Fiend Folio Moment

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hello test oh there it is I see my mic is working now hello hello ah is that is that Matt man is that him ah and let me fix this as well oh can you guys hear the game now oh oh oh it's Batman he's here let's go it's him did you guys finish the video finish the video first then come back finish the video first no audio what the hell are you talking about oh gosh a bear's fun goal is back gifted to Michelle thank you so much [Music] what's up boyos boyos and girlos we are here today to play some Binding of Isaac I love you what's up streamer of luck hello The Binding of Matt man my nose is bleeding you should go get that checked out I think I think you should go do that make sure you finish the video first we're gonna wait a little bit maybe a couple more minutes and then we're gonna start we're gonna play some Binding of Isaac today [Music] cool game what's it about a child is it the first train no we've done a couple streams I stream every Tuesday or Sunday sorry Sunday Tuesday that's why I have a mega Satan kill here already we're gonna do some more unlocks and I was thinking maybe I would even do a little bit of fiend folio stream because people have been asking me to do that for a while [Music] I'll do file icons work last check mark file icons basically the last significant check mark so according to the game and its progression the last significant check mark I got was a mega Satan kill the next one after this is mother I believe how did you get so good I play this game a lot just finish the vid well then we can start can't we do I play I should play Bethany though Lazarus I should I feel like I should be going for all the characters oh we gotta do greed mode oh good what's up hey glink [Music] how many hours do you have probably over three thousand we're just gonna hit random we gotta Farm some more hard kills oh it's just Isaac of course of course it'd be Isaac you know what hold on one thing I forgot I turned down my gamut to a thumbnail well me LED I'll lend you some luck for college app yeah I mean like I don't know if uh my luck applies to that but I will lend you some hopefully it works out for you here let me get a pop out chat there you go shared bit crazy Kraken [Music] foreign that's not my man whoopsies what's the next file icon after the house I'm pretty sure that's just dead God does the music sound kind of weird or is that just me I don't know does it sound weird what's up I love the YouTube content hey what's up I love you for loving the YouTube content there's a secret room item but I don't have the D6 unlocked man uh still that's incredibly worth it so 99 bombs oh my God it's lazy Batman he's so based good stuff on finding Pyro easy schmeezy I think you know her for the bits I'm gonna not yet hit here because I'm a gamer so I should be taking from the same microphone settings as when I record so everything should be working but if something does sound weird you know let me know thanks cool cat for the prime uh we still have to find our treasure room I thought I already found it because I have 99 bombs but I uh I forgot I'm not are you a spoon kid enjoyer I'm pretty sure I know spoon kid right but like I I I forgore what they make right just based on username aren't they like an animator or am I thinking of the wrong person lazy bad man do you watch bino uh Loosely yeah even his variety content he makes good stuff all right funny very funny man come over here I need to blow you up hopefully that's enough for the keys good stuff uh I don't know why I'm like proactively trying to save bombs I literally started with 99 what kind of luck is that Bumbo hello so I've moved a couple things around you can see that the notifications don't show up as often and it's in the bottom left there I don't know if it's still in the way I noticed in the first stream um it was basically just constantly notifications right and it was in the middle of the screen and really annoying so let me know if this feels a little better shows up on the bottom left now thanks Bobby Kids Marks have you ever played neuter no I have not for variety I was thinking of playing a couple new games maybe after a bit of Isaac I was thinking of maybe playing Hades I know a lot of people like that game and to be honest with you I have literally never played that game in my life and I know nothing about it I'm dead serious hype train how do I get delirium I believe you have to kill hush one time your mic is amazing when it rains uh voodoo doll is great here looks like that no wait I'm stupid okay I forgot that I don't have 999 coins I don't have what the hell's wrong with me I'm so used to just blowing it up have you ever uh played enter the gungeon I have it's a cool game it's just not for me but I like it I love your vids man keep it up thank you smartest Isaac player that is actually the most factual thing in chat so far you can die to like one bomb someone just do that there you go another trinkaus thanks for the prime rib don't know I know right oh blue cap I'm not used to not having a downpour access this early on right typically I just go straight downpour get a double item room find C-section and I make a video today though today is just me playing Isaac and you guys get to talk to me and I hopefully I don't get hit because I want this deal oh maybe I didn't want the deal what are these things called I said this in my new video I believe or no I think I asked what these things are called in my tomorrow video spoilers they're so annoying whatever these guys are called they Dodge like Ultra Instinct I don't understand thank you all right we're done drowsy feels good to find a low Leaf of the gift Jesus 25 total are you a wizard I don't have train games unlocked I don't have anything unlocked so arcades really aren't that crazy but it doesn't mean I'm not appreciative to find one I I hate this well it's probably better to do it like this huh nope I'm a liar I just can't shoot this guy stop man stop it I can't I cannot you know what [Music] oh game kid what that's how you online game kid what really I actually did not know that Mr madman there's no way you made me finish watching that video just for you to plug the fact that you're going to be streaming while I was watching the Stream let's go are you a wizard is good you just don't know how to use it okay I shot in every cardinal direction possible just then how else could you have used it I feel like the boss is probably top left I'm gonna go bottom right [Music] watching the video and the stream at the same time that's a giga chat I have seven TV enabled by the way so if any of you have seven TV uh that's how you're gonna see a lot of the uh chat emotes I worked yesterday on just getting a bajillion different uh emotes in chat all right so here's my shop and my treasure room this is gonna be juicy for us give me give me humble yeah humble's good old coupon I just unlocks everywhere today yeah that's good hey no complaints from me Tech hey Tech run Tech also has a couple unlocks I believe if you get two technology items in the same run you get tag0 unlocked I beg you please bomb the children I thought I was gonna use them but yeah you're right I should probably follow them goodbye children so many Soul hearts wasn't it three Tech items you're probably right I don't have everything completely memorized just a general amount you should probably feed Bumbo at this point right foreign [Music] actually honestly I'm gonna take the time sorry you get another thing later I want the time you get that you get to have that [Music] Tech knife combo thoughts men but cool that they added something at least I don't have anything in the devil that's okay I don't need much to win the game right we're just going to Heart a couple times and getting our wins in so okay that's a big one I guess that's blow up seven bajillion pots in the same room I don't I don't know I don't know how these unlocks work jeez hello hello hey what's up unlocks are going wild today they are going wild there you go there you go big boy uh I feel like I want to take the oroboros with tech because it's silly I immediately regret my decision I'm gonna drop it no thank you come on thanks shiroki for the prime [Music] foreign fanboy and by Lux and I don't want to take everything there you go I am not a short King I'm actually six foot I'm not kidding I am not a Shortcake it's swear to God well I have to leave my lunch breaking like literally a minute just stopped by to say hi I'll bless you with a broken run now that my presence will be numb well I appreciate it I'm happy at a good lunch break and good luck on whatever work you're doing level two hype train let's go this guy spawned a bomb okay shot speed up how are you gonna do tainted Cane Run after the Nerds I have a couple ideas I have a couple ideas does anyone actually like Bumbo I mean yeah he's a good familiar that does damage right you don't have to feed that much into improve to get to Max he's not that much of an investment he's cool [Music] Batman for you what is the best planetarium or zodiac item uh planetarium item in my opinion Uranus or Terra Neptune is shortly behind I don't know if I can decide between the both of them I'm pretty sure Uranus is the best one but just knowing that Tara gives you like a times damage up it's just so satisfying to know but in reality Uranus is the best uh planetarium item hourglass that's good [Music] you're what lazy Batman I will take this and this will hurt so we're just gonna Farm Park kills today and I was wondering if anyone was down right for me to play a little fiend folio because I I know so many people are asking me to play that and I don't know how many people actually want me to play it or they're just like saying they want me to play it all right maybe I'll do a couple runs on on fiend folio I have no idea what it's about I got no clue all right I have it installed I just uninstalled it because I was never gonna do a video for it until like later but if you guys want me to just stream it you get a live reaction Live Matt man reaction of teamfolio like yeah I could do it do you want to play it I mean I kind of want to know what it's about if everyone's talking about it you know what's fiend folio it's apparently this giant mod for Isaac that just adds seven bajillion different like uh items and monsters basically are you a wizard I'm drowsy I'll take this nice first stream let's go I love pills Bumbo is carrying foreign okay it's the equivalent of anti-births is it that big I remember Angie both who was big man to say that it's as big as anti-birth for a mod pack that's a tall claim I'll hold you to it just watch the vid and came to YouTube from twitch Wait no that's incorrect came from twitch no came from you're here to watch the stream thank you I have another arcade lazy Scatman if he couldn't bump comps to push them I gotta pick up scapul on this fly all right I'm missing scotola I'm missing so much I'll try and go for a blood bag okay that's an IV bag here I'll feed you Bumbo [Music] what's good Matt man what's good shattered a little bit of a scary room there we go easy room good stuff uh another secret room item man if only had a D6 right um we'll just pull up this donation machine what do you think of Andromeda it's like the planetarium character has a pocket I know if you use it in a treasure room tp's you in a planetarium that sounds cool you know I've never done um modded characters actually not on the channel or not at all in general so I might do that eventually you know I do have Ted God twice now just came from YouTube what's up how you doing what's up first time shatters there's nothing in this room what am I doing hey we got a bum run I guess mod Channel no I would just do it on the main Channel is this your third save file this is my third save file we are doing dead God final file unlocks this came from twitch maybe there's a small rock actually do I even have the small rock unlocked do you need to unlock that thing I just know I gotta blow up a bunch of rocks to get a bunch of unlocks I don't really care if I'm getting hit here we have so many Soul Hearts Plus dark thumb this is basically a one run honestly I don't like I know it sounds crazy I don't have any damage but uh it's actually one we're fine we win finished watching Hamilton and instantly came through the stream I was watching I think Wednesday yesterday right A lot of people were talking about that show for a bit I was watching it episode one gotta admit don't know what all the hype's about you know I don't think it's that crazy maybe it gets better with all the plot twists I mean they're obviously setting up things right but as far as I know like I don't know it's not that it's not that crazy as far as I know I'll go to the shop mid show it isn't that crazy will you ever play Tanya's keeper again I might thanks to Bruce for the uh fat Big Boy gifted [Music] lazy Scatman true is