FINANCE STOCKS are NEXT Multi-baggers (10 Assets I'm buying) | Akshat Shrivastava

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hi everyone welcome to today's video so on today's video I'm going to cover 10 really strong assets that I have already added to my portfolio I sitting on gains kme and I feel that these 10 assets that I'm going to speak about they are going to give exceptional returns in the next 10 to 15 years so this is going to be a fairly important video all of it whatever I'm going to teach you it will be a combination of stocks alternate asset classes real estate comb you will love the experience please watch it till the very end that's my humble request please watch it with an open mind whenever we have to make money we have to take contrarian bets a classic case study is zato last today I'm setting on 100% gains on zato stock you have to have little bit of Courage contrarian view process some kind of vision with certain Investments that you're making so I will explain your entire logic with it I will try to be a little bit quick and also when we are talking about really strong assets we also have to consider our skill as an asset which brings me to the sponsors of today's video which is growth school now growth school is an online learning platform and they can help you learn more about Ai and chat GPT Ai and chart GPT are defining the next leg of revolution in the entire Tech Market whether you are a tech or non- Tech professional in sales marketing HR operations or even a founder or freelancer whoever you are strategy PT and AI is going to impact your work so I would highly encourage you to learn it now you can learn it by going to growth school now usually they offer a paid Workshop but for my view viewers they will do this Workshop absolutely free of cost this offer is only applicable to First 1,000 participants so definitely go and check out the links in the description and comment box more than 1 million people have taken this Workshop across the globe and have created their personal AI assistant that can do all the tasks 10x faster and with Precision Additionally you can use AI on everyday basis to study Market Trend analysis generate Financial reports make ppts in just 5 minutes and simplify complex problems so given it find applicability definitely consider checking out this Workshop you can find the links in the description and comment box okay so the first asset that I'm going to speak about are turnaround Finance stocks Market that HDFC Bank moved up by 3% in fact in the last four five days it has gone up by 5 6% which is very strong and is May if you end up picking small cap companies like aivan small Finance yeah AAS financiers they are turnaround stocks right now in fact small Finance right literally like 3 four days I gave some comment on my YouTube member Community SE and since then the stock has gone up by 15 16% not kidding there is a post you can go check it out so okay let me quickly explain and I will quickly cover both AAS andan small Finance so if we look at the price tab what you will notice is that see there was a very clear trend line of this stock falling so it was falling like this this this and now maybe it will consolidate or maybe it will go up like this so this might be a v-shaped recovery that could happen from there say downturn has been complete right so there is good aggregation that is happening on the stock and now the stock can go up then comes a natural question that how much will it go up by and why will it go up okay fundwise it will take a lot of time this is going to be a broad video revenues is going up no problem there profit say highest ever profitability growth rate issue so to cut the long story short I don't see a reason why it should not achieve its previous High which is of roughly 368 it's almost 1452 there is all Almost 100% gain to be made on something like AAS finan now yes it could happen that it might take maybe 2 years maybe 3 years but even if then also your C on this stock is 23 right 23 24 so this is a solid bet so I'm definitely adding thisse Head and Shoulder and shoulder around right now the stock is at 54 this is almost a 4X gain which is sitting now as long as you have confidence as long as you understand that okay there is risk what type of risk you can monitor that risk and take calculated bets understand how to cultivate a portfolio these are definite money makers so to say now this is not a stock recommendation all that stuff I'm teaching you fundamental stuff you have to study this further okay if you feel that I can be of help please consider joining my member Community I keep on saying that I explain a lot of fundamental points confidence for 2 three months you yourself will get that courage so to cut the long story short I feel that Finance stocks in general are very very solid most of my portfolio in Indian stock market is in finance I am betting big on banks they are already started to give run up and something like AAS and a bunch of other stocks are going to get excellent runup in the coming few months maybe so okay so this is first asset type the second type that I'm going to speak about are tech stocks now see what type of tech stocks in India lot of points are being spoken about i b almost 36 37% class has not been placed situation in India doesn't seem very nice because India is a service driven Tech market for example infos example then what type of company is infosis one could argue that okay it's a tech company yeah I don't think it's a front end Tech it's a back end Tech which has been built on inexpensive Manpower reality I'm just telling you straight right No Nonsense so this is what the situation is that India May front end Tech is not there there is backend Tech with the evolution of AI artificial intelligence I feel that the Indian market unless it evolves unless it starts experimenting on newer technology it is not going to create massive Revolution I'm sorry to say that I'm sorry to bust your bubble but this is what I genuinely feel and dig so in India what kind of companies you can pick thinking of tech so one should Pi Tech Plus Ops based company now example again zato so zato is what type of company you will say that okay it's a tech company by no it's an Ops company