Fighting the Government for the worlds largest treasure, guess who won

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[Music] the year was 1937 a man named Milton Oz or doc to his friends was deer hunting in the embryo basin Doc separated from his group and climbed to the top of Victoria Peak so that he could see the basin below while trying to locate his group doc moved a rock that revealed an opening leading down into the darkness of the mountain doc returned to camp that night [Music] and so he went the boys shouldn't get ready they were eating and as he walked past me he whispered and said get your work down as quick as you can let's go to bed I got something to tell you and he winked at me and I said okay so we ate and went to bed mence when he told me he pointed out a mountain that he knew I remembered that he found something somebody's old mine or something there but he didn't know what it was [Music] [Applause] this must have been in the spring of 39 I asked him to bring out a bar that pig on that he was telling me about and he said that was too heavy here it's too hard to get out there but he found a small one and he better have brought it out and he said this the last one of him babies I'm gonna bring out and ice and he throwed it on the ground and it there's gravel and it kind of scooted little well he was drinking his coffee and eating and we're looking at it over there and I went over to pick it up and he just laughed and he said pick it up pick it up and I cook there's too heavy and he gave me his knife and told me to scoot it under there and roll it over in my hand when I rolled it over I seen him for shiny where he hit the gravel I said what doc this is yella look at it and he looked at that and the Sun was right at the right air to shine right down on it they'd come over there and he whittled it with his hunting knife Rebbe said he said oh babe if that's gold and all that other is gold like it we can call john d rockefeller a tramp [Music] da Canova spent the next few months removing gold bars from the peak ova would sit at the table waiting for dr. return sometimes she would wait for hours after he dropped into the mountain other family members became involved in assisting with the removal Letha Dorothea and Marvin Ava's children helped any way they could Dorothy stayed at their campsite preparing meals while Letha helped on-site at the peak it wasn't long before doc OVA and the kids had accumulated a couple of hundred bars it seemed like things were going just fine until the spring of 1939 when doc tried to make his job easier and safer for state and federal officials to inspect his site he hired a mining engineer to place an explosive in the fissure he had used to access the treasure according to dr. das as he entered the peak from the summit he had to crawl around a large boulder [Music] doc would have to drop from level to level using a rope at times he eventually reached the bottom where he came to a large rock [Music] using his carbide mining light dot painted the walls of the Fisher with the words big rock from this point he had to work his way down around five huge boulders that were wedged in below big rock and eventually found a passage to the west where he gained access to the next treasure rooms realizing the great difficulty involved in the next leg of the recovery doc argued with Montgomery about the amount of explosives needed doc was concerned about the blast and the damage it could cause nonetheless that charge was placed and doc watch as his treasure Mountain was sealed [Music] the explosion just below the large boulder at the entrance caused a domino effect which collapsed and covered all the passages and big rock below mr. nas was aware he had problems but until he began digging he had no idea how immense the collapse had been doc hired a crew to help him uncover the tons of overburden from all and written descriptions by doc and the evidence of his work we know his plan at that point was to open the upper Knost entrance he and his crew began building a hanging vertical shaft within the fissure walls once passed the 38 foot point doc could see the enormous task he had to face he began to remove the tons of debris with buckets and rope doc and his crew spent several years excavating the collapse fissure they had intended to find the Buried big rock as a point of reference to determine which way to go they dug straight down but never found the now elusive big rock tried to get deeper they were led to the east side of the fissure the opposite direction from the original root dock frustrated with the collapse in the seemingly futile recovery effort begin drinking heavily the work on site became disorganized eventually doc found himself alone with his buried treasure where a war to begin doc was pulled off the site because of wartime testing and its proximity to Trinity site there was no legal excavation of Victoria Peak during the war after the war doc returned he was determined to organize a new effort to open his mountain gold was still a controlled substance and efforts to cash in jewelry were disappointing and dangerous he had no proof of ownership desperate doc gathered 118 gold bars which had been buried in small caches