's gotta be there here's what i say we can just break it um here's what i say we found it i get to push it first though fine first oh my god you're weak oh it's right there how is that supposed to be doable how are we supposed to press all the way that far well i don't even understand okay oh the savannah okay all right for an oak baton all right okay an oak baton oh a baton of the oaks got it don't tell me you're doing this again yeah no no no if they do it again we fire them all right agreed agreed okay they're just like hiding things under things yep okay why is that there okay that's gonna hurt my brain and my brain cannot be hurt oh my god did you find it you're a loser oh i didn't get it i did it i was closer to it when you pressed it it sent me i'm cheating okay oh that's funny oh possible oh no oh no oh my gosh you piece of garbage oh thanks for showing me the button wait no way no it's not here oh my god i pooped a little bit oh yeah i know you've been so mad don't tell me it's another one wait wait wait wait wait wait is it is it dude that's what i would have done that would have been funny wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait well yeah i could have told you that no hint needed wait wait wait wait what are you looking at are you looking at nothing dude i'm just panicking clicking on stuff no you don't you don't have no idea you have no idea bible wait it tells me stop following me i'm not following you i'm just i'm just looking no you are my hint you are my hand shine my only wait there's no way that it's down there wait what would you find that what'd you find you know where i am right now where are you where'd you go i don't know i know um let's see hi wait hi wait where'd you go this is uh deep no it is not it is i'm trying to see dude i'm trying to see but it's two blocks deep it's got to be right here somewhere it's gotta be good i am like so lost that i fit and found again what did you find nothing the dolls where are you oh no you did not how to bump you don't bump you dude you wha a bumping wait later where is it i don't even see it in there dude you have to be just at the perfect angle bro what is what is this who invented these buttons oh my god i'm here oh it's dark see ya night vision yeah yeah yeah give yourself night vision that's fine uh but i'm already gone dude you already made to the next one yeah dude look at this look i'm on seven i'm leaving you i'm leaving you in the dust dude i need to see you there we go just give yourself night vision the effect i don't know what oh my gosh in here that's impossible it was one of the easiest ones dude oh oh oh oh oh oh you kidding me where is there i'm gonna be stuck here for hours i'm in the cave cave of your own emotions send help there is no help for you only shampoo yeah it's good for you you should try it use shampoo yeah i'm crazy man what do you mean do i use shampoo oh my god it's right there oh my what am i looking for a button dang it i should have used my hand just left you in the dust dude got it no way it was just right there oh where are we oh my god okay oh i see it are you kidding okay all right hey what's up man how are you doing hey dude how mad are you at that one oh i'm a little mad dude i thought it was way more complicated than that but nope oh what about oh what about what is that wait dude this is this is so toxic are so toxic bro i'm just yeah there's buttons on top of that they're like i know dude that's stressing me out man it stresses me out so bad if i were a snotty little map maker where would i hide this button yeah where would you hide this button also what's the score i think the score right now is four to four isn't it i i think it's four to four but yeah yeah okay all right all right i'm actually i forgot to keep track but basically every time you get to one first you get a point so oh i love points where did you just go nowhere don't look towards the old you know the old one you were like somewhere over here remember remember that old vine i'll give you oh yeah yeah you sure did okay that's fine it literally got it oh what's up nerd oh this is sick look at that i mean how are you doing over there bro that's actually look did you see how they met excalibur yeah i'm stealing that that's actually so sick that is actually dope okay i mean my tent says this way button oh we're going on warped tour okay what's up what's up with you what's up with you five to four biffle's in the lead wait wait wait wait am i literally on it i'm next to it i'm on it get out of here well you see it no way you see it this oh my god this is under there no way farmland is not a full block dude oh that's right um i can't see under it but if there's water underneath it then it can't be a button oh you put a button in water you know what it's got to be this yeah it has to i see it nothing nothing no you don't i see it spam clicking better spanx looking better dude you get out get on my way i swear i'm getting