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[Music] [Music] hey guys this is Eva scrapbooking with me and I want to make a small journal like like I did this one only I want a small one the reason I want a small one is I have lots of little pieces like these little tags and these little Tim Holtz pieces thus the snippets or whatever you call it these um stamps that you guys have sent me just the little small pieces I need a little journal to keep those in so I'm gonna make a small journal I'm gonna keep this one for my large pieces and then I'm gonna use the small journal for the little little pieces like little stamps little Tim Holtz snippets these little labels things like that and I may even make a separate one for labels I'm not sure yet I'm kind of thinking about that but this one is so big when I want up one little label you know I have to pull out this big thing which is not a big problem but I just like to have a little one to have all my labels separated because I use a lot of labels and numbers so I may use I might make two and make one for labels and one for numbers we shall see and yes I'm gonna use one of these old yellow file folders these things that I bought back when I and evidently lost my mind but I want to try to get rid of these so let's see if I make it six I think I will make it hmm may make it seven inches top let's see let's try this seven yeah I think seven inches tall so I'm gonna cut this off we're gonna keep that because we use it for pockets and then I just want it I want in about five and a half I think Vlad yeah I think that will work right there seven tall in five and a half wide that looks like that'll work that looks like the perfect size right there we hope okay what we're gonna do is I'm gonna lay that piece aside now this already has some score lines in there so and I don't really think that we'll even need score lines because we're only going to put probably one signature in here with maybe five six seven pages just for our small items so I don't think I'm even going to use any of those extra low score lines I think I'm just going to use it as is but I'm going to cover this because I don't like that yellow but I don't like it now I got sent some beautiful paper in one of my packages and that video is uploading now well it probably is already uploaded so I'm thinking about using some of this I love love love that it's just so pretty I don't know if I can use it or not but I think we can it's very very pretty so let's see I don't know we might use that piece that looks like almost the perfect size let's see if that's the perfect size I think so we may have to cut down just a little bit more but I think that will be a good size right there now what I want to do is leave enough of this that I can fold it around because I'm thinking I want this covered well I don't want even even the edges showing I don't think but let's see you're having to listen to me think I know that's terrible but it's the way it goes so if I cover it like that I don't think I think I can just do it like that and then I can just paint the edges because it's not gonna be that much showing if I get it even okay that's what we're going to do I'm going to cut this rot at that line right there okay then if I wrap this around and I want my butterflies on the front so there may be a problem no there won't be a problem because what I'm gonna do is cut this where my butterflies will be on the front I'm gonna use this piece on the back and then I'm gonna put a piece of material right here for the spine part that's exactly what I'm gonna do so let's go ahead and cut this in half and then that let's see if that gives us what we need okay I'm gonna have a little bit sticking out so we can actually do it that way and I can either cut this off right here or fold it around and I think I may just trim it off once I get that pit down and then we'll put this piece on the back like that so that'll be our front and our back cover now I'm going to go ahead and decide what I'm going to put on the inside now save that piece hmm these papers are so pretty oh I made you spit this one on the inside that's pretty and just run it all the way from one end to the other I like that so let's do that we'll cut it down to what was this five and a half maybe what's that five minute half let's see we're gonna cover it make sure that my butterflies are going the right way okay I'm gonna need to cut it the other way like this yeah I think that'll work so let's cut this end because I want the butterflies on there yes like that okay and then I'm gonna trim it off I'm just gonna slide this up under here and trim it okay so that should work just great for the inside now what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna use PVA glue on this to put this down these covers and the reason I want to do that it's because I want to be able for this to be real flexible I want it to feel soft and flexible so I'm gonna run PVA glue on here and glue this down and then I'll run it on the back glue that down and then on the inside so let me get my brush my PVA glue I have ordered some Stoppers for this some Stoppers because this little bottle didn't come with the topper even though it said it had one but I have ordered some off of Amazon alright now I'm going to put something under here something I don't get that everywhere whoo speaking of everywhere I think I just slung it everywhere what the world sometimes I'm messy Marvin and it's very very hot and humid here today so I'm just hoping that this glue doesn't dry before I can get everything down I don't want a bit slinging all over the place I want to go from this edge right here when use our card now I am going to stitch around all of this and the reason I'm going to it's because I want to stitch my little villain pieces in that's going to hold our ephemera so I'm just going to stitch on the whole thing but I won't show that on camera I'll stitch with it off-camera and then we'll come back and add other things to it alright so that is our front cover love-love-love the numbers and the butterflies whoo I love it okay we're gonna put just on the back don't let up easily because evidently it's coming out really fast we need to open this back up so that I won't glue that