in the desert and made plans to sell 51 of them to a man named Charlie Ryan he had to devise a way for Ryan to receive the gold and Doc to receive his money for about 400 pounds of gold mr. nas was to receive $50,000 although that was a heavily discounted price from the $35 per ounce then prevailing doc knew that this would finance his effort on the peak but on one warm March afternoon in 1949 in hatch New Mexico things went terribly wrong an argument erupted Ryan threatened doc and doc was shot in the back while running for help his body fell limp and dead on the bumper of Charlie Ryan's pickup truck Ryan pleaded self-defense and was freed with the death of doc nos went most of the first-hand knowledge of the labyrinth beneath the surface OVA was devastated by his murder and the pain of Ryan's acquittal and the awesome task of recovering her husband's treasure obsessed over as co-discoverer she was well aware that it was all up to her she organized a team and created a strategy she decided to continue digging into Luke below the upper NOS entrance this excavation site had been tried while doc was still alive although never completed Doc's descriptions had told her that she had less than 30 feet to go once she reached a vertical depth of 185 feet fueled by the grief of Doc's death but with first-hand knowledge of the existence of the Horde over continued this excavation she forged dangerously forward and made the discovery that doc had worked years to make from the lower nose entrance Big Rock was buried in less than 20 feet of vertical debris and indicated clearly which way to continue curious about how close at ox upper shafted common OVA and her crew dug to the east and found Doc's shoring and tools he and his crew were only 18 feet away although doc shaft was fearing in the opposite direction over made use of the tunnel he created for backfill for the debris that she faced around and below big rock / continue with pulley and bucket against impossible odds for the next three years though the mountain was beginning to yield to her efforts over now came face to face with the US Army White Sands Missile Range was expanding its domain they claimed the area of Victoria Peak by eminent domain and threw over off in 1952 she was never allowed to finish her work she repeatedly petitioned the army to allow her to regain access to the caverns but was consistently denied access the illegal entry continued in fact the Department of the army and the Treasury Department were caught by ovah and New Mexico state officials digging for treasure themselves in 1961 Forman image a vehicle Jaffe and I asked him I said as is somebody in there digging us that they shouldn't be doing that and he said no there is no digging on that peak and he said if there are it's none of your damn business the log when we explain the log treasure-trove the law treasure-trove says that the finder the first finder of a treasure treasure trove has a right to that treasure which is superior to everyone else's rights except for the true owner of the treasure the true owner in our case has been lost to the ages it was either a Spanish missionary or a conquistador day or something of that sort so treasure trove which is simply a gold or silver in the form of a coin plate or bullion the ownership of which is unknown that treasure it's the Finders Keepers rule if you will belongs to the person who finds it even if he finds it unburied in your backyard ovah never gave up she fought for her property every step of the way there were minor successes but the army gave so little that there was no opportunity for her to open the peak herself [Music] OVA died in 1979 but her spirit lived on in 1981 terry dallona's grandson of ova took up the torch and begin to research means to get back into victoria peak by 1987 he formally formed the ova nas family partnership onf he was the entity that would successfully battled the army to regain access to the peak direct appeals to the white sands people had proved fruitless so it was decided to go to the top fortunately well-known attorney Bill Castleman and showed an interest in the problem and was enlisted to fight a new battle of the potomac bill had been counseled to President Ford and he also knew his way around the Pentagon in the capital as well as the White House in the spring of 1988 Terry and Bill Castleman met with then Secretary of the army John Marsh Marsh was receptive because illegal intrusions the Victorio peak had been a potential liability for the army for a long time however he would not approve access to the peak himself as the army general counsel had decided no less than Congress would have to authorize the entry the army felt there was a money problem in case it incurred unfunded expenses Castleman thought that was overkill and discussed the problem with members of the House Armed Services Committee Chairman les aspin agreed with Castleman but moved ahead with a statement that was clear the committee believes that the Secretary has the authority to accomplish this activity without the additional legislation however in view of the Army's inability to agree on how to effect this transaction the committee decided legislation would be appropriate to obviate