Field testing the Peopoly Magneto X linear motor 3D printer

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for the last month or so I've been on the field testing team for the poopo Magneto X this is truly something different in 3D printing so let's check it out in detail and see how it's improved ahead of [Music] [Music] launch I review a lot of 3D printers but this is the the first time I've officially been part of a pre-release test group and I found the process quite interesting so today I'll take you behind the scenes and let you get to know this printer a little better like many of you I first heard about the Magneto X in a 3D printing nerde video where Joel interviewed Mark co-founder of poopo as he demonstrated an early prototype of the Magneto X since then videos have been released on poop's official YouTube channel but these are only teasers to find out more details the best thing you can can do is come to the pre-order page on the poopo website as we can see the price is $2,000 us which makes it one of the more expensive 3D printers available but it is quite unique so watch this whole video before you decide previously there was a pre-order program that's now finished but in the future this printer will be for sale for real the big difference between this and other 3D printers is it has linear Motors these replace stepper Motors and that means we don't need any pulleys or belts another benefit of this is that it provides closed loop control so there should be no layer skips or layer drift the motors are also powerful capable of running the printer at 800 mm/s with an acceleration of 22,000 mm/s per second to match the fast XY speed the Extrusion system called Lancer has a peak flow rate of 60 mm cubed per second and to complement that we have a comprehensive part cooling solution which is vital for printing pla fast Lancer also has a load cell for nozzle to bed Auto bed leveling other more common features are a removable flexible build sheet and four independently controlled steeper motors for the Z AIS with quad Gantry leveling what really got me excited about this is that all of the software is open source adopting Orca slicer as well as Clipper for the firmware therefore we get things like input shaping the web interface and there's an inbuilt webcam for the video feed also part of this ecosystem is a 7-in touchscreen running Clipper screen and for those that want to print high filaments you can optionally pay to add-on an enclosure so here's how it went down po contacted me and asked me to be part of the field testing team I received the printer for free so I could help with that I was given a list of things they wanted me to specifically check and of course I was free to give feedback and advice on any other things that I noticed originally there was no expectation of me making a video so everything I filmed was just to give them feedback but P are happy for me to show you my experience so here we are we start off with unboxing and po were Keen to get feedback on whether the printers were arriving in good shape and one thing to know about this printer is that it's 30 kg which makes it difficult to lift out the top so to help with this I ended up cutting off the sides of the box for access my first piece of feedback is that a box like the puser XL would be really good here next up unpacking all of the protective foam from around the machine I understand why it's there but hopefully this can be drastically cut down for future versions apparently some other units had suffered Bend of some of the metal components during shipping the packaging is being changed to address this but fortunately in my case this printer was in great condition assembly is really easy there's a spool holder to bolt on at the left rear and then that 7-in touchcreen gets bolted to the front right where we plug in two cables when we first turn on the machine Clipper as well as main sale is already installed as this Clipper screen so it's just a matter of using the clip screen controls to get onto your Wi-Fi network and then you can access your printer's control with web browser using main sail a smooth start in my case so let's examine the hardware in more detail let's start our Deep dive from the top with the Lancer extruder it's got a protective cover on the top and we can remove that with only two bolts and doing so gives us a pretty good look at what's inside this is direct drive with a lightweight stepper motor and we also have a lever that we can pull up to completely remove the pressure from the filament for manual insertion or removal here it is partially disassembled we can see inside that it's dual drive and we can also see planetary gears to increase the torque output of that small stepper motor we can also see that all components apart from the cover on top are machined metal here's that lever in action and you should be able to see the arm on the left open up when we push it down I've only got one complaint about this and that's that the lever faces backwards when viewing from the front of the machine so it will take some finding until you're familiar also with any extruder lever like this if you forget to close it there won't won't be enough grip on the filament and you'll get a radic Extrusion on top we have physical load and unload buttons in Clipper each of these is tied to their own macro that checks to see if the hot end is up to Temp and if it is filament will be pushed in or out moving on to the hot end it has a very long melt Zone with what appears to be a ceramic heater on top the heat sink is mounted to a load cell which comes in its own custom bracket nozzles are e3d V6 volcano style so the hot end is already compatible with a wide range of after Market nuzzles in the tool heads electronic stack is an accelerometer for automatic tuning of input shaping and all of this is run via a can bus system let's move on to the X and Y motion system and each of these runs on beefy linear rails of course the main attraction is the linear Motors that eliminate the need for pulley and belts whereas the traditional stepper motor has two parts a series of coils around the outside and then a series of magnets on the insides these linear motors have magnets the whole way along the rail with the coils located in this section if you want to learn much more about how these motors work I've linked a short video by lesic in the video description these linear Motors are a custom inhouse design from poopo they're fast quiet precise closed loop and they're normally only found on really expensive CNC machines therefore they're this printer's main Innovation moving on to the bed we have a magnetic spring steel sheet on one side is Pei powder coating and on the other we have this textured pattern each corner of the bed is independently controlled by its own steeper motor and Clipper will level the Four Corners with its built-in quad Gantry leveling one of my favorite parts of this machine is the cable management and the electronics box to access this we have about a dozen M3 bolts that we remove from the top inside everything is very neat and well laid out we have a dedicated control board for the linear Motors there's disable and enable buttons that poke through the top case as well as status LEDs for x and y in the other corner we have the equivalent of steeper motor drivers one for x and one for y controlling all of the components is a big Tre Tech octopus Pro and the brain of the whole thing is an orange pi02 inserted into an expansion board interestingly the linear Motors run from this 48 volt power supply but all of the other electronics run from a standard 24 volts