Fights Where Fat Guys Knock Out Muscular Opponents

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1 minute 40 [Applause] seconds I think that there it is there you go there it is oh that's about it I mean what is the most appealing thing in the fighting industry Knockouts why you might ask because it looks vicious it's a brutal Clash of two monsters whose skills can be qualified as a cold weapon in real life and what's more exciting for us is to watch how huge guys Rush at each other at full speed to rip each other's head off but in this video we will overview the cases when physique and Jack build doesn't mean anything at all shout out to Tai tuivasa and other guys please don't forget about the likes comments with for wordss And subscribe to the channel here we go number 10 Andy Ruiz versus Anthony Joshua the first fight of today comes from the boxing industry that shocked the world in 2019 in June there was a fundamental fight for the heavyweight division the American Destroyer who with all due respect doesn't live up to his nickname having a record of 32 And1 was about to challenge the Olympic champion from Britain who was holding the WBA ibf WBO and IBO titles and by the way prior to facing the contender he was undefeated with 22 consecutive victories if we did an overview of this fight based purely on Fighters physiques we would have picked Joshua no doubt about it compared to Ruiz the Brit looked like a rock that just left the gym that's been training for the last couple of years diced Anthony who superseded his opponent in every Department was supposed to handle Ru with Incredible ease but as we will see further things turned out exactly the oppos opposite the end of the fight came in the seventh round already in the very beginning the Destroyer caught Joshua's chin a few times exploded again and knocked him another time right back with Joshua and Joshua in trouble losing his foot he's down again after the referee finished counting the fight resumed but only for the American to wobble his opponent once again and make him take a knee finally Landing a big blow and now another surprisingly it was the end of the fight and Andy Ruiz became the new heavyweight champion of the world number nine Roy Nelson versus merco crocop the next Clash of today happened on October the 29th of 2011 back then Roy Nelson the winner of the 10th season of tough show and officially the fighter with the worst physique according to Dana White was looking to share the octagon with the legend of the sport from Croatia in comparison to Big Country merco crocop looked like a Terminator with a distinct muscle mass and abs which he could use to knock someone out if he wanted to but not everything in this world comes down to muscles especially when we talk about Mig martial arts a farmer Protege from Tucker and Dale Versus Evil is about to prove it when the fight reached the third round Nelson went for the victory in the literal sense of this word he made the creation shoot for the legs and used his waight as an advantage how you might ask very easily he sat on top of him and finished him via TKO until the referee stepped in oh a big right cro stop stop let's it is all over big country Roy Nelson to beats Marco kro it was one of many myths that the American had to debunk by his own example number eight Eric HH versus Doug Norris so the younger generation doesn't confuse who Eric HH is we will mention his nickname that was louder and clear in the '90s in the entire America Butterbean the legend of martial arts who in his time was very popular with the fans of fighting when he was making his first steps on the boxing scene one of the opponents happened to be his countryman dark Norris you have to agree looking at this guy one would think that he should promote Old Spice instead of Terry Cru but that was the beauty of those scraps at a first glance absolutely nonsensical and unfair in terms of chances to win despite the fans opinions and comments from famous experts things started to fall apart for Norris already in the second round in which his suffering came to an end Butterbean stood out among his opponents not only due to his conditioning but also incredible endurance that allowed him to rush forward with a chin up in the air after after a minute into the round the guys brawled in the center of the Ring like Madmen to find out who was more durable and who would be unlucky to go face first on the mat it happened to be Doug Norris who ate a couple of stunning bombs with his face and expectedly teleported to the shadow realm amazing spectacle but that was the problem well it's wild now folks and there goes D noris number seven Bob sap versus origal the next fight of today is sort of a spoiler for the new Kung Fu Panda movie as the fighter from China with the same nickname completely destroyed Ty Long's double in July of 2016 Bob sap doesn't need introduction because every fan of mixed martial arts know his name as we said in the summer of 2016 the Beast went for another paycheck performing in front of the Chinese crowd at xiaomi Road fc32 let's say it straight up the action in the cage between these huge guys was shaking every wall up in the entire West Coast but these are the details not related to the actual fight just like the fact that Herb Dean who was officiating this mess of a fight was jumping all over the place watching Fighters move around the Octagon overall the spectacle in front of a cheering crowd lasted for one and A2 minutes during which Kung Fu Panda added his name to the list of Fighters who managed to whoop Bob sap in one-sided fashion we won't forget to mention that such fights are the reason we have a concept of a leapia which was provoked by The Rumble in different parts of the planet making it spin way faster around the Sun number six drazan janjanin versus Kevin Walter in June of 2023 the internet witnessed The Clash of two IR reconcilable elements boxing and blogger bodybuilding what do we mean by that a profession Prof boxer from Bosnia and heroa who wasn't having the best time on the professional scene was given an Ever self-searching internet personality whose appearance hinted at him having a lot of free time shortly speaking in an attempt to make money with a big headline and a corresponding image Kevin Walter was thrown under the bus of drazan who with all of his unathletic appearance still possessed the needed skills and had a good punch and that's exactly what he showed his jacked Vis in just a half a minute from the start of the fight a precise shot with the right hand dragged the German from Sky down to earth literally and figuratively it was an enlighting lesson for the guy who figured out firsthand that sometimes appearances doesn't mean anything and muscles don't play that big of a role when it comes to a real scrap we move on number five isma Lazar versus Gideon Ogar the next case of a complete deception looking at the Fighter's physique and the opposite outcome that he showed in the ring took place in kickboxing one of the main fighters who are in charge of debunking these kinds of myths is Ismael Lazar the Moroccan of Dutch descent who finishes his opponents faster than