it like last stream where Batman will die due to gifted Subs uh if we come up with a funny sub goal I guess but we haven't done that yet we're just playing the game right now eyes explode and Reverb hello it looks like I'm hitting him but I'm obviously not okay shop agreed all right that's fair goodbye you get to have all of that I want some goddamn damage UPS please hierophant it's like a fully owl healthy run with nothing else [Music] some Eugenics is coming out soon right soon right probably about a year and a half from now um since it has something to do with Edmund Eddie killer thanks for the prime I wanted to know if you guys were down to see me play that game maybe maybe I'll just stream it right and then I'll uh upload on YouTube for that I don't I have no clue what the game's about apparently it's a roguelike right no clue go ahead and eat this bomb real quick there we go it's a roguelike RPG well that I know right the rest I don't know what game is called nugenics it's coming out by Edmund McMillan the same man lazy map Hat Man true okay and thanks for the product man slowed down uh super breed here I'm just gonna bomb him we have so many bombs we could probably just bomb our way through the entire rest of the game to be honest it's gonna be a really nice fast run I don't even want to be here you know what I'm speed running I'm out of here that's what we're doing I'm speed turning later dead God speed run true whoops I didn't mean to buy that but hey I needed to buy it anyway right would you play Elden ring I play that game for about I want to say oh this is a dead end uh maybe a couple hours and I liked it don't get me wrong I just didn't really finish it I think I'd be what was his name godric I think I'd be godric and then I stopped again I like the game 100 I just did continue for some reason so am I there's a couple games I kind of want to try out I've never played Hades right 80 seems cool playing Elden ring on stream seems cool holy I didn't expect that many viewers here damn as a bajillion mad manners in the world okay this this is just a bit of a fraction of my community the madman fandom lives on favorite Isaac challenge uh oh that's a good question actually I feel like tantrift is one of my favorites I feel like that's so unique right what what what are you guys's favorite Isaac challenges because there's a lot right I'm probably forgetting some you guys would probably just remind me of some whoops you know what give me a deal chance actually could ride Arabi thanks did I I don't even have my treasure room gotta go bye bye the tech One tech one's cool we could do some challenges today they're easy delete this is your favorite challenge anything in here that's okay that's all right delete this is your favorite Pica run TM trainer what will you do Post dead God I'm gonna delete it on stream and then do it all over again and farm content and you guys are gonna love it that's that's what I'm gonna do I'm not even joking quote me I will delete a dead God file I will do it on stream I'll go I'll get dead God and then the next day I will literally delete it on stream and do it all over again you won't I will you guys are gonna have to suffer I will literally do it why don't I start like that uh I don't know I have a lot of eating tokens this is the exact same layout quadruple dead God yeah I want to go for 10 dead gods that would be a good title for a thumbnail like what it's like to have 10 dead Gods oh that's juicy Aaron thanks for the prime sub for six months that guy's a goat I'm pretty sure they have a new badge actually this isn't a lazy Matt man run these are the types of runs you guys don't see we're like yeah I can win like really easily but nothing's happening right usually around here I'd reset and I'd be like well this isn't going to go anywhere [Music] but we're just farming mom kills so even twitch and not YouTube I put Twitch in the outro no it's okay we still have a drowsy feel we still have everything Bumbo is honestly carrying his bombs are doing so much on top of my bombs that I'm throwing out okay now you're just bombing nothing what the hell are you doing all right we're good growth hormones coming here Spirit of the night I feel like I gotta take all of these just so I get achievements right achievements plus uh I feel like I would never take them otherwise so I'll take too spooky I want to add it to my collection list what's your play time total probably three 4K I don't know I finally got into a live let's go I spoke to Matt Man by the way this is our first damage after the entire run and we're still showing I'll be okay okay maybe not a lot of it I was gonna go ahead and kill me real soon at this rate so right now the speed run is get to partner as fast as possible and after that it's speed run then gone gotta remember these spiders aren't actually hurting me at all at bursting sack goat item I'm lying it's really bad Bumbo is the goat of The Binding of Isaac I never played um Legend of Mumbo that's the only Edmund game in my entire life I've never played I'm pretty sure I've played his entire repertoire of games I'm not even joking like basement collection all the old flash games yet I never touched Bumbo I played fingered what's the best way to get your donation machine full in your opinion are we talking greed mode or shop because uh best way in both uh both ways in both modes just play the game every I don't think there's any cheese anymore there used to be a cheese Strat where you could glowing Hourglass in green mode and constantly like refresh your machine that's no longer a thing though I don't think there is any more cheese left in the game I think you just kind of have to hold that and deal with it let's play it play Flash Isaac I have eternal God on flash Isaac that sounds cool though that sounds really cool you guys want to play a bit of flash Isaac that sounds awesome flash Isaac for a video I'm down I love flash that's where I grew up on hey okay chill I'm not trying to die though Matt man merch I gotta figure out how to do merch because you know there's a whole thing where my entire profile picture is based on a trinket and it's like it's not mine flash got shut down no well flash like yeah but like you can still play Isaac at least I as far as I know oh God I'm sorry yes oh I finally have something that's halfway decent well the music sounds like Mario Galaxy right now why did I do that I saw someone open flash Isaac today on my steam friends list so I'm pretty sure you could play Flash Isaac still so we could do that maybe next stream today we'll be fiend folio as a special thing and then next stream what the special thing will be flash Isaac tomorrow that sounds kind of cool right let's use The Drowsy feel here because it'll last the entire room and then I'll use The Hourglass for the rest of the stuff I wanted to do this just to heal up a bit even though let's be honest we're gonna be fine 100 three files and flashlight there's no files in Isaac there's one file you now have cancer but can you beat Goku no one can beat Goku I'm sorry to say that this is the truth boom good stuff fiend folio plus Revelations oh yeah Revelations is a thing too good point shatter you're actually correct I never touch Revelations either at all I never even touched chapter one it's a good point though I could try it you know how come Widow hurts you and I have versing sack that don't make no sense I gotta kill my friends just to continue that sucks okay me when Batman can't beat Goku it's tough now all right why did you shoot down oh I think he was feared damage up we've done it guys holy that's crazy lazy Chapman call you lazy chat maybe a Teleport oh it is a Teleport too bad I don't need it we're not going to Shell on this run unfortunately for us are we going straight to the heart and we are ending doing it all over again oh I was looking at chat [Music] hey Ryan plays thanks man and for me just saving me a bunch of damage thank you [Music] L runs to be honest true however hear me out it's okay because it was only the mom anyway [Music] W vids thank you I kind of do want to go back to flash Isaac to be honest brim snapping sounds fun to do again is Bethany worth it what do you mean worth it like was that like to play uh she has great unlocks she's fun she's unique I guess yeah she's she's worth it Bethany Run next I could actually this this one sucks I'm leaving no thanks I just beat it oh okay cool which is one of the most broken characters what is the most broken character in the entire game do you guys think it's so odd seeing Matt in a run that isn't game breaking this is what happened when I when I used to record and in stream or sorry in the video I'll say you guys can't see this but I've been very unlucky these are the ones I'm talking about all right typically a recording day will last about like I don't know three hours tainted keeper kind of tinted keeper plus restock tinted Kane technically tainted Kane is the best character in the game technically why is everyone saying tainted characters because take the characters are broken potato Jacob is not the best one of the best characters in the game you guys think tainted keeper and Kane are some of the best characters in the game is that so interesting [Music] bass Isaac bass Isaac gotta be one of my least favorite characters [Music] we gotta get this guy a D6 immediately all right let's go get our heart kill glad I joined I'm glad you joined too ow I'm just making it interesting just gotta make it interesting you know [Music] epic cat uh someone we play Bethany right for your video runs can you tell us the seeds please oh well you want to know why I don't show the seeds you guys want to know it's because it hello it's because it it drives comments all right that's why okay that's why you guys want to know it's because it makes people comment what's the seed all right and then it drives the algorithm you happy now okay now you know the truth people comment what's the seed all right my brain is massive my vein is so big when I used to show the seed right So based oh my god when I used to sew the seed right I'd say Cedar model is in the description all right and I noticed I got less comments because everyone's like um good run right whatever right but now that I don't right and sometimes it isn't about on purpose genuinely like on if I'm being honest 90 of the time I just don't show the seed because I don't pause unless I'm taking a break sorry I forget but like now that I don't show the seed people are like what's the seed how does he get such good runs oh it's got to be rigged you know so I'm I know my brain is massive I know I know so no unfortunately I cannot I'm sorry tiger tat thank you for the tier one flesh soda that's a cool name and Jack hat for the prime I always go to the comments just comment the video title a couple people do that feeling whoops that this may be my secret room okay well it was but I'm about to die [Music] but dude I want the best run in the game well you know what just go ahead and pick Isaac and start rolling secret rooms and eventually you'll get it it's not that hard I don't want to be here I'm out 100K Subs face reveal I technically face revealed on stream yesterday but don't tell anyone that first cube of Me cover me [Music] I'm [ __ ] I'm dead first death of the file he sucks he sucks so bad this guy has two dead gods and dies to famine what a new you know what I blame Chuck for distracting me that's right it's your fault Fortune Cookie's good was it the actual first step yeah probably I don't think I would have died anywhere else you know actually no that's that's that's no that's fake news I've died before I teleported to the dark room I think yesterday or not yesterday last stream for you which is the most annoying floor bosses from the other corpse bosses floor bosses Gahanna because I know I'm just gonna I'm straight up I'm gonna fight Visage and then that in mind slash Ash pit because Gideon exists [Music] believe in yourself thank you it's the first time hopping in the stream from YouTube gang what's up YouTube gang yo YouTube gang what's good hey blue cap again it's made its Grand return can we see your stats for all your files so far if you remind me at the end of this run I'll do it but I will say the stats for my first file are a bit inflated because I use that file for thumbnails and sometimes I have to die on purpose to get a thumbnail that I need so the best stat possible like for like a genuine like stats would probably be the second file which is the YouTube file check this out hello nice germa upload we can go in here [Music] okay kind of mid but kind of good actually hello everyone what's up your voice fits your looks I don't know if to take that as a compliment or not but thank you together Ah that's okay what's the best boss item before they took it out of the pool probably magic mushroom now I don't know Instagram I like pentagram wow do you think I can run this game on a 