Final Fantasy X Story - Timeline Of Spira (Spoilers)

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Credit goes to the awesome dansg08.

I'd recommend checking out his channel, he's got some great "movie versions" of several games, including multiple final fantasies. I'd especially recommend his commentary playthrough of FFX - huge nostalgia fest for me.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/socraticpain 📅︎︎ Feb 20 2015 🗫︎ replies

Thank you so much for this link!

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Supra_ 📅︎︎ Feb 20 2015 🗫︎ replies
hey what's up everybody how's it going it's Dan's great here and your eyes don't deceive you this is a Final Fantasy 10 video coming from me which is a hopefully a nice surprise for you guys that follow the channel and I've seen my Final Fantasy 10 stuff before because obviously once I rounded off the the audio drama I thought you know this is going to be the end I'm not going to make another Final Fantasy 10 related video pretty much ever again but here I am making another one and this one's going to be a bit different and I'll explain to why I've decided to make a video like this so basically I'm heading up to the 20 million views milestone whenever I reach milestones I tend to think of potential videos I can make for them and this actually coincided with something that I came across on on the game facts forum and when this kind of happened I read this thread and it immediately was like a light bulb moment in my head and I thought I have to make a video about this so what exactly is a video about obviously you've read the title and and you know what it's about but let me explain to you a little bit further basically within the game of 5 on C 10 we have a shitload of information you know if you've watched the hundred and thirty three part walkthrough that I've done you you will see you'll hear everything that there is about this game but not everything is available to you within you know the playthrough that you do there's information that you know the developers know that you don't stuff that they've dreamt up you know stories background that kind of thing that you don't have access to within the game now whereas all this information held well obviously it's in the minds of the developers but luckily and well unluckily for most of us there's a lot of interesting information released in what's known as the ultimania guides so what are the ultimania guides they're basically they're a series of comprehensive guide books and they're published by Square Enix themselves but they user they kind of source it to another company called was it cool I think it's all bent stuff or something like that and these guys specialize in writing guide books video games now what these ultimania ins have is they pretty much contain everything that you could possibly want to know about a particular game obviously in this case 5 9 to 10 so we're talking about you know battle mechanics monster stats walkthrough secrets story related stuff that you could you know more stuff than you could possibly imagine these books are seriously comprehensive so why aren't they more of a thing you know especially amongst you know people that have a kind of fleeting interest in Final Fantasy 10 well it's because they were only ever published in Japanese and as far as I know when I type them into Google I haven't found like a full-on translation of them but why did come across was a game Paks thread in which a user called P Mach basically sat down and translated really important sections of the ultimania guide that came together to give us like a timeline and backstory for many of the protagonists in the game so this is all basically what you're about to hear in this timeline most of it is some of it is stuff that can be deduced from the game and stuff that most Final Fantasy 10 players will know but there are things in there that you can only find in the ultimania guides and it's only through P mobs translations that I was able to actually find out this information and and basically pass it on to you guys so for a lot of the information I'm about to share I'm pretty much just you know diverting it onto you guys so it's most of it is P mobs hard work unfortunately I checked P mobs profile and I think the last time she was on the forum was was on the forum was 2010 I believe so they haven't signed in since then and I haven't had a chance to reach them so they'd love to have asked them if I can you know use the translations but there's a few times and thread where people ask if they can use it in stuff and she said she was fine with it so hopefully if she ever watches this video she won't be too mad at me but while we'll do is link it in the description so you can read the entire 50 page thread and it's a massive discussion to do with everything that's discussed in Malta manias and that's where I'm going to get most of my information from so to save you guys a hassle and to try and track it down yourselves I'm to break down the timeline but Final Fantasy 10 as you may have never heard it before as I certainly hadn't heard it and if you guys assume if I fancy 10 playthrough you will know that I tend to know my stuff about 5:00 9:00 to 10:00 but there's a lot of interesting stuff to be had from this so let's get going this is the timeline of Final Fantasy 10 and if you have any questions about this or no you're not sure about any of this stuff you can feel free to ask me the comments and perhaps as a follow-up video to this I may do like a kind of in-depth video on Final Fantasy 10 regarding Q&A stuff you know stuff that is kind of mostly