front to the back now this is just a glass mat like quilter shoes and I use it a lot for gluing because I can then just take it in there with some soap and water and wash it off and it's fine so I like to use it to put my glues on okay now let's make sure that we get this the right way up that looks right right there make sure I get it as even as possible okay then we'll trim that piece off okay so there is our front and back then we're going to go ahead and open it up and we're gonna put our inside piece in there I hope everybody it's got some great fourth of July plans we are just having our kids over and gonna grill that kind of thing I don't think we're even going to shoot any fireworks this year the little ones are a little bit afraid of fireworks oh and they're so expensive I just told them not to worry about it if they didn't want to that'd be fine and have lots of fun without the fireworks we're in the county so we can actually shoot them I think if we want to this year I haven't heard anybody say we couldn't so okay now I'm gonna wait for this to dry a little bit anyway before we do anything else and I did tear a little hole right there that's not a problem that's gonna be covered up so I'm not going to worry about that part so I'm just gonna wait for it to dry just a little bit and then we'll come back and we'll do more embellishing and start adding our little vellum pockets in here all right our cover it's a dry and what I have done is I've gone ahead and cut a piece of that this is just from that tote bag that I had it's just a cotton material and I have sewn it on there on the spine just to strengthen that and to cover where these papers ended and then I went ahead and stitched around all the way around it now that's not something that you have to do you don't want to stitch that's fine you can just glue everything down I just like the stitch look but that's up to you and then we are going to make our pages to go on the inside now believe it or not I have run out of vellum I know that's hard for you to believe but I do use it a lot so what I have done is cut some sheets to go inside that are 10 inches by 6 and 3/4 and then I've just you know folded them in the center like that now I've cut my vellum pieces and I've only cut these at like one and a quarter some of them I cut it one and a half it just depends on what I think I might put in there but one and a quarter is going to be plenty big enough and then I'm just going to start them at the bottom let me see if I can find one that's the same so I've already glued these on now I am gluing them on down just on the ends and then I'm sewing them I'll show you one that I have sung so then I'm going around and I'm stitching on them just to create those pockets but if you don't want to sew these you can glue your vellum down any we'll hold you just need to around the edges that you're going to glue either take a little emery board or sometimes I'll just take my fingernail and run it down through there and just kind of rough that vellum up and you do have to be careful because this will cut you on your butt you can take a little emery board and rough that up and then put your glue on now I know that our glitter glue will hold it I don't know about your other glues that's what I use on mine but I know this will hold it but I'm just going to put enough on mine to hold it in place until I stitch it so I'm just putting a little bit on each end these pieces are cut at four and three-quarter and then I've just cut them at different heights some of them are one and a half and some of them are one and a quarter I don't want them too tall because I'm gonna be putting stamps and things like that in here so I want them to be kind of short and I'm just kind of even making them even from one side to the other and I'm just leaving a little tiny gap on the bottom and on the side here okay this is the one that I run my fingernail on and they may when you run an emery board or your fingernail or something on there they made pucker just a little bit but that's not going to hurt anything they'll still do the job but I've got some glued in my beak ephemera folder I'm just got to include in like that and they're fine there's not a problem and I may have to do a few of these like that because I don't think I'm gonna have enough for the other side let's see I'm not I have got more vellum ordered believe me because I can't stand to be out of bail all right so see this one it's like one inch and this one is one and a quarter so it doesn't matter just get the bottom even across if you're going to stitch and then you can just stitch straight across there like that and then when I flip it over and I'm gonna do this side now I will tell you on this I use just white cardstock and then I went in and done just a little bit of a lot stamping with my background stamp just to keep you know just kind of bust that wide I don't like that solid white background but you can use pattern paper or scraps just whatever you want to use I just happen to have some white paper laying here on my desk and that's what I grabbed up to use all right and I'm just kind of looking at the one on this side and then just just trying to count that sorta even this one up so they'll be close so when I stitch across the bottom it'll catch both of them but again if you're gonna glue you can put these anywhere you want to you don't have to worry about it I am going to put this one over here because I know that these are really close to the bottom and when you do if you aren't gluing these down when you glue them put put your glue on there and press them down then you need to take something like your bone folder or something and press that end to that paper really hard and that will make the glue go down into your background paper and it'll glue all of that down okay I need four more pieces so let's see what we can come up with I have this swing that I it's kind of a fold in the center but I think I can probably use it and just cut it in half let's try that I've got so much that is kind of white I didn't want to use it but since I'm using all clear but if I have to a will okay so that will be tall enough for like some of those little tiny Tim Holtz pieces and I don't care that it might have a little tiny