any concerns that may persist with respect to reimbursement the result of Castleman's work with members of the New Mexico congressional delegation and a dedicated committee administrative chief Alma Moore was section 284 one of public law 101 - 189 this allowed secretary Marsh to in his words put this matter to rest the secretary said Oh NFP to work out the access details with the base commander the commander strangely proposed that onf be give white sands a five million dollar gymnasium as a perk for the cooperation terry informed the general that it was probably not legally appropriate the general then bargained for a museum to be built for white sands missile range at onf p expense to house the artifacts that the Department of the Army was planning to claim again onf PU declined and requested permission to do an engineering study to examine the geology and current condition of the mountain engineering and environmental work begin in January of 1990 and onf P used local subcontractors to prepare an environmental assessment the EA gave a positive recommendation to allow onf B's engineering an excavation plan perhaps just in time during an early visit to the site for environmental work the ofd contractors found evidence of an ongoing excavation deep within Victoria Peak near the top of the peak camouflage netting and generator lives led the crew to a concealed opening above lower nas onf pia contractor norman scott notified general jones who personally visited the site white sands security teams found military and civilian equipment in a ventilated drift under excavation photos were obtained and submitted to the Assistant Secretary of the army bio NFP no action was taken a White Sands Missile Range security personnel later approached onf P and asked if they could have their equipment returned to them rates for charges and for expenses caused solely by onf P's presence were quoted and the commander General Jones asked o NFP to contract missile range departments and equipment to excavate the site tarry and the team declined stating that the use of white sands contractors would be cost prohibitive volunteers would do most of the work with personal equipment and salvaged vehicles during one of only two press days allowed by White Sands Missile Range dallona's was interviewed by an El Paso television station On January 9th 1990 the next morning general Jones angrily informed Terry dallona's his remarks would cost Owen FP $25,000 a strictly punitive fine a reminder to use caution when addressing the media White Sands Missile Range Project Officer Larry Rios briefed range department heads on the media issues and support of the proposed gold hunt he was quoted by a white sand staff member as saying there may not be golden them there hills but there is gold in onf peas pockets the Victoria Peak project formally began exploration in late July 1992 phase one of the excavation consisted of surface metal detection work along the edge of the defined area five teams combed the locations where the nos family history had indicated retrieved treasure had been reburied by dock the surface exploration crews worked through the heat of summer grading out detection areas and digging for hot signals no treasure was recovered and some environmental assessment designated restricted areas were not allowed to be searched even with metal detectors but there was discovery of a different kind one of the teams helped rediscover and define the boundaries of an historic Apache Indian battle site near the base of the peak cavalry rifle shells were uncovered as well as an old anvil buried near a stone fort this Hembree o Basin Battle of 1880 unique in Native American history was with the Apache chief Victorio it was from this Indian leader that the pink received the name by which it is now known while the surface work continued teams mobilized equipment to begin excavating known entrances concealed earlier by the army bulldozers excavators and miners begin working the areas slated for excavation these sites were chosen based on information derived from historical as well as new data different techniques were used to pinpoint areas of interest including a vertical drilling and ground-penetrating radar although radar has been proven successful on many other sites in the world this mountains geology proved too complex for the radar and so after exhaustive testing and retesting the ground penetrating radar project was put on hold with the radar proving to be ineffective in specific targeting the crews were only left with old maps and verbal accounts two promising areas called Porter MacDonald and lapping hole were partially excavated after several months of work it was determined that these areas lacked sufficient evidence to continue the work at the cost now being levied on onf P by white sands missile range while probing continued at the northern sites a small exploration crew consisting of Alex Alonzo Jean clear and Bob Albright begin exploring Doc's original entrance to the peak although this entrance had been collapsed since 1939 it was still an area that needed to be explored the crew begin exploration from the top of the peak using ropes they worked their way down to the level of the collapse pile