Fighting in the Typhoon | Paul Godfrey

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loved it where we'd come in a full ship of us be fighting a bunch of f3s and you know just simple things where the f3s weren't used to putting their radars all the way up here where we were coming in from above the contrails you know you're not going to see us visually and because you're so high and so fast you impart additional energy onto your missiles so you now you've got ranges that we hadn't seen before on this typhoon and we were you know cleaning up it was utterly brilliant i feel sorry for the f3 because that's my favorite aircrew it sounds like you didn't i'm not taking it away from those guys they just hadn't fought you know something uh like us before they soon worked out you know and then it was a you know a much harder fight lastly i've done three tours on typhoon so that my first tour was on three squadron um as that first operational squadron my second tour was when i came in as the office commanding operations wing at conningsby where i deployed them various things with the typhoon and the third one was the station commander where i kept my hand in mainly did quick reaction alert missions but actually flew in malaysia flew in japan flew in the states flew with f35 f22 along the way so you know learned a lot about what we term fourth fifth gen integration um so i i just a fantastic aeroplane got about 700 hours on the on the typhoon and uh i sum it up as a well-beated um i absolutely love my time on the f-16 and i loved that aeroplane for what it was i think with typhoon you've got a level above just because of the capability the platform so you know where you've already got an amazing defensive age sub suite you know sensors on it targeting pods um the ability to carry a range of missiles um you know storm shadow meteor now i talked about long range of amram meteor is a whole different game now that you've got a ramjet uh engine air-to-air missile yeah that does turn typhoon into something that people need to be worried about i think they were already yeah and in terms of that dog fighting bfm uh lots and lots of lots of bfm engagements uh you know lost a few one most um but even against f22 you know went up and did uh on uh a couple of bfm engagements against f22 actually it was 2-1 to him stupid mistake on my part but the first one suddenly this f-22 is really worried that i've now um uh you know beaten him is it because it has is it something called excess power which gives you that ability yes it is so specific excess power only you know is ultimately means that uh you have more power than you weigh yeah so um i talked about bfm i'm gonna people will get me on youtube now for hands in the bar but you know if someone's turning and you start to turn into them on an f-16 you'd turn you'd keep pulling keep pulling the jet would start to bleed a bit of energy depending on where you were altitude or download in a typhoon more often than not if you didn't break the back of it or come back on the power you would sustain 9g in that turn the other person's normally going downhill yeah and so um you know you'd be playing 9g the whole time and the aeroplane could sustain it which is utterly ridiculous in terms of power i was writing something the other day for someone who'd asked me about typhoon vs spitfire and you know people are getting well can a spitfire turn tightly or anything doesn't matter typhoon would just go straight up wait until the spitfire falls off and then you back down on it you know the ability to go up in that dogfighting arena someone asked on twitter actually was dog fighting relevant these days you know we haven't shot anyone down since the falklands yeah well actually with all of the quick reaction alert stuff that we're doing and intercepting russian fighters i think it is enormously relevant because you wouldn't want to put pilot if i was a pilot intercepting that russian or whoever i wouldn't want to be in the position where i didn't know what to do if something happened now we can hope that nothing is going to happen but i want to know what to do if something happens it's the same mistake they did with the phantom they didn't put a gun in and that was you know a silly mistake so there was a long history with the gun in typhoon absolutely the right thing to put the yeah to put the gun back on there for that particular mission
Channel: Aircrew Interview
Views: 17,607
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: raf typhoon, paul godfrey interview, raf typhoon display, raf typhoon vs f-22, typhoon vs rafale, typhoon vs f-15, typhoon vs f-16, pilot interviews, fighter pilot interviews, raf pilot, what is it like to fly the typhoon, aircrew interview typhoon, Fly With RAF's Quick Reaction Alert Crews
Id: 5UijGM8tOvI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 24sec (324 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 27 2021
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