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Guys, did you remember when I ate the Acehnese Noodles? On this episode. I fell in love with it ever since. I've said that one day, I'll visit Aceh and taste their local culinary. Thanks to God! Right now I'm at Banda Aceh! Nangroe Aceh Darussalam Province! Aceh people, make some noise! Be ready to get a mouthwatering while watching me eat! Aceh is a famous place for the best delicacies! Stay tune if you're really that curious! 2 hours and 45 minutes flight from Jakarta to Banda Aceh. This place is my first culinary journey! Hasan 2 Restaurant! I know this place from our president's YouTube channel, Mr. Jokowi! He has reviewed this place. I think he's become a vlogger. So in our president's YouTube channel. This place is one of his best place to eat. I'm really curious, do we have the same taste? Let's prove it! Greetings, Sir! Very good aroma! What's your recommendation from the menu? The Chicken Tangkap. And the Lamb Curry. Very big crock you have here. How many kilos that would fit in here? 20 plus? When did you start cooking? Early in the morning. Oh, I think I'm a bit late. Only half crock left. What else do you have? We have the Chicken Gulai. I smelled the good aroma. Is it from the Chicken Tangkap? What's this? The fried chicken? What's the difference? It's on the leaves that used. Chicken Tangkap using curry leaves and Pandan leaves. It's very good aroma you have. Thankyou, Sir. Guys, this is amazing! They're serving the whole menu! All of Hasan 2 Restaurant's menu! There are fried chicken. And Chicken Tangkap, one of Aceh cuisine. Cooked with curry and pandan leaves. There's the Lamb Curry. The soup's a bit thick. Very good brown gold colored. And they have this one too! Extraordinarily huge prawns! This is the beef dish. Where is it? That one? This one. Looks like the Beef Se'i! It has really tempting aroma! And of course, various of sambal! This is the Chicken Curry. With a touch from Aceh cuisines. Look at this curry leaf here. This one is their starred menu! The Lamb Curry. Let's just pour it into the rice. I won't eat all of these menu. My crew will eat after this. We came all the way from Jakarta just to enjoy this. So, I won't eat all of it. I'll share it with my crew! First, the Lamb Curry. Just enough. It's only a portion. I really must taste this menu. The Chicken Tangkap! Looks so crispy. One for the fried chicken. Thank you, Sir. This is the additional. Seriously, I will eat all of these with my crew. I'm not a stingy person. This is the sweet soy sauce sambal. Oh wait, it's for the dipping! This one too. Let's take on for the huge prawns. Put it here. What else? Oh, the fishes! Put it here. Oh, I forgot the vegetables. Looks like the salad with coconut grated. Just pour it. Alrighty, this will be enough for me. Put the other dishes aside. So my crew would enjoy these foods too. Guys, a full plate for today's eating! I mean on this video. Full package. Let's get started! Always pray before we eat. Amen. Which one I should try first? The Chicken Tangkap! First bite for you! Good God. Let me try this! The Chicken Tangkap. A truly delicacies! So tasty and.. These leaves really done their job on this dish! And the marinating process too. Let's try with the green sambal. Let's try it, is it spicy? Gosh! It's spicy! Really hot and spicy! Let's dip it! This is not the sweet soy sauce ones. I think this sambal's a bit raw. With this sambal. A very unique shrimp taste on it! And the good sour taste came from starfruit maybe? I'm really curious about the fruity notes! The Lamb Curry looks really tender. I can feel it when I touch it. We really ought to know it when we touch it. There's no chewy textured on it. Just the tender textured. Let's open this! I mean, ripped it! First bites always for you! Great, good God! Wow! In my opinion, this dish doesn't have the strong taste! But it's really good. It's just not too sharp. And the meat just so tender. Along with the rice. It does look like the Lamb Tengkleng. It comes with the ribs. I can taste a powerful flavor from the curry leaf. The vegetables that looks like salad with coconut grated. The fish. The fish is really good. I don't know what they called it. With all the leaves. The sambals are very unique. I want to try this one. Let me try the sweet soy sauce sambal. Uniquely amazing taste! Let's get the small prawns first. Great, good God! I think they cooked the sambal with only