Find My Color - Mermaid Wolfoo, What is Your Color? Learns Colors for Kids | Wolfoo Family Official

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[Music] [Applause] lucy your lesson today is color them yes i'm red merman i'm blue merman i'm yellow mermaid oh okay lucy learns to color mermaids [Music] you made a mistake lucy the color is not correct lucy don't worry let me help you yes yes [Music] red red blue blue yellow yellow don't worry i'll check again can you show me the red yes [Music] where is the blue and yellow [Applause] [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] wow [Music] [Music] oh oh which way to go now hi there [Music] [Music] let's find a cool place to play oh hmm [Music] woofoo remember not to go too far or you will get lost [Music] don't worry i know the way um yes [Music] [Music] oh no the water's gone [Music] don't worry let me help you oh [Music] [Music] um huh oh no whoofu waffu [Music] woofoo woofoo [Music] oh it's late now we have to go back [Music] [Music] it's so dark i can't remember the way back [Music] kids it's dangerous to go that far i'm sorry i just wanted to find a cool place to play huh be careful the mermaids are coming [Music] hmm kids let's play last to live [Music] ah yes [Music] [Music] oh [Music] we have to lure them off the sheep and then take over hey oh [Music] [Music] we have to use another way to lure the other two down [Music] let me [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] let's eat together [Applause] let's play a game how to rescue superheroes [Applause] [Music] [Music] stop it [Music] oh no ugh [Music] hmm [Music] the energy tubes have the same color as our outfits huh [Music] wow oh [Music] thank you it's red [Applause] huh [Music] [Music] it's green [Music] well done it's blue oh i went [Applause] so many trash bins hmm [Music] there's plenty of trash bins here we can throw them anywhere [Music] oh huh i'll show [Laughter] you all these hmm [Music] so complicated yeah if only they have all the same colors [Music] oh [Music] time to clean up kim [Music] [Laughter] um [Music] [Music] huh what have you done um i did this so we don't have to classify the trash huh it's very important to put trash in the right bin [Applause] oh no hmm we can also recycle the trash after classifying them oh [Music] [Music] wow we're sorry [Music] wow it's yellow huh no it's green oh easy girls let's play come on [Music] the colorful [Music] floor focus listen to the voice yes pay attention to the red boxes [Music] hello oh [Music] hey guys oh hmm first are the red items red yes [Music] now the yellow items next we unite them wow so cool [Music] pay attention to the red boxes hmm [Applause] wow yellow and green boxes [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] yellow guess the color lucy be careful pointy duct tape [Music] [Music] i also have a game do you want to [Music] how do you play quickly mommy mommy done [Music] [Music] it's about colors i'm gonna win for sure [Music] [Music] exactly [Music] green green um [Music] ten nine [Music] [Applause] [Music] no honey it's pink violet hmm [Music] lucy can't remember it [Music] violet is here wow well done lucy [Music] lucy is cheating oh [Music] i wanna play game i wanna give huh okay okay let's continue but don't cheat again [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Wolfoo Family - Official Channel
Views: 2,791,752
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Wolfoo Family, wolfoo, cartoon, cartoons, 2d cartoon, 2D animation, Kids Cartoon, cartoon for kids, for kids, kids play, kids cartoon, kids playing, toddlers, videos for toddlers, preschool, Wolfoo Kids Stories, Kids Stories, Wolfoo Official, Wolfoo Family Official Channel, Wolfoo Family Official, Find My Color, Wolfoo Learns Colors for Kids, Wolfoo Learns, Learn Colors for kids, Find My Color with Wolfoo, Learning colors
Id: R6TSY2-UlJ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 12sec (1212 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 13 2022
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