basically they have sorted out their delivery partner or delivery Network really really well from point A to point B and they are doing it at a very effective price point now and therefore they are becoming profitable yes the underlying it stick Ola hasn't been able to do that so it hasn't been profitable from that angle so to cut the long story short and India it's not a pure Tech play it's a Tech Plus Ops play so if you can see these type of companies then you can definitely make money on these type of businesses therefore my bit Still Remains zomato I'm not selling zomato I'm holding it I see the stock going 3x 4X easily over the next 10 years as it becomes market leader I'm also quite excited to invest in swiy I'll make an IPO video IP so I will analyze that and let you know but because zato has given 100% run up in the last one mon and half years build your position slowly and sensely so this is you talk about real estal EST no guys I mean honestly you need to understand the basics of real estate investing I run a course also in case you guys are interested you can check it out but point right so for example imagine that this is a piece of land right so let's imagine that this is, Square square meter of land there's something called as FSA right FSA means how many units of construction you can do for example in a place where I live in Goa the FSA is 60% to 80% right if you go to Mumbai then FSA could be roughly like maybe even 300% units land and construction that you can do is 3,000 units but in Goa where I live the construction that you can do is only 60 to 80% right 600 to 800 square me Construction this is the meaning of FSA now the property prices are related directly to the land prices when actually going and buying Apartments exle if you're looking to buy a apartment in South Goa then for Flats what happens is that there might be a FIV story Flats right so there might be a five story Flats okay and the square met at which square meter construction the price point at which the Builder might be selling might come out to be 65,000 right being sold at let's say 1.3 lakh Square met Right Apartments are being sold at 65,000 Square met and V are being sold roughly at 1.3s are being sold at roughly half the price of vas maybe Bangalore mum and you know there it might be like 1/3 something like this 1/4 something like this L the point is that if a 10 story building is being constructed then idly the selling price of that apartment compared to a villa should have been 1110th but the price that you're getting for the apartment is 1/3 so to cut the long story short I'm helping you understand the Builder math and discuss but very very quickly I hope you got the point that the price at which people are buying apartments are very very expensive that is now being sold at 11 cror rent that you are getting is what rent you getting is less than 2 lakhs it's a horrible investment if you're making these type of Investments you will lose money why are people making these type of Investments reason but one key reason is that they don't understand the Builder math they will just buy apartment at whatever price the Builder is quoting okay if you actually go and buy Villas right V if the land price goes up then the Villa price is likely to go up proportionally so I hope that you got this basic basic math but from an investment point of view I have aggregated many Villas here in Goa which I continue to buy Apartments Apartments I only buy for consumption if I have to buy do not worry about it from an investment point of view but thinking that an apartment is an investment is bad because for that you need to understand the Builder math next comes the fourth point and interesting point this also comes from Real Estate and here here the fourth asset that you can buy is high rental yield Apartments see you have to understand the nuances of things that's how you will make money so what I'm trying to say is that if you are buying an apartment right and if that apartment is generating let's say today 7% yield now is that a great apartment to buy the short answer is absolutely 100% yes why is that because home loan is 9% you are making yly rent you are making 7 lakhs so that gives 7% Yi and you are paying how much home loan you are roughly paying 9h R home loan right so in apartment typically the rental yield is high right rental yield is high right so this is point one point two is that the second part of return on your apartments come from underlying appreciation property appreciation including apartment so if your apartment is giving let's say 7 8% yield and if you add another 3 4% growth on it then it becomes a 12% investment which you can Finance because stock then in order to buy one lakh rup of Hindustan un l stock can you get loan no you cannot technically get loan right to invest in stocks but technically you can't get or rather let me qualify the statement that most people can't get a loan to invest in the stock market markets but to invest in real estate you can technically get a loan so% Yi generate you have been able to do it using leverage and real EST property prices even of apartment does not get crushed crazily right so this is the point natural you have spoken who are and are selling you apartments at whatever Crazy Prices you have no understanding of how value an apartment right so of course people are going to cry about their bad experiences it's very similar to buying stocks at crazy valuation and then people you need to understand how to do mathematics behind it if you want I'll make more case studies I will show you properties how they make like 7% 8% but one key aspect of that would be that short-term rentals should be allowed on long-term rentals it's very very difficult for you to generate 7% y on an apartment they have not invested even 5 rupes in real estate but they will keep on you know crushing my arguments I've done all the calculations I run profitable things I teach things practically he's speaking from practical experiences so always listen to people I'm not saying that just trust me blindly go out in the market speak with people who have experience who have actually invested their own money in areas they are talking about yeah so that's the point real estate is a hyper loc game you have