Finally Getting the Hay Off of the Ground

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all right I will try to Brock black some of this win but this is the first field we got up yesterday it was interesting put it that way let's check it out here's Ben it's going I've already pulled 300 out of this field hundreds that's best I ever made of course it's gonna be dried up along with don't worry about it our nap [Music] please what I'm kind of that Arne Knepper our dusting sorry but yeah it's been these last two days make good falen days is tougher this time of year I just wish we would have had more couple more would have been really dry days living great [Music] I'll show you how this prayer [Music] knock that down - I'm gonna go back to rim core and see if I can't knock that thing down - one what one tip so I can get a bigger tip but it's less likely to have any issues and one that maybe broadcasts is that up the chamber is only the size of square bills before Ian's 14-inch slide so bengay fourteen inch five circle footpath with what tip they got this never made but as long as this had to lay on the ground to get where we needed it so anyway out of nowhere I picked up with elastic I had to go turn that pressure about that hydraulic breath sockets megohms look I know you'll love everything fine now they're there bill [Music] come and get it there okay like daddy grasses doing yourself graft it's great for grass but I mean would you let this stuff lay on the ground six days it's got a plea that's gonna bleach it mean the grass is still there I mean Stu got green in it but it's not what it could have been the horses moment though that's still like it and still gain later you know a life protein and and this thing takes just good Vidya my anybody else with meeting Tambor other Drive and we're leaving this spray on in the corners because I was having a little issue with one of the tip singing seem to wanna we are leaving now [Music] well it states back off behind this nation know that train comes coming out of it that's when are you Agron save them are good well that's pyramid that's pretty darn good here I'm doing that and spraying it up nicely and still all effective color any I got the other step on there Center back down in the unit [Music] but we're out of that ranges where I run it in to work out okay do is half the time again he is Ernie he's laughing at me I just added Pillman hello I got a fog light on it cuz that my to do is happenin thing I'm pretty good do in a heartbeat [Music] [Music] [Music] Viterbo back that impact out Warren they wanted 90 bucks for them this way down hand pick it up I did use them all but I've seen yeah that are skilled they always go back to this racket I just heard a story of a guy with Belle they've been out there you've been out there so many times they ended up having to get into it and I like to see that dr. Denning what you got when you got hours to get this stuff here I got a business and I realized right quick that was done never thought of that idea was Thanks some people mock I'm sorry too so many moving parts too many hands and so many things going on you've staggered the barn and how do you get it out with the cob you can't give it up because I've stacked it before a man that you'd have to spend them with a two-lap or make sure they don't - baby drags on the ground doesn't turn it I mean they cut see you use one of these toilets right here that's on the bottom you're cutting everything out blush about you know if you tell me I'll leave I mean come on leave on the bottom of the barrel come on some point you gotta this I don't know I mean I don't you know I got my way I have friends some of this sake poor guy popke do that all that cannot do it I think everything of myself [Music] [Music] I'm going to show you they're not all the same this is what this is what they were selling John Deere was so they moved it to this right here and it was actually this was cheaper anyway I'm afraid of marriage spray it should have already been sprayed that's great some but I can only spray what I've got grass off of so yep I'm for me to go back anyway
Channel: North Texas Hay
Views: 29,918
Rating: 4.953186 out of 5
Keywords: hay, cutting, mowing, baling, raking, raking and baling in one pass, horse hay, ag, agriculture, tractor, tractors, john deere 6120r, john deere hay rake, massey ferguson 1840, hay preservative, spraying, fall cutting, fall baling, how farms work, farm, farmer, farming, accumulator, fieldwork, farmwork, bales
Id: cIzQ-_tkjXI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 14sec (914 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 06 2018
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