this button dude you're not maybe do i see it i thought i saw it oh no it's definitely oh yeah no it's there i see it i see it i see it could i do oh oh wait did you break that you broke the button biffle no i didn't still there no no it sent you i clicked it i'm getting that point five to five five to five biffle i'm so mad yeah you should be uh crimson button hmm if this is so dark yo yeah this is actually such a sick spot though all right well jumped in you know what that's it we're doing it okay oh yeah where oh it's over here somewhere how sigils no behind the thing no no what did you see it is it no but i have an idea where it might be oh no yep is it oh my god please don't tell me oh no please i don't wanna oh dude please don't tell me that's where your butt is telling you to go does it tell you where that's going uh yep cheers gotta be kidding me yeah you know i don't even care you just go for it i i don't even want the point oh dude wait oh what a what oh my god it's right there i think oh my god it is isn't it oh oh you know what makes it really difficult when we go to it okay it sure does oh i see it i see it get get get get on my way bibble i found it first wait your turn no dave you're a volley where you going for it you gotta be kidding me move no no i clicked it again no i'm taking that point six to five six to five oh my god i can't breathe oh oh you've got a thing on your head but you got a thing on your head wait where are you hey right here oh oh it's our scuba tank yeah that's dope okay look at the mines dude that looks sick oh yeah wow uh i'll find a oak baton in here huh oh i will be finding an oak baton thank you [Music] okay all right okay this is gonna be impossible i'm going in are you going into this don't go in there oh come on how is that not everything this map works there's no way there oh no dude it's gotta be it's gotta be maybe in one of these little weird like stare things no it could be anywhere before don't don't put that evil on it ricky body you look like a ricky body and my body's pretty rickety you know what i'm saying i don't think so now what if i tear apart this boat gotta be the boat i'm on a boat is it in a barrel i'm in a barrel of my own emotions oh my is it a atk but is it there yeah i can't reach dude oh there we go there we go see you later sigils i literally can't i always hear your legs sticking out dude dude it's impossible to press that button have you tried doing anything uh useful right now is that any way to talk to somebody who's winning six to five shut up okay thank you know what i pray fine it's fine fine it's six to six okay i'm here i'm here i'm here sandy tombs known [Music] that would be toxic and i like it i'm robbing it i'm rubbing it what if i throw the gold coins out here no wait oh what oh what interesting um they gave me a shovel wait what who gave you a shovel they're big it says used for shifting through minerals in the red sand dunes they're like okay that that's red clay i can't get red clay do you see any red sand sands right where you are right there oh wait dynamite used to clear pathways lighters i want to blow stuff up and and sand i don't know we might need it i'll take it i'll take it i'll take it i'm taking the cobwebs all right what to do with those dino mite okay so maybe if i put it here uh is it gonna explode i don't know man are you sure it's not just a candle well the other stuff worked well maybe it's just not enough maybe maybe we got it it's not enough oh oh oh you needed both you needed both dynamites i made a sound it made a sound it made a sound oh oh my what is happening what uh dude i love that that's look at this but look at this look at the sarcophagus oh my god this is something it might be in there wait what the tomb door is locked oh no biffle oh no how do we what's wrong what's wrong just doing my own thing you know is it is it in there i don't know maybe there's a tomb door it locked yeah when i try to open it it says it's locked man what do we need i don't know it just says it's locked dude yeah dude we got to escape we got to escape oh no i'm out i'm out dude i'm out let's get out what 76 bro later where'd you go you found it so quickly i i got really lucky because i just was looking around yeah yeah it's actually it's actually not hard oh i'm about to i'm about to ruin you in the urban oh you know what i'm saying i don't actually know what you're saying no okay you know what i'm saying dog stop talking stop while you're behind okay what does ever behind dumpster is locked i mean the dumpster's locked i'll never say that to me again oh see see ya oh this is this is leveled up no no these maps are leveling up though oh my gosh okay wait what the parkour here oh my god where where hi dude i don't know what's happening anymore oh oh my how am i supposed to spot a button like in 18 different rooms dude oh my god this isn't a spot to button map dude anymore it's not i don't know i don't i'm panicking i