bend in it that's fine all right I said they do not all have to be the same size sure cut that one crooked okay so that is true I just need okay and I need one more than that one that looks like one to me okay we're gonna glue those down and I think I'm gonna put my smallest one on the top and then put my larger ones down in the center there we go just gonna look at this doesn't look even I want to make sure that it's cut as even as possible and it's not so let's just trim that off I don't know if it's that way let's see ok which way are you cut gherkin I think it's cut crooked that way so let's trim that off right there and then that looks better I mean this doesn't have to be perfect you got to know that nothing nothing that I make has to be perfect and that one's got a little tear in it so I'm not gonna use it it's find another piece okay just a few scrap pieces over here yeah we'll use that one this is a very old piece you can see it's got some staining on the bottom but where you start one and all I'm gluing on either in four it's just so that they will hold until I sew them on there and see I'm just looking at this side and trying to get this one lined up with the bottom of that one stuff on our stitch it's gonna all come out even hopefully that's the only thing that's a little bit more difficult when your stitch is you just you have to try to get them as even as you can so that when you stitch through you're catching both sides but it's not not hard at all and I may have saw mine crooked that maybe a little bit off but they're going to do the job just the same they're going to hold what we need them to hold once you get your ephemera pieces your labels and little pieces in here you're not going to know that they're off anyway [Music] that should catch both of them right there and then I'm going to just a little bit of glue on each end of that one and again I'm just kind of looking to see especially on these little narrow pieces this one is probably less than an inch I don't want to put it too high up because if I do when I stitch I'm gonna miss it so I'm just putting it closer to the bottom like that all right there are our pieces on both sides and yeah put that the right way up I started saying oh man I put them upside down because my my wording on this stamp went this way okay so I'm gonna stitch this really quick and I'll come back and show you what we've done but first I'm gonna round the corners cuz I did round the corners on my cover so we're gonna round these corners before we stitch just to make sure that we don't clip our stitching when we're rounding there we go alright put my pin back in my glue and we'll stitch these real quick alright we have that one stitched stitched all the way around and I just cut all those extra strings off and then I go around it just a little bit on the edge with a little bit of ink just kind of finish that edge off okay and now we're ready to put these in then you can decide which way you want to put yours I think I want this one with the larger pockets on the front maybe that one in there these will be fun they're not that much different I've just got some of them that are like this one's got some tiny ones in there some of it that on the in the center so now it is ready this is our signature and it is ready to stitch in here now when we put this in and fold this up let me show you let me get that in there we're gonna have show you this way some of our pages are gonna be a little bit longer than the other ones now we may go back and trim this off I'm not sure I'm going to wait till I stitch it in and I'll see how much longer they are if they're just a tiny bit it's not gonna bother me I'm gonna leave it but if they're you know a little bit too long if I think that some of them are way too long that I will trim those off and then just reinker and it'll be fine that's why I did my stitching a little bit back away from the edge but it doesn't matter you can leave them staggered if you want sometimes I do sometimes I don't it just depends on how much they're off now when you put this down in there you need to press that end just as tight as you can get it and then we're just gonna clip it I like to clip mine and that way it doesn't slide around okay and then I kind of look at it to make sure all of my folds are right in the center looks like they are and I grab my little piece of foam here and then my cookie tool yeah I think I'll use this one all right now you can mark where you gonna put your holes or you can just guess that it eyeball it it doesn't matter it's not a B key I'm gonna mark my Center one and then I'll probably just put the others I'll just guess it the other ones out there it's gonna be my Center and then I think I'll just come down it's like about an inch put one there and I'll come up about an inch and put one right there you can make a template if you want but that's all I did now when you start to poke your holes make sure that it's not laid out like this but it's kind of folded up that way your all your holes should go straight through the center and not crooked see that came out right in the center right there sometimes when you lay it out flat they don't they don't go in the center of all the openings there we go so there are holes and then we're gonna grab our needle and some thread and I think I may use some twine since this is kind of brown on the outside I made to shoot some of this twine here that work just as good hey I'm just gonna thread my needle and I've got these big aden needles and they're pretty big you can get by these for a little bit I'm nothing on Amazon I'll put a link below to where I get mine you can do this with a regular needle if you want it just depends on how much how big your thread is if your threads real thick of course you would have to use something different now I go okay I went through the top and then I'm gonna go all the way down go through the bottom that's why I like to clip it it's because when you clip it it stays in place then you're gonna come back through the center and then when you come up through the center you're gonna go on the opposite side of the long thread that goes down through there that's the that is the pamphlet stitch okay now I didn't cut my thread so what I'm gonna do