FINALLY! KeyShot 9.1 UV Unwrap Debut - First Look

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what's up guys so it's only been a day since I uploaded the render weekly collaborative video that I did showcasing key shot nines real cloth carbon fiber material now for that video I walked through how I prepare my models for any material that's gonna need to rely on UV mapping and I use a software called blender to do that and I understand that not everyone wants to have to go to another software to do their UV prep or assign their UVs so that their textures can follow these surfaces accurately so it's coolest keyShot actually released an update the exact day yesterday that i uploaded my video and their update includes a cool new feature called UV unwrap or it's a UV mapping tool so I thought it would be really cool to open up key shot with some surfaces and some models that I made in CAD that I know designers typically struggle with they're kind of more organic or they have compound curvature or something like that and I just bought in a whole bunch of random shapes I'm not knowing what to expect I've never used this tool to be honest so I had a I basically decided to record my experience walking through the UV unwrap tool in key shot for the very first time so that's what this video is all about it's not a true tutorial I have to do a little more testing and a little more research before I can definitively answer questions and say this is exactly how this works or this is exactly how you should do this however if you want to watch this video you'll be able to follow through the process with me as I uncover what worked for me and what didn't work for me and ways I think that it will work in ways I think that the tool can be improved and then also if you want to give us a shot I'm gonna make the project files as well as the 3d models I used in this available on my website so you can follow along just head on over to wil Gibbons comm slash download and you can get your project files also this video is long just a warning close to an hour again I just basically flipped on the camera and recorded I didn't I'm not doing any editing or anything like that I'm not trying to speed through it it's just an exploratory very casual video so um if you like that format cool let me know if you don't I won't do it again and last but not least if you want to support the channel go ahead and either hit subscribe if you haven't already or I'll remind you I have a bunch of links down below Amazon links if you use those that can help support my channel as well without costing you anything but without further ado I'm gonna pop on over a tacky shot and we're gonna give this a go let's see how it goes okay so here we are in key shot and I'm gonna drag my model in now this is a step file on NURBS based CAD kind of standard CAD I guess what would we call it a common exchange format and I created this in fusion 360 which is where I do most of the modeling that I do and I'm going to import NURBS data and I'm going to leave the rest of these settings pretty much as is we'll go ahead and import cool so what you should notice is that we're working with a bunch of kind of more organic forms and these are the things that are typically difficult to texture properly in a lot of cases we have flowing surfaces that make either have compound curvature or make multiple bends and curves and this is the type of thing I'm interested in seeing how key shots UV tools a handle so first off let's go ahead and add a little more contrast to this environment this will be good part of me my throat's kind of bothering me today like see to go to a white background and now there's a couple ways we can do this we can work with a procedural mesh tool which mesh texture which i think is probably the best option so what I'm gonna do is I'll start off with let's just go ahead and start off with this one piece here so to isolate this I'm going to hold ctrl alt and left click oopsies let's do alt left click there we go and right click and set camera target we go okay so the first thing we're gonna do is double click on this material and what I want to do is go into textures and right click on color down to textures and use a mesh or cedral now in my case I have my mapping tight set to UV by default that's something I changed in my key shot settings now if I increase the size of this mesh we'll see that this actually does pretty well and the reason is because in fusion 360 this started out as a flat plane just a single surface and then I bent it into place so those UVs are actually correct but you will see how they get distorted and stretched in the middle because I took that surface and I pulled it which caused it to stretch and we'll see pinching on the back and you'll see these um circles look like ovals vertically and that's because this form is taller than it is wide because I kind of pulled it a bit so mmm with proper UV tool we should be able to remove these stretching and pinching of these circles that that would be one objective we would have now as we look on the corners or the edges we're also going to see an issue and where we have fill it's or rounded edges that's going to lead to a higher density of these circles or ellipses and that's because of again these NURBS patches that are built in the CAD application so if I double click on this material go into the material graph real quick we can get a look at its mesh if I simply disconnect the material from the root node do you see the density of those triangles changing on the corners this is um what happens naturally in CAD applications now