speculation but stuff that people want to talk about and discuss so we could do something like that but most of the answers are looking for can probably be found in that 50 page thread so either you read through that or you ask in the comments and hope that I can discuss it in a future video long time ago there were a whole lot of seasoned Spira beings with machina machines okay let's get going where does the time line start based on the ultimania and that's a lot of something to say that because pretty much everything I'm saying is based on art where it's around 3,000 years ago that's when the earliest cities in spirits start to spring up you know magic based civilizations because apparently magic is kind of the first you know power that's that's harnessed by people and obviously magic tends to be a kind of it's not everyone who's not created equally so some people are proficient at magic and some are not so even though magic is kind of the first thing that appears not much later marking the technology begins to appear and obviously it's quite appealing because Marquinho can be used by everyone whether you know you're proficient at magic or not you can put you know a gun in someone's hand and they're able to kill someone without the use of magic you know good or bad mark enough doesn't matter which kind so thanks to this marking the technology it begins to increase in popularity very quickly and we start to see mark in the cities like zanuck and springing up everywhere zanuck and bevelle and between 3,000 years ago to 1000 years ago it's it's the age of the market cities the cities that never sleep the seconds that you see in the game but I'm going to come more to that later so when I say zanuck and I'm not talking about the zelicah needs to start the game it's a I'm going to get into that little bit later on so hopefully you should this should clear up stuff about you know time travel on this business as well because people that don't know the story too well still some people still don't understand there's no time travel in this game so hopefully this timeline stuff will help to help you to understand that there is no time travel like that I thought sin just took me to a faraway place that I can go back in a day or two but a thousand years into the future no way okay so we're at about a thousand years ago you know as of you know when the game starts the the pilgrimage starts so a thousand years back in time we have two power-hungry market cities one is called bevelle and one is called Sanok and now Bevelle is more tech based they have the better marketer and their victory is assured from the start so this kind of stuff you know from the game yu yevon is the leader of Zanarkand and at the time he's just known as yeven he's not known as you Evan and this leader is Anakin realizes that because of this market a war between these two power-hungry cities he realizes that his cities in the losers war so basically summoning and and faiths and this kind of stuff existed before the advent of sin what they were used for is not fully known but the power to summon already existed because if you remember I think his Bahama's faith that says that as a summoner yeven was peerless so it means that someone did exist in some form whether they just had duties of sending the dead or maybe they could still summon fiends to going to protect certain areas so they had they did have a ons as well to protect certain areas it's unknown but what we do know is that yevon was a very powerful some enough because he knows that his city is going to perish he makes a decision that's going to alter the course of history what he decides to do is to use the remainings willing citizens of Zanic and that is still alive in order to preserve the city as a memory now how this works is you have the citizens as Anakin that are willing to participate in this thing to protect and to preserve their city so what happens is they willingly become faith and you see these guys at the top of data set there's a bit where the party questions who is it that's harnessing the power from all of these faiths and what are they summoning well the answer is Yellin is summoning his city so what he decides to do is create a dream zanarkand that's basically made up of the memories of the people who used to live there now what he does is uses all of this all of these faiths to summon the city and the city is physically located near the barge temple area so even though it's a dream you have to remember that dreams and fine fantasy 10 don't quite work the same way as they do in our world because of the whole phenomena to do with pyre flies and all this kind of stuff the oven is able to is able to create what is effectively you know it's a seemingly real city the city that we see at the beginning that Tidus lives in and all this kind of stuff is dream zanarkand so even though they are dreams they appear to be physical and physically this place is located near barge temple so a thousand years ago the evan creates dreams Anakin and he begins to to summon it I mean I guess at this point is reasonable to ask the question well then what is the point of having real people like it what is the difference between having something that's real and something that sir that summoned that's that's basically an a on well I guess the main difference is the fact that you have to have someone to summon it in the first place so what it means is that Aeons are not able to exist unless there is a there is a faith that is that is lending there they dream there their power to it and someone that is there to summon them so if if there's someone will stop summoning