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hey everybody welcome back to some more super auto pets beta my name is apq um we're trying to continue um the success we've had in the previous two videos so um we gotta hope for a good run here okay i could just stack the pick up i'm thinking an otter because i hope it buffs the pig okay i want to sell this guy of course um no worries we're gonna call ourselves the wavy feet yeah okay i could deal with that okay well we haven't got the best start here we do wait do we win we win okay let's go the pouting organisms by big moist chad yes big moist chad you'd love to see that okay fish two free it's pretty good uh you can put it here we're looking for basically let's not say another otter out of a pig um i don't really wanna but the otter so i'm gonna have to put them on top of each other okay buff the beaver again you know what i'm totally cool with that and i think we just got another pig let me just put it like here yeah okay i kind of want the bee just to even out those drawers so we get a win of course but we've got some okay stat creatures here there are this guy's got yeah mosquitoes in and okay okay hit some of my higher health units the ant kills two of our people and then busts their mosquito wait we still win extra legs get wrecked scrub give me my second uh trophy okay nice oh do i finally do this i think we finally do this you know it's been too long see the horse build would kind of go well with it but um no i don't want to sell this guy yet just because his stats are four four the cricket would work well with this guy because oh well in game but a one two cricket is what i'm after right now maybe it wasn't the correct idea to go for this oh i like both of these um you can buff the beaver a little bit more i suppose hang on your two free so if we go ahead and we sell you we put you on here it buffs the dog yeah okay let's freeze that i'm gonna want that i think and then we can merge those two together and then put the beaver there and then get the dog another point of hell for attack or whatever oh okay i think we lose this one they've got a 5 8 octa it's a lot of health for an auto sorry a six nine after takashi yeah we lose this one guys um quite a little weirdo stacking it also dude get a life um okay we lost two hearts two lives gone it's not great um let's just re-roll a little bit first there's another beaver so my plan is merge the fishes together put a beaver on give the dog something to be happy about do the same thing again nice always no i'm gonna say no to the ox or a dog we'll freeze the dog a pig and a fish honestly i want both of those just realized we do only have four characters on the board now so this is a loss i'm so stupid sometimes they've got a dog as well and they've got cricket spider yeah dog's gonna get stacked if we even make it to the dog the body's gonna get killed by everything else along the way yeah not a chance oh wow hang on we actually might draw the obese buttocks i'll take a draw though it's kind of my bad for leaving us before four units oh wow okay so let's put oh the dog let's put a dog on and give him level two then we'll put the pig on give the pig level two oh the penguin okay the penguin is absolutely massive um and i will take the penguin i just wanna keep going like this for now totally forgot about putting a fish or leaving a fifth unit on the board again okay now we're genuinely gonna be lucky if we actually draw this one i don't think we're gonna be able to draw this one oh god right the whale eats the horse oh this ant dude oh my god yeah uh and he spits out a horse of course yeah why am i so bad if we had a fifth unit we may have had a chance there oh it's three lives as well isn't it you know what it's the first run of the day okay let's get the pig on board move him to the front penguin is now gonna buff our level twos and freeze i just need a dog oh my god now i can't really there isn't room for you to place somebody down this time which kind of sucks um just trying to think there isn't really space because i'd love to place this guy down because this doesn't count as like summoning a uh animal i still freeze the fish for now okay pain we might have to carry us with a little bit for these next few rounds obviously the penguin itself is really weak so it's kind of still like having four animals but oh that dodo is going to give big okay it's good that our pig can kill it that's good the dodo's also big though but we're strong let's go guys i do need to tell the beaver i'm aware of that i'd like to add some more summon things on actually just help the dog get a bit stronger in battle but here four animals unlocked oh my god okay um okay let's get i want to sell this guy really badly but there's no point we haven't got anybody else to put on yet what's most important to me right now penguin honestly like this guy's got the highest stats so let's keep him buffed keep the fish okay nice everyone gets plus one plus plot plus one plus one i want to sell the beaver and add some more people i need to tell the pig to be fair pickers has more money when we sell them you need like some of those higher tier um animals to start showing up okay only someone's one ram luckily what a hat is that they've gone like a bucket hat with a turtle shell oh melanoma i didn't even notice that it's cool though our beaver is kind of massive this is our dog yeah we're good the dodo's got bone attack but our penguin should oh no oh no we lose i didn't think of the chick oh no okay we've got two lives left basically one more loss and we're out um so this is a little