grinding it! The fried chicken. Fried chicken as its best. The difference with the Chicken Tangkap. Chicken Tangkap were cooked with additional leaves. So it gets dominated by the spice leaves. Curry and pandan leaves. And for the fried chicken I've tasted only the ground spices. And the marinating spices were tasty. Jackfruit on the curry. This is what you're waiting for! The huge prawns! Crack the head first. It's a huge prawn. We have to crack the skins first. Let's strip it. Ripped its armor! First bite for you! Good God. Let's try it! They just fry it. So we can get the best original taste from the prawns! There are no fishy smells! The sambal only makes it hotter! Enough talking, let's focus eating. We're almost finish. I just remember the crackers! I forgot the Chicken Gulai. The soups and the chicken meat! Different level of taste. Let's eat it along with the bones! This is the fourth times that little girl came here. The last meat from Lamb Curry. Prawn legs are my favorite. Done! Overall, everything is delicious! I like all of the dishes. The lamb meat was just tender! It has a very decent and good mild taste! And fried chicken as its best! And the prawns are not overcooked. So I still can taste the original. You'll know the overcooked prawns would be hard to chew. And this one was properly cooked. Slight chewy on the prawn meat If you want taste the truest prawns. Come and get it here! The huge ones not the small ones. And various unique sambals. You'll be surprised with the sambals. Oh, let's enjoy the iced shredded cucumber! What's good to be here in Aceh. If we're not try this beverage! It has cleared water on it. I thought this is only water and cucumber. Turns out it's so sweet and fresh! Now, eating time for my crew! I won't just stopped right here. Stay tune with me, culinary journey in Aceh! 710k Rupiah in total for the bill. I'll put it on right here for the menu details! It's all for me and my crew. Affordable price! Let's roll! Guys, we've done the main course before! At the Hasan 2 Restaurant. Now, snack time! Quite famous snacks in Aceh city. The Sele Toast I suppose. I'm not sure. There'll be pop up in here. We'll have it at 2 Saudara Coffee. A famous cafe in Aceh. Open for 24 hours. Coffee and light bites! Where should I order? Sir, I want to order. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 toasts. Dine-in. What's this? This is the jam. What's the jam made of? With flour and others. Flours and eggs maybe? Just like the sugar-apple jam? Okay then, we want it. Plenty of bread you have here. How long does it take to sold this much bread? A day. Sold out in one day? 2000 toast per day. Is that the price? No, 8k Rupiah for 1 loaf. How much with the jam? It's already stuffed with the jam. 3k Rupiah only for the bread. And for this one? 5k Rupiah. Okay, I want this one. What's good for the drinks? Enjoy it with coffee. Okay, let's have it. Now let's order the coffee. Greetings dude. I want to order some coffee. The good ones! They serves 2 style for the coffee. The Sanger and the Original. Sanger coffee? It served with milk. Oh I see, I want the original coffee. And 1 for the Sanger coffee, please. For the Sanger coffee. It has dominant coffee taste. If the Coffee Milk. The milk has dominant taste. Alrighty, I understood. 3 Sanger Coffee. 1 Original Coffee. Greeting, Sir. Are these the fruit jams? What's the name of it? The Samahani Jam. Oh, Samahani Jam. They called this Samahani Jam in Aceh. In Jakarta, we used to call it the sugar-apple jam. How many kilos in total? We can produced 12 cans on the weekend. How many kilos for a can? 50 kilos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 cans. 6 multiple 50, how much? 300 kilograms! All of these only for a day? Good Lord, 300kg just for a day! These are our orders. This one looks like a regular loaf. It's stuffed with Samahani Jam Or we used to call it as the sugar-apple jam. Look at this. It's not thick as our sugar-apple jam. Let's try the Acehnese Coffee. Pure coffee. This one is the Sanger Coffee. Coffee with milk. But it's not a coffee milk. It has dominant coffee tastes. Coffee milk has balanced taste. Different taste. Before we enjoy it. Let's pray first. Amen. Let's have the pure coffee. Really freshen you up! If you don't like the sweet coffee. Just ask non-sugar coffee. So you'll taste the purity of the coffee. They use Robusta coffee for this one. And Robusta has a slight acid taste on it. But this one made