Finally...The Modded Out Honda Trx250r is Here!!! (INSANE)

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all right guys the time has come it's time to finally pick up the Honda 250 our I've been wanting one of these since maybe four years ago and this one popped up in Green Bay this thing is completely made I will not have to touch this thing which is awesome but same time kind of sad to say I would like to have a project but this thing is sweet it's 1989 on a 250r he says he doesn't want to celebrate and he needs to free up space in the garage Lots work done to it very fast check out this then so has an 86 om crank Wisco forged piston had requests full drag pork a lard the adjustable pipe and silence here those pipes are sweet I looked him up DeForest reeds in cage Hinson clutch basket Barnett clutch cane and air filter with pre-charge 450 our front shocks extended a arm and then he said the more that he's forgetting but you get the point then it comes with a full set of extra tires on rims the last thing is sweet he says the fastest machines ever owned he said it's just insane set it runs perfectly he wanted 2950 or best offer and he said he wasn't he's already taking the loss of that he bought this for 3,000 and put money into it so I think he's got like five thousand two and he's selling effort to me I offered 23 so I can't feel bad about that but I love all the 23 and he said 25 so I'm pretty pumped about that he would not budge at 25 and said yeah he's already feeling sick to so much selling it at 25 best thing is mint there's this other big bore one up for sale for 22 or it was up for 27 offered 22 he would take one too but this one's a lot cleaner it's got better pipes on it lots about more updates it's like the polish aluminum rims and everything so it looks really really good so yeah let's go pick this thing up he'll be in the back of the truck in no time I'm just pumped so hopefully you guys are too I know why people in the comments want me to get 250 ours so here it is hopefully guys enjoy and this should be an awesome series so alright guys just confirmed can you go pick this thing up I am literally shaking I'm so excited these um 250 hours don't pop up very often I'm Craig and when they do use weights around Christmas because people need the money and I should actually just go pick up both honestly I should just go grab the big bore one and this one all right oh it's it's nice the guys soon boy thou will be on the road no time alright I was gonna bring the trailer but I don't even think I need that that's overkill we'll just lift it up into the bed of the truck and I think we'll be good the 250 hours are pretty light so let's head out here alright guys I'm the road 43 minutes to get there I got the cash by the way just a tip if you guys are picking up bikes and stuff on a regular basis on a daily basis I would recommend having cashed hand because on Sunday obviously the banks are closed you can't kick money out luckily I had twenty three hundred dollars in cash and I just had to take another two hundred dollars I have the ATM otherwise my ATM only about to be take off popular cash per day so that's just a tip just have cash on hand you never know when a good deal pops up anyway we'll be there in about 42 minutes to stay tuned hopefully it's gonna be awesome machine all right 23 minutes right here I'm gonna ask the guy when I get there if I can record the buying process on this thing a lot of people say no so don't be surprised if I don't get any recording all I people don't like to be in the videos and/or show their face on video so don't be surprised if he says no but yeah I'm gonna ask them almost be like I do YouTube you mind if I record the selling process and I always tell them you don't have to be in the video if you don't feel comfortable and a lot of people say oh I don't feel comfortable and they're like can you just not do it and you know most of the time I just respect that and I don't do it but hopefully this guy will ask me he seems pretty decent so but let's give it a shot and see if we can get this buying process because that'd be pretty cool all right good yep I'm Joe by the way I'm Ryan man that thing's sweet yeah it's you're already depressed it looks better in person so what's the story on it I bought it about a year ago year and a half ago just don't have time as you can see I work yeah yeah that's tough cool yeah the only thing that's in here that's my name is that one really that's why I said I need to get a get it out of here horse pants down I have a shed but it's the deaths not gonna sit in the shed with a dirt floor that's way too yeah so every day I'm overworked and I gotta push it outside yeah yeah puts nolza get snowed on and then I gotta breathe in and clean it it was a bad one a lot of store quads in their life banshees yup last year same 50 eyes quite simple if you own yes one I haven't had all really yeah but this I never I mean in the way this one's built mm-hmm six gear if you don't have good traction you can't hold it wide open at six gear because it well you're going 60 miles an hour you know probably faster yeah for 250 that's Tracy yeah yeah but I didn't build it I do build motors I can't take credit for it because it's beautiful I mean this I clean it you know it's it's definitely look at those pipes I'm there no it's hard to find those two it's Andy I know I looked at monetary but yep you know I could probably get more like or the partner party at all good it make me sick to do that too yeah yeah either way it's like 60-degree weather so it's probably