Film Scoring 101 - The Phrygian Mode

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everybody i'm ricki otto in this episode of everything music we're going to talk about the Phrygian mode one of my favorites Phrygian mode is the third mode of the major scale it's played over the median chord as we learned in one of our recent lessons the median chord is the third chord in the major scale in the key of C we'll do in the key of C so it's all white notes you don't have to guess in the key of C we'll do it all in the key of C so it's all white notes you now you can have to guess what chords I'm playing it's efj Ridge Ian so it's e I'll play from all the notes of C major starting any what are the characteristic flavors of this mode well the main way that this mode is differentiated from Locrian is that it has a natural v okay so that's an important note and that flat second is a very important note so there's our sound right there [Music] that's beautiful beautiful phrygian sound now what are typical Phrygian voicings anytime you have a major chord with the seventh and the base that is a Phrygian voicing so this would be F major over E [Music] but it really has its own distinct [Music] as is really real distinct darkness to it because of that minor second there and minor second there [Music] you [Music] and you can do any types of voicings that you want to do you [Music] there's a lot of really cool linear things you can do it in the Phrygian mode but one of the first things I would explore is to just I would RPG the flat nine in it okay the room to the second note the flat two of the scale and I do 5 flat 6 because that's giving or you can go or 1 flat 2 4 5 is also a great son right that's a really great Phrygian sound that one flat 2 4 5 or 1 flat 2 5 6 any time I'm including the flat 2 and the 5th in the line it really gives the Phrygian flavor I can also take some of the Triads out of here obviously any of the triads that work in the key of C will work over this D minor eats us more F major [Music] G major Jesus for a minor basis for B diminished C major diseases for D minor DSS for BEC D minor [Music] so if I play Boise like this [Music] so I played it F major triad C major G major F major F at 9:00 [Music] [Music] now have a little a tude that I prepared for this that is an e Phrygian etude I'm going to play it for you and it goes like this [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] now that's based off an ostinato pattern where I'm going [Music] [Music] that's the ostinato pattern that the melody lines are played over the reason I chosen us I'm going root v rude and I'm bringing that flat to to give the color of the sound [Music] then I'm giving the sound of the minor by bringing that Imai er with a spread triad and then [Music] then I bring in the flat seven so you get that whole minor seven sound it is a scale to be played over a minor seven chords so if you're in the key of C major and you have an E minor chord you're going to play E Phrygian you may be thinking C major but I think efj Ridge Ian and I want to explore those particular intervals that give that mode its sound which are the flat two and the natural fifth that is the Phrygian sound that's all for now please sign up here to my everything music YouTube channel I'm Rick be a ttle I'll see you next time
Channel: Rick Beato
Views: 166,961
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Rick Beato, Everything Music, Phrygian Mode, modal scales, how to use modes, jazz scales, film scoring, music for movies, music theory
Id: c0scmuNFC-E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 33sec (453 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 05 2016
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