the front looks pretty good where we got nice fairly evenly distributed triangles but again you'll see this pinching where they get skinnier or fatter that's where they're going to get stretched so we would be looking for a completely even distribution of these triangles because the an application is writing normals which a normal is just the direction a face or a vertice where these edges come together points and we can even visualize those in key shot if we were to right click and say edit normals and you can see we have green and blue lines these are vertex and face normals and it shows the direction they're pointing so each triangle has a vertex are sorry a normal direction and in the case of the UVs with our CAD application the UVs are actually written into these triangles here so that's why we're getting the stretching going on so I'll go ahead and reconnect this and now the interesting thing will be to see is what will happen when we get into our UV tool so key shots ribbon up here I've got mine pretty stripped down but if we right click we can go and show the tools option and tools contain things like move UV unwrap edit normals retest slate close mesh split object surfaces split separate objects a couple other items this is the new one unwrapped UV so I actually don't need this up let's go ahead and go into our tools and try unwrap UV and see what the heck happens so right now we see our mash again pretty much the same geometry view that we had our geometry editor type thing looks like we have a quick unwrap and then we also have advanced unwrapped so unwrap shell my guess a shell is going to be something like this that has compound curvature in two directions so this way vertically and laterally so this could probably be considered a shell even though it's thickened I'm not sure how it'll treat the edges or anything but let's start with the basic click unwrap and see what happens so the whole thing went white I'm not sure if that's good or bad a region number one selected face in region base UV size so our scale is one i assuming this is assigning a scale of 1 to the total size of this object and then we could rotate I don't want to rotate anything but let's go ahead and just take this as is and see what happens so if I hit apply so this went black that means our scaling is probably off let's go ahead and take our scale mesh and scale this guy down let's see we got some let's okay so I'm not sure what's going on here we've got our shape diameter really big let's start off with one or two or three I'm gonna walk this up a little bit to see what happens try 20 50 100 and our spacing is really wide - let's try 110 now let's try scaling this whole mesh down proportionately and right away I am not having luck at this point I don't know if we're too big or too small looks like we keep jumping I have a feeling that scale was an issue so let's go ahead and try this again let's go ahead and select our object let's go into our tools select an object oh did this break this into oh no you can't choose it in the real time apparently okay so that's it try this again so if we do unwrap shell um let's base UV size let's make this I don't know 10 and then let's make the scale gosh I don't know one let's go ahead and try this anything happen I'll go ahead and save just in case this is a new feature so who knows we might be able to crash it hopefully not [Music] so after doing that UV function unwrapped again I'm not seeing a lot of luck here so let's go ahead and let's go ahead and try something different let's go in and choose try our advanced unwrap so the good news is it looks like we can add seams which is huge what if I try adding a seam all the way around the edge will it detect that just to split this face I think that would be cool so this looks like it's giving us lots of options for seams oh if I have to select all of these this would be pretty oh okay so I held shift and I click the next one and it auto detected that edge which should be pretty good let's try the green check box to see if that makes a seam so okay I see so we have one tiny little seam here that's no good if I undo ctrl Z looks like that works so can I get this whole edge let's try so I just double clicked it and that looks pretty good so yeah now we've got a full red outline let's try the green check okay so it looks like we've got a seam this is good because this separates this face from the edges and then the next I'm gonna go about making seams the way I would in another software like blender to see if it gives me the correct results here so another place I would put a seam would probably be this back edge and then one of these or the back face and then one of these edges so let's go ahead and try to add seam and I'll hold shift and double-click this edge here it's like I need to close this ok and then green checkbox and then let's try one more seam on the edge here so I'll go ahead and double click ok so it looks like it's not choosing edges but it's actually going based off of these kind of intersections or vertices I'll hit this two acts and then triads seem and I'll click one and all the shift and then here here and here and then I'll hit green check and so this should make a seem so we'd have three Islands a back island a front island and a middle edge island with one seam there so it can lay flat so this is more kind of the traditional route I would go now it looks like it says add charts by existing flood fill or by angle charts I'm guessing this is what I'm referring to as Islands I think maybe key shots using charts instead of islands maybe I'm wrong there but it