Filmmaker reacts to The Thin Red Line (1998) for the FIRST TIME!

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it just keeps going it just keeps going yo yo yo yo what's up everybody welcome back to another movie reaction and commentary today we're gonna be hopping into the thin red line this movie i started noticing after i've done multiple war films like hacksaw ridge saving private ryan uh what else did we do we did uh uh the freaking we did so many movies i don't need apocalypse now uh what else do we do platoon there were so many war films that we've watched and this has always been brought up and it finally made its way to the poll and uh here we are we are finally going to be watching the thin red line for the very first time and i'm interested in seeing how this stacks up against you know it's i'm not going to say competition but um you know similar works uh towards like you know this style of filmmaking this genre of filmmaking such as like apocalypse now um and uh platoon etc now that doesn't mean that i'm gonna kind of compare each other because i don't think that's truly fair i think every film has its own way of going about its story but don't be you know don't be surprised if i pull similarities that i feel as though actually strengthens the film or maybe differentiates the film uh rather than you know stacking them up against each other i think oh things like this there is no need for something like that um each film is different in their own way and i think that's a beautiful thing about it so i'm excited to kind of jump into the thin red line for those of you who you know don't know yeah i'm in a different location as of right now i decided to uh go and spend some time in colorado for kind of like more like my mental health and for my birthday as well too and i've just been you know really loving and cherishing that moment so i don't know any advice for you guys i just want to recommend that you look out for yourselves and if you're able to definitely take a trip for yourself it's beneficial for your mind right so like always guys i just want to say thank you so much for the support again if you want to support the channel the best way to do that is to patreon you guys already know the drill with that however if you don't want to do the patreon you can still support the channel by leaving a like comment and subscribe sharing it as well if that is something that you want to do and at the very very very least something that i you know just just recommend anybody doing you don't have to do the patreon you don't have to even like comment that's just if you would like to you don't have to do that at the bare minimum i want you to just sit back relax maybe you got done a long shift just kind of just you know get cozy as we hop right into the thin red line again guys if you want to be able to see everything that there is to this film definitely check out the patreon link below i am watching this on youtube so far my full-length people that's the best way to sync it [Music] damn talk about a way to open up a film right that was immersive damn that was a crazy score i gotta say like you know i'm not sure what type of war this is going to depict if it's relatable to like you know nam uh vietnam war but i really do appreciate just the connection of the jungle the connection of nature with some of these psychological um war films i think that is a beautiful way to kind of connect with two very abstract and difficult gray themes wow that's beautiful that is beautiful that's really beautiful i love how this is shot right now especially with the soundtrack there's something really majestic about it very innocent contrary to the alligator we saw at the beginning um that was a very interesting shot right there all right everyone it's kind of like with their child and he's kind of isolated so far this film the way it's shot and how it's choosing to show what we're seeing it reminds me of um uh uh oh man what is that russian film come come see come and see there's a lot of abstract shots very intense artistic angles because that's a glint of surrealism you can't take straight duty in my company you'll never be a real soldier not in god's world wow i don't know if you guys can hear it but i can hear it with you know my headphones the audio because they're on a ship or a submarine it's like bouncing and echoing that's crazy it was tripping me out because it sounds like ambiance all the fighting's confined to this area as you can see this is their road to australia and this is their way of conducting wow john travolta now if we're going to stop the job damn i wasn't expecting that marines have done their job now it's our turn he definitely has the jaw of a military leader that's for sure myself for them my family whoa is this film like gonna be taking different people's story lines because this is an entirely different narrator now i'll wait for you there on the other side of the dark waters the way this is being put together is like a mosaic it's just so immersive like i'm getting hit from all fronts like the audio the acting the sound design you know the color of this film oh my goodness it's owen wilson i'm joking guys i know it's woody harrelson all right i'm not going to make that same mistake all right damn i didn't see sir they got fish i live in trees damn wow oh my god that shot that shot was intense you see what i mean by when i am now gonna like relate that to come and see you know the russian film there were shots like that where they just held it right on a character's face and i love that man that was that was very impactful again the the the the collaboration with these nature shots and the soldiers moving along with these nature shots is just phenomenal like wow some of these shots are just absolutely incredible frames god that's gruesome to look at my goodness all faces of the same man one big self