500 laptop from Ebay that I sent on fire yesterday yeah you can run Isaac on anything there's my angel hey we're trying to miss the most Game Changer to a bad run into a god run uh that certificate that's like that's a pretty loaded question right that's a pretty loaded question you could answer anything oh glitched growl right are you talking just like items that affect your stats are we talking any items there's a certain pool because technically it would be death certificate and if it wasn't death certificate it would be glitched crowd how is Rock Bottom quality free probably because sometimes you might actually use rock bottom and it does nothing for the rest of the Run Matt I'm excited for taintedjacob.exe you guys want to see some sneak peeks you guys want to see some sneak peeks how about we do that that's actually a good sub goal thank you there why is he not talking you can't troll me I've been in streams before good try buddy you almost got me I'm not even gonna lie to you [Music] what's this ow what's this that's decent hey Bhaskar thanks for the prime feral Heist you as well we're gonna work our way towards uh 500. if we get about uh time to end the Stream I'll show you guys uh I think there's like six maybe even eight clips of like little 10 second Snippets of things to jacob.exe too man is muted wait I feel like I'm getting trolled no way I don't I don't believe you no I don't believe you guys see it's going up not muted oh based chatter thank you I almost got baited just now not working okay they're trolling me he's back what's up Vox nice to see you again I think I'm gonna get hit oh my deal chance I suck I dodged incorrectly just now shake this golden chest uh hello thank you well now I don't really care if I'm getting hit to be honest we do have Wafers so yeah it's pretty easy run if I were to donate 500 bits including this will you give us one seed one seed uh well honestly sometimes in my videos I do end up trying to see it just because I mean I don't really care about hiding it that much it's just to drive your engagement I'm pretty sure if you look hard enough one of the times I probably pause and Alex doesn't edit it out you were born wrong well okay Stomp the cap cap cap cat cat letted all marks uh for Isaac Azazel and Eden what should I do now keep playing the game I'm gonna get hit uh we'll save that gonna watch you while I play Isaac for good luck I've heard that it works actually what is the worst character uh like by definition or the one that I hate the most because I hate tainted blue baby do you guys hate tainted blue baby I feel like I I personally feel like I hate changing who else hates him I can't be the only one right [ __ ] tasted blue baby blue baby in general I hate that character so much just like why why do you exist I'm okay getting hit here and losing my deal chance already gone out I got hit earlier just want to get this boss item to head out here we go all my homies hate tinted blue baby die guys based I'll find my secret room real quick uh maybe here baby sacrifice room I could but I don't have hearts oh but I kind of want to you make a good point chatter I don't have red hearts one two three four five six try and pull something off here Arts no okay I know I have the wafer all right lovers card oh Lover's card will change my mind good job Chad yo yo [Music] foreign I like blue baby I think I actually don't dislike normal blue baby I actually quite like normal baby tainted though is what I dislike I dislike tainted let's look for maybe some extra Heights on these fires and then we'll try pretty risky to do this but I'm gonna just I'm gonna send it I don't mind teleport me damn it item no all right well we tried for you which is the most underrated tier changer for me it's fire mind I really don't know why isn't his tier three like a tear effect uh I think it's not tier three because people get hit too much with it I think underrated tomato you guys know about tomato tomato with luck will win your games the Rotten Tomato item my damage sucks foreign what does it do it makes it so you like basically infect someone it's like Charmed but better really that's the best way I can put it there we go this run sucks and yet I'll still win easy grip my wisp foreign nice got my hearts back God gamer hear me out are you planning on streaming in 1080P uh eventually actually very soon I'm gonna have an ethernet cord uh plugged into my PC map really soon right now I'm just running purely on Wi-Fi but I'll have ethernet soon enough and I can up the bitrate Young Heart oh is this better maybe what does the online thing do looks like it just shoots they're probably you know it's good health regeneration right when are you playing Isaac you got so good so quickly I did not get so good so quickly it has been years about 10 years favorite mini boss uh interesting question while I do this bony room sorry I'm a little focused uh kind of like greed I know it's kind of a like a gift right but like finding Green in the secret room and he drops a steam sale which I can re-roll is always fun I'll use the roll card on the next floor boner room here oh God I don't want to deal chance so please don't hit me thank you I just remembered I've been asking in your run idea Channel first serve for like five days straight for a blue baby run well congratulations that's gonna happen just on this file but it'll happen people have been asking for tainted blue baby too they get their wish as well normal keeper is just bad that's not true hey man man hey what's up man normal Keepers fine just the tainted keeper is Miles better so it gets overshadowed oh my God my heart I will not take that my life just flashed before my eyes do it absolutely not dog run hey thanks for the fun man we I've messed up earlier I gotta donate does he do it black Black Candle unlock damn my donation machine took everything that was kind of good we're already really close to 200 and that was fast that was not a lot of runs we don't even have the chest or even stroller Cathedral unlocked and we're doing final donations that's good foreign it's over for me safety cap whatever any tips for Idaho hunting currently less than achievements away from dead God and getting items can be a pain just like Isaac I probably shouldn't have taken that earlier but whatever the best way to get items I mean honestly what you could do genuinely is you the the best way you could do is Tainted Eden if you want an actual answer like oh just play Isaac if you want an actual answer Play Tainted Eden get a bunch of items and then get hit a lot because when you re-reliance them by getting hit it does count towards your stack collection page oh God stop the cycle there we go sorry I'm a little focused so I'm not looking at chat oh God this is not good this is actually bad [Music] I would carry anything decided to show up did you know like killing these things actually damages the queen I feel like not a lot of people know this you know what you're right La Bomba maybe even one more La Bomba actually out of here my boss sucks play the sacrifice room I did it was on the last floor I got a devil as Bethany that's a new one I got nothing that's not even worth it to take nope try to take damage I don't take damage against anything even when I have no damage oh Library that's good that's what I want but how long do you usually stream for probably a couple hours today might be longer though because I'm gonna try finfolio you want to unlock tainted Keepers so bad but normal keeper is so hard to play as skill issue why do you hate green mode it's boring oh that was a big boy bombed by me [Music] large and in charge bomb that was good there's brains what ow damn it okay skill issue by me as well I'm done pretending this run is good I'm taking the book a while I need damage boom boom hey that's good foreign yeah when I get hit in The Binding of Isaac I actually feel pain IRL that's why it sucks so bad I have another sacrifice room which I am willing to play again Sacred Heart and item room easy that's true that is true greed hello greed see like okay now I'm not happy like reads in here but actually I kind of am I'm happy greeters in here because that means he's not in the shop you know I mean like it's not it's nice when you find greed and specifically the secret room that's nice that's good [Music] do you plan on doing anything with the vods uh if I get a crazy run or I do something insane in general like today I'm gonna be playing fiend folio on stream so that'll probably turn into a video you know if I do something out of the ordinary I'll turn into a video otherwise no not really I'm gonna get a flat damage up consolation prize that is that is rare cheers uphill okay okay let's see now we're cooking now we're cooking something's happening hold on we got a flat damage up and it tears up all you had to do was survive that long and now the game's like fine all right you earned your piece let them cook Something's Cooking oh reclined Brimstone badge all right we already got his so I don't care okay come on baby that's actually a good item that's not actually that's I'm actually happy to find that straight up I'm not disappointed that's not a Coke I'm actually happy what's cooking good looking spiked cubes are the worst type of enemy I think the spiked cubes on gehenna and Mausoleum that's like charged towards you're the worst vasculitis is pretty underrated in my opinion as well I feel like people don't understand that hey it's just good I mean I I know why people also don't like it in general it's because the tears can get confusing right it looks like maybe you're gonna get hit but to that I say skill issue a second range up from a golden chest I've gotten on this floor nice guppy style is paying out though so I can't complain never used that item before it's a good item see like in this situation right only if you know how like the enemy like explodes these flies will you know which ones are not vasculitis so I can I understand like people don't like it oh I almost got hitches now I do have an actually okay deal chance but I'm not banking on it hey that's okay let's just go no way a garbage run I know right this guy doesn't only just get God runs no way hey what the hell that being said I am still a lucky person oh hey kilometers thank you why is there just wrong Liberty that's random that is actually lucky sacrifice room probably should have done it but oh well we're just farming heart kills it's okay don't worry foreign thoughts on Mango pretty goaded to be honest with you pretty up there let's try and get a chain reaction going here I did not well okay portable slot I'm gonna take just because I want to see what it does I get weird like coin wisps I guess I I got a pill wisp interesting I get a wisp based on what I earned from the portable slot that I did not know that's kind of cool I missed my sacred heart you're right Sacred Heart was right there dang it I'm just happy to have damage finally foreign which boss do you think is the most Fair as in you feel satisfied at defeating him because the difficulty is perfectly scaled hush and anyone who complains about the damage scaling is skill issued hush is balanced Yahoo isn't balanced [ __ ] brownie that guy sucks jump POG thanks man appreciate it am I the only one that likes the Isaac soundtrack no believe it or not I like the Isaac soundtrack as well [Music] you guys are going crazy thanks IBM you know what I hate this room straight up hit the room we have a bad trip pill okay maybe I should use the sacrifice room maybe I can admit to that but it's fine [Music] hello slothful Matthew hello why do I keep getting Health up pills playing as the loss that is that's actually kind of true huh I feel like I get more Health up pills as the loss that is a true statement and to answer your question I don't know just happens I feel like it's hard-coded in to troll you you know contagious fine okay that's a new one I'll give you that that is a new one lethargic Matthew XY chromosome is a new one look at that Chain Reaction nice anything in here no okay we can leave it was a fairly decent floor contagions are really good item and I feel more than confident that we're gonna beat mom again right okay there you go we were just talking about it hate this room layout yeah this one's a weird one I don't I don't know why who came up with that one [Music] oh careful have you ever gone outside and had a fridge surrounding you no I have never gone outside and had a fridge thrown at me cannot say that's true unfortunately for me I I've not received that honor [Music] thank you [Music] I think we're gonna go into like get hush unlocked and then we'll try feeding polio damage nice happens to me every Tuesday I'm sorry that sucks hey Max out why is with all the okay that I will say for some reason I keep getting secret room items hey [Music] makes this lucky I'm just a lucky individual I don't know how to tell I don't explain it to you I'm just a lucky