to understand the market really well so develop knowledge you can definitely Scout for 78% yield property okay so the next asset class that I'm very bullish about I continue to invest this has been one of my most profit generating Investments which is Bitcoin right so 6 months 138% return 1 year 138% return 5 year 1477 returnin it has been one of the most multibagger Investments I would say look at whatever timelines if you have held Bitcoin for the threeyear time frame without getting scared you would have made not just money you would have doubled or tripled your money I purchased Bitcoin somewhere around buying price of average 12 12 and a half lakhs right today it is at 55 lakhs I have two full Bitcoins I continue to maintain them right so that's the bottom line on bitcoin go live in countries like turkey spend a little bit time in Dubai you yourself will see that there is an existing community that chooses to trust Bitcoin just because you don't trust it does not make Bitcoin bad that's the bottom line just because I do not trust product X does not make that product X bad right right so people who believe in Bitcoin they are called as bitcoiners they are the community supporters of Bitcoin for them Bitcoin holds massive value now as the size of this community keeps on getting strengthened Bitcoin will continue to go up in price can you explain it by another example before Z came into the picture it was a zero brokerage platform and it changed the game right it brought a lot of retail investors into the mix soci we started talking about stocks a lot of retail participation went up in fact it has become the highest so stock is finding what stock is Finding Traction in the Indian market because ease of investing in the stock market has become super easy convenient now right so Community streng similarly Bitcoin Community after all the regulations it came back up again so you will read about it read about the applications of Bitcoin you will understand morein because many people get a little bit myed but I hope you got my intent again not a push that you go and invest your money in Bitcoin all I'm encouraging you to do is learn question everything around you I'm encouraging you to think rationally question everything including me right so I'm not asking you to favor me just because go and investigate go and apply different rational thinking framework so that's what I'm encouraging you to do okay so the next Point comes around migration tools now what are migration tools this is the great asset to have in your portfolio especially if you are rich viral right so for example now if I ask you that how much time would it take you to save $1 million which comes out to be roughly 8.3 CR in India through jobs what will be your answer comput and I have proven it to you that it will take you 41.5 years at a salary level of 50 lakh in India through jobs right now you would roughly be paying how much taxes roughly 35% tax roughly you will spend like one lakh a month minimum right so savings for ease of computation 41.5 years it will take you to get to 8.3 CR okay now comes the natural question you know what if if I'm in college or if I'm a youngster you have always encouraged people to go abroad and work why now do the same computation for someone working in Dubai okay so how much time do you think they would take to get to a $1 million saving you guys can comment in the comment box and let me know and this is again a thought exercise definitely let me know the answer in the comment section now I will speak a level up here do you think that going forward in the future 5 10 years down the line do you think that this situation is going to change according to me the short answer is no why because governments are becoming more and more Reckless with their spending a b the debt repayment we are sitting on highest ever debt levels there is a repayment that is going to happen so who do you think is going to pay for all this well increased taxation is going to pay for all this and what is the situation in India that if the taxation be it direct taxation or indirect taxation if it keeps on going up your savings rate will get hurt so therefore going forward one of the best assets to own would be Global Mobility or Mobility tools lot of countries are selling citizenship selling PR residencies or whatever it is I'm not encouraging you to go guys I'm just simply telling you what options are there department and all that stuff please don't do all that nonsense I am speaking in your favor the bottom line here is that if you are a youngster watching this video and if you have an option of going and working abroad please do there is no harm there you can always come back to India contribute to nation building I was working abroad I came back to India and started working here so that's not a problem at all but what I'm encouraging you to think is that hit this $1 million mark this will change your life and if you can do it before like 40 45 50 years old then definitely you can utilize that money in a better fashion okay so the next asset class that I will speak about is gold right now gold is at a very interesting pivot in the last four four and a half 5 years it has doubled uh this has been a very good bull run for gold lot of people have made money through gold investing I have not directly invested in Gold I am not a gold bug so to say I rather invest in Bitcoin but gold is again an asset where a lot of trust already is right so that's a good thing about gold that it's very trust based assets it has limited Supply etc etc problem gold people have started to confuse gold with derivatives now derivatives are instruments that have been derived from the original product so for example gold is the original product and derivative of gold will be sovereign gold it's just a guarantee from the nation that okay sovereign gold and therefore the government will pay you money in timely manner and tax now people get very enticed now boss I have to buy gold so why should I not buy sgb sages see guys you need to understand something right that take the story of 1,000 rupe note right and just zoom in and see what has been written there it says that I promis to pay the bearer a sum of 1,000 rupe note now this was the promise that was