Final Fantasy VII : 100% Speedrun in 15:01:24 (WR)
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Channel: XeroKynos
Views: 342,153
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: twitch,, final fantasy, final, fantasy, final fantasy 7, final fantasy vii, ff, ff7, ffvii, speedrun, speed run, speed-run, run, Final Fantasy VII (Video Game), Final Fantasy (video Game), TAS, SDA, ruby, emerald, weapon, weapons, ruby weapon, emerald weapon, ultimate, ultima, ultimate weapon, ultima weapon, ff7 speedrun, ff7 run, 100, 100%, completion, 100% run, 100% speedrun, longplay, long play, playthrough, ff7 longplay
Id: 6l9RMFEnQy8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 919min 13sec (55153 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 30 2015
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