individual I'm sorry [Music] what's up Coco Casanova thanks for the prime I'm gonna do it I never get to do this on my videos man I never all right it's just one floor you guys can handle one floor right oh God you guys can handle one floor oh my speed is down to 10. that was not good okay look look I already found the boss it's fine we're good I already found the boss I'm gonna use it again oh okay all right all right I'm going I'm going I'm going it's the Fallen almost done almost done I got brim cool we're done hey don't don't even worry hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on almost done yep I can't believe I'm still dodging properly here I think I'm hitting her yeah yeah no I I uh oh I can't I why did I ever do this I'm so sorry touch the chest I'm sorry my bad my bad never doing that again whisp baby my bad my bad holy that's why I never do that in my videos [Music] a trip good item I never get to do that in my videos so I just I just want to do a little trolling okay where's blue baby oh they unlock after I get a couple hard kills right azazo easy passing over to the prime and how V for the Prime thank you polyphemus right in here friendly balls okay how are you always so lucky uh I don't know maybe when you get a dead Godfather you get like plus two percent like uh I don't know luck on your runs for other files maybe that's how it works [Music] who's your favorite of the tainted characters probably keeper maybe Isaac though well that didn't work out [Music] do you actually enjoy playing the Lost of course one of my favorite characters take the loss and loss of some of my favorite characters if I find a missing poster I will do it right now I will try and beat the entirety of the lost without the holy mantle I'm not doing green mode yet I'm doing the Lost first [Music] this came from YouTube I hate your luck my bad my apologies uh that eraser is probably better for me but I don't want to blow my donation machine mad respect if you guys were there for my earlier videos like I'm talking really early maybe like four months ago five months ago I was doing lost runs without holy mantle I did lost to beasts without holy mantle and everyone was like whoa he did it whoa right you were there yeah I just uh I didn't continue doing it just because I really wanted godhead really as fast as possible but if I'm I I feel like the best time to do it would be probably now on stream that'd be kind of nice right that was a fat range of peace mystery egg zero clue how I unlocked that one but nice [Music] unlock the frugor next I can't unlock for Gore yet a duck o-w is that a duck owl or a duck o w OverWatch I don't know either way thanks for the product man I appreciate it maybe something in this shop no maybe a little pause trick I don't need restock is that Penny tears what the hell quick right down the seed it's Unlocking The Forgotten uh on hours 17 of playing normal LOL no uh so what I'm specifically doing on this file is I'm going to go and beat the Beast without unlocking the Polaroid and the negative and you need the Polaroid and the negative slash the negative right to unlock the frigor that's why appreciate every video from you smiley face greetings from Germany hi Germany thanks man that's so sweet fat Bono thank you uh do I want to take a book of below here probably just for the increased deal chance foreign so what I was gonna do is I was just gonna unlock the B store and just hope a faded Polaroid eventually shows up that was my plan me boy achievement I could have but oh well Zazzle is probably the best way to just Farm a lot of heart kills huh curse of blind yucky yucky yucky ducky it's okay secret room at this point I'm surprised there wasn't a secret room item because I've been getting a lot of them today nice piss beam you got there I know right my laser pissed which curse is the worst uh whoopsies wow how's it gonna chat uh either blind the ABS good either blind or lost wow because of the blend if you have rerolls specifically right if you have rerolls because the blind is the worst thing that ever happened in your entire life I'll do it wow okay if it's a 15 item I'll do it [Music] yeah oh generous thanks man appreciate it do I even have good secret room items at this point I guess I could get an R key what's the likelihood of making Anarchy I don't have Rock Bottom unlocked I haven't played Jacob and Esau well I know that it's not good right because I just did the thing well this is the moment I was talking about where I have blind and I can't tell what's going on I hmm hold on not not quite yet I know that I have Black Candle unlocked so maybe I just Bank it all and try and buy this item and it's black candle and I get rid of the blind right do things in order properly and then if not then I mean the best I can do is pick up the item I think the only good secret room item I have right now is I think it's only Arky right favorite familiar other than twisted pair is Incubus cheating foreign if I just play the run I'll end up getting 15 cents due to the penny tiers that I have piss laser Penny tears there we go so what do you guys think of this plan I buy the 15 item right I just hope it's Black Candle if it's not it's not if it is then I'm the biggest brain individual in the entire room evening everyone good evening it's not Black Candle I mean I doubt it is but like what else am I gonna do right steam said oh that was totally worth it lost contact could show him the secret room lost contact would be POG actually you're right never mind well whatever it is I'll take it chaos oh that's a big one actually never mind that is a good one as a streamer do you get money from Prime Subs yeah I do when you guys just like have Amazon Prime from whatever like your parents or maybe you just have Amazon Prime yourself and you click on the prime button I I get money you support me so that I do appreciate straight up thank you hello YouTube what's up YouTube which one left to right left that wow okay 4.5 volt no that's cool that was that was great actually dolpher's Mackie roll wait Mackie roll oh that's cute that's a cute name actually backwards Jedi of okay well I understand okay thank you for the primes guys you didn't actually have to do that though I do appreciate that did you know that you can support your favorite streamer use the Creator code lazy madman in your fortnite uh search bar I don't know how it works judgment that's good Chariot two judgments uh I'll blow you up plasma stick man for the pride thank you I have a sneaking suspicion that this is my sick broom I'm a goddamn liar your sub counter doesn't update I do it manually I don't really know how to do it uh not manually I could probably figure it out eventually but don't worry all right all right chill out chill out here I just gotta open my own stream I know it's a little scuffed I'm sorry oh wow we're close Jesus we are actually really close here's the big reveal I also kind of like doing it this way because it's like oh what is it what is it what is it you guys are close now you can play zazel and follow along with me and tell me if you re-rolled that secret room a couple times did you get our key who knows lazy Matt Man X fortnite confirmed true hey you guys are the best can I just say that I don't really get to say this on on recording right because I uh I I record right and then I and then I edit it and then I just upload to Youtube but now you guys are here thank you guys you guys are the best you guys are the best I know you guys are dedicated because you decided to show up in stream and I actually have someone to talk to now I know it sounds so stupid but I'm dead serious I don't get to talk to anyone when I record I just talk to myself it sucks all right so it feels nice to talk to you guys that you're here streaming is fun I I get to answer questions and I have something to talk about other than uh you know what's on screen and then scream at a quality for item which don't get me wrong it's fun it comes from the heart but it is nice that uh wow okay I have someone to talk to we exist now you guys can come you guys can come by every time Sunday to Tuesday maybe every Wednesday every single time after I upload if I upload something on Sunday to Tuesday Pacific time check check twitch I'm probably strong it's for the tier one Nick we can come you cannot do that laughs hold up hey I found my secret room wow I'm surprised that hit me that was so far away all right what's with what's going on here fine I'll take it Jesus Christ DM for Reddit DM you what for Reddit holy yeah I'll take her to the Tower of course five Community Subs Jesus just this minute we're hitting the sub goal boys you guys get to see the sneak peek of The Big Boy video Kryptonite thanks man I appreciate you and your Prime sub you went out of your way to click two buttons support me thank you these are great give me a second so far these items have been in Crazy jumper cables what's going on these items are great um I'm gonna pay Pascal because the only thing I'm really missing here is tears up I think right I don't think I'm gonna get conjoined anytime soon still missing a planetarium but now it doesn't even matter because I have chaos fats by DM for Reddit enjoy everyone's Subs orange caps wait what okay appreciate it every time I look to my right someone's just supporting me thank you we are doing fiend folio today and if we hit the sub goal I will show you guys thanks to Jacob there's still a lot of things to do other than just oh I'm gonna Farm Park kills I'll make it interesting don't worry another judgment call me pigeons thank you I appreciate it blind again are we really oh my God it's okay at this point I don't care we have chaos I'll take whatever I took her to the tower willingly when I wasn't blind I'll take whatever we could also do Boss Rush we're uh more than fast enough right I think we're at Max 28 right now so feels a lot better than should our Brimstone this fast I love the new Subs notification thank you I had a couple comments in the YouTube video saying hey it's kind of in the way so I was like what should I make the notification oh duh make it to lock in Isaac and then just put it in the corner give a little animation champion belt hey juicy oh Young Heart that's not what I was expecting donate a bit more just because I need to how are you doing getting good it was a bit too much yeah I got it out of the way is that a good place for the sub notification and the donation notification and everything I don't know if it's good I can move it around but I felt like that's the only place that's uh like plausible anymore you know what I mean like I don't know if there's any other place to put it you like it okay if I ever find a new pla oh a new place to put it I'll put it there but I think for now I'll keep it there unless someone has a better suggestion for me which I'm open to foreign Dodge skill is true I do have Dodge skills I don't have keys for that now that I think about it what is the story of the little lad on the left he's Ballin that's the only story he has he's balling so I put him there he looks awesome look at him go that guy's dripped as [ __ ] so I put him in my bottom left corner and then I took him out after a couple videos and then people complained so I put him back and now he's there forever I am not allowed to take him out at least when I play Isaac he's just straight up Mom the people wanted him so I kept him in is the drip Isaac your btuber model that would be so cool imagine if someone makes like a vtuber model of Isaac but like he's got like a drip hat and like drips like jacket and stuff and I wear it and I do a run like that soap equals tasty I don't believe so just came from the new vid what's up are you doing YouTube maybe a deal no take this uh honestly I'm okay with metal plate foreign that makes 3D vtuber models send them to me on Twitter Matt look at the view count I don't really look at the view count too much I'm just here to play Isaac for you guys and entertain right that's the only reason I'm here I just like entertaining you guys it's funny careful can you stop I'm going in I cannot believe that guy is impossible school bag big I would have had conjoined chakra mama 21. store upgrade that's good that's actually really good truck around I think you're the prime found out about Isaac about a month ago because my brother and now I love this game this game is awesome and now you have a Binding of Isaac a YouTuber that you can watch at all times and even a streamer now well I did get the planetarium I can't wait to get a cursed eye in there very cool it's Mom's purse wasn't what I was expecting but it is still just as hilarious it drops a trinket on pickup now Boss Rush Mr streamer absolutely Mr shattered absolutely we'll try and do Boss Rush I have a book of Belial and I can stack it up as many times as I want so we're gonna do it it'll be a really easy Boss Rush plus it's gonna be chaos which is going to be good I kind