Filming Superyacht Docking FAILS!

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foreign [Music] guys welcome back to the channel okay so I'm back in the UK back in the studio for a little while but not to worry plenty more videos from Italy still to come on the channel now over the years we've made a number of videos where we show you our docking or a yacht leaving a Marina and there's no music there's no talking there's no no none of me there's just a yacht with um with text on the screen and arrows pointing and telling you what's happening so you understand the procedure for docking uh in a marina some of these videos have had over a million views that one that comes to mind Madame Goo video a shot I think it was in 2019 uh that has had over a million views as I filmed this video now now you may be thinking that when we do these videos we sort of coordinate with the yacht maybe or the or we get some information from the yacht that says they're going to be in a Marina at a certain time um you might be surprised actually that that is actually not the case in an actual fact we've had these very questions every time we do one of those videos somebody asks the question like like this one I'll put on screen and it says how do you know when a yacht is going to be docking do you get notified by someone on board who knows you always seem to be in the right time at the right place at the right time well in actual fact the way they are filmed is purely it is from being in the right place at the right time but it's not what you think um like I said a few years ago I filmed a Madam Goo docking in Monaco now when I realized that Madame gu was having two two Monaco I was actually a niece in France I was at the railway station and I was actually heading to Monaco to film but I checked on AIS while I was waiting and I see that Madame Goo is heading to Monaco it's a it's a race against the yard to get there first so I can film this year talking now obviously it's only a race to me because they don't they have no idea that I was going to film that yacht uh docking so all of a sudden it becomes race between me and Madame Goo to arrive first I'm hoping they're gonna dock in the marina and if they do I'll film it so I'm a full Pelt right now so effectively uh I was in a rush on the train to get there to to be able to film The Yacht even so when I did get there The Vessel was just down to Anchor and it was sat there for a few hours uh unfortunately it looks like it looks like she's not ducking today I got in a full flop sweat and uh nothing really you can't you probably won't be able to see it but it's just out there it looks like it's an anchor so I got there I I expected to see it DOC and and there was no uh there was no movement uh now later on a few hours later after as I was walking around the marina filming she did come into dog all right so I just checked marine traffic again and Madame Goo is just docking so I was quite far away so I've got to make a another Mad Dash and I was able to film that video which is like I said it's done over a million views as this as I filmed this video now I will put a link up in the corner and stuff if you want to go and see that if you've never saw it but that video happened purely by chance it was just pure luck but I'm not always that lucky and they don't always go to plan as an example on this trip that I just did recently in may we were out at anchor uh near San Remo I came in in the boat and I was doing some filming in the morning I flew the Drone a little bit and I had a walk around the marina to see what I could see as I walked around to The Far Side of the marina I see motor yards Ameri 2 and she looks She's Got there's a quite a lot of movement on on the deck from the crew and he just looked to me I think this boat is getting ready to leave I could see them disconnecting the shore power breaking down the gangway and I thought okay this boat's getting ready to leave so I'm gonna be in a good spot to be able to film however some of the crew are still like working washing down the deck and playing music with their little ghetto blaster out on Deck there and I'm thinking well it looks like they're getting ready to leave but I have a feeling that it's going to be an hour or so so I thought well I'll walk down to the end of the marina and I'll see what's what's happening and then because there's a nice little View and platform not platform there's like a a roundabout at the end of the marina for traffic to turn around but you can stand up you can walk out up on a little Legend you can look out at the boats outer anchor so I thought I'll go down there and have a look as I'm standing there I I get interested in motion sound wave which is formerly known as 11 11 and that was the old name and I'm watching the guys working out on the on the stern there they're doing some repairs to the to the uh passerella or something like that and as I as I'm doing that emotia are married too comes right past me and and leaves the marina so I've missed it completely missed the up leaving I'm kind of thinking now what can I do now I've already filmed like maybe 20 minutes of this boat preparing to leave I thought what am I going to do now like they I no idea if they're coming back um so I thought well I'll check on AIS see where they're headed well it turns out they're headed to um Monaco so I'm thinking well I don't want to admit failure here I've already filmed all that footage So and I've and on that day I've actually got access to a car so I think right I'm gonna go to Monaco I'm going to drive to Monaco I'm going to get there before them and then I'm gonna film them docking so I jump in the car and shoot off and I head to Monaco it's about 50 minute drive in the car now I'm in the car without I didn't think too much about it I just thought I've Got a Car let's go to Monaco and jumped in you know not not too much thought now on the way there I'm thinking there's there's many things that could happen here maybe they just go into Monaco and picking up their boss and then leaving or maybe they're going to Monaco and they're going to drop anchor uh and then I started to think well that's actually the most likely scenario is the boat's not going to go into the Marine it's just going to drop anchor and sit outside send an attender for anybody who wants to join but by this time I'm halfway there so I think okay well I'll go into Monaco and I'll just there's always something to film in Monaco so when I