made on that 1,000 rupe note you went to the bank today and said you know what this is a promise that government had done now give me like 500 two notes do you think that you going to get anything okay then you ask a simple question boss you have written okay this promises to pay me like 1,000 rupe you're never nowhere written that I have to get in line one day you should have made the promise absolutely clear the point I'm trying to make is that retrospectively a lot of things can be changed including on Sovereign Gold Bond so if you're looking to buy gold which I feel is a good asset there is nothing wrong with gold buy gold do not confuse it similarly do not confuse real EST we will buy like some product who is managing theats are they collecting money in white or black are they doing Shady stuff not shady stuff real estate anyways is a hyper opaque segment in India hardly any information is there on real estate so it's just like I don't get it if you actually want to put your trust on the government put it in the stock markets because stock market absolute diog and nifty50 I'm speaking about not individual stocks nifty50 is a much better product government really cares about GDP and GDP is has a very strong correlation with the market growth on nifty50 nifty50 is not an instrument constantly there will be huge loss or personal loss to the government only right in that scenario so therefore rather than putting my money in sgv I would rather pick Nifty because both are government bagged point this is absolutely critical for you to understand so to cut the long story short I feel that gold is a solid asset again due to the exact same reason why Bitcoin is a solid asset you have to see this in the light that Russia has been kicked out of the international Swift system which is a Us control system so they started transferring a lot of their money or us money that they had a US dollar into gold so to say so buy and therefore gold will continue to remain a strong asset it can see a phase where it is just going Flatline but but net net it's a solid asset and more money the government prints and more money the government is reckless with whatever stuff that is unproductive spent in right now graduates are not getting jobs so do you think that money should rather be spent on productive initiatives that will actually be the sustainable employment generating things or setting the political narratives you guys make a pick I will just end the conversation there but the more Reckless the government is in terms of it spending right the more fixed assets like gold or land will go up right so that brings me to the land also but which you could consider then comes the next set of business in India which are called as cash flow firms but cash flows right and why are cash flows important see guys basically what happens is that for example if I'm running a small midcap company then I'm you might be seeing very good revenues that my company is making you need to understand cash flows also that this profit that has been generated is not reinvested sensibly into the firm it is spent again on usess whatever right so therefore it is very critical to understand that what are clean firms how are they rotating profits whether productive or unproductive spends whether promoters are clean or not and that can be analyzed by looking at the cash flow statements many a time so and check the cash flow statements right 893 so this comes out to be a positive number then 2020 again positive number this is positive number 2022 mes positive number 2023 mes positive number that's a good healthy sign right so that's one way of checking whether the cash flow statements are clean or not I'm just trying to present a broad picture thing is right or not okay consistently negative number right so which is a problem so try to avoid those type of firms so I have cash flow firms in my portfolio so then comes the final point what is the 10th asset I have in my portfolio it is a small business so I have created multiple 0 to one type of businesses see inia the personal taxation is very very high and corporate taxation is low comp promoter so they might be paying 25% tax but the CEO who might be a salaried person who salary pay that CEO might be paying like 40% plus tax why because in India the personal income tax is much higher than corporate income tax tax in Dubai or in many other countries that's the opposite situation that personal income taxes are less and corporate income taxes are high so in order to solve that problem what you can do is that you can start learning a little bit more about designing developing businesses GST if you are owning a business small bus GST you can reclaim GST if you are a job goer now I'm not trying to criticize job goers right what I'm trying to tell you is that I'm trying to encourage you to think about starting a business learn more about money be smart because if you are just doing a job forever then can you ever reclaim GST on majority of the things or majority of the expenses the short answer is no so that becomes a problem right and GST or indirect taxation is very very high in India so which are actually assets according to me and if you take care of these assets your life will change I hope that you enjoyed this conversation on this video if you did do press the like button next I will encourage you to learn how celebrities invest invest their money smartly this again will give you a lot of insights on how smart money is managed so go and check it out
Channel: Akshat Shrivastava
Views: 346,382
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Keywords: akshat shrivastava, cases over coffee, wisdom hatch, wisdom hatch courses, stock market courses, akshat shrivastava courses, stock analysis, stock market returns, indian stock market, how to make 100 crores, investing in india, investing for beginners, nifty 50, akshat shrivastava stock market courses, how to build wealth, making money in stock market, stocks to invest, akshat shrivastava portfolio, real estate in india, bitcoin, real estate dubai, dubai 0 tax
Id: BZ6jWHIcano
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 4sec (1624 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 05 2024
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