and the faith stop dreaming then you know this whole thing cannot exist so that is one of the main ways in which they differ from from real people in this case now to protect his city for eternity heaven needs to make an armor he needs to make something that will help protect the city what he does using the the remainder of his powers is to create an unholy armor known as sin this is very important so sin it's not a fiend it's it's officially it's a this view heavens honor and its sole purpose is to is to protect the city so while the faith continues to dream and continue to summon the city and you haven't continues to some of the city sin is there to protect it so anyone anyone from outside is not allowed insides Anakin so Xena can basically dreams elegant because this is a bubble within spirit that no one ever finds out about all they know all the you know the rest of the people know so that people from Bevelle from thousand years ago they know of sin so as a result this great mark in a war sin is created and dream zanarkand is also created now sin being as being a result of this war wipes out all of the marking the cities from around because obviously it's filled with you know the content of a yeven and also it doesn't want cities to become large enough and technologically advanced enough to to be able to find and destroy the streams Anakin so in order to protect your ends Anakin that wipes out all of the marking of cities so yeah as I said the the people that were left behind unaware of dreams Anakin's presence they only believe that sin is is the result of Yemen's wrath that's basically what they believe and this is important for what's going to happen later on the story so we're still at a thousand years ago we're still in that part of the timeline because it's so critical to the rest of the events we're going to spend a lot of time back at thousand years ago now a thousand years ago this the Summoner Yemen had a daughter and her name was lady yunalesca she was also a summoner and back in those days summoners I believe based on the speculation I read according to what P mocks written all this kind of stuff they protect they exist to protect their villages their towns and the cities with their ability to summon Aeons and they were faith back then that would allow them to do this and it's believed that zanuck and originally had the kind of secret techniques that would allow them to summon it was something that was special to zanuck and but as time went on the the rest of Spirit came to understand these techniques and it's the temples they eventually also had the keep wanting to say technology the technique to be able to create faiths so lady yunalesca and her husband Lord Zion they survive so they don't become part of this this faith that summoned dreams anaconda so zanuck and the reels Anakin gets wiped out and yunalesca insane on survived now yunalesca realizes that if there if the bond between the Summoner and the person that they're turning into a faith is strong enough they will be able to create an A on that strong enough to defeat the sin that has been created that is effectively being created by her father just a quick note it says based on what I've read that yunalesca is fundamentally aware that the final summoning will not be you know a cure for the problem so I think she knows that even though she's able to defeat sin that whoever will will not be able to be killed and I don't think she knows how to actually kill you Yemen so that's what it says apparently in the ultimania there that even though she does defeat sin she's the first one to do so she knows it will not fundamentally solve the problem so leading yunalesca along with her husband or Lord Seong they are the first pair that kind of come together to conquer sin a thousand years ago once sin is conquered for the first time yunalesca dies as a result so because what sin does as we know from the game is possesses the Aeon that conquers its r1 sir the outer shell of sin is destroyed you heaven is still alive within sin and it possesses the Aeon that defeats that outer shell it becomes one with it and it transforms into the next sin now when this process happens and you haven't possesses the a on the bond between the final Aeon and the Summoner is so strong that the Summoner cannot survive this process and dies as a result so yunalesca dies when she defeats sin when she becomes the first person to defeat sin but she becomes an unsent because of a extremely strong attachment to spirit and wanting to protect Spira and possibly this is down to speculation - perhaps protect her father and the dream city that and the city that's used to live in she decides to stay on Inspira and help people in the future that want to obtain the final Aeon so she dedicates the rest of her time on spirit to that because I guess you could say that that creates like a win-win situation for her so on the one hand she was able to give the people hope that sin can be defeated by allowing them to and helping them to obtain the final Aeon but at the same time she gets to preserve you yeven and dream zanarkand so there's no kind of clean cut on to this answer to this it's it's up to speculation but I guess it's a little bit of both she has kind of a mixed perspective on what she's doing and how she's enabling people to defeat sin it's a bit about she wants to protect the city as well and her father's name but she also wants to give the people hope and give them something to fight for against sin because she knows you even can't really be defeated in our own mind so because of how you Evan works and how it possesses the day on