looks like this is another way to kind of break up these as different islands so I try flood-fill my yes as if I click here yep it detected this now I don't know if it stayed on this face because these are kind of coplanar or if it saw that this seam separated this face from the rest the objects I'm guessing that's the case the seams are what's containing this um I'm not sure what to do next or if I keep going with that maybe um I held shift and I did another one see oh it's a different color that's promising because that tells me it's gonna see this as a separate object let's try it the back so we have three different colors that's good we've identified three different islands with seams I'm guessing and then I'm gonna go ahead and not mess with direction guide and just to try unwrapped and see what happens I like the progress bar that's telling me something's happening alright now this is very promising this is what I was hoping to see so in another software this is what I would be going after remember we had that pinching going on in the front stretching and then it got skinny here now I don't know if this is the camera view or not playing tricks on my eyes it looks like it's still stretching front here and pinching back here which is unfortunate I don't know if we can deal with stretching you v's within keyShot it would be nice to have a orthographic view or camera on here so we could actually understand if this is a perspective doing this to my eyes the pinching and stretching or if this is actually what's happening in the UVs but we'll know soon enough when we go back to play with our texture looks like we could probably if we needed to rotate this we could probably do this here I don't want to mess with this now though our edges are looking pretty good I think mmm we'll see because I was hoping to get like a grain of like imagine if this was bent wood plywood we would get the plies or the grain to follow this I'm not sure based on what I'm seeing here with this UV texture grid I'm not sure if that's going to actually work here looks like our stretching issue on the fileted corners or edges will be resolved by this I think so it's be interesting um now it looks like the scale can be played with I'm gonna leave the scale as is this is looking pretty good I'll go ahead and hit apply and see what happens so we're still all black here but let's go ahead and see what happens in my textures here and I might start over with this let me just delete this texture so we have nothing um I'm gonna go ahead and right-click textures mesh and that looks pretty uniform which is nice I'm gonna scale the whole thing up and it looks to me this is significantly better than what we started with because I don't know let me go ahead and change to a perspective or I'm sorry a go to my camera where are we goodness um ortho there we go so with my ortho camera if I set this to flat so we have no shading on here I'm trying to get an understanding as to whether or not these circles are distorted it looks like the space between them is bigger so there may be some stretching going on and these do look a little more oval on the edges but it's not horrible it's really not too bad which is nice I'm sure it's passable for kind of working renderings I'm gonna go back to diffuse for now and then let's check the backside the backside looks quite a bit better it doesn't look as pinched in my eyes now the edge is my biggest concern to me the edge is not doing what I want I want something to follow this kind of flowy edge and we may be able to work on that I don't know um let me go ahead I'm curious if this is still one object and this is still one object in the scene tree which is interesting it's I guess that's good it's convenient I guess not convenient if you want to put different materials on the edges but we could use the split surfaces tool but that may mess with our UV unwrap I don't know let me get back in the UV unwrap and see what I can do about these edges oh and here's our scene we can see our seam here but we don't have a seam here which is really really nice but we do yeah actually it's that circle is not getting too horribly stretched which is cool so yeah it's it's working pretty well looks like on a fare on a very organic form let's go back in and see what we can do here to see to improve this a little bit I want to do this edge I want to see what can happen with this edge now I wonder if we would have to go set all those seams again because flood-fill is now filling the whole thing but I can probably go by angle and set it to something like 45 and then just try it the try getting the edge I don't know [Music] mmm we go down smaller it seemed to be doing much it's a little confusing existing chart flood-fill angle yeah that's not really helping anymore I think we are having better luck before I'm gonna leave I'm gonna go back to flood filled but I'm gonna add my seams so I guess one bit of criticism or suggestion would be if Keyshia can remember where we left this so when we go back in the UV unwrap tool it doesn't make us start all over cuz this could be frustrating if I spent a lot of time setting up a bunch of seams meticulously so I'm gonna go ahead and create those seams again it's weird okay so there's one let's try again it's hard to see now with this beige color I don't know how to get that off but we'll see so let's close that seam okay and then hmm let's just try out another seam and do what we did before I would love to see those the mash I don't know why I don't see it anymore which one of these does this line up with this one let's try that okay so we've