of want to shoot into my multi-dimensional baby but he's not making it easy for me I actually straight up would have had conjoined okay at this rate I think we're done with the floor as far as I can tell we'll probably just go to the Boss Rush I also I want to use the sacrifice room and gamble away all my health but we already have a high deal chance so I don't need to do that I never the red dudes throb what the [ __ ] I don't know what that sentence means Sun duck thank you for the prime what inspired you to stream all the comments saying why don't you stream I was like you know what if I'm gonna start a new Dead God file I'll stream it right that way there's two types of content that's being pushed out right there is the videos of just like really good runs and if someone wants to see me do dead God from the very beginning completely uncut and every now and then I get a crazy run that turns into a video they can do that too [Music] plus it would be nice I actually got conjoined that's really surprising Duffy's tail what is going this is actually a really good run this is a good run what is going on what is happening man [Music] is it weird that I want to take the treasure map you're gonna hate me for that I'd rather just have mapping for the rest of the floor we don't need paper let's be honest but just the fact that it decided to show up it's gonna be our first Posh Rush uh defeat I believe we are stacking up on a bunch of damage which is therefore making it so we can stack up on more damage just due to how 4.5 volt works yeah decent run oh my God it is now at the point where one Brimstone will charge my entire book of a while okay okay pretty good run ow There Goes My Pascal candle my bad average 30 damage Brimstone run Matt are you gonna play FPS games if I were to play an FPS game I'd probably play OverWatch on stream I'm nasty at close games you guys just don't know but not until I get partner first I'm gonna get partner and then I'll stream some variety uh I asked this question last stream I think like maybe four or five days ago last stream and I asked if people wanted to see me do like scary games because a lot of the things that people liked about my uh content was that I scream right and I cut it out and everyone was like yes please play a scary game so you guys can expect scary games from me because I do get I get scared yes yes yes this one was made please bro what would you be posting on the second channel uh okay [Music] fit this one okay that was weird uh if I were to do variety on the second Channel like a horror game right then I turned that into a video that goes on the second Channel agreed yeah play FNAF the reason I wanted treasure map by the way is obviously I'm not dying here so I just want to make sure I can find my boss as soon as possible just get where I need to go [Music] don't waste any time on the room which is a good thing to know it's good to know that you're not wasting any time here because I swear this place can it's amazed sometimes played Deep Rock Galactic I actually played that recently I liked the game but my friends didn't really like it as much so I don't know if I'm gonna be able to play that uh wow nice good items do you have Darth boy achievement I don't think so actually I know I have mama's boy I don't know if I have dark boy yet that's a good point I almost feel like mama's boy is easier now from here on out I don't know where the boss is but I'm just gonna guess it's the right here but truly I do not know am I correct oh yeah easy heart kill and that was only 20 minutes what are you doing Vlogs probably never I don't know how I feel about doing vlogs I like curse of the tower do it see there was a reason I picked that item can I actually go to the cathedral we're doing this okay we'll do that we'll do that quarter the begotten baby low leaf the gifted sub thank you so so much Jesus crazy people in my chat [Music] and rocks thank you for the big boy Prime large plays by all of you there's a mod that makes allows chat to vote on events that happens to you in game yes I need that if someone can figure that out for me I'll do it immediately I uh I've no I would I would straight up do it in fact I'm pretty sure there's this twitch integration I don't even need a mod like predictions like twitch predictions I want to do twitch predictions so what's the sub count now good question let me beat Isaac and I'll tell you no clue how I didn't get hit there I think a pretty fly just blocked seven bajillion shots I'm not even joking done got an Isaac kill that's cool Satanic Bible oh I unlocked a quality four item [Music] wow rat oh foreign [Music] folio how about that what a banger G to the G to the G to the e to the z e DM for Reddit more gifteds five wow my chat is so wholesome everyone just gives Subs to everyone gets Subs cribers gaming congrats Giga Chad [Music] Big Boy DM for Reddit this guy's crazy thank you for the five and Mr urchick printing for the prime I just want to see right this this happened to me earlier I got Sacred Heart if a cat I'm telling you I don't make this up I am telling you I I don't literally like yesterday I started Sacred Heart today I started gang I don't make it up I click on the button I start the game Alex Zooms in and it's like well you know what I get to have something crazy all right I got a hippocack run you guys wanted Eden right and you guys wanted an ipicac run so you guys get the best of both worlds you guys get to have whatever you want this is one of my favorite items I just don't use it that much only because YouTube YouTube Chatters don't click on the video if a cat is like a thumbnail but if I'm being honest with you I I love this item genuinely I love this item so much try to lose Channel okay that's gonna be a hard challenge for me hey groggle thanks for the tier one I guys goaded doesn't even need a prime that guy said you know what I'm just straight up subbing Giga Chad hello hello what's up average Matt mon luck I know right that's a 15 cent item so that could be good but again I just I cannot willingly just destroy my donation machine we also started with best friend which is an incredibly good item anyone who underrates this item not based Mr what okay cool nice all right how are you class today are you speaking to me I don't go to school I finished a while ago Brandon okay Soul Hearts you know what absolutely thank you oh yeah just another one nice nice randomly sitting there that's cool Postman thank you for the tier one your dick is large if you're a girl your boobs are big if you don't identify as either then you are just an incredible individual I got another Soul heart what is happening thank you Miguel for the tier one you guys are going crazy right now for secret room that is factual my bad I forgot straight up for Gore this guy should shoot many ithacs and explode me debate yes or no I say yes I was looking to chat again it's like the only time I get hit I'm not good at looking chat yet yes TBH see that's based that guy's this God no all right that's a fair opinion I don't break you for that uh I could redo this floor again yeah if you redo the floor on the second floor Chinese only two genders any other things need to be slaughtered oh and the furries too they need to be burned by the steak I don't know how I feel about that I don't know how I feel about that [Music] I do not say anything like that actually oh two dollars how about a vlog Channel I have a vlog Channel you don't know about my vodka I could just link my VOD Channel hold on I haven't put anything there in a while and that's just my bad yeah that was a bit of a yikes comment to be honest a little a little bit now that one was yikes that was a weird chance there I think that's the Vlog channel right I just link porn not yet that's a vlog Channel [Music] quick right down the seat foreign thank you all right [Music] I like you man you met lazy Mac chat thank you oh let's go down Okay so yeah best friend available right oh we still have our little micro friend which is kind of cute Matt why are your videos so good I don't know but thank you you're a sigma uh we can find probably super secret room it's probably up towards the shop considering uh taylorson is not doing anything right now Matt the golden poop I know but it's annoying to blow up because I have implicat I'll do it though escanor thank you for the prime I appreciate that curse room two ah okay you're right I don't go to the curse room hey so all right you know how like if you don't check the devil right like you don't go inside you get the next deal you get is a 100 Angel chance right what if I leave and then I use the dice five reroll right does if I'm back on basement two because I re I forget me now do I get Angel rooms or do I get devils you don't know okay I won't try it devil I think you get angel angel you get Angels you get Devils literally no one knows okay that's fair I mean I only ask introspective like really really big boy questions from Isaac right my brain is so big so when I don't know something you know it's gonna be something weird so we're gonna try we're gonna learn today oh God it's Blood Oath ain't no one know the answer to this question all right we'll try we'll try let's check the shop we'll go to the dice room we have a 100 Angel chance right now next time a deal spawns it has to be an angel right so we'll see if this goes back to devil rooms or if it does its thing Matt you have a one red heart I know we get big reveal Only Angels there you go so it's good that we did not look inside now everyone knows Jesus Christ and giant Sky thanks for the sub Isaac or shower probably shower but I wouldn't blame anyone for just doing I say that like me personally Isaac fortnite balls okay let the chat on my right and all I see is fortnite balls do you have a lazy matte girl are you talking about a girl Lazy Matt and girlfriend you mean a lazy uh yeah I do I I do have lazy girls first Isaac player with a girlfriend I know nice [Music] uh this is good this is watching Mad Men made me made me see as I learned from him laughing face still bad at dodging but there are things not even mad men can fix sag I was Conquest cool well I'm glad I helped you learn how to play Isaac even though I'm not that informative I do try and like put out a couple bits of information every now and then right the scream he did the scream he did it in its raw form we finally get to hear it oh my God he did The Scream gem Stormer thank you for the pride Matt she's the character I'm trying to play right now uh Santa Lost good luck tears up okay this is a really good run I don't know if you guys can tell strong run Batman luck is real starts eating with God damn ipicac and gets Holy Light that that actually is really lucky to be honest with you this is a really lucky run cat Jam yeah I have seven TV eight months so if you guys want emotes you uh just gotta get seven TV and you guys can see all the emotes I have I have seven bajillion emotes I will hit the mushroom eventually just gotta give me some time system 32 subbed and dragon slayer thank you you guys are awesome is there a crawl space I was looking at chat when did that show up huh what how do I even shoot how do I how do I do this uh micro friends help me we are at 500 Subs I will do the stuff after this floor missed super secret there it is micro friends is basically chat right now this is uh Matt man following we can go into the uh shop one sec I can't serve on ports okay I'm gonna force you to solve it [Music] hello hey that's good this and I do need a bit of health and then I'm gonna Bank on this okay that's awesome and I got another one very cool why are we green because you're sick with the madman flute and the only way to get better is to continue to watch my content forever until you die stapler foreign I made a mistake for the first time last night uh uh I know you know that your video brightened my day which was otherwise terrible I managed to lose anxiety and get a decent night sleep because of all the laugh you brought me well I'm glad I helped and I'm sorry it didn't exactly have the craziest time but now I hope you're better I love your voice and I wish I was as good as you have a good day thank you thanks guys all right I think we're at 500 right I can get an exact sub count we are at 509. so we're gonna I'm gonna I'm gonna do a little spoiler Dueler stuffs okay let me let me see if I can get this to work uh now I don't exactly know how to do this but I'll try I think I have to download all of these videos because I have Clips right foreign [Music] I'm just getting the clips together don't worry okay see if I can get this right you're gonna hear a bit you're gonna hear something sorry it's so loud okay hold on I turned it down [Music] okay just keep your keep your hats on okay I think we got it the best full ability all right so how do I do this uh new scene source [Music] screen capture foreign can you guys hear this if I do like this can you