the defeats in sin always begins first of all being small and vulnerable and not kind of the cinder the space whale sin that we see throughout most of Final Fantasy 10 now because it's a week at the beginning sin momentarily is not to be seen around spera so once lady yunalesca defeats it sin is nowhere to be found for a short time and obviously this period becomes known as the calm so obviously at first it was believed that sin was destroyed by your lesser completely but not you know not too long after Sinha makes a reappearance so after you heaven has finished forming the new sin out of Zions final aeon the second sin appears now during this calm period they try to rebuild the mark inner cities and they try to bring them back to their former prosperity but sin reappears for a second time and this time destroys the machina cities once again and spirit is an absolute ruins as a result of this now the people that remain as a result of this whole marking us that they come to understand that machina may be the reason for this whole you know sin coming and destroying everything and it's you know sin as a is the result of everything that happened during the war which is you know partially correct but they don't understand the whole idea of dream zanarkand being summoned as they're not aware of that so because of sin destroying all of these cities and all of the machina the temple becomes established not soon after this time so the temple base their teachings around the worship of heaven and an abolishing machina and it gains popularity so it incorporates the idea that sin as a punishment for people's sins and they spread the word about it and you know say that the only way of creating any kind of long lasting peace is for everyone to atone for their sins and they teach that you know if you want any kind of hope you know from this from this from the spiral of death from this sin that's going to keep on reappearing and destroying everyone there needs to be a summoner that can conquer sin to give us to calm but to ultimately destroy sin we you know as a people have to atone for all of our sins now the temples effectively use this as an excuse to shift the blame you know on to the masses and it is a way for for the temple to control the Hey so if they can make everyone focus on you know atoning for their sins as it were and all of this hope that's created by someone's it's so it's a good way to to control an entire population so even though yeven doesn't truly know how to defeat sin because I'm talking about you know the urban temple not even the person because the temple you know the religion doesn't know how to actually defeat sin all it can come up with is you know something that they know partially works which is the whole summoning stuff and the idea of atoning for their sins because they believe that sin is like a result of almost a karma like effect in which the power-hungry nosov the of the mark inner-cities was a know was why sin was created and always see this creates a way for them to indoctrinate the masses so it works it works in their favor so a thousand years ago a lot of happens and the foundations are laid for for what we're going to see during the game bear in mind they have made no mention of Titus yet so you know this whole you know tide is going a thousand years into the future all this business no it doesn't happen Titus it hasn't hasn't been born yet and he's not going to be born for another nine hundred eighty-three years we're still a thousand years back in time so all of this stuff happens there sin is born destroys everything the temple starts to gain some momentum lady yunalesca is the first person to defeat sin and she hangs around in spirit as I'm sent to help future generations obtain the final Aeon and also to defeat sin to keep this you know spiral of hope going that's what she sees as you know she sees it as there's no way to truly defeat new yevon so we can do is just have these momentary you know periods of peace you know and calm and so that's why she remains on Inspira so that's how things are a thousand years ago and then approximately eight hundred years ago Lord me hen founds the Crimson blades later to be known as the Crusaders and heads to Bevelle to push for entry into the Evan temple they want to be you know part of the the temple and an interesting bit of information again this stuff I'm literally just reading off what offer the chemos translations and it says me hen founds the Crusaders monster read in the comments so that ancient monster arena that we have in the Commons at eight hundred years old and founded by me hen okay jump forwards approximately 700 years ago so during this 300 year period sin is still wreaking havoc and stopping you know populations from getting out of hand it's like you know population control of the most beautiful kind so 700 years ago this is an interesting little tidbit the Yemen priest Omega is executed by the temples for the sin of treason so Omega ruins as an optional area in five out of ten and it talks about the traitor Omega being sent there so his eleven priests was originally even priests and he's executed by the temples now you have to remember that for 300 years no one has defeated sin but the temple is teaching us about this atonement and summoner's being able to give us the calm all this kind of stuff but no one's been able to achieve it 300 years so you know the the state of the temples is probably not as good as they want it to be people aren't quite you know they're not believing as strongly as they used to about what's going on and obviously to keep a you know to keep people in check