Figma tutorial: Interactive components

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In our Variants video, we showed how to create different states for a checkbox, such as checked and unchecked. But what if we want to be able  to check and uncheck the boxes in a prototype?   And what if our design requires multiple  checkboxes like in a to-do list?   Interactive components is a powerful feature that allows you  to define prototyping connections between variants   in a component set, such as an auto layout button  shifting between different states. We can publish and reuse the variants in our designs, and their  instances inherit those interactions by default   without our need to recreate new interactions. Another designer could even reuse that asset in a different file, override some properties like swapping the icon and changing the text,  and the same interactions will be preserved. This also means that instead of creating dozens of frames to account for all possible combinations of interactions as our design scale, we only need one frame. This makes building and changing prototypes more efficient in the future, so if interactions change we can publish the updates to the library  to keep our designs consistent across the company. In this video, we'll show you the basics of how to create interactive   components and use them in both simple and complex designs. If you haven't already, use the resources linked in the video description to learn about variants. This will be an important foundation for creating  interactive components. If you want to explore additional examples, check out what other users from the Figma community have created.  To start off, we want to use the checkbox  component set from the variants tutorial   and use them as part of our search  filter on our travel website, Tripma.   You can grab a copy of the Tripma community  file in the description below to follow along.   They'll need some labels, so we'll update  the variants with some default text.   Now, let's make the checkboxes interactive, so that  they'll change between checked and unchecked when clicked. We can do this by creating prototyping connections within our component set. First, we'll click on the prototyping panel. Then, we'll click and hold the small circle on the unchecked variant and drag our cursor to the checked one. We just created a prototyping connection! We also want to be able to uncheck boxes, so we'll drag  a connection noodle back to the checked variant. Note that when we create interactions between variants,   the action defaults to "change to" as shown in the interaction details panel. It tells the object to change to a different variant  within the same component set upon a specific trigger. "Change to" is an action available only  to variants for creating interactive components, so will be disabled for frames and regular components. Now that we have our interactive components set up, let's place an instance into a frame, and duplicate it a few times. We'll open up presentation view to see how  our interactive components are working.   We can now click on any combination  of boxes to check and uncheck them,   and we only needed to create a single frame. Looking great! Let's go back to our file and use what we just created as a drop down menu for our search filter. We'll override the text on each instance, and update the styling of the drop down menu. We'll turn the entire thing into a component and grab an instance  of it to use in our flight search results page. Let's create a prototype connection, so that every time we click on "seat class," the drop down menu will open as an  overlay and close when we click outside of it. Let's hit play to view our prototype. Our interactive components work just like before, and you'll see that our text overrides are preserved seamlessly while we switch between the checkbox states. Tip: text isn't the only property you can override. You can override properties like color or stroke, change the interactions, or add interactions. Interactive components can also be used with smart animate. Let's take a look at how this would work. We have a toggle component set with two variants, toggle on and toggle off, both with labels and we want to create a click interaction between them. Let's click on the prototype tab in the right  sidebar and drag a noodle from "toggle on" to "toggle off." We also want the slider to move and colors  to gradually fade between one another as this happens. so let's open up the interaction details  panel and change its animation to "Smart animate," change its transition to "Ease out," and shorten the duration. We'll repeat these same steps for toggle off to toggle on. Now let's place this component in a frame and view it in presentation view. Just like the check boxes we can easily change the toggle variants. Smart animate slides the switch back and forth making the toggle  look more realistic and easier to follow. Now let's see how interactive components can be  used on a large scale in one of our production design files. We need an interactive seat selector  for users to customize their flight accommodations. We have a component set with a different  seat variants we'll use for the seat selector. The component set contains two variant properties  we've labeled "state" and "class." The class property includes "economy" and "business." The business variants are larger to indicate a more spacious seat. The states include the values: Available: or the seats the user can pick from, Hover: a feedback indicator when the cursor sits or passes over  a seat, Selected: which seats the user has chosen, and, Unavailable: seats the user can't choose  because they've been previously booked by another passenger, We want to create separate interactions between the economy variants and between the business variants. First, let's start with the available economy variant. Go to the prototyping tab, and drag a connection  noodle from "Available" to "Hover." We'll go to the interaction details panel, and change the action to "while hovering." Next, we want to be able to select a seat after hovering over it, so we'll connect the "hover" variant to "selected" and set the action to "on click." Lastly, we want to be able to deselect a seat if we change our minds. So we'll connect the "selected" variant to the  "available" variant, and set the action to "on click." We don't need to create any interactions with  the "unavailable" variant, since these seats are already taken and can't be selected. Let's take the steps we did for the economy class variants and apply the same interactions to the business class variants. Once we're done, let's take a look at how these interactive components will work in a prototype. We've built out a seat selector with business class at the front of the plane  and economy filling the rest of the plane. When we interact with them in presentation view, we'll  see that hovering over available seats will change   them to the hover state, clicking will change  them to the selected state, and clicking again   will deselect and change it back to the available state. If we're traveling with a buddy, we might select two seats right next to each other toward the back of the plane, but then change our minds and decide to upgrade to business. Or maybe we're traveling with a large extended family and need to figure out how to keep the group close during the long flight. With interactive components, we define prototype connections  between variants just once, freeing us and other collaborators to use the assets and designs  without needing to drag any additional noodles. The examples in this video are just a few ways you can use interactive components. For additional powerful examples, check out the community files linked in the description. And, be sure to like and subscribe to keep up to date on the latest  product and community news. Thanks for watching!
Channel: Figma
Views: 77,193
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: figma, design, product design, tips, tricks, UI design, ux design, app design, figma design, design for figma, interactive components, figma tutorial, figmadesign, variants
Id: ReNbXhaL3Xk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 44sec (524 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 26 2021
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