bit spooky to me honestly you can take that for now a snail could be kind of good see spider would work as a summon but like once again there's nothing to really replace here garlic armor on the dog maybe oh we're so doomed we're so doomed i need to sell like the seven eight fish to be honest but i haven't got any better animals to put on the board yet so get wrecked oh the chicken i always forget about the chicken they've got like an actual kind of summon build i guess for the spoiler so dog's going to get a little bit stacked but we should be okay okay we're good we're good maybe you said bonus act all of our pets for now four trophies would be happy to get to five with this build we can get one more win with this build are we happy okay i do see a pig i'll take to a level three pig you can stay around for now let's re-roll see six free feels seven damage the last enemy i don't think it's worth it i would rather put garlic arm on you and then just upgrade that fish one more time you know the fish i want to get rid of the fish what i'm looking for really is a snake let's be honest um but i think we just doomed at this point i really want level two penguin oh no this is a pretty strong build the hippo's got garlic armor but he gets wrecked okay okay let's go oh 10 10 bus okay the cartoony packages that's five wins i'm happy to get the five wins with this build um just as far as i thought we'd ever get okay now this canned food this is how we're gonna be able to replace the fish if we carry on buffing people like this so we can get an upgrade to the dog we've got one re-roll here shark is six six all right no i don't care i don't care let's just keep buffing the fish he's the new one away from level three maybe we get some more canned food maybe we find a better a better animal later on all the hedgehog that's interesting oh the peacock he's got oh he's got i just realized his build look oh my god this is toxic he's got one of those builds i see what i tried to do yesterday don't he's got yeah he's got hit build we should be okay though all right as long as he's got no funny business going on our two-in-one penguin survives all those hedgehog things let's go six trophies everybody [Music] okay i do see a dog alakama on the fish okay let's just re-roll a little bit oh see this is where it starts to get interesting buy a tier one pet i mean these are tier one but are you gonna buy like three more i guess i really want is a penguin melanoma yes but melanoma on the dog give me a penguin please game please give me a penguin that's all i want now penguin's so weak as well oh my god yeah we lose this guy he's got an 11 oh my god he's got a snake as well snake's gonna destroy us how does one even kill this thing right you don't kill it because it's just actually the most toxic thing in the world well guess what guys we finally killed it um just took our whole team to kill it you know what i'm happy with that six trophies with that bill did three tier one units at the front we'll take it honestly we'll take it let's go straight back in though i'm actually obsessed with this game honestly i'm okay with this build right now [Applause] two three three horses and a one sorry two three three fish and a one one horse um the backwoods baguettes let's get it can a big get truly be backwards okay um obviously the horse isn't great oh should be okay oh no the mosquito okay i was about to say it doesn't kill the horse we're we're in luck the horse survives then we uh we get a win the backwards bag pipes versus the backwards baguettes let's go that's something you don't see every day okay i'm thinking here two two beaver honestly to get you on board the cricket can kind of benefit from the horse a little bit let's just put it on to see what we've got going on a third fish okay sorry about that so when you come from my door asking if i want a starbucks uh yes yes i do um it's early in the morning here you probably tell by the voice right there's a fish do we upgrade the fish like now i don't think we do because i don't really want to buff these characters looking at it also i think we put the horse at the front because he's kind of toxic um you're our strongest so we put you at the back as like a last resort kind of thing like people think they've killed our entire team just realize just put the horse to the back because the cricket's not going to benefit from the horse i'm an idiot dude i'm so bad at this game because now the when we spawn the new cricket is gonna benefit from the horse ability okay beaver kills the fish fish kills the fish fish kills the fish fish kills the otter okay it still worked out for us luckily got a bit lucky there the skilled fossils nice okay oh my another fish okay honestly i'm looking at this right now he's gonna put all of those i'm okay with that oh a kangaroo kangaroo okay let's move the fish to the front you're going to the back a kangaroo is going to get behind the fish nice i'm just going to upgrade this horse now we're going to re-roll once a dog hello okay here's what we're going to do we're going to uh sell the beaver and hope it gives some stats oh the kangaroos go okay then we're going to get a dog oh okay thank you uh horster goes to the back i think two horses honestly i'm tempted i'm tempted but we got no money so i'm not even gonna freeze it i'm not gonna waste time we can find better things than horses okay my five six fish is the front because i've got that kangaroo so oh they've got an ox okay let's check this out then nice our kangaroo's stacking our fish gets wow our fish gets four hits here oh no it doesn't because the ox