they probably send people like Omega you know they execute people like Omega in order to make a statement so the heavy hand of yebin ends up claiming omega now approximately 500 years ago don't know why they've got this information here but it says the Meehan high road is the old high road is destroyed by sin and the new road is built that's all they've got from that all right 400 years ago we have a man named Gandalf who is a summoner I believe that by this time we have like a pilgrimage thing going on but because the the temples are well established now so since the advent of the temples 600 years ago he is the first person in spear in history to defeat sin using the final summoning and become a high summer so if you think about it this is the first time that the story that the temple serveth woven is given any kind of credibility because there is the first calm in history that was created after the formation of the temples so yeah with this newfound quite ability heaven goes to new strengths so yes the first the first calm since you know less was one forms 400 years ago so for for hunt for 600 years no one is able to defeat sin sospiro probably stays very primitive up until that time so obviously the calm lasts for a short period of time and then a third sin appears with Gandalf final Aeon at its core move forward to 230 years ago and what some enero Holland a formed blitz will player defeats in with his final summoning and becomes a high summoner so the first time it was 400 years ago there was 230 so this time sins around for approximately 170 years wreaking havoc then obviously the full sin appears after that after that calm then approximately 100 years ago lady Jochen who we hear about in the Sanok and dome defeats in the her phone or something becomes a nice summoner and then the fifth sim appears with the yoke and finally on at its core fifty years ago Lord Micah becomes Grandmaster of Yemen and as we know he's a son sent to but we don't have any information about the the actual time of his death so we don't know during which point in his in his reign that he actually dies and decides to carry on a sunset very important information 35 years ago Orin is born now those of you guys that don't know the game - well we'll remember that Orin first appears in dreams Anakin alongside Titus remember I said the dream zanarkand exists physically and has existed for a thousand years when we're at the beginning of the game so the Orang that we see in dream zanarkand is not actually born in dreams anakin he's born in spirit now since there's a line in again - explicitly states there I mean this is a groundbreaking information but it's just important to point out and also remember he does not do any time-traveling to get to dreams Anakin now 28 years ago seymour guado is born - just called wardo and a human woman obviously most of the stuff we know from the game 25 years ago jessica becomes leader of the guado and spreads the evans teachings to the tribe kimahri ronso was born 23 years ago Walker is born and then they they specifically include this information the pass aid or ops lose in the first round of the blitzball torment Luca the stars a 23 year losing streak 22 years ago Luda was born approximately 20 years ago it says that internal discord intensifies within the guado tribe Geist school prevents disunity in the guado by banishing his wife and child to barge so that's that's quite an important piece of information so just will actually banishes his wife and child because of the whole problem between you know humans and guardo's coming together type thing there's still not something that they want and they're still unrest now approximately around this time sin kills Walker and Chavez parents in an attack on the side now there's actually sections of the ultimania that individually they're like a they're about page long and they tell the story of each of the carrot and even though I'm not going to go into any kind of big detail on his because I think there are they're a separate video of themselves Walker it says that Walker is obviously left alone with his baby brother and he's already no answer he's like two or three years old himself and obviously they left alone and beside without any parents and you know can you imagine the feeling of having both of your parents taken away by sin and he's extremely lonely and you know it's a tough kind of environment for him to be but apparently they are raised by now obviously the people of the state but the people have beside in general they are very devout followers of Yemen and this is why Walker is so sympathetic towards the Evan and this is why he ends up being so attached to the Evan because of you know his childhood and the and the people that raised him so he sees them being there and being able to raise him by them as a blessing so it kind of obviously you know when you talk about people having psychological issues they always say you need to look at someone's childhood to understand why they are the way they are and I think the reason for work is extreme kind of the Evan ISM is because of what he's gone through as a child in the environment in which he's been raised so yeah that's about 20 years ago 18 years ago Walker begins playing blitzball at the age of five I think he says that line specifically in the game now again we this is stuff that's from the game aware of her impending death Seymour's mother travels to the zanarkand ruins along with her son and becomes a faith to Seymour's final aeon anima so if you remember Seymour's mother if you ever visited the chamber of the faith later on she mentions how because