guys hear that [Music] you can see it but can you hear it if I play it like a little bit you can hear it oh okay we're good all right so this is uh I think eight or so clips of whatever attention jacob.exe 2 will be eventually it's it's very quiet sure I'll turn it up uh it's very early in the works but you guys get to see a little bit I'll just let it play full ability [Music] who added this to the game thank you for later all right the best trinket possible give me Star Bethlehem keep me curved horn give me cancer I think I'm gonna blow it up get over here there you go hey oh my God oh over here it's the hollow he's gonna get one stopwatch Relic not that good it's okay look at this this is pure dark Esau Mastery right now I'm gonna be decent not the craziest but can be abused [Music] I forgot [ __ ] song existed what the hell oh my God Envy died foreign all right that's it that's everything that's all I can show you that's why it's taking a while [Music] that's why it's taking a while that looks so good it looks amazing those edits are crazy give danger your entire Bank info for this yeah that's incredible it looks so good the editing is legitimately perfect here I'll tell you who's editing I'll tell you who's editing obviously it's not me editing because one how well would I be down like how how would I be juggling you know daily uploads while also trying to edit that's impossible you guys have to sub to this guy He Is We are working really close right now and it's getting really close to completion it's getting really close to completion you guys have to follow that guy he is the goat when that video comes out it's gonna be a bit it's gonna be basically my thank you to the Isaac community that is my passion project so I I hope you guys enjoyed that little sneak peek foreign do you have a release date no whenever he's done with it and then after he's done with it I'll probably have to go back and forth with him on it and tell him hey we should maybe change this maybe you gotta do this and then I gotta come with a thumbnail and then a title which will probably just be taintedjacob.exe2 and then it'll be out but yeah make sure you support him please even his current content is good straight up I just had to give him a bit of guidance I told him hey this is what we're gonna do this is how we're gonna storyboard it he said all right I got it and now we're working close so I hope you guys enjoyed it I've been watching you for seven months plus and thanks to you I finally unlocked Polaroid and negative today laughing face wow hey that's good good job man I'm glad [Music] so a lot of you know my old most popular video is taintedjacob.exe and back then like it was always my most popular but I always wanted to outdo it always because in my opinion it's subpar it's not even good it genuinely is not a good video so I wanted to outdo it and do it better than I ever could in the future and that's why it's taking a while because this is what we're gonna do so now you guys know why now you guys know why the tainted Jacob stream was so long ago and yet it's still taking like the video is not out it's because it's going to be the God video okay [Music] how to get Polaroid and negative negative kill Satan in troll five times Polaroid killed Isaac in Cathedral five times oh God foreign advice Matt you're welcome I appreciate you chatter The Madman of all time binding of isaac.exe maybe if Dane's if Dane is willing to do another one for me we'll see how the video goes don't worry I promise you I'm paying him I'm not just making him work for free he is getting he is getting so much and that's also why I'm showing him I want you guys to support him he deserves honestly 99 of the credit right now I can provide the god gameplay and luck all I want but I'm always looking for editors have you ever watched South Park actually honestly no it's one of the only uh shows I have not watched I've seen clips on YouTube that's about it [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] so after this uh run I'm gonna try fiend folio because I don't want to have to record because I also have to edit later today and I don't want to have to record why is a wafer keep showing up it just keeps on showing up so I'm going to use finfoli as an excuse for recording what's with the three times on The Hourglass they recently changed it to make it so you can only glowing hourglass three times on an entire floor and it resets every floor you don't have to wait for it to charge up anymore you can just do it over and over again but you only get three per floor now I am just going to straight up do this and see my shop [Music] what other games do you play um I'll play FPS games I'll play basically whatever I play fighting games how you could probably just look at my most played on Steam and just see what I'm generally play it's not like my Steam account is like you know private or anything you can just look me up lazy fat man it's it's there you can just spy on what I play valeran I don't like valorant that much I prefer OverWatch foreign okay can I ask why my range is so high I'm actually not enjoying this my range has got to go down at some point uh should I for fun no I don't think so Louise do you have seven TV you gotta get seven TV that's where all my emotes are I I spent so long getting emotes they're so good do it do it do it what did I miss how many China points to sign a steam profile that's the first person that has asked me to do that so that is a good question huh uh next time on stream there will be a channel points for me to sign your steam profile I guess uh and I'll decide I did now I don't install it for anyone that does have it I have that foreign let's go W emo [Music] common Batman W emo true God he's so based I'm pretty sure gig at Chad is an emo that I have actually right I'm pretty sure you get good Chad yeah it's an email you guys just gonna get seven TV and you can see all my emotes we'll take this because conjoin progress what's up Peter patter ow hi Matt I'm a fan from Europe and I've been following you since the first run on changing Kane that you put on your channel I can finally see you in stream hello friend from Europe Master list I missed the last uh hour of the stream what happened I teased taintedjacob.exe too and we're about to finish this run and then probably play final folio foreign what do you get for 550 Subs pat on the back [Music] thanks Jack for the prime man dude are you guys seeing the absolute God aim on my epic act by the way I have not missed a shot I'm telling you this is my favorite item I'm so good with this item it just makes sense to me I really want that pat on the back guys we gotta hit that sub goal ow full body reveal Isaac explaining how do I have Isaac explaining how is that a 70 video it doesn't show up in my pop out chat oh it does uh these are fine honestly I'm just blowing hourglass out doubt I get a planetarium 7tv is just an extension you can just literally click and add to your browser and you can see the emails that I have the extra emotes because I have a lot of extra emotes not just my own channel is there a Synergy you don't like no I think all synergies are cool to be honest maybe I guess Mom's knife brim Isn't that cool I'm gonna take conjoined epicat because I'm a crazy person you missed a secret room probably huh that's okay don't worry chatter we're just gonna go straight this is terrifying actually we're gonna go straight to the I'm gonna die I'm gonna go straight to the heart and just win that's my goal nah I'm gonna get hit that's it for me I'm dead and you heart all the comments I do heart all the comments YouTube didn't notify me about the new vid so I'm late anyway would you vote for Content again um Maybe we'll see we'll see I do want to get this stuff in though and after this we're playing teamfolio but I'm always down to throw for a little bit of content [Music] what is in here that's absolutely nothing goodbye how many Subs to throw for Content I don't know how many Subs are you willing to get seems we're at a good old Mexican standoff because you better start soon we got two more floors this one's about to finish 100 Subs that's too much 550 sub ball I'll end it right now I'm gonna speedrun so you better you better hurry up I do have clueless I also have aware I think I'm speed running I'm not looking at anything I'm just going [Music] thanks sunset for the pride thirty dollars to end the runner and I refuse [ __ ] end it it didn't happen I agree but it didn't happen yet I agree to terms but I didn't happen so I don't care uh I can't end it did it happen nothing happened ow forgotten run I need to unlock for Gore clueless yes it did what [Music] nah I'm getting trolled what are you talking about no I just got trolled okay this is 30 and the runner and [Music] give me the [ __ ] money [Music] give me the money got him oh all right we're trying to feed folio we're doing finfolio [Music] where is it damping failure right do I have to restart my game I think I have to restart my game for this to take into effect yes you do okay I restart my game we're gonna try fiend folio I've never done this before foreign you guys finally get to try this or see me try this new intro what is this whoa that's new Isaac and his mother whoa lived alone in a small house on a hill should I watch this is anything different or is it just the background drawing pictures and playing with his toys as his mom watched Christian broadcasts on the television it's the same oh okay I don't think anything happened going sicko mode okay is this is this fiend folio am I doing it oh oh okay hold on I'm pretty sure I have that this right I gotta close it and open again [Music] if you have the Excelsior mod then it'll be different [Music] um okay try again I don't I still don't know if it did anything is this fiend folio it seems like it what green folio comes with a large list of unlockables for you to discover this is an optional feature do you want to lock some content behind achievements no okay uh this is a lot new challenges alternate path okay okay fortunes Golem new bosses okay okay fancier crawl spaces wow [Music] uh okay well whatever how do I how do I get out let me out see oh okay foreign no I actually do want to play Queen Folia what is this what is going on okay hold on I need I need a reset what okay that's normal this I know this makes sense this makes sense what has happened what is that okay all right this is a lot more in depth than I was thinking what do these things do so far nothing they just jiggle around all right they suck never mind can I break open these I can they give spiders is there a reason to actually break them open probably not as far as I can tell whoa okay that's that's a new enemy that seemed really easy to be never mind apparently people say that this is supposed to be really hard I don't see it so far I just see a lot of new enemies that I have to learn really fast but like I don't think this is too hard this guy's red so I imagine he has more HP right yeah okay bruh it's been three rooms three rooms and I haven't taken damage baby foreign boss or something what is this ow okay they have a lot more HP than I was thinking I thought they were gonna die earlier but those are easy uh hello huh oh that's cool okay that's cool okay no that's cool I like that makes sense to me it's all making sense I don't really want Reds too okay that guy died and is now alive and chasing me around so I'm assuming oh nope he just disappeared I thought I had to clear the room but he just died it's someone I know refined we're fine we're good I know how to fight Plum just kidding so is is every floor different like including basement because I kind of want to reset and see what the basement's all about to be honest go for it okay let's let's see if I can get a basement just a normal basement okay here let's see what this is all about I don't want that that's fine do a Golem run Golem is that a new character oh Gollum what huh huh what is happening this is like a little mini game Crush Crush I'm out of rocks ah okay oh it's too much for me too much too much let's keep it simple Asuka too much oh yes okay there you go let's keep it simple okay I don't even know what's going on those guys look so cool what the hell is that I don't know what these guys do but they just kind of Stood Still and took the damage okay now my pure Isaac Mastery will mean that I don't really need to worry about taking damage even though these are new enemies because I can just pick up on the enemy pattern so easily why is the boss here hey these are just normal these guys are just normal whoa that looks awesome what the hell is that guy never get Chipotle this is what happens okay noted what will tinted rocks look like that's a good question I have no clue what they look like I guess you never also played Revelations yeah I never the only like uh like big boy mod that I played that was like game changing was anti-perth which it you