Paulo Costa who calls himself an active fighter he shared the ring with the Nigerian Gideon Ogar in December of 2016 a quick high kick from Lazar immediately set the direction and pace of the fight in this universe where apparently the laws of gravity work a bit differently the Moroccan dodged his opponent's attack with the speed of light and cracked his chin himself sanding him down from that moment on it was a matter of seconds the Nigerian being severely stunned couldn't see anything but flashes and a huge silhouette in the form of an attacking Lazar who in turn as it seems to us was in a hurry for a second dinner which made him speed up even more another shot didn't take too long and this time it was more than enough to beat the rest of Consciousness out of Gideon's head on top of some brain cells out like an absolute light TI to Advan double delivered another Masterpiece number four Chris Barnett versus Travis W in August of 2014 the Asian crowd that have been very keen on the clashes of Titans for a very long time got a new favorite Chris Barnett this short guy Beast Boy huggy there were many other epit to describe such an unusual appearance for a fighter had another fight at a Noy genome fight to it was an early stage of the Americans career before he began competing in the world's best League at that moment he was making a name for himself putting on such shows for the fans in the United States and Japan this time the role of an athletically Superior fighter was given to Travis wi and that's all you need to know about him we won't forget to mention the fact that before the fight against this guy Chris baret just recently conquered the local championship of Island fights and even if it doesn't tell you anything it meant a lot for the region where the Huggy Bear fought the fight with Travis wi managed to last more than one round but it didn't affect the outcome in the slightest already at the very beginning of the round a big guy rushed at Barnett head first only to lose it from a Counterattack the fan favorite barraged its opponent with infinite strikes from the top position and earned himself another TKO win no [Music] [Applause] comments number three Mike Russo versus Todd Duffy perhaps not any of you remember such a fighter as Mike Russo because of his lack of media presence and unassuming appearance however in his time this guy had some good moments inside the main MMA promotion after wandering around local tournaments including Pride where he got his first and for a long time only loss the American Prospect amassed a record of 11 wins and one defeat after another victory in his UFC debut Russo got an opponent in the face of a Rising Bull who was about to become the new star in the promotion Todd Duffy arrived in the organization at the same event as Mike earning a sensational Victory by a 7 second knockout according to the promotions plan this Mr Olympia participant was supposed to score a couple more of such finishes and then break into the title picture overall at first he was really close to pulling that off Roso was really struggling in the beginning rounds a fast powerful and athletic Prospect was beating him up with everything he had putting more and more power in every strike Duffy was properly battering Mike's head testing his toughness and ability to take a shot but in the end he got into his own trap in the third round Todd felt like the walls were closing in contrary to Russo he completely exhausted himself dreaming more of an oxygen tank than a victory and a star status as a result in the middle of the round Duffy ate a huge shot and got sensationally knocked [Applause] out m r the victory wow number two Ben Rothwell versus Alistair over the closer we get to the finale the more we talk about the stars of the UFC heavyweight division of the past Generation by September of 2014 the world's best League put on a rather exciting matchup an American Big Ben was supposed to clash with a Dutch horse meat lover at another fight night event Rothwell looking clumsy and awkward on the outside just recently came back from a 9-month suspension for for using illegal substances over faced the same fate a bit earlier and after he finished his own suspension he lost some of his horsepower despite the talks and big statements that Alistair would wipe the floor with the American things turned out to be quite the opposite though many people said that Big Ben did not belong in the UFC they could hardly imagine that his prominent beer belly would deflect the attacks of over him and protect him from the piercing knees like a bulletproof vest a so-called style of freezing in one place and looking for an opportunity to land worked perfectly against the centur without his hoves Rothwell caught alistair's chin after around 2 minutes and smashed his head into the canvas until the referee stepped in nice left hand but down goes over him oh this one's going to end Ben Rockell has done it a massive underdog number one Mark hunt versus Czech Congo and as a first place we have a fight that in its time saved the career of Mark hunt and convinced the entire fighting community that super Simone was still capable of competing against a top opposition by February of 2012 the New Zealander more or less returned to the winning path after a long streak of losses the UFC did not recognize his potential seeing him as a washed veteran with a name who at best can only be a stepping stone for a younger generation at UFC 144 matchmakers gave hunt a French knockout artist Czech Congo who resembled a Hercules at the weigh-ins prior to the tournament let's put it like this while at the Wes people witnessed a true definition of difference in physical condition in the actual fight good old Mark showed the difference in knockout power it was the performance that convinced the community that hunt can compete at a high high level as Czech despite all of his magnificence looked like a harmless punching bag compared to his opponent super simoan reached his chin in Just 2 minutes from the start of the fight and sent him into the shadow [Music] realm Mar finishes Cho wow and they love here in Japan what are your thoughts on the issue of physical condition in the martial arts industry leave your opinion in the comments below please don't forget to subscribe to the channel so you won't miss the upcoming videos and of course hit the like button if you enjoyed this one see you soon
Channel: PaulStrikerENG
Views: 987,291
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fights When Fat Guys Knocking Out Jacked Beasts, Fat Guys vs Jacked Beasts, Heavyweight Knockouts, Big Men Fights, Muscular Titans Defeated, Unlikely Fight Victories, Underdog Knockouts, Weight Class Battles, Strength vs Size Fights, Epic Fight Moments, Surprising Fight Outcomes, fat guys vs jacked beast, fat guy vs muscle guy, fat guy vs muscular, muscular vs fat guy, fat guys knocking out guys, fat guys knocking out jacked guys, fay guys knocking out muscular guys
Id: 0OkDD0Stf8U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 49sec (949 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 22 2024
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