Film Theory: Was Cruella ACTUALLY Wrong? (101 Dalmatians)

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oh sure we all give cruella de vil a hard time because she wants to kill a bunch of puppies to make fur coats and yeah she is actually the worst for doing that but let's also not forget who actually gave cruella the idea in the first place what a charming dog thank you spot yeah she's dalmatian inspirational yes you saw that right anita our protagonist outright gives cruella the idea but wait there's more long hair short short course or fine i'm afraid it is a little cause pity but it was very fine when she was a puppy redemption stop giving her information cruella was ready to give up on the idea until you talked her into it and it doesn't even stop there i did leopard spots in the 80s well dalmatian spots are a little different aren't they cozy cuddly classic less trashy exactly and after she outright says well if we make this coat it would be as if i were wearing your dog [Laughter] [Music] they still tell her that their dogs are having puppies and that the babies will their spots don't come to later you're sure yes all right anita girl honey real talk are you trying to get your dogs killed or what geez hello internet welcome to film theory a show that one day hopes a theory-loving maniac will steal 15 of our theories and those 15 theories will escape and return to us with 84 more theories for a total of 99 then we'll write a theory episode about how the person who stole the theories in the first place wasn't a villain at all make it a two-parter and bring us to a hundred and one it'll make us millions we'll start a purebred theory farm and disney will make a movie about our life story maybe even a prequel story about the villain who stole him in the first place or maybe i'm getting a little ahead of myself in 1956 dodie smith penned the book 101 dalmatians which introduced the world to the all-time great villain cruella de vil a scheming heiress who loves fur fun fact by the way in that original story she also loves eating hot peppers she's obsessed with fire and she may just be the descendant of a serial killer who's also the spawn of the devil and that my friends is why it pays to read the source material anyway the plot of the book revolves around cruella's attempts to steal 15 dalmatian puppies from her former schoolmate anita in order to turn him into a spotted fur coat and wouldn't you know it a year later in 1957 walt disney himself says hey you know that book about the demon spawn that wants to murder a bunch of animal babies let's turn that into a kid's movie those were in fact his exact words one 79-minute movie later and history was made the cruella character is legendary becoming one of only three animated characters to appear on the american film institute's hundred years hundred heroes and villains list and now cruella on disney plus because why not humanize the egregiously wealthy heiress was like hey i can buy whatever i want but instead i'm thinking i'm gonna murder a bunch of adorable puppies i'm just hoping they keep the part about her serial killer grandpa in there anyway what i want to focus on today is the end of all versions of the story you see at the end of the original animated movie because cruella was buying and stealing so many dogs the 15 original dalmatians now total 101 leaving our hero couple of roger and anita to adopt them all and start a dalmatian plantation to care for him and while that's all cute and adorable i mean that is like a lot of dogs like a lot a lot of puppies it's a wonderful gesture having hundreds of dogs running around a country estate in england but from a logistical and cost perspective it's gonna be expensive for all you dog owners out there you know that having one dog can be expensive now think about owning 101 dalmatians who need hours of daily activity and specialized diets to make sure that they don't develop bladder stones so just how much is it going to cost you to take care of 101 dalmatians spoiler alert it may just be enough to make you consider giving cruella a call the first step and largest one-time expenditure would be buying a large estate in the english countryside the example of what we're looking for comes from the end of the 1996 film where the dearlys live in a gigantic manner that's painted with black and white spots i mean look at this thing based on current prices of english estates in the countryside the mansion they bought would cost at least four million nine hundred thousand dollars and i'm talking that is a bear bare minimum price let's throw in an extra fifty thousand pounds or seventy thousand dollars for renovations like fences and miscellaneous costs that'll be needed to prepare the puppy paradise and already you've spent right around five million dollars and before i get into how much it would actually cost to care for the dogs i'm gonna get this out of the way right now do roger and anita have enough money to pay for that short answer yes shockingly in the 1956 book roger's just a financial wizard that's loaded with cash in both the 1961 and 1996 films roger and anita make millions overnight after writing a song and making a video game where they steal and slander cruella's name and likeness might want to put some of that money aside for legal fees guys if cruella ever comes for ya she's got herself a pretty solid case now for as expensive as the english manor might be the good news is that it means that they don't have to pay for a full-time dog walker dalmatians are one of the most active dog