know turned into repentance okay I understand this concept now right so this makes sense to me what did these do okay I guess I got keys and I burned myself is what happened cool good to know hurt you hot Keys okay okay all right we'll try and beat a run who the hell is that okay I get no hit I can no hit this I'm ready what does it do what does it do okay easy oh uh what does this charge do okay he explodes got it so far not a hard boss actually what is what is he doing he's dead I don't understand he's like a nuclear boss person okay okay I understand the tears that are coming from the top are you can see the pattern oh no hit I'm crazy with it does he explode on death no I'm nasty let's go corn kernel it's like a it's like a Cuba meat I guess the waves around all right I'm nasty all right not bad my game's lagging okay what are those what ill okay that's kind of cute they like pick up the poop and then shoot you that's cute I like that [Music] airflow all right treasure room is right here I don't know I mean I'm assuming they've added new items right I haven't come across anything I have today on use causes all enemies to defecate your violence okay well I I can't that sounds like a used item right so I can't do that oh this pushes you back okay what the hell does that [Music] okay I got it I'm not gonna lie I'm not gonna no hit everything I'm gonna really try but I straight up don't know what these enemies do so I can only make a guess an educated guess in time cool okay he spawns into flies okay another one of these they spawn little dudes understood I'm learning thank God I have homie they just whistle and that's it easy can you guys whistle I can't whistle I know it's sad I just noticed my corner curtain he is shooting so he is doing something what is this shop what what is this shot uh sure [Music] coronal Kern corn occur 40 plus horses were added to the mod yesterday yesterday okay this is blood blood I can handle Blood by five million times I don't exactly have Giga damage so I don't know if I'm gonna be able to kill glove without taking damage here because he might start jumping but at least I know what blood does that Horseman fight was his name like meltdown or something that was just me reacting to whatever he was doing it wasn't that bad ow I got hit on blood but not milk okay blood you can stop I'm dead okay it's hard it's not the easiest and by that I mean it I died of blood and not at the actual mod how did I die to play and this two nickels just sitting here you're joking oh okay okay good good good good good good okay yeah yeah yeah yeah now there we go there we go there we go there we go do these guys explode on death they do not that scary I don't know what these buttholes do shoot out a little bit dying to blub is a skill issue incorrect it's a damage issue if you don't kill him before he jumps it's GG he did the funny sound now you guys know it's genuine just me reacting okay so far a lot of these enemies aren't that bad in fact I thought meltdown I didn't get hit right so did I bless you with a broken run when I left my lunch Mr McMain I am now on a 15-minute break so now I will curse you instead well maybe I'll get like it seems like you cursing me is if you're doing the opposite because now I have mutant spider what is this room I was trying to shoot these guys on the left but they don't die what is that what are you oh I see I see I see they're tied to the fire so if I extinguish the fire then I get destroyed got it okay this is really cool I'll tell you that this is an awesome mod this is YouTube griddlehorn okay here are the small things first probably right whatever they do I don't know don't stand near that I imagine Mr near the ash it probably lights on fire yeah yeah it does it does it does okay let's no hit griddle horn too the snap what does that mean what is a snap I saw him snap ah snap gets really yeah okay now we're fine this guy's not bad pull careful and done hey easy and I got an actual good item this time we'll go downpour again I'll go downpour again easy no hits okay we have draws again and these are enemies I've never seen what the hell is that that guy is so cool look at him well he's feeling he's feeling devious what are you looking at what are you looking at buddy play you just peed in a bucket what am I getting hit by oh it's the piss stop peeing stop peeing wait these enemies are actually really cool they're actually super unique I I really actually like this month he was feeling devious J Roddy uh is this just a normal room can I just like do this normally there's no there's no like super secret like Easter egg that I gotta know okay we're good very good what is that it's a quality three item Wiggly snake familiar that chases after enemies inflicting poison and dealing damage on contact okay prioritize this chasing after enemies that are not cutting a physical person okay sounds good what is this whoa he looks cool uh is this like a trinket sack I guess it's like a sack that gives me spiders I'll take the this okay cool he's I mean he looks cool honestly he looks nice I like them jumping spiders okay I just hit the death easy peasy so far I want to see this guy in action what does he what does he do here what does that purple coin do I don't know is it quality three items I imagine he's good oh yeah he's good he's good I can tell he literally just goes and poisons people that's just a good item in general [Music] oh wait hold on I gotta do one thing okay it's called stamia but as a as an enemy and not a boss cool I like that this is XL actually so I feel like I should just go and fight that way I don't lose my black heart a computer otter thanks for the front man that's fat so we'll have like how much is he doing oh my God he does a lot he does a lot like I'm not even shooting yeah no no no this guy's good what's his name ophelius or something this guy's strong I like him good item good okay clog is gone we'll take this because I do want a little bit of HP and blood again I'm back for my revenge [Music] I now have a way better run yeah yeah there you go good stuff I have a double but I'm not gonna go there I want to see what Angel rooms have it's a good family hey what's up man that guy looked cool too bad I didn't see what he was gonna do so yeah I did die but so far it doesn't seem as crazy hard as people think I do have a very strong run but even then uh we'll roll belly Kelly absolutely Belly jelly is really good that looks cool what is that it's Cousin It ill sorry I got a little scared uh mirror Dimension scares the crap out of me so I'm gonna do it Jack Apollo Jesus two subs thank you so far my initial Impressions this game is actually pretty cool okay well the game's pretty cool obviously it's it's [ __ ] Isaac of course I like the game the mod the mod is actually pretty cool bro looked like the principal from The Amazing World of Gumball foreign holy [ __ ] I knew he was familiar bro unironically literally Principal Brown so when these guys die they push out the fish okay this is my knife piece it is I can roll this one time still never gonna know what that guy does [Music] Hello mystery egg that kind of sucks I'm just gonna go check the bosses first and probably roll that again [Music] good night so after this I think I'm gonna go not mines I think I'm gonna go caves right [Music] [Music] take care of clogged easy peasy Mega easy fight uh that I would roll more than the goddamn mystery like I'll take the mystery I can hold that instead the damage is crazy it's really good and I'm glad we got a new item that's that's fun consolation prize sure I'll take maybe it's a tears up nice flat tears up too is this fiend folio this is finfolio people have been asking me to play this forever so I said you know what sure there's that devious individual again I think it's some nasty thoughts that guy is oh don't die so let's roll this get HBO all right piss Master McGee hey guys piss master [Music] okay we'll check this out I do like Fame polio I'll tell you that much I don't I mean I'm not gonna play it that much but from what I've seen I actually I truly do like this and it's free content thank God uh I can check shop actually I might be able to blow my donation machine bad ho ho thank you for the prime that is disgustingly bad no thank you I'm hitting the gritty right now you don't see my eyesy character look at him he's literally hitting the gritty okay let's try down let's try just normal down [Music] foreign thank you what is that is that like a mega oh my God it is it's a mega Statue Guy that is the worst concept for an enemy I've ever seen surreal sandwich thank you for the prime I hate the Golem statues that shoot they made him into an even worse one God damn it [Music] who the hell are you [Music] laughs foreign [Music] giving away stuff to him okay hold on well I think I'm giving away stuff to him okay so let's give him three bombs right one two three [Music] I guess I lost about this I win I did it let's go get out of here hug oh come here [Music] oh okay that was cute all right now this guy dies [Music] that guy dies the other guy gets hugs whoa it's an explorer foreign what is that that is okay it's not a different pill it's just a different colored pill the longer you hug him the more you get I believe these guys explode on death understood Principal Brown back at it again on my way to play the hardest balls mod and get mutant spider in the first room and just immediately demolish everything I love your content man thanks appreciate you I'm not even seeing what the enemies are doing uh I'll save my sense lemon party those are literal lemons I just saw okay so we have a high deal chance here I should I fight Mega Satan if I can I feel like I might as well right what ain't no way you didn't just give me a deal huh I'm telling you when I get a good deal chance I never get it and then whenever I do have a good deal chance I always never get it two percent I'm gonna get it 80 never met man deal moment this is actually true I don't know why this has been happening recently to me I'm not a fan though secret room maybe hello interesting uh let me see if I can get I mean I doubt it but maybe I can get a re-roll and then maybe I can make that guy pay out [Music] okay so what the hell is with these what oh that one was fine okay why is Isaac so fat dude what the hell man I gotta point it out it's because of Belly jelly yo man I just want to say that I'm going through a lot of [ __ ] right now so I want to thank you for making videos and streaming there Pokemon puff of copium thanks so much I'm glad I can help you a little bit of copium okay well what's in here at least that's just a good item I gotta take that you've collected all of the level one emotes only visible to you let's go we did all the level one hype train things what does that mean I don't know I finally made it every Sunday to Tuesday Sunday to Tuesday I stream after I upload okay I'm gonna go kind of ham here I don't think this is worth but oh my God oh that was worth holy never mind I'm crazy Jesus Christ surreal sandwich nose no shot that guy never pays out I know right why do I have blind and how do I kill you what I'm not sure how that worked but I I'm winning there are like 10 more enemies in this room that they usually are there is never this amount of enemies in this room what do these guys do teleport okay oh my God it looks scary oh I can push him around okay to do my bidding a little bit okay cool concept how much will you be going for now uh oh until I beat this run or until I start I don't know we'll see I like these guys oh they toss their heads okay I get it teach gaming 1216 true everyone should teach gaming I don't know what's exploding oh I have a Charmed uh keeper dude it's a mini brownie on the left okay new items who knows what huh what you D12 but eternal excuse me I guess it's the D12 but sometimes it deletes rocks I don't know I actually don't know foreign duplexes does nothing for me soul of the Lost Eternal D12 I know right explode them explode the Rocks the ones that I the dice rocks not an Adam what'd I do nothing happened Matt made me play Isaac again I've never found happiness again thank you wait you've never Oh I thought I saw I wrote that as I've never found happiness again because I started making players again he found happiness again you're welcome Mega scammed well the mod is awesome I don't know what the Eternal D6 did though or the Eternal D12 these are brain guys okay they're basically the zombies but their brains orbit around them I guess right that's that's kind of cool unique I like that so tired but I can't leave your live stream you're stuck forever that guy is all brain nobody Jesus hope you find it Matt hopefully I know I like to look at these guys they look cool I think belly just saved my uh damage there can we talk about how much this dinga is doing for me by the way this charm dinga has been popping off he's been giving me so many charge dips melted I actually