is just pull some my thread back so that I don't waste anything on my twine I should say I'm gonna leave about that much so I'll clip that one make sure that the outside is pulled taut you want to pull it taut so I like to pull it this way and then I turn it and I pull it the other way just look at it and make sure it's not loose this one's still a little bit loose so we're gonna pull it again okay now they're nice and tight so then I am just going to tie a double knot now you can tie both whatever you want to here in the center I'm a just a little bow if it gets in my way Linda cutting it off but you can do either one you can trim it off or you can just tell you a little bugs so there we go you can put a little drop of glue on that knot if you want it keeps it from coming undone but that is that song in and now there are all of our pages in there I make sure that I got all of them right side up and it looks like I did so then when we close this it's everything's still gonna be inside there so I don't think I'm even gonna trim mine off even though you know there's just a tiny bit of difference right here it's not enough that it's going to bother me so I'm not even going to trim on off now what I'm gonna do is put a little bit of something on the front now this is going to pop up like that for a while until you use it so what I'll usually do when I make one is I just go ahead and clip I just go ahead and clip it shut just to hold hold it down but once it years it a little bit it will stay closed now I'm not going to do a lot to this because I want this to be more functional than pretty so let's see what we've got that we can put in here these are some of my stamped they're they're just stamped words and in pieces on this material so we'll see what we can put in here on here I mean that's cute I'm not sure I don't think I want paper on the front because I like I like the looks of just the material on there so let's see oh I might just put that on there and I make trim this off just a little bit more right here and at the bottom and then just ink those and put that on there okay now I want to rattle this on the side so I just take my pokey tool and I pull those threads and then I just pull out that rattles it up our neighbors are mowing if you hear something going on out there I think it's our neighbors maybe my husband who knows okay so that is that piece and like I said this is just some that I stamped and that's that piece of material that I got when I cut that bag up so now I'm just going to ink a little bit around it and then we're gonna put that down right there and then this is another this is just a butterfly that I stamped and that's using that Tim Holtz butterfly stand I'm gonna try using my little brush here I'm gonna tap it off and then there we go I think what I was doing is spitting way too much ink on it so I'm just gonna tap it off and Dan go across this just made that butterfly a little bit darker there we go that worked so if you have those little brushes just don't put as much ink on them as you would your blending tool that's the trick I think all right we are going to put our little butterfly I think right there and I know that butterflies a lot larger than the bird and all that but that doesn't bother me then since this is going to be a label book I want to put a little bit of color there it's going to be a label and a stamp well grab one of our labels put it on the outside and then let me grab a stamp we bring in a little bit of blue I think that'll look okay okay let's see all right I'm gonna try gluing that down and then we will see what we've got and then I'm gonna trim out this journal then we'll ink the edges just a tiny bit and I think let's see I think I might put that right there and then what are we gonna do with a little stamp it's just gonna bring in a little bit of color and just kind of show us what we have in here hmm I kind of like it up there I don't know what do you think well it looks kind of odd down there I kind of like it right there but now do I need to put my journal up here put the stamp on top of it no I don't think that looks good we'll put our journal down here and then we'll put our stamp up there there we go do we need anything else on it I know it looks kind of brown and blinging but like I said I'm not really making this for a beautiful Journal I did I basically wanted it to be useful doesn't have to be beautiful but I don't want it to look bad either so let's see what else we're going to it I'll have to grab a little bit of trim and put on that butterfly it's got to be some bling somewhere wouldn't be a if it wasn't bling now would it oh yeah that dress stood up a lot and let's see what else do we want to do do I want to do anything else on it hmm I'm thinking do we want more bling down here maybe what do you think do we want more bling down at the bottom today I don't have to horde this now because I got gifted some I just want to kind of balance it out I feel like the bottom has nothing okay we're gonna put a little piece on the bottom I heard you guys a lot of people saying yes yes yes put it there I heard you don't you think say I've got that little touch of blue right there and I feel like there needs to be a little touch of blue down here to kind of bring your eye all the way around let's see what we might have in the little tiny Tim Holtz pieces but you know what I can't put it don't you you know what I can do it fascination with numbers I can put a number seven there and it's that light blue and it would kind of balance all of that out bring your eye full circle so let's see don't think it'll look right good right there right on that door on the side of the door let's see yep I think so that's what we're gonna do you guys are such good help I appreciate it oh yeah that looks a lot more even a lot more balanced yeah I like that so there is our little book and then we're gonna what I'm gonna do is song D that's not completely dry so I'm gonna be careful with that on the inside right here I want to put in another another pocket another pocket oh let's see if I can find a little piece okay that one will work let's just cut it in half because you can always use the insights of your cover - for more ephemera and embellishments yeah let's do