with enough sugar. So the sweetness from sugar removed the acidity. Now let's try the Sanger Coffee. They made the coffee by the pulling and pulling technique. The higher for the pulling the better taste it gets. You'll get the most of it. If your height is on 10 feet. You'll get the best coffee. Let's try it! The milk taste came from the condensed milk. They're not using the full cream milk. The dominant taste from coffee makes it more bitter. If you're not into sweetness. You can choose this. The slight sweet from condensed milk. And the coffee taste. They brewed it like the Tea Tarik! But this is the coffee. They're using the same strainer. Let's enjoy this toast! Stuffed with Samahani Jam. With "the love". Translated in Bahasa! Look at this toast, guys. First bite for you. It has the same flavor as the sugar-apple jam! They made the Samahani Jam by themselves. They can sell 300kg of Samahani Jam only for a day! A serious tasty flavor! Unique and strong taste from the eggs. And it's not sickly sweet flavor. You won't get nauseated eating it! And the bread tastes just like any other bread. But when it stuffed with the Samahani Jam, deliciously amazing! And this is what amazes me! If you order just like this one. You'll get a plenty of Samahani Jam! So much Samahani Jam they'll give you! Stuffed with Samahani Jam and poured over with Samahani Jam! Isn't good?! If you only buy the loaf. It's priced at 8k Rupiah. This one is 5k Rupiah. The Original Coffee, 5k Rupiah. 6k Rupiah for the Sanger Coffee. Really affordable prices. Guys, let me enjoy these with my crew. And certainly we're still in Aceh! Same day, but it's night already. Before we get the main course. Let's find for the light bites. I know this place from YouTube. The famous martabak in Aceh. Egyptian Martabak! And the unique side of this one. You can see it there. They cook it with the super wide pan! Let's check on their menu! Let's order the savory ones. The special beef, chicken, and mushroom. *he just say it backwards* Let's pick the most expensive. Usually that's the best. The beef with mushrooms. What's that? Can I order here? What's the big ones here? Can I get the beef with mushrooms? One portion. Please patiently wait for it. We have mild spicy taste. So the kids would have it too. We make our own spices. Onion, chili, tomato, shrimp and fish. It must be really tasty! How many you cooked the eggs? We can't count it. We just measured it. Approximately 4 boxes of eggs. Sometimes we need more. How many? If we measure it will be 300 eggs for 1 box. A thousand eggs I suppose. Wow! That's amazing guys! And you just make bigger martabak? Pardon me? I saw that your martabak has bigger size than the others. Oh, we make it for 2 portions. 10 eggs each time we cook it. 10 eggs we use for 1 martabak. This is my first time to have 10 eggs in 1 martabak! Which one is the best selling? The special ones. The special stuffed with beef? Beef, chicken, and mushrooms. That's the special martabak. I see. We usually cooked 30kg of beef in one day. Oh really? And we can reach 50kg for the chicken. 80kg meat, guys! What time did you open? We started at 3 pm. Until? We closed at 11 pm. It's a quite short for the selling time. And always sold out? Sometimes we sold it out. We close at 11 pm. Sold out or not, we still closed it. Thankyou, Sir. Guys, we have it right here! Damn, it's hot. When I saw they were cooking. They were making 2 by 2 martabak. When there's an order. And they'll just give it to them. So it's not made to order thing. They just know there'll be so many orders. They confidently cooked it. This one still hot. So hot. Let's just open it. How do we eat this? Let's dip it into the sauce. Martabak sellers rarely provide dine-in. I was a student. I can do anything! I'll make anything happen. Always pray before we eat! Amen! Gosh, this is still hot. Please understand it's very hot. I tried to fight the heat. But I couldn't stand! I'm not that strong enough. *he burns his fingers* When does the martabak would cooled down? Let me just cut it. First bite for you. Great. We've been waited for 30 minutes! Let me try the original without the sauce. Crispy martabak skins. And the inside doughs has mild taste of spices. Thick textured dough. We're in need the dipping sauce. The sauce would helps so much. So let's dip it into the sauce! In Padang, we're eating martabak with.. Poured over sauce all over it. We put the martabak and the sauce in one