finally the frame which is beautiful it's made from powdercoated aluminum extrusions and it has a really high quality feel the reason this printer weighs 30 kg is because it's so solidly built hopefully that gives you some insight into the printer let's get into the juicy bit identifying problems and working together to help solve them one of the beauties of clipper is the macros and P has been great at updating and refining these throughout the testing for instance when an update came out that required the whole SD card to be reimaged they added support for resizing the file system on the SD card to avoid the testers needing to do it via SSH and originally those physical loading unload buttons were a little bit simple but the macros were upgraded to have conditional G-Code that would check to see if the extruder was up to Temp and output an error message on Clipper screen if it wasn't there's been lots of these little touches that improve the user experience probably my best contribution as a tester has been helping develop ways to keep the Magneto X completely silent when it's idle the first problem was the cooling fan for the orange pie which originally was directly mounted to the metal case underneath and on my printer at least this was surprisingly loud as it was reverberating through the entire lower metal case the first change I made was mounting it instead to the P expansion PCB with rubber washers in between this got rid of the vast majority of the noise but to help things even more I wired the fan to instead plug into the big tree Tech main board and with the help of this Reddit thread on this topic configured Clipper to tie the fan to the internal temperature of the pie so that the fan only comes on when the Pie Gets above a certain temperature that was better but there was still quite an annoying hissing sound at idle and it turns out this was coming from the linear Motors but it could be eliminated by disabling them with this button I told poop that I was tempted to solder some wires to this board so I could ground the pins for the buttons with the big Tre Tech octopus they took my complaint seriously and came back with a much better solution in creating an update for the controller board and giving instructions on how to upload this the controller board would now be directly connected to the pi via a USB cable and to go with that macros in Clipper to enable or disable the linear Motors just like the physical buttons so now the print end macro could shut down everything and keep it quiet and the enable command could be put in any other macros that required XY movement and because of this the Magneto X is now silent when sitting idle without relying on the user to be there to press physical buttons some time ago my Patron Derek posted to our forum about Camp Clipper adaptive meshing purging it's an add-on for Clipper that constrains the a probing to the area that overlaps with the print rather than probing the entire bed which believe me takes some time on this printer because there's 48 points across the whole bed Camp will also adapt The pre-printing Purge to be right next to the print area this was an area that needed Improvement as the standard Purge was very long and at times ran too deep damaging the build Surface after following the grade instructions on GitHub to get it installed here is the new Behavior at the start of the print Camp will calculate the bounding area and decide the size of the probing grid that best fits it the probing will then take place but is restricted to the immediate area around the actual print and then as the print's about to start a thick Purge line will be laid down next to this this means I can probe before every print but not have it take too long and because this purge line is extruded so thick it's easy to flick off Camp did improve things greatly for me but there was was still a fundamental problem with the load cell mechanism it tended to be inconsistent the values frequently outside of Tolerance which caused reprobing and the process to be even longer as you can see from this probe accuracy test some of the results fluctuated quite a bit with the range of measurements here being beyond what I would consider acceptable fortunately poop had developed a solution for this to combat interference they developed a new mounting for the load cell that insulated everything as you can see here with the plastic shim and washes between the components this when combined with an updated load cell control board gave consistency and order of magnitude better which made any probing faster and more reliable in case you haven't noticed this is a behind the-scenes video not a review so where to next the truth is that so far I haven't done a whole lot of 3D printing here and most of what I have done has been calibration prints double-checking things like pressure Advance flow rate hot end temperature and retraction this 3D Beni was printed before any of that calibration and I would still say it's almost blemish free there's a tiny bit of drooping on the overhangs and just the faintest bit of ghosting near the hole in the front and this wavy vase looks incredible considering I forgot to lock the extruder besides pla I've had great success printing TPU with very smooth and consistent Extrusion but this is nowhere near enough for a review so I'll be testing this machine thoroughly by following my review policy that means testing a range of materials and all advertised features like filament run out I'll also be testing the add-on enclosure which I've recently been sent but have yet to install with this large build volume and the ability to add THS and active chamber heating with Clipper I'm hoping the Magneto X is a Powerhouse for filaments that warp out of interest I'm also planning to push things a lot harder and attempt a speed Beni so what I need from you is to tell me in the comments what would you like to see tested that might be out of the ordinary or something explained that I haven't covered in this video doing so will help shape the review personally I'm quite excited by this printer because of the balance I think it strikes on one hand we have a very polished appearance and high quality Hardware just like a bamboo lab X1 but then it's paired with well-known electronics and open source Clipper firmware for easy customization for me this is a bridge between newer Appliance style 3D printers and a printer that can be upgraded and customized by its users in line with the rep R movement plus we have the added innovation of the linear Motors let me know in the comments what you think so far thank you so much for watching and until next time happy 3D printing good day it's Michael again if you like the video then please click like if you want to see more content like this in future click subscribe and make sure you click on the Bell to receive every notification if you really want to support the channel and see exclusive content become a patron visit my patreon page see you next time
Channel: Teaching Tech
Views: 99,674
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3d printing, 3d printer, 3d print, 3d printed, peopoly, peoploy, magnetox, magneto x, test, review, unbox, unboxing, linear motor, unboxed, firmware, open source, orcaslicer, klipper, setup, installation, test print, quality, speed, volume, noise, custom, customisation, customization, upgrade, kamp, macro, configure, configuration, enclosure, filament, 3dbenchy, benchy
Id: seIFIgBlKvM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 57sec (837 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 16 2024
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