get there if that boat doesn't dock then I'll film something else now once I arrive in Monaco this is in May this is a week before the Monaco F1 Grand Prix and if you'll remember we did a series of four videos on the channel which it turned out to be four videos but this ended up being the first day of shooting of those four videos and ended up being we ended up putting a video on on the channel called the largest yachts in Monaco 2023 and then I showed you around the preparations for them setting up for the Formula One all right you get zero points for guessing where I am right now that's right I'm in Monaco and we're here to actually film super Yachts but as a somebody who loves F1 and loves cars I can't help but show some of this in one of my videos it turned out to be a great video there was lots of much larger yachts in than the Mario too uh and it turned out to be a really good video so I was really happy with that and I shot all day long and um but the funny thing is while I was in Monaco a few Yachts came into the marina and each three Yachts that I can remember came into the marina and each one of them I was in the wrong place as it came in the first one I was halfway up the hill filming down onto the marina from up near a casino square and I said a yacht go in and dock then I see another one sails right by me as I'm standing on it on on the key side but it goes right to the other end of the marina and I don't have time to go around because it took to go around the Marine it could take about 20 minutes on foot and then another boat that came in was uh the legends from Motor Yacht scot-free they came in and I by this time I've gone all the way around the marina to try and film that other boat which I'd missed and now I'm on the other side of the marina and scot-free comes in and goes to the position that I was in before so um yeah so sometimes it's just not meant to be but anyway I got a great uh days to shoot in and then like I said I made that video which was a very popular video on the channel most of these videos that you see the Madame Goo video the najiba video the the videos from Imperia I did what one there the one of motia pure recently the most recent one that I did in San Remo they are the look of the draw and it's just a case of me just happening on those there's no organization at all with those videos and the funny thing is one of the Yachts actually docked right in front of me while I was talking about another yacht so I'm looking at this yacht here and in another yacht comes in stand to and docks right next to me and and I missed the whole thing because I'm I'm busy talking about something else and I didn't see it happening so yeah it was one of those days where I just missed a load of potential videos now the funny thing is on that day that I went into Monaco to chase after MRE 2. did that vessel ever dock that's the the story I was telling did it ever come into Monaco and Doc No it didn't so um after all of that drive driving all that way the boat didn't even come in so I get back in the car and I drive the 15 minutes or so back to San Remo and I get into the marina and I just I don't know why I checked but I look on the marine traffic again and it says that mri2 is headed back to San Remo and it's gone to dock so I stand there I'm more exhausted by this time I'm standing there waiting for the boat to come in and eventually she comes in she sits outside for a while as well and then she comes in and starts until there's the light by this time and I sit there and I wait for the boat to come in and but she comes in so smoothly and so quickly that I hardly had any video footage like normally they're much slower and I you know I get to monitor what's happening and that but it came in so quickly that obviously that the boat spends a lot of time in San Remo so the the captain's obviously used to docking that boat and he came in so smoothly that I I didn't feel like I even had enough to make a video of this boat docking after all of this and the funny thing is after I'd finished filming I was chatting I've got chatting to some of the crew and they told me that uh oh though the boat didn't have one other one of the thrusters wasn't working so it was a little wasn't as smooth as normal and I thought I was just there thinking this was the smoothest uh dock I've ever seen you know boat docking I've ever seen so yeah so in the end I didn't even after all of that that had happened I didn't even use the footage until now until this video and I'm showing you some of that boat docking in San Remo I was in the marina from Sun up so probably seven seven o'clock seven thirty when I first filmed that footage uh the the with the Drone and then I was there until maybe 8 30 9 o'clock at night when I filmed that last bit of footage and I ended up not even using that footage but I did get that other great video out of it but like I said it's about being flexible film everything document as much as you can and then and then put something together and that's not always the way it's done but that's sometimes what happens and this is another this video is another example of that every successful yacht docking video you see there's probably three or four that I filmed that or I tried to film that didn't work out anyway guys I'm gonna leave it there I hope you enjoyed this I hope you find it a little bit amusing and it gives you a bit of an insight into what happens here on the channel when we're filming these Yachts docking um yeah so I hope you enjoyed it and be sure to uh hit the like button here hit the Subscribe button and hit that Bell for future notifications alright guys thanks very much for watching I'm gonna catch up with you soon bye [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: eSysman SuperYachts
Views: 146,859
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: superyacht, super yacht, yachting, yachts, boats, boating, boat international, ships, shipping, vessels, megayacht, mega, yacht, boat, superyacht boss, luxury, lifestyle, billionaire, millionaire, yacht life, video superyacht, richlist, rich, VIP, VIP Lifestyle, Money, superyacht tour, superyachts, russia vs ukraine war update, ukraine russia news, ukraine news, russia sanctions, russia sanctions 2022, sanctions against russia, russian sanctions impact
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 12sec (792 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 31 2023
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