FINALLY Back On The SAWMILL Milling PREMIUM Doug Fir Logs For Our Barn House - Building Our Own Home

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welcome back to our dream in the woods uh going to start doing some millon today uh squishing gears a little bit I'm I'm doing dual Duty um still working on the concrete and getting the foam in and rebar and that stuff ready for concrete that's happening in a few days um but in the meantime on days that I'm not working on that I'm going to try to get some millon done and so that's what I'm going to do today uh Switching gears away from the burnt logs to just the standard uh Doug fur um and going to make targeting some 6x8 by 16 Footers and these are 33t logs and most of them are just real nice and straight uh not all these all these short logs are just random logs of mine um different species so ignore those the long logs is what we're talking about so uh cut those down to 166 and uh start getting them on the mill [Music] okay got this dug F log up went ahead and debarked it it was the bark was already coming off and there was a lot of dirt in the bark so what bark was left was going to be a problem so um just took the time to um debark it it nothing like those burnt logs um this this was already off so um so then I got my 6x8 laid out there this is a level line that I drew with the level so then I'm centering the pith off the bunk so that's just a little less than 10 in there and then I don't know this has got some Gunk on here but and measuring off that line there so um besides the 6x10 I'd like to Target some more 2x6 material uh true 2x6 and so looks like I'll be able to get a board off the top and the bottom one here one here and then at least one board out here um maybe another 1 in material so um back to it feels good beautiful log uh nice and straight it is a butt log so um it's got a bell down here but we'll shave that off make it Square awesome feels good to get back to it can see maybe a very slight twist but it's just very slight so good log let's get to it [Music] all right made first two cuts so what I did is just brought the saw blade to that Mark we're headl it out and then I hit zero on this uh electronic uh lift from [Music] buyer tte and then I just went up from two inches from there so no measuring anything like that and I'm certain that this is a good 2 in thick board yeah just perfect so saves a lot of time and a lot of layout um feel happy with that so I'll take that off and then flip it 180 and get the other side squared up so going good [Music] [Music] so I'm starting to use a combination of both the scale here so I have that set at 8 and I just adjusted that so it's as perfect as I can get it so that brings me into that Mark I just made down there and then what I'll do here is uh zero that um come up my 2 in to two and then I'll make that cut and then I then what I'll do is then go back to zero here I'll be at my eight and then I'll be able to get a 2in chunk off the top so um I did fiddle with that a little bit but in the future that all should be set and uh should speed things up so two more Cuts going on [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] I [Music] [Music] I [Music] I I [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] n a [Music] [Music] all right still on this first lock got a nice 1x8 there this is a 2x8 that I need to cut down to 2x6 and so I just have a final kind of two three Cuts so I'll go down uh mark my saw 6 in then come up two and see if I can get it at 2 by 8 and another one by but I don't know if I can or not a little bit bowed there in the center but I'll just do some measurements and make sure I can squeak another one by8 out of it sure is pretty wood just Primo um just pleasure cutting this stuff after I've done a couple of Lodge poles and this is a treat so hopefully the whole deck of logs is like this just nice and straight uh small knots tight Cuts Like A Dream [Music] [Music] [Music] all right man I like seeing that just Prett near dead center pit there uh two 2 by8 that I'm going to cut down to 2x sixes just good looking stuff uh and can't really tell where the pith is here but nice and centered on this end call that good that rafter beam off and then Edge those two and then I have two more down there uh to Edge the 2x sixes and I think I'm going to leave those one by eights as is so good yield out of that log get it finished up get another one on [Music] [Music] here yeah storm rolled in out in the rain debarking this definitely worth my effort so it debarking these almost looks like I'm building a log house I mean they they debark it is some effort but um it's not nearly like trying to debark that um fire log so any I think it's worth my effort uh another nice straight log this is the other half of that first one the smaller half and so I'll try to get another uh 6 by8 out of it so get it laid out get to cutting [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] well I've finished up the second log uh another sweet uh 6x8 by 16 ft and then a 2x4 two 2x6 there 1X six and then I got two flitches that need to be edged so that'll make two more 2 by sixes so out of that one 32 footer I'll end up with let's see [Music] two seven 2x sixes and some one by one by six one by eights and then two Timbers so good looking stuff just just nice to be in good solid Doug fur again so two down uh actually have 13 of these to Mill so I got 11 left but getting to it it's nice it's good to be back back in the wood that storm blew through just got sprinkle going on now but I don't know how much rain we got in that short amount of time but it was a lot at least half inch maybe more I don't know um but just kind of show you how things are going to drain and where they're pooling I know we're not even close to having everything uh dialed in yet but uh good storm like that really tells the tale of what your drainage is going to do so and of course we think about that a lot so nice to be under the cover though just keep on Milling well here we are the next day uh a new log up here still looking for these Sixx by 8s this one's got a little bit of a banana shape to it so um I going I dry those lines on and I try to Center that pith but if need be those can be shifted from one side to the other so see how that goes I think it's worthwhile debarking those I think it took takes me 20 minutes probably to do that um and there is a lot of dirt in those bark in that bark it's these trees were harv harvested this spring and drugged through the mud so looks like the property absorbed that water from yesterday uh we had major puddles kind of everywhere um still a little bit out there but did pretty good um I'd be curious what people thought about how much when it was raining super hard how much rain we were getting per hour uh that's about as hard as rain as we get around here so anyway get to it another nice log [Music] [Music] I [Music] [Music] [Music] I [Music] [Music] I [Music] [Music] [Music] and not much for bonus material on this log um just the one two 2x6 um but I was able to Center that pith nice on the 6x8 um so just nice to be able to Target a Timber oh yeah nice and centered on both sides so happy with that that's all the firewood uh that one piece looks pretty big but it was bowed on both ends so maybe if I would have taken time I could have got a 1x six out of the Sun of it but I didn't so but someone will burn that firewood it'll go to good use so go grab another log well second log of the day this is the other half of that what I just did so this is the butt log a little bit of a flare there little straighter than the front piece nice looking log so got everything Pi all level everything laid out Chang my blade out got a new blade on there I decided I'm doing like every other one so uh I have a resharp uh I only have three brand new Ripper uh 47s is that what they called Ripper Ripper blades Ripper 47s know why I can't remember that stuff but anyway uh new blade on and looks like on this log be able to get more bonus material so let's get back to it uh this will be four Timbers out of four logs happy with that good good logs um and uh worth debarking them they are dirty have rocks in them um so worth the effort so let's get back to it [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Eric was just out and we were contemplating our moves and post concrete and such and how to build these bents and how to organize them um we have a good slab the to build them on that'll be nice uh but then uh we have to build eight of them and so do we stack them do we kind of build them in place and kind of like um jigsa around and get as many as we can um I don't know if anyone's done this before um I know Aaron at Barn geeek he Stacks them um and we might do some of that uh so anyway uh it's kind of fun thinking about uh uh the building of the vents and getting some of these timers put together so uh but anyone hav any Insider a good idea of how they've done it um let me know uh we're open for ideas I'm sure there's lots of ways to do it um and uh just looking for some help so all right I'm lining up the third cut or whatever it is here um and you kind of look down there and you're kind of wondering whether that'll make a 2x6 so what I do is look at my chart there so I'm at 13 and 3/4 of where the saw is sitting and then if you come down here [Music] so I would say no that's going to be too crowned to make a 2x6 so that changes things up so I go down an inch and then make a 1x six out of that uh as bonus material so anyway not anything too big there but uh this how I do it [Music] [Music] he [Music] well I hate to keep repeating myself but these trees are nice uh so another 6X 8 by 16 good shape uh centered pith kind of getting this stuff down so see what it looks like on this side oh yeah I like it so I ended up getting two 1X sixes and then I have some 2x6 material that I have to edge up so um yeah like having those um peeled logs are nice to have on the mill so get this one put away get those flitches up here get those edged and kind of call it a day all right this is uh started day three I just have the morning out here so I snuck out of the house tried to get out here get this another log done before I have obligations later on today um this is why I need to debark these um that's just full of dirt where they skitted them out um so some of the bark has rocks in it and anyway it it it needs to be done adds another step to this but uh it is nice bringing a nice clean log to the the mill so anyway debark this one and get it on the mill [Music] all right log number five I do have a little bit of a bow here at the last 3 ft or so um it's off this log stop not too bad but I did Orient the timber vertical versus horizontal this kind of depends but it should be no problem everything else looks great on this log just can't say enough about these logs he did call them premium and so far I just feel pretty good about them so uh fun to cut so Zip Zip Zip I'll get this one cut up get another 6 by8 that'll be number five out of this set so I only need 12 or 13 so getting it done beautiful morning birds are chirping just kind of like being out here like this so let's get to it I [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] I [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] well that's the final count there five logs five 6 by 8s looks like everything's centered real nice on those just pleased this bunch and then 2x6 and 1x6 uh all 16 foot long um it's a couple of 1 by eights in that pile but essentially it's all 6in material um just a sweet group of lumber over the last couple of days so H real happy with that and just kind of for perspective there you know taking a raw log and tur it into those uh pretty satisfying uh pretty cool uh Woodland meal you know it's a hobby meal but man it does a good job and it's definitely performing for me uh I don't think it's quite fast enough to be a business or anything like that and that's not what I'm interested in but for personal use uh that's some Quality Lumber well that was uh five of the 25 Timbers I have left to Mill so that was 20% that's pretty cool uh 20 left uh get those in the rack and get them drying and they'll be hanging in the air by the end of summer um that that's pretty cool so anyway uh great getting back on the mill for a few days here uh and these logs that I got delivered just good quality or we've kind of got it down to where uh it makes it look easy because it just seems like it is so anyway uh uh next on the agenda uh Eric and I are going to work on the slab uh starting tomorrow for the next couple days um get all the foam in uh get it to grade get the the boards up up um then Vapor Bearer and rebar I don't think we'll get all that done in the next two days but um we'll get a good start on it then we have I have three days next weekend uh before I'm ready for concrete so should have plenty of time to do that we've done it before um just have a lot more protrusions with the plumbing that was installed and uh but we'll get get after it so appreciate everyone watching you guys have a great day and we'll catch you in the next video a [Music] [Music]
Channel: Our Dream in the Woods
Views: 40,106
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: finally back on the sawmill, milling premium doug fir logs for our barn house -, building our own home, barn house, barndominium, barnhouse, milling doug fir logs, premium logs, milling premium logs, doug fir, doulas fir logs, milling logs, woodland mills, woodland mills sawmill, woodland mills hm130 max, milling, building our own house, milling timbers, milling our own lumber, north idaho, building in north idaho, building our own home in idaho, building on our own, diy, mill
Id: a_Ve3rLVchw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 43sec (2623 seconds)
Published: Fri May 31 2024
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