that let's put that right there and on this I'm just gonna glue it down because I definitely do not want that sewing on the front so I'm just gonna kind of rush those edges up my fingernail and then we'll run our glue right down through there Roberts are here and I put just a small bead of glue around it and then I kind of press it in and get it as even as I can and then I take my little bone folder while holding it I like to hold it because it will slide and then press that glue in work it out so that it doesn't show and once that dries it is set so see you don't see the glue you see a little bit right there because it's still drying but it is set now I may put another one up here I don't really want to really put one in the back I think I would use one more up here first so we're going to put this other one piece up there and then we can put our longer pieces of ephemera in there for our tags and things yeah I'm just gonna kind of try to even it up as much as I can with the one below there you go so it's got tool pockets there let me put the topic on my glues now I'm just going to pull out a few pieces here I will do a lot of other I will insert a lot of other little pieces in here later but right now I think I'm just gonna pull out a few pieces I'm gonna grab my stamps and see my stamps need to go back where these little pockets are smaller because these stamps are kind of small so let's put them in here that and you can doesn't hurt to stack them on top of each other if you want to if you don't have enough room don't worry about that part you can still see them that's neat I haven't even looked through all of these stamps since I purchased you can organize them out by these are all blue so the blue color will be fun for you if you've got a lot of different ones from different places and different years you can organize something like that there's a large one it's not really in the blue family okay a couple more right there and say that's gonna hold those in and then I can flip it over and I can bring some over here get all of my stamps in here and out of that little bag there alright there are our stamps in there and these are some stamps from you guys and I've got more that I've got to put in there too but you can see we've got our whoops I skipped a page so I'll need to go and put some stamps here and then I'm gonna put my labels I'm gonna start those probably right here these are my labels from our digital and then I'll put like Tina's and Tracy's and whomever else that I might have printed off I'll use theirs in a different area that I'll keep my big journal over here mainly for my big ephemera these this can be my labels and stamps here and you could organize you know take time and organize these out I'm not going to write now because I really don't have time to do that but I can do that later on if I want to while I'm sitting in front of the TV I can go through and organize them out by you know put all the journal in one spot and all journey in another spot and that kind of thing I'm not really that particular when I get ready for a label I just go in here and loot and grab one but some people like to have them all sorted in that spot if it was my daughter she'd be cringing right now because she likes everything organized her mother is not like that I like organization but when I don't have time to do it I just don't all right so that is that I have a few more these are not my labels these are just some that I have cut out of different ephemera packs and papers and now these are my labels things like that so I will stick those right there but these are mine and then let's see there's another one these are just more that I've cut out of different ephemera packs those like that if you stick them down in there like that then you're able to just grab one when you need it out that one's a little tall so I'm gonna put him down here okay and then let's see then these tiny little Tim Holtz pieces that we have here we need some little short having those short ones here let's see we could even made some shorter and they would have been very useful but I'm gonna put some of these right here just to show you what you can do these are those tiny little snippets you'll see they just slide right there like that my beacon journal was just kind of way too big for these if you slide them all facing forward then you can kind of see what you have just like that there's some snippets and then I'll go through here and anything that is small I'll just pull it out of here out of my big journal and put over here and that that way I can grab this when I just want tags or stamps or little numbers I can grab this one instead of having to pull my big one out and then I can just keep this for all of my big pieces of ephemera I like this all this big so that's what I will do all right now it's thanks yet for this tutorial I just wanted to take you along while I made this one and like you like you can see here I've got plenty of room for lots and lots of labels and little tags and numbers and that kind of thing just keep in mind when you're making these if you if you're thinking about little short like those numbers you'll need these to be really small so maybe even one inch okay all right we will talk to you guys later thank you so much for watching please don't forget to give us a thumbs up and hit that subscribe button if you're not already subscribed and we will talk to you guys later bye bye
Channel: Scrapbooking With ME Crafts
Views: 32,233
Rating: 4.9512467 out of 5
Keywords: iMovie, Cricut, clear, trays, Paper, boutique, scrapbookingwithme, mixedmedia, crafts, shopping, deals, prima, bobunny, timholtz, ink, pads, classes, diy, tutorials, upcycle, homedecor, kits, magnets, mats, pins, artglitterglue, videos, stamping, stamps, inks, distressinks, fireplace, planners, scoretape, scoreboards, wood, cricutmaker, vinyl, HTV, CRAFTBOARD, easypress, chalk, couture, paper, piecing, cards, boxes, 3D, cricut, dollartree, minialbums, JUNKMAIL, MINIALBUM, MICAPOWDER, ephemera, storage, journal, junkjournal, journals, pockets
Id: lo7CAODkC0U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 27sec (3147 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 06 2020
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