do have really good damage Gish okay I need to roll the key piece right and maybe I'll get a new Angel item foreign no way I doubt it Delirious yeah that's more like it oh that's worth it that was good rip dinga no digga's gone no what the hell is that guy a soul of king uh I I'll use it against the shop I guess is that like an Ocarina of Time enemy that was like Luigi's Mansion sound did I find the secret room by accident what are these what are you ah stop thank you and have a great night thank you did that guy just use an item holy I think I just used an item I found the secret room but there's nothing in there this guy streams occasionally foreign a couple more floors to go we have this depths the womb and then uh I think that's it get rid of the uh thank God I got that song card oh euthanasia give me give me [Music] what is that nah nah I don't know what that is and I don't want to know okay it's getting weird it's getting weird it's getting weird get me in here roll it excuse me okay I got huh [Music] I have a quality four item that is an active item that gives me an immortal hard on use I don't know what an immortal heart is [Music] at least I got a little dance though it's not that good I'll leave it I'm sorry is wait a second I'll back it up back it up back it up back it up back it up back it up is the name of this room every time a survivor man gets down by a Bubba every room has a name bro why dude chernobyl's in my bong water what I don't even want to know what these guys do okay whoops I lost the immortal heart that was so POG apparently foreign interesting hi Matt hey what's up I heard he was streaming right now yeah we're trying finfolio so far it's actually pretty cool ow glass D6 wait activates the D6 effect re-rolling all items in the room into items from the current oh it's just a D6 on use wait what that's awesome how's that not the dice Shard I guess dice charges D6 plus 220 huh what is this we went to like the sewer this guy reminds me of you guys ever see Fern Gully that guy reminds me of like the Slime from Fern Gully you guys know what I'm talking about thanks Crystal blister reel the treasure room I'm saving it for the potential for the angel king of diamonds inflicts all enemies in the room with Midas freezing cool but I can't do has hush changed at all or is hush the same we'll go down interesting is this the dead God save or the new one this is dead God save that I'm playing scene folio on I figured that would probably be the best thing right do you have a Discord yeah it's in all of my YouTube descriptions autopsy kit [Music] uh uh oh that's not good for me [Music] foreign yeah what were they thinking they have the ability to put in seven million different enemies and they decide to put in another host variant how dare you 've seen folio devs well I wouldn't say it's Ultra hard but my initial thoughts is that this is actually pretty cool it is a really cool model I don't even know what these things are doing [Music] why did you decide to make the mini host that is hardest why would you do that what is that what are you it's the spot from 7UP I I what foreign oh I get it you have to activate them and then they start shooting I might die actually [Music] I had no clue what's going on in this room oh it's red blood cells you dumbass [Music] don't break the glass D6 break it drag Miller this is someone I know I can take you on this diet is good okay one more floor we have 100 deal chance hopefully we keep it [Music] uh the fiend folio it's an item what the hell is that I didn't know the I didn't know it was an actual thing I didn't know it was an item that animation was like Isaac too that's something they would put in Isaac too first time watching your stream sick run so far what's up man this is a not expected I think it's my second run of teamfolio said it was really hard I don't think it's that hard but it's really cool I think the enemies that they've come up with is super like really unique oh can this guy hurt me no okay Isaac too confirmed I'm pretty sure Isaac 2 is confirmed actually like Edmund will eventually make Isaac too what is that soul of random oh that's cool wow interesting [Music] comes out tomorrow yeah comes out tomorrow you guys didn't know that's why I'm playing fiend folio to celebrate I think two is just repentance nothing you say will change my mind no Edmund said repentance is Isaac 1.9 not Isaac too and he says Isaac 2 will come out eventually so who knows what if I what if I did four souls content like after my face reveal how the [ __ ] do you play regular Jacob and Esau skill issue you know what these guys remind me of they remind me of the uh the globbins from Mario and Luigi like Bowser's Inside Story you guys know what I'm talking about [Music] well it looks like we won't fight hush this will be Isaac when it's two all right so we'll take care of it lives here super easy fight our damage despite not really getting anything crazy after mutant spider is still strong we're holding up roll it oh that's good what is bag of Bobbies has a chance to spawn a fragile Bobby on room clear fragile Bobbies are similar to brother Bobby but can die well it's a new item so I gotta right I might die here but I'll try and live I'm pretty sure mom's key so I'm gonna open all of these I actually hate myself okay we're good oh is it all money alone what okay what's with the quality four items and just being like yeah you get a heart on use like what i what does that even do I don't understand more but hard morphy is hard oh my God it's morbius heart Dylan thank you for the prime blood and cobra morbid heart oh I I'm not gonna complain about that I don't have any way to reroll anything do I have okay hey what's your next plan for stream uh I stream every Sunday Sunday to Tuesday I got morbin time heart still have the glass D6 I guess I could have used it on the deal but I I I'm gonna be really I forgore like straight up okay well let's try we should be okay it's just a hush fight right we do have a lot of Tears being shot due to mutant spider and inner eye but I might have to go a little quiet to focus just a smidge this has to be focused for a little bit what does a green worm guy you got I don't know his name it's like ophelius or something but he just goes around and he poisons people he's really cool I like them [Music] like he poisoned everyone because they all spawn on him looks like they didn't change hush at all but that's that's fine I didn't really expect him to plus it's fine hush is fine as he is we also have Belly jelly which is why I'm not too afraid of dying despite only having three hearts I'm gonna stand right here and it should be safe should be Quantum right there's a fly getting really close to me okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay I understand hush I understand your little a little mad at me but it's fine okay I got it ow I might die don't do much lasers that's all I'm asking I am so dead oh [Music] guys I cannot believe I'm not getting hit right now stop [Music] stop don't do it I lived I got a brother booby fake boobie fake Bobby fake boobies fake brother Bobby why okay we got this [Music] okay I have no clue what enemies are down here or how to fight them and I'm not OP but I'm gonna try this I'm gonna try it with no I know thank you no no clue I'm dead sorry that's it that's it for me I don't know how to dodge these guys I just I'm fine [Music] they just act like brother Bobby's that's kind of cute okay I might have to go a little silent here oh Focus I'm sorry because I gotta actually like really Dodge properly here excuse me where the hell was my awols what I just got skimmed I don't know what you do I don't want to know what you do I don't even know what like tinted rocks look like on this I don't know Scion who is this I don't know I think my brother boobies are blocking shots I can't I'm so okay I got it I got it why is the music still going is it safe to take am I good why is the music still going daggers shoot alongside your tears oh that's kind of cool foreign I got this oh I don't even know what a like an immortal heart does right like what does that even do I have an immortal heart I don't know solo Judas here let me at least reveal my map maybe right make sure I'm going the right direction I am to know I can pull this off I have morbius heart that's true pick up the Little Gems I'm scared they're gonna hit me pick up the gems okay well if it ever happens again I'll do it but I don't think I will right here right okay what did that do what okay so I can pull this off I just need to focus morbid hearts are three hits till they're empty and refilling them just refills as a regular heart oh okay okay this is gonna be hard I don't know what any of these enemies do but I can pull it off gem equals dagger oh gosh okay I can do this one two three four Matt you never get good items okay I don't know what picking it up does but I know it has something to do with the dagger so I'm gonna do it Matt only gets good items and never has a bad run and always never has to use skill that's fake this is living proof I'm gonna prove you wrong right now I have skill Solutions oh [Music] got it okay good next pick up all the gems because apparently they do something I don't know okay okay okay okay okay okay okay we got this I was hoping for that do oh it's parisatoid but I can't be skin Cricket's body I have to I'm gonna I don't care I don't care if you guys can I'm I'm gonna die because of that but I'm gonna do it don't care I'm most likely dead in two seconds wake up bee skin is op too bad I didn't know what it did I want out of here I don't want to be here anymore what is that thing use glass D6 oh you're so smart Hypno ring luck affected chance to fire tears that inflict enemies with drowsy no clue this is where I died we're good angry fly I'm Gonna Roll you foreign across the room I don't know why the Run turned out to be really good towards the end but I'm scared who is still alive not okay not okay roll sack dagger oh it's probably really good no look this guy looks like Mario and Luigi swear to God oh Soul heart Yara yes I'm pulling it back boys what is that what is that oh no minks double tap the shop button wait what excuse me that seems like a little much for me to understand I I I'm okay I guess I might as well it says double tap a double tap I possess someone I'd stop possessing them I'm not possessing them okay cool I possess someone now somehow I guess [Music] oh maybe we can joined wait the rod popped off so many gems what did they do though something happened that I just healed okay I want to see if I can maybe get more items or heal up first foreign I'm not gonna lie to you the Run popped off I don't know how it didn't even feel that crazy but it popped off I'm shooting like better daggers now or something like look at this the Run got really good you just gotta you just gotta Hope on Hope where's the Green Key oh it's right here boom yay ghost pepper uh maybe pray for this no no lamb bro but I just got ghost pepper yeah sure foreign lodestone that's big I think we're done pretty much right that's it we get one more reroll on something I think we I think we pulled it off I think I don't die here I don't know what these guys do oh Play-Doh yay okay I got a cool run towards the very end I got a cool run smb2 okay I'm happy in fact taking that SMB will make it so I can get bookworm all right there you go okay okay okay nice there you go we got a cool run interesting run I think we're good I mean there's no way I'm taking what like five hits from lamb lamb just stood there and did nothing I'm like can I possess the lamb I cannot I don't even know what possession get out of here Bozo oh I feel good you are evil if you spawn delirium I'm gonna tell you that right now do not do not one final gem well that was fun GG okay secret room it wouldn't have had anything I don't have any rerolls okay feed Foley is pretty cool that'll turn into a video GG thanks Templar and I for the sub okay I need to go and edit that down and then record tomorrow tomorrow there will also be a stream where we do more dead God unlocks don't worry right after the video comes up tomorrow probably around 1pm uh I'll stream first time chat sad face fun stream good luck we will host someone I have someone in mind they are a friend of mine don't be sad it's fine I'll be back tomorrow [Music] you're right no it's by saliva yeah okay you guys ready say hello to my little friend okay he's my friend be nice to him it didn't work there we go okay say hi to my friend I'll be on tomorrow same time okay watch the video then come by you can say hi to me and we'll go get they got together bye
Channel: Mattman VODS
Views: 92,703
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: B3Z0WjmnD8c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 197min 33sec (11853 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 18 2023
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