got our seams back but let's try flood fill yeah I don't mm-hmm I don't really know what's going on now um position charts let's try unwrap first and see what happens [Music] use material texture on UV regions I don't know I could try that no it doesn't show me anything um hmm I have a feeling we're not going to be able to force a procedural texture to follow these edges here maybe this just means I need to learn how to use this tool better but it seems like it's a little bit limited here um I'll go ahead and hit apply and just see if we're back to where we started or if that just messed everything up we'll find out let's just delete this texture and add a new one same thing and this time it's not looking as good I don't know why maybe I broke something hmm okay well what if I just try it ctrl Z will that take us back to where we were maybe um not getting hopeful here that might be as far back as we're going yep ctrl Z is not working okay let's show all of our parts let's let's work on a different piece so what's interesting is these were all linked so now the same textures on everything and you can see the current issues with how textures are handled this is a pretty extreme example here so let me turn off that orthographic camera so here's a pretty extreme example on this guy let's talk about this form so we have a truncated kind of a box type thing with Phillips and they it's it's all sorts of messed up now right now these are trying to be mapped by UV this mesh so if I change it to something like cylinder we may get better results let's try Center on part and let's scale this guy way down so see it's off kind of on outside let's go ahead and rotate that 90 degrees so if I had to do this without this tool I would start splitting surfaces and try to maybe use a combination of box or cylindrical to make this work because this could probably be fudged a little bit to to pass but like like that doesn't look too bad but let's be honest it's definitely stretching here looks a little bit ugly especially if you add a more organic texture probably even more noticeable maybe we'll see let's go ahead and try unwrapping this guy and see what happens so I'll go ahead and make this bigger well actually let's set it back not too from cylindrically but back to UV scale it up so we can see those cool so let's see if we can get it to follow these properly I'm gonna go ahead and Center my camp or set my camera there and then try unwrapping this guy which one is it this guy okay so here we are we can see once again that's what our mesh looks like that's super uneven big triangles little triangle that's what we want to avoid so again I'm not seeing this as a shell so I'm not gonna try that as more of a solid and it's more convex and sorry convex yeah then concave I'm gonna try adding seams I think that worked last time pretty well so I'll go ahead and try up here I'd love to people click the edges but it looks like we have to kind of go between these like kind of knots here um okay that worked pretty well let's go ahead with a green check let's do it again on the bottom oh I made the whole thing beige again I love that did not happen Rosie okay that works nice control Z works in the UV tools um let's add a seam this is kind of an interesting angle to the way this goes down here I guess because it's tapering okay let's try adding our seam and do that let's add one more and we'll do it in the one of these sides we'll call it the back again you you have to have seams that's just the way things work unless you're using fully procedural 3d procedural textures so let's go ahead and add a seam cool please choose the seams to be in the back of the object now let's try this flood fill again and see what happens 1 2 & 3 I like the way that looks um unwrapped I could have tried that set Direction maybe I should have done that what if I hit control Z set Direction guide maybe this is what I was missing in that previous one where I wanted it to follow the edge I have a feeling that's true so I think I need to select something and then hit yes or no I'd like one of these horizontal lines because I don't want these tapered edges to kind of dip down the way they do so I wonder if I can choose just between like here to here I don't like I don't know what that green dashed line is that's kind of ugly but what if I can just choose that ooh so I think it's trying to mmm let's just go all the way around here and try to create a like a like a clean edge loop and in polygonal modeling something called like an edge loop can I make this reconnect with itself I don't know let's let's just try this green check and see what happens it's kind of ugly that's real ugly let's just see what happens though I'm curious so I think that attempts to create this guide oh yeah and it gets super messed up so ctrl Z let's not do that let's not use the guide guy thing whatever let's just try unwrapped ah yeah okay so this is hard this is a hard case because you can see it's kind of rotated and it kind of goes up and down it's almost like a waffle cone like an ice-cream cone I think kind of spirally maybe we can rotate it I don't know if we can or not though so we can rotate it but it's not gonna like again this is like a stretching thing so if we set to a fixed front view I think we can get away with this and then it scoops up in the back maybe two seams would have improved this scenario so two seams in the back instead of one but the problem is you see it's it's narrower at the bottom than it is across the top here so what you have is you have this shape that's you know these UV grids are square and there's