started a little harder than the cold yeah have you owned whose drugs report yup I've owned uh probably like six banshees Oh for Quadzilla Zillow's they're like rumbly consider a single-cylinder it's a big five yeah and they're pinging the start so is this one really yeah we just prepare yourself okay I'll show you the trick you get a lot of this or high compression there not a lot okay same with the Quadzilla see you like and like what Zillah hawk these word has bad okay this was bill yeah it's little Quadzilla I don't know if you're familiar but the way do you pick is this okay a forward kick so it's back kick and the Quadzilla and there's like a room there's like a space like this big so the foot lever sig right here and they have to kick between the foot lever ya know whatever and your ankle gets caught yeah it's horrible I only go after the shin by this one time yeah and it sucked yeah but you know the trick is give it you know try and find the get the piston at the top you know then they get the kicker halfway down and give it one good fast kick with it look like a quarter with right yo that's exactly my video it's off exactly like that I actually do guy have a Zillah and I seen that thing backfire shooting over a yellow bar yeah yeah it's bad I almost broke my leg on it yeah it's it's not fun yeah so yeah I know what to expect on this I never screw it up yeah it's it's really nice looking yeah I mean especially throw hold it is yeah I mean I'm sure or something here there I got a stack oh geez okay well man she is a little bit better for straight land you got two cylinders compared to one yep so he got his hands on bancini they're going to build this and so he dumped this one off these are better for the track though and the Banshees oh yeah yeah everyone uses these for racing banshees everybody for like the dunes and stuff like that all the brakes work and everything yeah and you paid 3 grand for it yeah ok yeah I did I came with the tires oh and I put a seat cover on it too because the seat cover was pretty much in shambles it's nice seat cover - yeah I mean you can get up on eBay for like 40 bucks I you know obviously the aftermarket plastics and emptying cover air well I don't wanna paint cover they were blue and 86 I think yeah the blue doesn't match perfect but it's it is what it is yeah but this so basically the guy that originally owned it had it for like 20 something years oh this was everything that he did to it okay Wow and then there's seats add up to like a crazy amount a lot yeah yeah and then I think he had I don't know if he raised it or what he did with it but he ended up it's a two-stroke they don't last as long in the four-stroke am that guy blew it up and then he put it in the shed well I shouldn't say shed it was like a warehouse and then it sat there and the guy I bought it from saw and he's like hey man I want yourself to me I'll build it and then he did the six crank had redone bicycle piston rings all that it's that board like it's not a 330 kit or anything it's for over but that's just to clean up I saw enough that girl it was like 2,700 bucks it was like a big board 330 kit but yeah I didn't look it's good yes our race yeah but I don't know for what this is if I was to keep it I wouldn't know three thirty kit yeah I don't know how long ago was the back shot was Rico that papers are here and you said there's 450 shots in here and the broad rocks are a little 450 are okay moose racing in your arms nice yeah I think they're plus two okay babe yeah I think maybe there I know it's wired yeah little bit wider yeah looks like it the only thing that talks about it is the headlights are pretty much useless huh and one of them flickers in and out okay so I suppose like a background or something yeah but I would throw an LED bar on it because it's gonna be brighter okay one time I had it all like senator what four times and one time I had it out it was getting too dark and I pretty much had to just hold right hoping to get back okay but that's my hair that's the nice thing about that is you know you can kind of customize it yourself yeah and the bars are old handlebars so they don't work the best but other than that I mean I mean they're still upgraded though so yeah yeah it looks like it's yeah I got the risers in there yeah yeah that's huh interesting looks like brand new calipers to almost and that's they're like par decoded I mean I know so maybe that what I think even like the 250x uses the same spindles and everything okay so there's you can get parts that aren't 4/5 they're 250r oh yeah that's some good compression it probably didn't have didn't have that much compression oh yeah oh yeah what's the first time I started it it did one of those were kind of starts and it doesn't and it comes back on the bottom of their foot oh man one thing I never changed was the case would come Sadie grand-am boy on it okay for the gas that's my thing well that sucks yes you got to mix it at least one can okay thank you one fifty fifty okay you could jet a different archer okay and bring him back down or on it off the 91 Tom okay but I always would buy a jug of turbo or BP blue which was rated for 112 but it didn't have racetrack dye in it so it was significantly cheaper than the the 112 that had the dye that was rated for racetrack okay so but you could like shell station down the row itself thermal blue that's 110 you could do that vinegar okay so but that's your call yeah okay the way he had it set up was one 1291 50/50 and then I only ran clots super tech in it okay I would not go with anything else