of H I think it's mentioned there's an akan dome as well she talks about how because obviously you know just his son has been rejected you know from from his tribe because of the whole you know his he's a mixed-race child between a human and aguado she thinks that the only way to have this child be accepted in society is for for him to actually be able to defeat sin and for this purpose she heads to yunalesca and tries to become a final aeon for Seymour to be able to defeat sin and to be accepted by the people that Seymour refuses to accept his mother's power and it returns to bars so the two of them continued to be there it says here in brackets I don't know if this is P mark speculation or if it's from the ultimania it says Seymour's mother knows of the mechanics of the final something through Jessica it just thought that the guado possessed around yet it must be from the Ultima it is thought that the guado possessed their own records which tell of the sealed histories and fragments furthermore appears that just--all is aware of Siemens mother going to the sauna congruence privately supports it so that's quite interesting okay so before we move on also eighteen years ago this is also around the time when Braska meets Nina's mother who is an Al Bhed so this is the reason why he his career prospects are kind of dwindled because he ends up wedding an hour bed woman and obviously Sid and a new his mother also fall out as well so eighteen years ago this happens then seventeen years ago again it's going to be important so pay attention those who guys that aren't too in sync with story seventeen years ago we are in dream zanarkand so it's been a thousand years since since Dreamz Anakin was created around a thousand years ago since since it was created by yu yevon and all of the faith that are there summing it now the city exists independently of spirit and sin made sure that no one has any outside ties with rest of the world so sin to make sure that no one from dreams anakin gets out and make sure that no one from outside tries to get in so this is a my own speculation here so even though dreams Anakin has existed for a thousand years i don't think it's two different mainly because it's being summoned by the faith who i guess only have you know a certain capacity you know they only have certain memories of the city so it's kind of unchanging in that respect there's only a certain level of spontaneity you know of things that can appear and things that can change so i guess even though generations continue to be born and died in dream zanarkand it always retains a level of similarity with with what was there before so based on that logic this people who know about finances tend to again there's gonna be spoilers to that game now the speculation that tie this is like a is a descendant of Xiu Yin because Xiu Yin truly did live in Zanic and a thousand years ago so maybe he was created in dreams Anakin and you know other people's memories of him created as shuyin person in dreams Anakin 1000 years ago and ty this is like a descendent from him and that's why he has a resemblance to shoo him so here we are in dream zanarkand nine hundred eighty-three years after you heaven begins to summon it and now ty this is born so please this is a this is really important tie this is born in dream zanarkand but he is born at the same time the same year that Yoona is the only difference is Titus is born in dreams Anakin that's inside this bubble near barge temple and Yoona is born outside in Spira so that's that's really important to note because that that quashes any kind of you know time travel stuff titus wasn't born he was born 17 years ago as of the start of the game okay let's continue 13 years ago while heading home to the Al Bhed by ship you his mother was killed by sin so Yunus mother was killed when she's four Braska makes a firm decision to become a summoner and we come to another critical time period 10 years ago Walker joins Abbess a dog that's the most critical of them all before becoming brasses Guardian Orin who's in spirit of course refuses a marriage proposal offered to invite us by a senior official and I think this is discussed in a sphere that you can obtain so it's optional but you do hear something about this and because he he refuses this this girl's hand he's denied a part of a successful career and it's after this that he becomes a brasses Guardian because they're kind of both misfits in that sense so again we're in dreams anak and it's ten years ago jekt is a man who was born in dream zanarkand just like ty this is just another resident of dream zanarkand now while he's out training for blitzball he's out at sea training jack touches v sin so the synthesis that's in existence at the time jecht ends up coming into contact with this sin now i don't believe i read anywhere i've read anywhere what exactly happens here is it just is it just dumb luck or deject somehow seek sin or does sin tried to find him or anything like that I don't think it's explained all it says that he comes into contact with sin and as a result he's transported to Spira so maybe this has happened to other citizens of dreams Anakin before like sinners somehow transported them to spirit before but jecht is the first one that we know about that I'm not too sure about this is all speculation at this point but all we know is that 10 years ago checked is the first person to make the transition from dream zanarkand into Spira so he's able to escape that bubble thanks to sin so he writes in out there and the reason he can do that is because he is a dream in the first place from what I've read from what