they're trying to map wrap themselves around something that is a larger you know area up here or I guess circumference to a smaller circumference around here so that's why it's at an angle and it's it because it can't it's trying not to stretch these you v's as far as I know so it's kind of rotating at a weird angle so maybe we can play with this just say like five and see if see if or maybe rotating this just a little bit gets us to look more level I don't know we'll go ahead and hit apply and see what happens so once again it looks like it did a pretty good job overall but but of course we have issues now with this texture going up here um let's say this was like a basket like made of felt or something this would be tough because in the real world you can cut your fabric into a certain shape and stitch it shut and then you're gonna have your UV s going all the way across properly but that they go up here because again I think we have somewhat limited control over this in keyshot but for now again this may fix us in in a pinch turn this into a mesh basket I guess set this to white set the other onto black maybe set them to squares make them bigger reduce the spacing between them do did you to do so now we've got kind of this mesh that's that's pretty ugly okay enough of that control-z okay so now let's show all parts and let's see what else we can do now one scenario that is I'm really hoping to improve upon is cables so in keyShot these cables are always an issue for me so if I hold alt to hide everything but this cable let's try this guy I have a feeling that this is one scenario but key shot is going to be pretty good at here so let's go ahead and unwrap this and so there's our mesh pretty fine but the thing is that's pretty nice is that see these triangles that are all the same shape and size that's because the circle has a uniform profile looks like there's a natural seam here and this is created by fusion 360 not keyShot now maybe what we can do is fix this with key shots so that seam is underneath the object here so another thing that can happen with cords and cables is when it bends when we have a short sharp inner Bend you'll get pinching and the the texture will get small here and then on the outside it will get bigger and distorted and stretched so let's go ahead and see what we can do let's try adding a seam underneath this guy again I could try the unwrapped shell maybe I'll try that next I'm not sure if it's gonna be the way to go though I'm just gonna choose the underside of this and I'm gonna go down to the next not double-click shift and let's try adding that as a seam and I'm gonna also add a seam at the end of whoopsies I'm gonna add a seam around the end of each of these so let's try this and this let's close that at a scene boom okay I like how these ads seem tools working it seems nice and fast for the most part it's not to win um let's see boom boom boom I close that there we go now let's do the flood-fill thing again boom boom and the last one is there and that direction guide I don't think we'll need that on this one because again it's such a uniform object profile mm let's go ahead and try unwrapping and once again I do expect this one to work pretty well I have some coffee here how long oh yeah already at 30 minutes if you watch all of this you're a champ sorry about that I'm not sure if this will be a very popular format just due to the fact that this takes a while this maybe can give you an idea of how much time gets spent when we do make tutorials myself and other people how long it sometimes takes to learn something new or test a new theory and then turned it into a tutorial so that took such a long time to unwrap and I'm getting weird stretching which tells me something went wrong either maybe I messed up one of these seams or perhaps we have some weird double thing going on where it's trying to apply it to the inner surface as well I'm not sure what's going on with that I thought this was gonna be an easy one and I'm not liking those results very much so rather than try it out maybe we go back control-z maybe we tried the let's just go ahead and hit cancel let's try the the unwrapped shell just to see if it works on this just once again I know this is like a tube not a shell but I would have expected this to be kind of the the best-case scenario for a key shot so let's try that again tessellation is pretty small on this too so maybe that's why I just tried unwrapped shell so that added one big region I think that's the problem is without seams this unwrapped shell does not work I'm going to ctrl Z to undo that if that will allow me no way okay hmm so that one's a mystery I'm not sure about that let's try this next item here umm let's try something like something as a non-uniform profile but pretty similar to that tube so I'm going to go ahead and take this we'll call it like a ribbon or something here we go let's try this I think I'm gonna do the same approach with the seams that seems to be the only method that produces a predictable result for me at least so far and then notice this is rotating 360 degrees along its profile when I did the swept surface so that may prove to add another challenge we'll see so this way we're not going to avoid showing a seam it's going to be visible no matter what because this this whole slot does a 360 degree twist along this spline here so let's go ahead and take our ad same tool and let's try a couple of these it looks like it went all the way down I'll hit the green check and maybe we need to even add two seams although in theory we shouldn't need to because this is like a pretty