in this particular motor you can get it out I was on a half-filled Zoila like 20 bucks so it isn't half bad okay and I ran it so everyone was gonna have their own opinion on this okay I ran it 32 to 1 okay with the $12 spark plug right it will look it was load up once in a while but you can clean it off really quick when Antony okay another guy that I met on the trail one time who's big in his arse he says run fifty to one with all the oils off there especially with the oil I was rotten he's like doing 50 to one I don't like that it's gonna cost a little more to run it but like I said I've never been on anything that my entire life yeah yeah but it moves looks like it yeah that's pretty cool and it's got why don't know what did you read the whole ad yeah a bunch of patra markets South you out much he has a Moorhead Hinson basket Barnett clutch again I mean the clutch if you pull it it's kind of tight and I remember being worried about that to lecture I didn't but it didn't even affect me what hurt more so holding the throttle open yeah my clutch and never got to hurt yeah you know you got to have a nice tight clutch but the amount of power it has always just gonna slip yeah yeah yeah better to have a nice tight clutch then have it slip all the time right yeah swingarm original looks like it yeah those things are sweet yeah dude it's hard with the twin cylinder they they seem to blow up pretty quick yeah oh yeah you don't have those carbs sync perfect so what what I always hear is if it's running great expect another week and that's gonna blow up there one carb it's pretty much straightforward you know yeah yeah man that's clean them there it's pretty I mean it's pretty clean it's not the cleanest I've seen ones that are nicer than this yeah they're also in that four grand blog range yeah I've seen some guys that have originally these X's I've never been touched in they're asking like 70 grand for yeah I saw an eBay for like eight grand that's lots I mean you'd have to have some cash for that right it ain't worth it because you I personally couldn't buy something like that and then know it no I'd be worried about those are the people within the fenders yeah those are the people that put in their living room and just watch it right which I mean that's kind of a shame too but right they go out in the summer it'll start on the side okay do you know it's Jenny that right now there's a 60 we're 160 a believe for the main yeah I believe pilot I never brought I never even opened it up and then looks like I left the gas on if you leave the gas on gas you get a little overflow trickle okay yeah it smells like gas yeah get the overflows right there okay yeah I'm sure it doesn't leak at the engine at all looks like particle your frame yeah I think you have the frame rate done but I like I said I always spray the shiny stuff on it so you know it always looks really nice yeah yeah yeah all right well you're the master at it let's you give it a shot man that thing looks clean and then it's just it doesn't have a key it's just uh you know feather okay like a jet ski so choke straight here this is also how you adjust the idle okay I've got it dialed in okay I'm sitting up it idles okay you just pull straight up on that all right to adjust the idle you actually have to spin it okay okay that compression sounds good huh oh yeah you'll know when it's about to fire cuz this thing will shoot me in the bottom of the foot hasn't been started and probably [Music] I always go like like oh man nothing sweet [Music] [Music] that thing is insane [Music] looks pretty fun [Music] [Music] [Music] yes I know the clutch is a little bit different than that it's like yeah it's not bad though cuz you don't have to pull at lunch its knobs on I can't really feel my hands in the cold menu well yeah I mean I only wrote it in the summer and I had riding gloves which a little yeah there but yeah I mean it again I was concerned about how tight that was for trail riding but that was the least of my worries it was the throttle pull and hold on yeah yeah you can tell that thing's gonna go I mean yeah it sounds mean it is I'm not kidding I've drove a lot of stuff for bikes and do this alright well I'll take her that's pretty sweet I'll grab the money for you alright alright guys well we got the machine in the back I left I guess and see it back there get the ramps in the way but uh he gave me a full set tires go with it that was that was pretty good full tread guy was super nice so thanks again to Ryan for selling me the Beast took really good care of it you can tell super clean a little walk around at home but he definitely took care of it and I think he was sad to see it go so thanks Ryan appreciate it and we'll see you guys when we get home all right guys just get home this thing is literally insane we'll do a quick walk around at the apartment but uh we'll do a quick walk around and I'll show you guys all the features pretty sweet then we'll go through this whole packet and see all the specs what was done to it so let's take a quick walk around for 50 shocks in the front steering stem is different let's get the Moose racing uh hey arms here maybe I'll clean this stuff is powder coated frame [Music] updated seat cover in plastics looks pretty clean aluminum rims and then the yeah the extra tires that come with it whole set of brand new tires on the older rims rath chain guard protector this thing has six gears and it wheelies never gear Ryan said which is insane Allard LRD pipes really hard to find pipes [Applause] but yeah that's what it looks like let's go