the work of doc nos and his crew could be seen everywhere ladders constructed against the south wall of the fissure led to the bottom where Doc's first bottleneck lay silently buried there was debris scattered everywhere the concealing efforts by the army caused a lot of confusion as to where the historic blast actually occurred when phase one came to a close the geological information available to the crews was incomplete and needed further review the question was posed to the project engineers as to the safety and feasibility of excavating the lower nose entrance in the main fissure the engineers decided that excavating the fissure where the collapse happened would be time-consuming and difficult dog gnaws himself had been faced with the same problem over fifty years earlier how do you remove the debris and where do you put it the fissure averaged only three feet wide at this elevation leaving very little room undaunted the team recruited some additional help and began removing the debris near docks buried ladder and throwing it down the lower nas shaft as it had been assumed that no work would ever take place in this area it seemed like a perfect place to drop debris in two weeks time the 50-foot shaft was filled but not before a dramatically important artifact was uncovered the discovery was so important that the team felt doc had left his calling card for his family to find a marker or directional symbol was found the T starboard this piece of wood had a symbol carved into it a letter T and a star the surviving members of the NOS family explained that this T and star was an alias that doc had used Tom's star in his boyhood days on the reservation [Music] this discovery changed the direction of the exploration of Victoria Peak and had become clear that there were more clues that needed to be uncovered deep in the fissure where it all began a system had to be devised to remove the thousands of tons of overburden covering the entrance to the passageways and so the next phase began with new equipment a guzzle a 20-ton vacuum cleaner rig was brought up to the top of the peak using a bulldozer - the truck was towed to the lower nas entrance area where it was fitted with a thick plastic pipe system that ran to the bottom of the fishery Alex Alonso explains I'm standing in what we call down the area of 22 and a half which is just basically half of a 45-degree angle that's a 22 and a half degree angle here this is the 8 inch pipe that comes down to here where the guys are working right now and you can see the guys are excavating to the east and you're looking from the west towards the east it gets reduced to a 6-inch pipe and goes down another 75 feet to where the guys are working right now so we have a total of 150 feet of PVC piping that's running from the guzzler down to the excavation area at the excavation point is a flexible tube which 6-inch hose we have about 20 feet of that on there that hose itself is what we use to excavate the dirt and the rocks and so on that guzzler has the capability of moving rocks this size which is quite large and move some about 40 miles an hour up the 8 inch PVC into the guzzler truck which the truck can hold 18 cubic yards of dirt so it's quite a bit of dirt we'll take it down now to the excavation area and show you what that's about our objective down here forces to locate the point in the bottom of the fissure where doc went through we've encountered a layer of shared shale down here below the limestone and what we've been doing is working this entire area all the way down to the bottom of the shale our objective and dolt for the last couple of days is to complete the this east end we we went down to shale further east but there was one area here that we didn't complete [Music] the victoria peak crew spent over a year in licensed time excavating the main fisher because of the peaks remote location weather conditions and army ordered evacuations a calendar year can equal only a hundred or so days on site because of the continuing excessive charges levied on the project by White Sands Missile Range for support and constant army imposed archaeological surveillance the peak crew was limited in the amount of work they could do funds were always tight but eventually the team was clear on which direction dock had traveled or were forced to stop due to the perilous geology o @f Pease general partner and the Victoria Peak team leaders have always made excavation decisions with the safety of the crew in mind if an excavation was too dangerous to continue an alternative plan was developed this was the case with the west side of the fissure the crew could see up 60 feet to the ceiling beyond where they were working tons of loose debris and boulders were hanging in that area there was no safe way to continue shoring and reinforcing this amount of material would be cost prohibitive a new plan had to be devised following the advice of UC Berkley geophysicists an internationally known specialty company joined Owen FP and became part of the NA search team the Charrington company team personally led by martin Charrington studied the mountain and developed a seismic and drilling program with the assistance of top geophysicists from the University of