flat surface won't say lays flat so once it on wraps I'll go ahead and again the set Direction guide is C click to extend it point double click to extend to the oh okay yeah that's what we've been doing um I can try that if this doesn't work let's go ahead and try the flood fill and then just do our unwrapped um and maybe instead of these two maybe we just want to do this middle part so let's just try it unwrapping the middle part yes we'll go ahead and do that and again lots little triangles in here so this may take a while um interestingly enough I don't know why this is taking keyShot a long time I know UV unwrapping in other softwares is crack is pretty fast this wasn't too bad but it looks like this one is we may be out of luck on this two parts of it it starts looking very good in the front and then it quickly gets stretched in weird ways so maybe we need to undo that and then go back a step and try to give it some direction let's try ctrl Z let's try this set Direction guide see what happens so let's try using this as a direction green check so that's gonna follow the other half all along that face let's just try that let's try that see what happens okay that surprised the heck out of me that totally looks like 100% resolved our issue so that's super cool I'm liking that um that gives me hope for the other normal tubes let's go ahead and hit apply and see how this texture goes so again remember we said we knew we're gonna have a seam on the top of this so that's unavoidable that's what's going to happen with our yeah there's no real good way around that if you have something totally twisting then using a texture like this that that's gonna be obviously interrupted with that seems no good you're going to be better off using something like a small noise texture but what's cool you know now that we've done this maybe we could even do something like our carbon fiber which I just did you if you want to see that video don't like it somewhere maybe but if I go ahead and apply that carbon fiber to this dang that looks pretty cool of course there's a seam there but for the most part looking pretty good let's go ahead and try a different there's the matte version then there's the raw what if we grab a higher contrast environment see how this thing pops and let's just set that environment brightness to like two I could have made this material brighter obviously um let's at that contrast to 1.5 maybe drop that down so what if we go ahead and set our background to black now or dark color a little bit darker so that's looking pretty cool I mean significantly better significantly better than when we didn't have any sort of unwrapped tools and key shot I'm actually pretty stoked on that let's go ahead and bring back some of the other parts now you can see how this also worked on this primitive here pretty well on our circle or I'm sorry our tube up here this is the ironic part looks like we didn't have to UV unwrap this at all because again as I suspected it's a pretty uniform well it's a circle which is uniform and then it follows our spline now we'll still see some stretching and some pinching but still not bad and of course that seam is probably not facing the direction we want it to be but yeah now if we look back here let's see this guy here so this is one where I was hoping to get an edge to follow looks like that's actually doing a pretty good job but then you can see we get this ugly corner down here and then the face of this guy is also not following the way I would want it to I don't know if that's something that we'll be able to fix if we can get it to follow this line but maybe we can let's try that one right click let's save real quick in case I crash okay let's unwrap UVs and this is a nice pretty uniform match until we get to our fill it's on the edges and then we also had this weird I don't these aren't flowing across the face of this so that we may be able to use the edge as a guide a direction guide so let's set our our seams first and let's go ahead and double click and add a seam oh we didn't get that one all the way let's zoom in make sure we get get the whole thing there we go and then let's do another boom boom boom and then another and for this one we'll just do the mmm let's just do this edge and done I like that this is getting more familiar and fast and I've done it a few times so flood flood flood and then next we want to set Direction guides so I want this to flow around the bend of this object now this might be a little bit tough because I don't want it to go all the way around I just want it to follow where this starts going flat so let's try this okay so we don't want to double click there let's try X let's try that again from here held shift and single click I don't know click to extend to a point double click to extend to the end of the path so here's so it's going the wrong way I don't know we can invert that can we go mmm what about from does it always go in this direction always going right around the left let's try that again damn why is it doing that um let's try down here so set Direction guide huh so rather than clicking where I want it to go I'm gonna try clicking where I don't want it to go so from so I want to go I don't want it to go from here all the way around to let's just try to hear man why does it not go that way is there a way to invert it just try that that does not that no way it went around the edge the way I didn't want it to so let's try control Z let's try against that direction mmm let's try the outer edge mmm I'm struggling with this one guys shift doesn't seem to be helping either hmm I totally