now that i think about he actually sounds like the guy from hacksaw ridge he he kind of sounds like him his most definitely that accent he sounds like he has like the same philosophy as him as well like he just choose to rather not fight about water water is not getting up here my men are passing out sir all the time you worry about the soldiers when he stops bitching i mean he was he was trying to make a a pretty clear objective you know never mind wow that shot was so good that shot was so good oh my goodness they didn't show the enemy but you could see it move that was good that's a lot of explosions that that is i would not want to be in that i will say far away from all of that it just keeps going it just keeps going yo that is such a great shot man wow like i probably saw like a broken record but do you guys see how this camera movement is going like and then all of them just kind of like slowly rising from the high grass that was beautiful that reminded me of um roger deacon shot in sicario when all the special forces came out of the shadows that was awesome oh wow oh my goodness oh he probably feels that too that yeah they got shot so quickly oh my goodness i was probably i was expecting it but not that quick wow it's just so crazy that people are losing their lives just in a on a land that looks so beautiful like it's just weird wow not even five seconds after that just chaos you're still alive [Music] keep moving keep moving magnificent oh my goodness wow not i keep forgetting that like like there's like rattlesnakes out here like ones that will actually legit kill you if they bite you god this is this is this is a beautiful film man that isn't that crazy to see like a birth of a of a bird and then in the background there's just explosions just happening the explosion is the soundtrack like that's intense i got him i got him yikes oh god i don't know if you want to be yelling that out loud i'm also really happy that this film is being patient with us or i'm pay or at least for me i'm patient for the film like i'm happy there are you know handling the action pretty well respectfully too no oh my goodness oh my goodness you gotta be kidding me that's yo it's even scary because we don't see it we don't see it oh god that's crazy he was just so calm and collected and then bow just one mistake did that that's scary man um i think that's the one thing i love about this film as well just they they are giving proper time to things you know sometimes you know with films there's like the pacing you know pacing is such a difficult thing but i feel like they are giving such a great amount of time towards certain scenes and in order for you to truly fill them i lost all 12. i lost all 12. wow that's scary bro that's scary his mind is snapped dude oh no that's scary man [ __ ] orders and i'll resign my rating so fast leave you here to run this busted up outfit by yourself wow you understand wow he said i don't need your acknowledgement man i'm over the [ __ ] by the flank to the ridge then you get that second platoon you move them over to the hill how do you press the center go straight up that goddamn hill jeez god man he is going off right now he's absolutely going off sir i must tell you that i refuse to pay your order whoa whoa oh my god look homie is in disbelief that's the thing as well too man like these guys like they're not they're not like bread warriors man like they're people who were drafted like he like the commander is a lawyer he's a lawyer we got this kid who looks like 14 like it's insane i don't know like i look back and it's just like i i see things i can't believe that we we did things like that man like we really did that that's really unfortunate man no one should have to go through this especially against the will i was very smart that was smart because now you can actually locate them you're smart you take care of yourself there's nothing you can do for anybody else just running into a burning house nobody can be i gotta say for some reason i really love these two i love that these two are together because in a weird way they know that they don't like each other but they don't hate each other like they're still cool and in that they find respect for one another i think it's because they're true to themselves perhaps i don't know i just like whenever they interact she's like dude you can say all that but i'm still gonna you know stay true to my morals man keep saying that i think that's why i like those two how come they all have to die i can stand right here i can stand right up and nothing happens to me i i he he reminds me of bill burr all right i said it guys damn he just reminds me of billboard the way he was just yelling you guys can let me know if you agree with this but i feel like this film did a and this is a personal opinion you know i feel like this film in a way added on to what i believe 1917 was trying to do because the reason for why they did the one take was to kind of like let us live throughout this this giant journey of these two soldiers however for some reason like this film is giving off that same if not more of those vibes and i think it is more so because of the camera movement and how steady it is and how just formulaic and almost almost just orchestrated it is it's it's interesting it just floats and it just the way that it just carries us throughout this entire journey is just something i've never really seen before awesome good shooting right there he definitely saved him he definitely saved them what is he about to do wow holy crap this dude's going commando right now oh my goodness this guy just performed x games olympics just like out of nowhere wow yo these guys are holding it down oh my goodness that was such an incredible shot right there of them holding it down right there that was incredible i can't believe what i just witnessed they actually did that holy crap