got that attack buff at that kangaroo is massive actually get rekt the smooth scaly wax you are nothing to me anymore okay three trophies um oh another dog oh honestly not too obsessed with the dog right now i would rather take one of these however i'm not going to another fish i know i'm looking for right now honestly i think i'd take a horse over a dog but let's re-roll okay looks like no i know what i'm gonna do bone attack on the fish i'm looking for um a penguin or a monkey or something i know i don't think i'm tear free yet but oh that's a horrible peacock at the front however our bone attack should be able to shred it right yes and the fish survivors the fish kills two of the animals let's go kangaroos getting stacked behind it oh let's go let's actually go didn't even kill one of our animals all right did he kill the fish let's go the wavy fingers and lucky doodle david we're on four trophies now here free animals give me what i want give me what i need okay so i'm gonna be honest this guy is two and four it's kind of interesting but we're not really getting to him so i think i'm gonna sell the horse i think i'm gonna oh i just drag to re-roll instead okay i'm an idiot um see this guy if you hurt this guy you get plus one plus two there's also two of them i kind of like that um giraffe is interesting but who would the draft replace maybe the dog because the dog's kind of bad right move the cricket back with the draft there for now let's re-roll there's the level three fish that we need this guy okay this is really good i like this a lot but how does it work in this build you'd think if we can get this stats up to match the fish we can maybe put him in front of the kangaroo eventually eventually just not right now and ah so should we be stacking the camel then instead of the kangaroo yeah let's start building up this cat this this camel he's throwing a steps higher than the fish then he can take the front row place and hopefully our kangaroo can get stacked from it because he'll get the stats from the kangaroos ability and the stats from the camel's ability right because they both give stats when they get hurt or when they smile attacks okay that fish at the front all the bone attacks saved us there okay these two are gonna trade i'm okay with that oh no melanoma wait what okay we lose hang on yeah we lose i forget the spawns there's only one one can we get rid of the horse you know what it's okay we're in a transition stage right now we've lost three lives no worries okay level three fish is going to come in and just upgrade everyone lovely no worm thank you what am i really looking for right now i i couldn't tell you none of these is what i'm looking for right now right i think it's gonna be bone attack on someone else this guy is pretty much overtaken this guy now so i'm gonna try it and see if it works right this guy does kill things maybe we just try and let's just no you know what the bone attack is strong i have i have just messed up haven't i i've just moved the camera to the wrong place okay you know what that happens okay was that level one till it was okay spider is kind of big though we've got bone attack but it doesn't matter because it's got melanoma it's okay okay our camel killed it nice oh now you've got a kangaroo now from the spider and then the next spider's going to summon something as well i hope that kangaroo can just destroy everyone a snail long and the cricket's going to get plus two attack from the horse so that's gonna kill our kangaroo but then our draft is gonna come in strong and kill the horse nice the sticky citizens have been defeated okay [Music] five trophies let's go okay so straight away now i'm starting to think do we just put everything we have into the camel okay let's go hear me out here let's go canned food canned food make these guys a lot stronger in the shop um i have just realized the draft is now buffing the fish i'd rather buff the kangaroos maybe we switch those around next turn the draft i don't want the draft to stay by the way i prefer a monkey or a penguin at this point okay oh they've got a big fish at the front bone attack's not going to save us either which means that kangaroo gets wrecked here oh no yeah this one's a loss um oh this is the same guy the boring packages yeah we lost this one hang on your cricket's massive oh we tried no we don't we're weird because the one the one one quick let's go we got lucky there that's six trophies and lucky the boring packages we defeated you this time okay the dolphin's kind of good right he's also 810 like hello replace the fish yes we can put bone attack on you let's get the draft re-roll there's a camel it's a level two camel it now gives the friend even higher stats let's go okay the giraffe i'm supposed to be the draft behind the kangaroo wasn't i yeah i was okay kangaroo needs to get level two as well like hello oh hang on elephants are garlic armor that's not good okay they tried peacock is kind of getting stacked though which is concerning me because they've got a camel as well okay our kangaroo is gonna be able to kill the peacock which is no it's not damn it okay we still win though yeah our giraffe's gonna kill the monkey okay nice the sizzling abs um destroyed hello that's our seventh trophy we'd love to see it [Music] okay honestly there's some canned food going on let's re-roll a little bit there's the penguin i've been after give other level two and three friends plus one plus one the same as the draft but it's only gonna affect the camel right now but i think we take it it's also higher stats than that in the draft sorry uh as we roll