California at Berkeley who volunteered to help the crews mobilized on site to begin one of the largest privately funded seismic studies ever done gigabytes of geological data were acquired in the 40-day process it was hoped that the information would pinpoint the best area for the crews to tick although the environmental assessment allowed the use of existing roads complications from the range environmentalist office slowed the process as the horizontal drill rig attempted to drill into the north side of the peak a horizontal hole was drilled reaching from the south to the north side of the peak hydrophones were inserted into the drill hole that ran under the entire mountain explosive shots were recorded from every possible direction over 1,100 readings were taken as the team scrambled to beat the clock that ticked off thousands of O&P dollars paid to white sands for access results from the analysis of seismic data overwhelmingly proved that Victoria Peak sits on top of a maze of passageways this was a small victory for the team [Music] in 1963 the Museum of New Mexico determined in a field report that it was indeed possible for Victoria Peak to contain many caverns and the army edited version of that report later stated the opposite the peak was now being examined by computers and scientists and university laboratories and Oh NFP headquarters the problems ground-penetrating radar faced were also partially true for the seismic program the fragile geology of Victoria Peak tends to pose more questions than it answers anomalies were evident everywhere doc NASA's story of a peak that was a honeycomb of cracks and fissures leading in every direction was verified vertical drill rigs were moved into positions dictated by the seismic program but the results were only fitfully useful at times drilling was stopped because of the strict limitations arbitrarily imposed by a mr. Bob Burton at the White Sands Missile Range environmental office although many requests were put into the department to lift or mitigate these restrictions they were generally ignored drilling work could be mounted only on existing roads and paths due to this bureaucratic ruling the project was forced to purchase an angle drill rig this allowed the drill bit to angle in two locations otherwise restricted by the military holes were drilled and data was logged and the big picture was starting to take form a tunnel or drift as it is referred to in mining language would have to be running to the side of the mountain the selected site for this mining operation was the old Gattis mining portal this is where les Smith a mining engineer ran his drift into the mountain in 1963 this was a Gattis tunnel done under co-sponsorship with the Museum of New Mexico even then the army allowed only 60 days for the Gaddis company to complete their search given that this was to be the only place o NFP could run a tunnel it was decided to push the drift into the center of the most likely anomalies as seen in the seismic survey work was slow and money was tight the operation itself was relatively cheap most of the crews are volunteers using secondhand or donated equipment the operation itself ran less than 750 dollars a day but with the army base charges for one MP and a junior archaeologist added on the cost went as high as thirty-five hundred dollars a day the team was played with more than the problem of understanding what needed to be done physically to reach the chambers below the crew their families and friends and heed up their personal funds to continue paying support charges the support charges issue was governed by the legal philosophy of a mr. Bob Colvin in the Judge Advocate General's Office in one of the many meetings held between Terry dallona's and white sands bureaucrats Colvin stated to the general we can charge them any damn thing we want shocking but o NFP must maintain access to the surface of Victoria Peak so although the downgraded efforts still pushed forward it became apparent it was going to take five times longer than planned the drift was run by Kent Hansen an experienced miner from Arizona who was very familiar with this type of excavation he and his volunteer team devised a tunneling plan and strategy the stress safety above all else it wasn't long into the creation of the drift that Kent realized how complex the mountain was and how difficult it would be to access the target with a straight passage there were dead ends due to alluvial zones encounter between the limestone blocks due to the time constraints involved in moving past these dead ends the mining team begins snaking the tunnel to maintain competent sealing structure it was faster to go around the problem areas than to spend enormous amounts of time shoring and reinforcing as the team pushed on the support charge problems with White Sands Missile Range worsened the volunteer team in the field office continued to plead with the project Officer Larry Rios and the commanders for an accounting of funds being debited monthly by the finance office as ofp believed the law required Judy Holman project administrator and Terry to lowness were often simply told to pay the fees or leave the site the strategy at this point was to run the drift in the