like they battle filled that they all need to go home after that like if i were them i if i saw them do that i would get them the fastest express helicopter out of there people who have never met each other they have no correlation with one another but here they are like shooting at each other ending each other's lives war is batshit crazy man i think what this is showing is that they are just like them they are they are literally just like them pass out why the hell they'll just have to pass out all right they could uh you know they could die from it that's what i'm saying like they can they can like get get your men some water bro like what the hell is wrong with you man just get them water like i don't understand do you imagine your sufferings will be less because you loved goodness wow the fact that they have his dialogue on this shot is just that's heavy this soundtrack is i love it wow i need to get a hold of whatever's playing right now guys this is top tier camera movement like i i can't even describe it do you guys understand why i'm saying that it reminds me of 1917 [Music] oh my goodness yeah yeah this film is next level man and that score oh my god that score is just incredible ralph's gonna make that flanking move watching out for us yeah man you you saved a lot of people with that procedure a hundred percent [Music] who lit this flame in us i love how he's saying the same thing about love and what he said about evil just saying like you know where did it come from what's the root of it all these questions we don't have answers to but here we are i was a prisoner you sent me prisoners within that weird gray middle of that only left to just witness i hope i'm not reading too much into it but is she cheating on him is that what just happened is that is that what's happening was that like implied again i don't want to get that you know incorrect i've met an air force captain i've fallen in love with him yikes oh my god wow oh god that's that's terrible that's terrible that's so terrible i know but i'm asking you anyway out of the memory of what we had together how do you expect him to answer that what that's that's not cool man it's the only thing that kept him going how do we lose the good that was given us wow that's wow that that was that was that was so good to see uh that shot was incredible man you still believing in the beautiful light are you how do you do that you're a magician to me yeah i think that's why you you find them so fascinating i think that's why you find each other so fascinating again the combination of nature with you know the violence of war is just something that i really enjoy seeing together i think they are interesting parallels with one another five five where's with come on homie go after him bro go after him that's your boy this guy wick man yo he is such a badass man oh my goodness like he really does remind me of um of uh the guy in um hacksaw ridge damn man damn it dude damn it everything a lie any man in an outfit of mine can get as drunk as he wants to every night everything you hear everything you see oh my goodness is that george clooney i could just tell by the back of his head is that george clooney watch yeah i could just tell the back of his head man i've seen enough films with him in it now that i i could just i could just know the features of the same base this this is this is a gorgeous film man this is a beautifully shot film it just makes it that much more impactful for when the narration is over this it's just extremely poetic all right everybody and that is the end of the thin red line all right everybody we just got done watching the thin red line this was a long watch this was definitely a long watch but every every step of the way this was a journey to remember i mean there were so many themes and in some cases if not most of them this film feels like there's multiple films going on but they all have this very organic bridge between each story and it's interesting i feel like this is the one film where this is more artistic this is more open-ended and this allows for a lot more interpretation not to say that the other films did not however this one the thin red line just comes across as so much more poetic in its way of storytelling and that allows for me to just you know really analyze and reflect a lot of the themes that are happening here with a mirror and kind of ask myself some of the questions that the people in this film are asking themselves or each other and i gotta stay i gotta think this film man like it's really beautiful it's such a beautiful experience and it's difficult but i think it's one that is uh rewarding after it's viewing so you guys let me know what your favorite part were was about this film my favorite was definitely the cinematography hands down cinematography was just immense it was just too crazy i loved it i loved it i loved that camera movement was next level but like always guys i love y'all i hope you guys are good stay safe stay hydrated because we are just getting started purple jacket pocket full of wheat everything that i should ever need grab some matches cause they give [Music]
Channel: James VS Cinema
Views: 16,747
Rating: 4.9596701 out of 5
Keywords: The Thin Red Line, reaction, react to, filmmaker reacts to, filmmaker reacts, react to The Thin Red Line, reacting to The Thin Red Line, movie reaction, movie reactions, movie, best drama war movies, commentary, funny commentary, first time reaction, Netflix reaction, videography, directing, filmmaker reacts to The Thin Red Line, jamesvscinema, funny movie reactions, war, best scene in The Thin Red Line, The Thin Red Line explained, The Thin Red Line ending, Terrance Malick
Id: VvN7H3brWDg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 26sec (1706 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 25 2021
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