breeds and a hundred and one of them would most certainly require 24 7 health especially if they were still living in central london professional dog walkers earn at minimum 35 000 a year and with a hundred and one dogs to walk each and every day you can rest assured that that person would be needing to go around the clock it's recommended that no more than four dogs are walked at once but for the sake of simplicity let's just say that they're doing 10 at a time if each walk is one hour that is still a 10 hour workday of non-stop walking to get through all of them as such we're just gonna estimate that you need to hire two professional full-time dog walkers racking up 70 000 in costs for daily dog walks alone the other nice thing about having a giant estate for your massive pile of pups is that it gives us a solution for the poop based on a dog poop calculator yes ladies and gentlemen it is my job to look this sort of thing up the 101 dogs would produce a whopping 32 000 pounds or 14 500 kilograms of poop a year that's enough to fill up 1882 plastic shopping bags each and every day your collection of sweet lovable pups will be dropping dookies in excess of 87.6 pounds 40 kilograms of dog turd in a perfect world he could find a way to sell the waste as fertilizer just use it in a garden but wait dog poop has harmful fecal bacteria and happens to be highly acidic which means that it's not typically used for fertilizer i researched composting possibilities instead but that would take months best bet make a sign that says free poop make a sign that says free anything and someone will take it or you know if all else fails get yourself a mid-sized tractor and shove it all into a big hole oh sure 101 dalmatians just like when you're a kid it's all fun and games to think about having a dog or in this case 100 of them but the excitement starts to fade when the cold harsh reality of dog turd sets in that is why this channel's motto is ruining your childhood and that is also why you should click the subscribe button right now so you can take our theories and use them to ruin someone else's childhood oh but we're not done today not even close on top of these expenses the donations will also need outdoor automatic waterers we calculated five at about 70 dollars a pop and indoor four gallon gravity waterers 10 at 106 dollars per because domations have a unique urinary system that requires plenty of fresh water at all times otherwise they're gonna get kidney stones oh sure you may think they could drink from a nearby stream but most veterinarians agree that untreated water could run the risk of bacteria or contamination throw in 101 dog beds 101 chew toys 101 leashes 101 grooming supplies because donations shed a lot and 101 dog tags and suddenly you've just dropped another 12 600 so let's just take that 5 million estate out of the total they're just gonna be living in a normal regular house right as such you've hired on your two dog walkers you've bought a giant pooper scooper and you've cleaned out the shelves of pet supplies plus for a bunch of miscellaneous dog things in total you've spent about 107 600 and all of that is without even tapping into the day-to-day expenses dalmatians require three cups about .75 pounds or 0.34 kilograms of food a day this equals 75.75 pounds or 35 kilograms of dry dog food in order to feed all of them every single day now i know in this world they're mostly puppies and puppies eat smaller amounts but they're gonna grow so i'm sticking with the three cups of food a day rule just to make the estimate easier it would be best to feed the dalmatians food that's low in purines to prevent uric acid from building up in their bodies thereby preventing the aforementioned urinary stones so most of the cheaper as well as high in protein diets are out which means that our cheapest option for 101 dogs is gonna cost 186.50 each day multiply that food cost by 365 days and it's 68 000 72 and 50 cents per year just to feed them all that's without even mentioning the greenies or wet food that the dogs could and should be eating occasionally since the dogs are gonna be spending a lot of time outside they're gonna need flea and tick treatment to prevent the 101 dogs from carrying a thousand and one fleas flea and tick treatment would cost at least 19 405 dollars and 67 cents annually pet insurance since you never know when corella is coming back according to forbes advisor uk the average annual pet insurance premium in 2019 was 271 pounds or approximately 22 dollars a month this means the yearly insurance would cost at least 38 668.65 and now you really get a sense of how this works the numbers really get big once you have 101 as your constant multiplier what about vet visits the average cost for a consultation and diagnosis is 85 with insurance so you're spending at least 8 561 a year with visits that don't include medicine surgery or specialized treatments throw in annual boosters five thousand five hundred and sixty four dollars total a year and you've suddenly added one hundred and forty thousand two hundred seventy one dollars and eighty two cents in yearly expenses of food and medicine on top of the already insane hundred and seven thousand six hundred bucks we calculated earlier that is a grand total of two hundred forty seven thousand eight hundred seventy one dollars and eighty two cents for the first year of ownership alone and of that 210 000 is recurring expenses that are gonna happen each and every year afterward and all of that is also assuming that there are no new additions in 2018 