feel overwhelmed can i go oh i can go back wait i don't i don't understand i don't i don't know dude what's that for wait there's another room right here just to be like upset no ways here at spawn dude that's so toxic where what oh my gosh uh eight to six eight to six let's go let's go let's go wait i'm pressing all the buttons oh beautiful i i'll give you a hand piff i'll give you a hint because i'm feeling fancy okay uh i i was almost right almost right yeah with the thing you saw me looking at oh no way oh no dude that's so toxic i love it yup i hate this i hate that i'm looking for i'm looking for a birch button which is funny because you're a little birch so what yeah you yeah we're never gonna find it no we're not i hate it i hate it here must maintain lead you know what i gotta see you later wait where where where where was it bible that was so dude this oh it's insane dude what was this score now eight to seven eight to seven i see it i see it i'll be there momentarily stand by never gonna be here you're never gonna be there you know science i i actually don't i don't know either just talk sometimes how did you do that dude talent talent lots of talent skills okay but but how did you actually do it though uh luck got it oh my god dude the builders for this map are crazy you know i'm just gonna i'm just gonna get i'm just gonna guess my guesstimator you keep your guesstimator out of this you talk to you like that without your guesstimators all right we only five maps left i still have two clues how many clues do you have left one one yeah it's real bad i'm saying that here i used i'm so mad dude i used it on that map and then you found it did you really i did it was such a waste where is this dude this these maps are getting two goods yeah they're like no find the button more like find yourself dude go on a spiritual emotional awakening and i'm like no thank you it makes sense that we would go together on that i guess yeah if you guys want to go on an emotional awakening with us hit the like button you know i wonder if it's like going i don't know dude i'm just i'm just i'm clowning around dude i'm looking around okay let me let me live dude i am going to lose your brain cells right now no please i need it i only have the one dude where ah what okay uh what is that uh nine to seven nine to seven bevel nine to seven oh my god how many maps are left twenty it's twenty total oh my god i want to save my my hand what are we looking for just oh blackstone okay yeah yeah good luck man this is the walls yeah dude i uh why is the last one so hard bro they're so difficult okay the map makers are too good i don't know they're too handsome and too tall what if what if we like don't do this anymore you know what if we just pry at home later you know i'm down dude i'm already home i can just start crying and then i've accomplished it yep that's a good point it's a great point good point even dude what if it's like on the wall somewhere i don't don't say those out loud don't give them ideas retroactively if i was an insane map maker right you see it i wouldn't let them i wouldn't let them know no i don't that's the sad part i felt like you were setting up this whole thing you're like if i was an insane map maker click oh no i'd have been like no please you know i'm just checking the walls that's got to be there they're that toxic they have to be yeah no no i i i if you vanish i know where to vanish where is it i'm freaking out i'm freaking out i'm freaking out i'm freaking out i'm freaking up my head is ow dude my body hurt why does your body have to i just saw you i just saw you you were over here somewhere you were over here somewhere on fire okay listen i need to find a spruce boat okay all right all right so let's get away from you man it's nine to eight nine to eight nine to eight oh spruce about time this has got to be an easy one this has got to be doesn't see one no it doesn't look like an easy one biff no there's a lot of things going on in this map for some reason and it hurts it just hurts and you know what hurts the most it's being so close my name is sigils and i have a wiggle so where am i going wait can we go inside there oh it's probably just that oh oh did you before what's happening what's up dad why did you cut off as soon as you went inside nothing wait wait there's a downstairs you have no idea what's down here no stop it shut up shut up stop what could be stop doing this to us in this game we get it you're the greatest map makers to ever live you don't need to prove it anymore i feel like this is just the biggest flex i have ever seen i have seen some of the coolest buildings like i have ever seen and it's in the spot it map yeah please have mercy on our poor unfortunate souls do you think it's up there no way no it was not at the top of the tippity top of your toenails ten to eight biffle if i win one more i win if you win one more then i will sound like stupid oh wait i thought the room