inside and take a look at the specs here all right guys so here's the deal we got this packet full of like probably 50 receipts or more from the previous owner so let's just go through real quick he actually had a diode and this was in 2003 and he said he's got pipe reads and filtered said pipe reads built around all that means but it said the max power was 32 point 8 horsepower on that run so that looked pretty good that's pretty that's pretty good for that let's just look through some of these receipts here I'm going to waiting to do is make a an excel sheet with every single class on this and then add it up and I'll put that in the video so you guys can see it but it is an insane amount of money that was put into this thing let's just go through some of the stuff so this receipt came out to $138 bearings kids swing arm bearings and boy says say something for 50 bucks so that that one came out to $138 this one came out to be 131 this is que saber and clutch so the clutch was 90 bucks in the case there was 35 dollars that was $131 this was tuned to ten dollars on the frame and miscellaneous pieces powder coat dark blue and black $210 for that rear fender crossbar pad and clamp kit and bars trail Tech ATV big bar clamp kit and handlebars polish all that came to be a three hundred twelve dollars for that air filter outerwear and flange and I can't be $54 for that one so bees are just had enough like crazy this was total $65 for a what is it exhaust poorer flange let's go through some of these pretty quick this one came out to be $187 or tube or the cylinder this one came out to be one hundred eighty two dollars for a scoop and grill kit $182 I see right there this one came out to be $19 just for some miscellaneous stuff $30 $84 $21 $32 this is just a bunch of miscellaneous stuff here $10 $31 $33 no $35 you should say $30 back here $30 $162 for the gasket guests it for water pomp gasket for reeds and then the ACC Delta to Reed's 135 bucks for that one $32 for a couple washers and grommets and rubber pieces cushion seamount 8.72 dollars a bunch of rubber pieces that came to $32 $33 for this 66 for this one Bush shock upper so it must have rebuilt the shock here shift beginning cap radiated reserve and dust seal came to be $75 there's a big one in here that's like over a grand $13 there's a bunch of little little things over here $63 $71 lots of money was put into this I think this is the big one so tank cover front fender all the wheels in the spark plug brake rotors brackets chain Douglas aluminum rims and wheels that came to be $944 this one came to be three hundred fifty-seven dollars for the the axle it's a PUA CC axle TRX 250r yeah 350 bucks for the axle LRD performance specialties installation instructions adjustment and jetting let's see what you paid for these I don't know what you paid for those I'm guessing a lot alright guys hopefully you aren't bored with the video yet but uh as you guys saw I listed I went through all those receipts and there's a bunch more and actually listed every single item down here along with what the toilet was for each receipt so you can see those here quick before we go through everything take an estimate of what you think this guy spent on this machine it's a crazy amount just take a guess down below in the comments before you take a peek at the total it is insane but this guy ended up spending obviously the guy before Ryan spent this much ended up spending six thousand seven hundred eighty one dollars and fifty five cents on this thing and ended up estimating the Honda based price which was the price of the machine starting out could have been anywhere from 1,500 to 2,000 to maybe even 2500 I don't know but I put 1,500 down as a base price and then for the pipe I put 500 down even though it could have been more even less but the toil came to 6780 $1.55 and actually on the inside the folder with all the receipts the toy was like almost six thousand dollars it was five thousand nine hundred something and he said 99% done and that was in 2003 so you can imagine how much more money was put into this machine since 2003 it's gotta be an insane amount it's gotta be over seven grand easily because the moose racing the moose racing a arms were down there the seat cover wasn't down there and stuff like that so this guy bill Burwell over seven grand into this machine which is insane and yeah so this is gonna be a sweet sweet Series so definitely stay tuned if you guys might follow my Instagram its to underscore vintage on your score I'm gonna be doing a live behind the scenes videos on this so definitely go to to underscore vintage underscore to follow me behind the scenes and this week I may be trying to upload almost every day before Christmas so definitely stay tuned for the videos if you haven't already subscribed to the channel and turn on post notifications so you guys get it every day you don't want to miss this series it's gonna be good it's like anyway guys thanks for watching thanks for subscribe until next time we are [Music]
Channel: 2vintage
Views: 215,771
Rating: 4.8494782 out of 5
Keywords: Honda, honda 250r, 250r, 2vintage, 2 vintage, fast, honda quad, honda best quad, trx250r, honda trx250r, 1986 honda trx250r, trx, 250cc, quad, modded out 250r, modded trx250r, modded, fully modded, updated honda trx250r, fastest honda trx250r, fastest honda quad, best race quad, mint honda trx250r, mint, buy
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 14sec (1934 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 16 2019
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