a dalmatian gave birth to 18 puppies now imagine the 101 dalmatians over time there's going to be a lot of little puppies born on the property and each of them is also going to have to be looked after each and every one of those new little bundles of joy is gonna need those exact same expenses added to the total so maybe the better financial decision would have just been to make them into coats well wouldn't you know i ran the numbers on that in a weird twist of fate let's just say that cruella is actually successful in taking the 99 soft furred puppies and turning them into coats how much could she have made off of those garments well in the 1961 animated film her henchmen say you couldn't get off a dozen coats out of the old caboodle honestly they're not wrong on the post warped disney math on conquer they analyzed the age of the dogs studied furrier websites on what fur could be used and created some admirable math to turn a bleak subject into a learning experience that didn't make me want to cry in the end they figured out that cruella would have only been able to get three fabric-lined fur coats as well as one muff out of those 99 puppies not a whole heck of a lot when compared to the absolute atrocity she's committing to get that fur because it is dalmatian fur the jacket would probably have to be reversible so the wearer could you know hide what their jacket is actually made of which is also what cruella wanted to make in the book right now fendi is selling brown mink reversible fur coats for 27 thousand dollars a pop so three coats in a muff that's gonna earn you around 65 000 certainly a whole heck of a lot more cost effective than dropping a cool quarter of a million each and every year to keep them alive until of course you factor in the fact that you sold your soul in the process of making those codes but there is a third happier option in all of this you find the puppies a good home just you know a home that isn't yours you sell them seriously i know these dogs are human level smart and they all seem awfully attracted to each other 30 we're keeping the puppies every single one of them but moments from the books and movies made me realize that the owners are totally down to sell some of these dalmatians in 102 dalmatians the 2000 sequel in which cruella deville is hypnotized into being good then unhypnotized when she hears the bells of big ben we learned that dipstick one of the original 15 dogs from the 1996 movie was adopted by chloe simon who is also cruella's probation officer it's a small world and in 101 dalmatians two patches london adventure also a sequel not to be confused with 102 dalmatians we see original pup patch feeling lonely and left out as he's surrounded by so many other dogs in the end he becomes an actor on the show the thunderbolt adventure hour [Music] i bring all this up because it seems like the dogs do want to grow up and move out of the house so it may be better for the dogs and it is most certainly better for roger and anita's pocketbooks the selling price of purebred domination puppies in the uk range from 1200 to 3 000 pounds or seventeen hundred to forty two hundred dollars if each litter averages six to nine puppies that means they could be making at least ten thousand dollars per liter dalmatians can start giving birth at six months so they could make a lot of money at the plantation by selling the purebred dalmatians to worthy owners if let's say 30 of the dalmatians have two litters each and every year that's 360 puppies selling them all results in somewhere around 612 000 per year in dog earnings and that's on the low end because these are indeed famous dogs as we see in the 101 dalmatians 2 movie they'd probably net the high end of the asking price totaling nearly one and a half million dollars per year in earnings and considering that roger and anita are good people that care about these animals the puppies will be healthy and the business transactions will be honest with these sorts of numbers the puppy plantation could hire more staff buy more land even start taking in more animals like the deerleys actually do in the 1956 book where believe it or not they even adopt cruella's abused cat in the end while the theft of their beloved puppies must have been heart-wrenching every cloud has itself a silver lining it opened up the dearly's hearts to a hundred puppies and it opened their pocketbooks to make millions off of hit songs popular video games and of course their side hustle of selling dalmatian purebreds but hey that's just a theory a film theory and i'd like to give a very very special thank you to nordvpn for sponsoring today's video nord protects you and your data on the internet by keeping it safe behind a wall of next generation encryption so when you're doing questionable things on the internet like say uh doing research into the logistics of 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Channel: The Film Theorists
Views: 2,507,874
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cruella de vil, cruella, 101 dalmatians, cruella 2021, cruella trailer, disney, disney+, disney+ trailer, dalmatians, cruella de vil song, 101 dalmatians full movie, 101 dalmatians trailer, 101 dalmatians cruella de vil, 101 dalmatians cost, cruella soundtrack, cruella reaction, classic disney, disney theory, film theory, film theorists, matpat, film theory disney, film theory cruella
Id: 3wCSIx5JxVI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 7sec (1027 seconds)
Published: Sat May 22 2021
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