plate. And now, I have to dip it. I tasted the shrimp flavor here. The sauce really done the job. It taste better! The sauce is just something. Let's dip it again. Seriously this is good! Guys, after having the light bites. The thickest Egyptian martabak! It's time for the main course. What a shame if we're here in Aceh. And we're not trying the Acehnese Noodles! So, tonight we will try it! The best in town, Mie Ayah! The truth, there's no Acehnese noodle here there's only "noodles"! Just like in Padang, there's no Nasi Padang! There's only local restaurants. This is the Mie Ayah, this isn't "Mie Aceh Ayah" Let's go inside. Greeting, Sir. I want to order the noodles. The noodles with soup. With the crab topping. What year did you start open? We started at 1996. And you're the Ayah? I'm the second. Oh, you're the second generation. Very tempting aroma! That's the fried noodles. The soggy noodles looks more tasty. Check that out! Plenty of noodles and vegetables. Beansprouts and cauliflowers! I won't disturb them while they're cooking. Let's find a seat. Guys, I've changed my mind. I want the stir fried noodles! A bit soggy would taste better with little soups. I made the right choice. How many noodles you can sell for a day? 100 kilos?! Today's just amazing! 100 kilos! They've dealt 100 kilos of noodles with only two cook! This one with the shrimp topping. With stir fried style! Looks a bit soggy. With only little amount of soup. I want it one just like that! I've changed my mind. When I saw the stir fried noodles. It looks so tempting! So I just changed my order. How much for a portion? With crab toppings. Depends on the crab size. For this one? 50k Rupiah! Good price. With beef topping? We only have crabs. With shrimps? 30k Rupiah for the shrimps. There's no beef? 30k Rupiah for it. The crab is on top of the price. It depends on the crab size. We have the biggest size. But it has sold out! Almost a kilo. Oh no! We're too late! You cook the soup first? Until it boils, and then add the noodles? With all the spices. Wait, that's really interesting. You're still using firewood? We're using the charcoal. Amazing, it will be so delicious! If you're using charcoal to cook. You'll get the smoky taste. Indomie can not relate here! We need to be authentic! While we're in Aceh. We shouldn't eat Indomie! We supposed to eat that noodles! This is it guys! The stir fried noodles! This isn't Acehnese noodles. It's only noodles! It has darker color. And tempting aroma. It comes with scallion. Caramelized scallions. And the sprinkled fried shallots too. The whole crab. Let's start! Pray before we eat. Amen. There's one difference. Usually, noodles in Jakarta comes with peanuts. I don't see any peanuts here. First, let's try the soup. Is it really worth to try here in Aceh? You guys should come here if you want to try the authentic Acehnese noodles. So tasty and dense! I should order the spicy ones! I forgot. First bites for you. Chewy textured noodles. Medium shaped noodles. Spices are the champ! I've ordered it with crab. The crab broth has it! The crab was boiled along with the spices. So the crab broth has spread all over. When it's boiling, they put in the noodles. Absolute best. Let's give it a fresh lime. With melinjo chips and pickles. I really should've asked for the spicy. It's hot. Look at the steams. The spices are so dense! The flavors are so intact. They used a fresh crab for this. Freshly alive crabs, not the frozen one. Tricky ways to eat crab. We have to be patient. Delicacies as its best. A perfect joy. I need to use my hands. Put the noodles on top of it. I get runny nose. The jackpot part! Let's focus on eating this noodles. I've finished the noodles. 50k Rupiah for a plate. If you like the spiciness. You can just ask them to make it. The original taste are the sweet & spicy. You need to come here if you want to try the real Acehnese noodles! Just like if you want to have the best Nasi Padang, you have to go there. Actually, I'm still hungry as hell. But it's really late now. I need to rest. We'll continue the journey tomorrow! See you on the next video, bye! #SalamAnakKos
Channel: tanboy kun
Views: 4,802,677
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tanboy kun, mukbang, makan banyak, pedas, aceh
Id: AI8leZfVtb4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 48sec (2208 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 12 2022
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