direction of the main fissure where the crew it had to stop due to safety and time constraints although simple in principle the miners had to face several hundred feet of rock to position equipment in the right area after months of mining that in a solid limestone reef could have been done in just a few weeks the crew was exhausted but not broken it was a red-letter day on December 4th 1995 when the drift allowed the miners to safely enter into the Fisher they had left over a year ago it had been a long journey but the simple reward of safe access to the area below lower nos and big rock was enough to cause the team to celebrate the logic of doc story was starting to become apparent the geology that doc nas spoke of was in Plainview geological evidence of strata and shale that even a skeptic would admit was similar to Doc's account was everywhere darkness had been there three separate tunnels were started by alternating crews in accessing the area the doc would have crossed to the deeper rooms one of these tunnels was aimed at the access point where the military was caught digging in 1961 this area had been dynamited shut during a top-secret operation after an action by OVA nas in the state of New Mexico forced the army to officially leave in November of 1961 the basic question was now did the government have enough time to access Doc's room documents obtained under the Freedom of Information Act prove that they had the interest and intention of doing just that the OU NFP team was determined to find out if the NAS family had been robbed by the US government or government personnel acting privately using the access privilege that only the government and the White Sands Missile Range staff had held for decades the drift to reach this point was technically the toughest dig they had faced the crew could advance only a foot a day at times but after a month of work they reached the area where the military had begun their dynamiting to close the mountain [Music] at this point a large fissure was opened over 16 feet wide at the bottom fading into darkness in the East more of the history was being proven back in 1958 two military men with special access happened upon an old entrance that OVA had worked they stated that they begin digging and managed to free and opening into a small room not far from the main fissure they spoke of a small amount of gold bars and were convinced that this was not Dawgs massive treasure but a smaller ancillary site nevertheless they informed their superiors of their fight this prompted the search in 1961 led by the missile base and the Secret Service foi a documents say the Army dug for five days and found nothing in reality this exploration continued much longer by 1993 o NFP had in its possession a map from the soldiers exploration which illustrated where they started and where they ended the on-site crew was using this map and one of Doc's old maps from owen FP files to find the truth about this early government dig the area selected to penetrate was somewhere in between the two when compared the earlier roots looked a little too close to be a coincidence so the crew started to tunnels soldiers hold drift and the doc nos drift raced each other toward the center the soldiers drift kept opening bigger and bigger it was following the military men's map perfectly until safety came into play a point was reached where the sealing in these natural fissures exceeded 60 feet unlicensed trespassers could ignore safety if they chose but the lead miner decided it was too risky to continue considering all the dynamiting that had taken place in this mountain through the decades on short exploration of the new fissure was just too dangerous and unpredictable meanwhile the OU NFP team continued the attempt to intercept the west end of the fissure during that effort a large collapse occurred in the lower nas entrance the area on the surface where OVA was working towards her husband's original route the entire area suddenly dropped 60 vertical feet what was most puzzling to the crew was what did it drop into an underground perspective made it clear that the area's stability had become compromised and had collapsed into a large void ken Hanson believed that this was not a bad thing he preferred to enter into this area after it collapsed the race was now accelerated the target area was now defined and the team spirit was high even with the delays caused by onf peas close compliance with Burton's subjective archaeological and environmental restrictions three and a half years of work was about to pay off access with competent mining equipment to the site doc Moss was in in 1937 was theirs so confident was the crew they were on Doc's tracks that a press release was issued to announce that a discovery was imminent excitement was high and the crews worked longer shifts although the military debits of onf peace escrow account skyrocketed the project was pushing it to the limit when word came from the White Sands Missile Range financial office that the unknown costs were going to triple with this information families and careers were put on hold and the crews scrambled to finish all that they could with the hopes of accessing the treasure trove or a crime scene before