changed yeah i i had a small stroke as also as well yeah i really just didn't want that to be true you know we're looking for a green one i just noticed there's something in my inventory and i was like why but it's just to go to hub okay bro what dude what bro okay okay i thought that was i i was about to lose my mind oh okay i'm currently losing it [Music] why are they like this who hurt them was it you better really colorful button too so this shouldn't be that hard but you know yeah but it's gonna be yup it's gonna be gonna be may i mean it is may now oh it is may now may now you're an all-star i think we're losing all of our brains all three of mine are gone now i hate that they're the better builders than i will ever be why is why does this just make me want to play cam minecraft season four you know yeah and just make a horrible map yeah it'd be great to come into my base you just have to play 20 spot to get spot the button uh like rooms in a row and i move them why is this carpet like this i don't know where to look dude i don't know who i am i don't know a room of darkness or something i don't i don't know i don't i can't even lock myself in you can wait i just saw that i just checked the other one stop watching me i need to i need to help all the oh wait this is the last map it's last one it's literally if you if you win this one we talk oh i'm using my hand using my hint using my hand as well okay somewhere this way this way then okay huh wait wait we're looking for what kind of button like another blackstone one polish blackstone button oh dude i thought it was just so smart on top it's gotta be on top oh yeah no dude is it is it is it uh i think says this way though give me get me out of this am i going wait am i going i'm going the wrong way no wait wait don't tell me it's at the very tip top not again not again bible oh shoot okay i'm like i'm trying to like use my eyes but like they hurt you know when don't your eyes hurt tell me tell me tell me give me one of your knees not hurt huh they never do they're what can we get up there down below down below down below i'm gonna beat you oh my god i'm stuck in a cobweb no no no no no no no okay yeah why who put cobwebs here wait you got to be inside hold on wait wait wait wait wait wait do we have this no no wait i didn't even know what i just did there's an ender head here and you pressed it and you teleport oh my god it's bleeding oh my god you're right it was the ender head before i'm not jumping in this with you biffle i'd rather there's one final i thought that was the final i thought it was too but this is this is unscripted they said there were 20 levels are you sure that's not just the end i know it's just it says we're looking for a blackstone button you have anything left because i don't go i went through um but you went through um i i am not supposed to be here what is this isn't this is not a button map anymore no no what is happening what is it okay i can't open that uh it's on top of here too are you kidding me what is going on i don't know what is this no what happens i don't i'm not falling off sends me back okay you're dumb you're dumb if you fall off you're dumb if i don't can we get back biffle i don't even know that we're supposed to be here how do we get back oh i hear here's a portal uh okay oh we're back okay okay listen you know what no there is no way it is in this room that is too extravagant i'm going back we're going back it's got to be here somewhere what happens here everywhere there's vines literally everywhere wait a minute wait a minute what if what if wait wait wait wait wait wait wait we're coming back wait is it like we don't there's more to this though where are you you fell off okay you fell off plus ratio wait i can't i'm i'm floating hey why am i floating littles hey did you do it hey i can't see you yeah i know i'm above you turn around what biffle look right here look where oh i did it no way that room was just a debate that was a debate this was the greatest spotted map of all time and i won the final score was 11 to 9 which means i am the spotted champion i'm the most observant i hope you guys enjoyed today's video if you did make sure to hit the like button make sure to hit the subscribe button be sure to sub to sundy and we'll see you guys in the next video you
Channel: Sigils
Views: 286,900
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minigames, sigils, for loot, insane craft, minecraft mods, minecraft best armor, op armor in minecraft, minecraft for loot, seeker, hider, win, modded hide and seek, minecraft shrink mod, xray, infinity weapons, minecraft infinity, uno, minecraft bedrock, minecraft phones, minecraft marketplace, spot the difference, spot it, minecraft difference, minecraft spot the difference, spot the change
Id: fPxVOzfK6gw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 27sec (1767 seconds)
Published: Fri May 06 2022
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