once these are all bad deals seven damage to the last enemy he's twelve nine like i'm just thinking you know i'm on the board there's a second penguin there's a another giraffe let's freeze those for the next game so it is only the camel getting the buff from the penguin at the minute but hopefully we can get some level two creatures soon oh this guy's got it in oh he's got a bus as well oh there alligator died okay let's have a look at this wait what's going on here why is there dolphin been killed okay interesting strategy from this guy it's kind of confused me a bit it's confused me a lot oh he's got a massive kangaroo oh and the dolphin okay oh no hang on oh we got lucky there the eager egg plants let's go it's the eighth trophy guys oh my god okay we want the camel we want the penguin let's re-roll okay these are all good let's freeze that we're gonna want a penguin though let's freeze the penguin don't want the dragon penguins are going to give plus two plus two to only the camel because you've still got no other level twos yet all threes it's okay it's just like melanoma on the camel now i think it doesn't really need bone attack that much anymore oh that ox they've got two sets of melon armor oh no we're in trouble here scorpion has been killed though which is nice thank you for that dolphin okay this is i don't like the melon armor on both of these next two creatures yeah i think we lose this one guys these guys are strong you know what it was expected we lost to the fishy teapots okay still got two more losses in us okay honestly right because i need this guy to be a level two let's just get him upgraded let's freeze this let's re-roll once i'm aware i've still got the fish i mean the penguin okay melon armor do we put it under the camel to stack this guy even more what do we put on the let's put it on the kangaroo no we gotta put on this guy then bone attack goes let's put it on yeah let's put on you let's replace bone attack i need you to attack more so the kangaroo can get stacked nice now the dolphin and the camel are getting the stacks okay oh my god what is that a 50 40 dog i suppose he has got a monkey is kangaroo's been killed though just kangaroo can't get as much buffs anymore now he's trying to find a way to kill this dog which i think is impossible hang on hang on hang on yeah we draw the desolate monks we draw bro we killed that if we wouldn't have killed that kangaroo we'd have lost that okay we still had eight trophies come on there's a penguin i see the penguin i'm keeping that frozen let's re-roll let's re-roll let's re-roll let's re-roll okay honestly let's just get two penguins on board we can get them at level three next turn would have preferred another camel there get level three camel give our kangaroo some more stats the kangaroo is level one by the way oh this guy is got a good oh my god okay one penguin star that's kind of pointless okay both penguins have died i don't think that matters i have thought about going for two penguins instead of just one level three we don't win this in any world at all this is a ridiculously strong team so two penguins strat because all of his guys were both okay we've got one more life in this okay what are we looking for here oh i'm gonna be honest the dolphins interesting so is the camel gonna give it one re-roll okay who do we want to buff the most right now to be honest the snake but you know um okay i think we lose from here on out to be honest but somebody get level two snake real quick oh my god what is oh what is this he's got kangaroo as well it's over for us okay we killed one of the turkish one of the flies yeah 50 50 dog like hello there's not a chance in hell okay you know what i'm happy with eight trophies guys we had a bad few runs but we finally got there [Music] okay okay well you know what the fizzy shirts we'll take the loss here uh that's gonna do it for today's video guys um trying to keep these into like 30 minutes because they were getting quite long before but i suppose i just kind of play until we get a decent run um i do want to play versus mode i just have the time for it right now i'm trying to pre-record stuff before i go away this should be the last note so should be the last time i go away this year but i think i've got another time to go away so but i should have more time in between when i go away so we can get more videos and streams and stuff um but thank you all for watching if you're new here please subscribe if you enjoyed the video give it a like and leave me a comment let me know how bad i am we've learned some strats today we saw that elephant peacock elephant camel peacock build that was kind of bad we destroyed it so it wasn't really a strat i guess uh we also discovered that the double penguin strap that guy was kind of cracked um so i'd like to see that but yeah thanks for watching everybody and until next time bye
Channel: apqLIVE
Views: 1,462
Rating: 4.9506173 out of 5
Keywords: super auto pets, auto battler, super auto pets guide, super auto pets mobile, super auto pets android, super auto pets iphone, super auto pets ipad, super auto pets strategy, super auto pets gameplay, super auto pets trailer, super auto pets tips, super auto pets tricks, super auto pets tft, super auto pets win, super auto pets winning, super auto pets meta, super auto pets update, super auto pets pc, super auto pets steam, super auto pets phone, rank, super auto pets review
Id: xz0hr9ZNC1s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 24sec (1644 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 08 2021
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