I've read from Piemonte translations to be able to go inside or outside of dreams Anakin do you have to ride sin as it were since sin is the gatekeeper and to be able to ride sin in this way you have to either be made entirely of pie of lies so this basically means you have to be summoned because we know Titus is being summoned and we know the jekt is being summoned because they live within dream zanarkand which in itself is you know a city that has been summoned by faith so they can make the transition in and out or you have to be unsent so that's the criteria to be able to do it so that is how checked is able to come to spirit okay so after jet comes to Spira the the warrior monk Oran is the guardian of summer Nebraska now braska and Orin meet jekt when he's imprisoned in in Bevelle and braska decides to make him his second guardian and again the reason for this is because he finds him interesting and the whole you know he wants to create a band of misfits type thing and the three of them leave on a pilgrimage to obtain the final summoning again because I'm not going in too deep into story we're just doing timeline stuff here I'm going to keep moving on and again ten years ago some Nebraska defeats in using checks as the final faith for his final summoning and he becomes a high summoner so we know that ties his father becomes the faith for the final summoning and ends up becoming the sin that we that we encounter within the game so ten years ago jekt becomes sin now brass was calm occurs after this but Orin is obviously torn up about this whole thing because he doesn't know he feels that their whole effort is futile because of the whole you know he believed that there might have been another way to defeat sin and they learned that sins going to keep coming back and all this kind of stuff so when sin returns obviously or and he can't take it and he's filled in grief over what's happened so as a result he challenges yunalesca and as we see in the little kind of memory thing that you have in the game you unless who kills him around this time Kumari the young Kumari who lives in a a Gazette he has his home broken biberon and he leaves gagazet because he's unable to bear the shame because for them it's a it's a few simple of strength and if you know a guess of you know run so good so if you have your your horn broken and I guess manly because I think only males have horns it definitely only males have horns so obviously you can't bear the shame and he leaves the mountain so Kumari leaves the mountain and Oran is mortally wounded now the two of them end up meeting in bevelle and just before he dies for an entrust unit of Kumari because of the promise that makes the rest that it's going to look after his child and after he entrusted unit of Kumari Oran passes away and becomes an unsent why does it become an unsent very briefly is but the citizen of his attachment to spirit so that's one of the main criteria for being an unsent if you have unfinished business and you have a strong emotion that ties you onto this world you don't move on to the far plane and obviously a few people are going to have stronger reasons to remain in spirit Oran so with the arrival of the brasses calm the guardo's internal discord subsides and because because this happens Seymour's exile is revoked and he returns to guardo salaam and he assists his father as a priest and after that Kumari brings unity same village now during this time Oran also makes a promise to checked and again this can be seen in their memories and the conversation they had together checked asked him to look after his son and by this time checked you know obviously Oran doesn't understand what dreams Anakin is he has no idea all he knows is that ejected from place was Anakin but he has no idea how to reach it so remember they have that conversation like how would I get there and Jack says I'll find a way so he's made the promise to protect Jack's son but you know he's existing in spiro and he's unable to get to dreams Anakin but checked is now at the core of sin so since his final aeon since brassicas final aeon became the new sin Jack's soul is at the core of this is at the core of this sin and because sin is still new he retains some level of control over it and because of this he's able to transform Oran to dreams Anakin obviously once Jack becomes sin I assume that he learns of sins purpose for existing and in learns of dreams Anakin and all this kind of stuff and he realizes that he's able to he could potentially transport orang2 dreams Anakin and because all his unsent that's why he can make the journey and through through jecht who is now sin Warren makes the jump to dreams Anakin I reckon this is my own speculation at this point if you remember jack says that he's going to come up with a plan to to end the cycle forever and I think he sends Orrin to as Anakin specifically with the intention of bringing him back ten years later with titus in order to in order to kill him and by extension new yevon to break the chain so yes ten years ago oran moves to dreams anakin to look to watch over titus so he's not regionally from there nine years ago just schooled the leader of the guardo and calculus was run so become maces of the oven in dream zanarkand so again remember we've moved to dreams Anakin right now ties his mother dies from brokenhearted rejects death so obviously in dreams Anakin he just disappears no one has any idea what's happened to him they assume is dead then sometime around nine years ago the sixth sin with jecht at its core appears publicly for the first time three years ago when King OTT becomes a master of