they were build out of business exploration of the supposed military access tunnel was postponed because of time and safety but an alternate plan would access the location from the natural direction of the fissure equipment was moved to this location underground and the work began immediately back at the Victoria Peak headquarters in town tarried aloneness and his volunteer team worked as always to try to block the continuing army and justices they asked for congressional mediation and a Pentagon review of the insupportable charges the partnerships main intention is to solve the Victoria Peak mystery as agreed with army secretary Marsh the media began asking White Sands Missile Range why it was necessary to charge the project up to forty thousand dollars a month for reimbursement of support costs of one MP and one archaeologists and not to give an accounting for what the costs were for the press continued to be barred from the site unless onf P agreed to pay press escort fees of $2,000 per day whether the charges were legal or not team continued until March 18 1996 when they were notified by White Sands Missile Range officials that they were no longer allowed to continue work or even return to Victoria Peak to retrieve their costly equipment the OU NFP team has not seen Victoria Peak since the eviction after collecting nearly $800,000 from onf P the Army is demanding another quarter million to return to the mountain and to release the project equipment which is still inside the drift New Mexico senators and congressmen have been asked for assistance a congressional delegation and a Pentagon attorney were dispatched to intervene but Terry dallona's was scheduled out of one of the meetings and forbidden by the general to attend the other consequently not one representative from ou NFP was present to defend the project's position the OU NFP is no stranger to the red tape that surrounds the military system it took years of work negotiating a license and lobbying Congress for a bill that could identify how the project would reimburse the base the project site is now closed to o NFP but the team that got access to the peak will fight this new battle and they will return to Victoria Peak to solve this mystery although the entire experience the NAS family has had with the army has been a painful one Terry de Lotus says cynicism is the last refuge for quitters o NFP will not quit there are still some legal remedies at our option [Music] response to continued press inquiries terry dallona's general partner of the / North's family partnership today confirmed that on April the 4th 1997 onf P filed a complaint in the United States Court of Federal Claims in Washington DC against the United States of America as represented by the Secretary of the army and the commanding general White Sands Missile Range and others the suit alleges a breach by the army of its 1991 license agreement with onf P to omit the partnership to search for and recover treasure trove in the Victoria Peak region of New Mexico within the boundaries of the Missile Range the treasure at issue was originally discovered by Milton darkness and his wife / babe nas in 1937 dallona's is a grandson of babe knows and since founding onf p in 1989 has been engaged in needing an effort to locate the treasure which was inadvertently buried in a mining accident in 1939 onf peace operations are Victoria Peak were suspended by the Army in March as a result of the disputes outlined in the complaint the suit asks for damages resulting from violation of the federal statute which authorized the search and for which onf P successfully sought enactment by Congress in 1989 eleven separate counts are alleged in the complaint including failure to bill or NFP for actual costs incurred by the army as required by onf P's license failure to below NFP at agreed rates failure of the army to act reasonably in its billing practices over billing of o n FP failure to provide an accounting to o NS failure to act in good faith towards onf p and violation of statute terry dallona's speaking for his family said onf p has not been able to resolve its differences with the army and has no remaining recourse but the courts we believe our system of justice to be fair and have every confidence that we will have the opportunity to state our case when all of the facts have been placed before the court we expect to prevail we look forward to a solution that will enable us to go forward with our search and to recover the North treasure or to settle the mystery once and for all [Music]
Channel: Terry Carter
Views: 636,926
Rating: 4.6527724 out of 5
Keywords: terry carter treasure hunter, Terry Carter, doc noss, doc noss treasure, terry delonas, Dr. Oren Swearingen, oren swearingen, Floyd Mann, victorio peak, victorio peak treasure, Spanish Treasure, New Mexico treasure, white sands missle range, New Mexico Spanish Treasure, treasure hunting, buried treasure, hidden treasure, lost treasure, doc noss victorio peak, doc noss gold bars, victorio peak treasure new mexico
Id: UXwRjKKulpQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 26sec (2486 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 30 2018
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