thought we would be able to do that maybe the way this is Tesla it's just not allowing me it like I need a spline to follow that curve now if I modeled this differently in instead of extruding it from a flat plane I probably could have done a sweep to get it to follow naturally the tessellation would follow that that elbow that would have fixed that but mm-hmm it's very strange I don't know let's try one more time on this from here to here again I don't know why it literally just fills in the opposite of what I want it to no matter what direction I select them in like this is kind of crazy a little bit frustrating and we'll try unwrapped yeah that's ugly let's just try without that yep and then it's surprisingly ugly still the backs fine which is weird hmm well then I'm not a master at this yet it'll definitely have to play play around this to learn a little bit but we could rotate this if we wanted to to make it look a little bit more and more normal these look pretty good the edges look pretty good there's some weird stretching at the bottom which has something to do with this maybe I didn't select my islands perfectly I don't know we're just gonna go ahead and hit apply though and see what happens so super ugly on this end and then um pretty good on this end the most part um this guy up here is interesting and looks like the way this was modeled in fusion 360 with like a continuous surface sweep this is surprisingly working pretty much on its own which is kind of astonishing I guess or sorry I did a loft between two profiles but yeah that looks like it's working without any sort of key shot UV unwrap unwrap magic maybe the only thing I would do to fix this as if I had some stretching and I thought I could fix it but to me that looks pretty good let's go back to glossy yeah it's pretty good overall what's cool is because these are one one object I should be able to use my rounded edges on these too so if I click on this and do a rounded edge 1 millimeter 0.5 maybe I have that nice edge same with this guy it's pretty cool nice let's go UV and wrap this one more time and then we'll call this one a day unwrapped UV now we kind of know what's going on with this guy I can say add seam we'll go ahead and add our seam double click okay oh you missed that one spot go figure I guess we have to undo it boom man I wish I could not I don't like this accidentally flooding thing that's real annoying I had seem and one more little bit finicky there I wish it would just close the loop automatically that's okay flood fill set Direction guide let's try that because maybe we can get this edge to flow although I mmm maybe let's try that yeah but let's try it so where does that stop that edge should go all the way oh I'll bet if we use this outer edge it'll work or at least hopefully because see our fill it's interrupts that that spline so to speak just try it that looks it didn't work that direction guide boom boom I don't know what those spaces are I kind of just want this to make sure it fills all the way and no that's just oops I didn't hit the green checkbox I don't know if that's gonna ruin it uh yeah that didn't start it undo and then green check and then let's try unwrapped Oh I'm not seeing much luck there I'll try it one more time set Direction guide I think that's right I don't know the dashes with all these little like just I kind of want just flat lines like I don't know this is confusing me right now maybe I'm sure you guys are a lot smarter than me and it won't be an issue for you but hmm yeah still struggling with that edge but um hmm ah you know what maybe that worked kind of looks like it might have worked here we'll see can I use this island and rotate it it have to be uniform hmm we're still out of luck we'll hit apply anyway see what happens yeah we're not following that edge but you know maybe that's just we'll chalk that up to something that will get an improvement on a future release or version for the most part though thinking that's this might be what we end up with so let me go ahead and rotate this guy around so the ugly parts not facing the camera let me set up a quick shot for a thumbnail and then we'll be with this actually up light pause now and rearrange my scene and make it look nice so the youtubers can click on the thumbnail and and get what they want um make this look a little more enticing so alright guys throw your comments or questions down below in the comments let me know if you like this format let me know if you want to see more of these kind of casual explorations or if you have requests I do have a big long list of videos I'd like to record for YouTube so I am very much planning on and hoping on and expecting to do more videos soon it just may be something where I have to drop the production value a little bit in order to crank them out so that just means less editing so anyway if this raw and uncut the thing is digestible you know if you're like me maybe you watch us at 2x speed while you eat dinner or something like that but um but yeah hope you guys enjoyed it make sure you subscribe and like the video if it was at all helpful and share it with your friends if you can I really would appreciate that until next time guys happy rendering
Channel: Will Gibbons
Views: 19,874
Rating: 4.9162302 out of 5
Keywords: KeyShot, KeyShot 9, Rendering, Tutorial, How To, UV Edit, UV Unwrap, UV Tool, UV Coordinates, UV Texture, KeyShot UV, GPU
Id: va-2932p6JA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 42sec (3162 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 11 2020
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