Yemen Seymour assumes the post of high priest of Makkah Vanya temple at Micah's nomination he secretly travels to the Zanarkand ruins to acquire anima so remember he refuses enemas power when he's a child and he returns there because he knows that animal can be useful to him now he transports the statue to barge but if you remember we have to go to barge temple in order to get anima and he seals up there Seymour revisits barge many times it's around this time they makes the firm decision to carry out his evil plan two years ago unit begins training as apprentice summoner lulu serves as a guardian to summon again who dies on her first pilgrimage lulu returns to the seed one year ago lulu becomes a guardian for summoner Zook walker also promises to become Zeus guardian after the blissful torrent the Crusaders carry out a daring defense operation of the Jersey Shore Chappell is killed as a result Lulu and walk and leave on a pilgrimage Duke's Guardians and titus makes his debut for the Zanic and aids in dreams anak and around six months ago from the start the game zu quits his pilgrimage with calm plans Lulu and what her return to the siege and right before the game just who dies his son Seymour assumes leadership of the guado as well as the mantle of maester of Yellin so in the present time so imagine the start of the game now the first FMB we see tires his dreams Anakin get attacked so again remember gonna make this clear one more time what we see at the beginning of the game there's Anakin that Titus is in is dreams Anakin and it's also the present time now you might be thinking why would sin attack dreams Anakin because that's that's kind of opposite to what it should do well my speculation is that is purely due to two jex own will if it was up to you you haven't checked you know sin wouldn't be attacking dreams Anakin but he attacks dreams Anakin with the intention of extracting Titus and Orin from there so that he could bring them to spirit and set them on a course to eventually kill him so yeah even though it's normally not something that sin would do I think Jax will answer it's important that okay so that is the timeline of events leading up to so what you see in the main game so there might be some holes in it there might be some things that you might want to worry about this or what about this all I can do is give you the information that I've been able to find from P mobs translations and I think what what she has is pretty much whatever is in the ultimania guide so anything beyond this that's not talked about specifically in terms of timeline is most likely not discussed anywhere officially and we can only speculate ourselves so basically my main reason for making this is because I wanted people to understand that there's no time travel because there's still people especially if they've only played it once and you know they weren't fully in sync with the story that will that will not understand the idea of dream zanarkand existing as a physical entity with Inspira and existing in the same timeline as the rest of the game like in parallel with everything else is going on in spirit again I mean you could ask the question of how it's possible barber blood that's not what we're going into all I want to make sure is that people understand that there's no time travel involved and just what the true timeline of sanic and is according to the developers so yeah that's it that is the timeline aside from the timeline p mark has translated a lot of other stuff but there's also a lot of stuff that's still going on untranslated I mean there is not a definitive you know full-on guide of translations in a one-for-one word for word but it's pretty interesting stuff pretty interesting information so as a result of this video if you have any deeper questions about the story or the timeline of 510 I'd be happy to discuss it with you what I would recommend you do is to look through that 50 page thread with pirogues translations in it there's there some seriously good stuff being discussed there and some really good information you know some of the stuff that I haven't touched on because I want to keep it focused on the timeline and not about individual people's stories but yeah if you if you can't bother to read through that and you want to know more and you have some deep questions about five pounds of ten I'll do my best to answer them post them in the comments and I might make a follow-up video to this where I'll again with the help of p-muls translations from the alte manias I would try to give you guys some of the more in-depth and slightly more gray area speculative information about the story okay thank you guys for watching I hope this was informative I hope it taught you something about the game that you didn't know before and I may or may not see you in another video of this kind in the future as watching guys take care you
Channel: Dansg08
Views: 384,477
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Keywords: ffx timeline, final fantasy x timeline, final fantasy x story, final fantasy x analysis, final fantasy x yu yevon story, what is dream zanarkand, final fantasy x story explanation, ffx tidus story, ffx auron story, ffx yunalesca story, ffx spira history, ffx what are pyreflies, ffx what is the dream of the fayth, ffx plot, ffx review, final fantasy x review, dansg08 ffx, dansg08 final fantasy x, ffx ultimania guide, ffx ultimania translation, the story of ffx
Id: Nv6IwMqf0NQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 19sec (2599 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 20 2015
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