Field Manual For The New Earth

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welcome to the reality Revolution today's episode is designed to give you a sort of field manual to living in fourth density right now as I've explained in several episodes we are undergoing a transition in to a new realm of Consciousness and the planet is changing this is explained by raw in the law of one material and I've documented this through several quo channelings where they discuss what's happening as we move through this transition the best way for me to summarize it without creating an entire episode to explain it is that we've moved from one density of light to another where the light particles that we coexist within are able to carry much more information and at first there is no seemingly noticeable effects of this but slowly over time we begun to see since approximately 11 years ago we have seen major shifts in the world people are more empathic it appears that we can read people better it's like we can read people's thoughts we have greater psychic intuitiveness there's a lot more chaos in the world our thoughts become reality much faster it's very much an entirely different way of life than what we were living 30 years ago it's not just the technology that is advancing it is the light that we coexist within it's an entirely new age a new realm of Consciousness and the purpose of this episode is to elaborate on my own advice for living in this density Earth as it's shifting into a fourth density from a third density right now at this singular moment of time my higher self is saying that this is a remembering in Consciousness each of you will experience the new fourth density light in your own unique way even in your Awakening it will be like no other each entity is the godm Contin individualized into universes and Beyond you are the Creator you have complete control of your environment there is nothing within this fourth density reality that you cannot control you are the player and the Creator you have access to the programming code you have a brand new array of tools immediately available in this new environment if you become aware of the changes and the way the world is changing and you understand it then there are tools that you can use to thrive in a fourth density environment the first is meditation quo always recommends that we meditate it is imperative that you learn to meditate there is nothing that can replace a regular meditative practice don't take meditation complicated or treat it like a task just get into the habit of escaping from the outside world and exploring your inner world it is best to Simply Begin by sitting in silence you may find this to be a difficult task the Mind flows with random thoughts coming from a variety of thought streams as you continue to seek the silence you slowly push these thoughts away behind it all is the Glorious voice of the Creator meditation is listening to the Creator Within by regularly meditating you sharpen your mind and allow the voice of the Creator to seep through you can make any moment of meditation watching TV or reading a book can be a meditation there are a lot of different techniques to try and many of them are fantastic it has always been my goal to make meditation fun and the 300 meditations on my channel have this underlying goal have fun with it there are really two primary forms of meditation silence and active visualization Neville GD defined meditation purely as visualization and connecting to the in ination he found that this was the place to connect your imagination and he would use it to imagine for himself and his many friends and students you will find As you move along your journey of meditation that it is many things and you can do many things meditation is such a broad and important topic that it would be impossible to cover its many aspects within the boundaries of this episode meditation will be a fundamental aspect of any shift in cons Consciousness on this planet I've created a variety of resources to expand your knowledge and understanding of meditation you can check out the playlist on how to meditate that's a good place to start the next thing to know about as we shift into the fourth density is the mirroring effect you begin to see the mirroring effect of your thoughts and actions in the environment around you this mirroring effect is one of the key principles of the new Earth discussed by nille Goddard viim Zealand raw and quo this mirroring effect is a key part of your movement through this new dimension there is one self as the fourth density light reveals itself to you the people around you become mirrors to you more and more your inner thoughts are reflected in a three-dimensional mirror you're interacting with other God selves like attracts like these souls are similar to you they are in the same Soul stream remember always that what you see in the mirror you cannot change by changing the mirror it is always your own inner thoughts and actions that are creating what you see in the mirror the fourth density light amplifies this mirroring effect this is one of the side effects of light particles that carry a greater density of information continually remind yourself of this fact you are now aware that this light particle within is the Ultimate Upgrade on every level if also opens you up to a Perpetual Wi-Fi connection with your higher self this higher self is the one that has stood with you during every step who is you going back and aiding you this being exists within a realm in which all of time is available to you and you can interact with yourself you can change whatever you want the entire Archive of multiverses is available to This Light density to see love act loving to see Prosperity Act prosperous to be healthy act healthy you will always see a perfect reflection of yourself with all you see even on very subtle levels even the Birds are a part of your reflection even the sun it is all within you you are now more than your body you are now the mirror you are the archive of Reflections through time you must act first to change the reflection you can change the light in your Reflection from within your heart which is the processing Factory of this amazing forth density light your heart now opened fully to this new light you must learn how to interact in this fifth dimensional reflection that includes time and space you control and program the light you slowly form a relationship with the light you use the light to bless the objects around you you empower the objects around you to become Fountains of energy you create art that is like an energy Factory of light everywhere you go you change the reflection within and all those around you who are unaware of this light will adjust to This Light you begin to change the energies and the Very fabric of space around you those who shift the earliest become the reality projectors beings that are not just reflecting but projecting reality this shift moves you from the feminine to the masculine principle you are the projector you are the reflector the greater the light the more reflection is altered you are the light generator the next thing you must understand in this shift forth density is programming the light the more you move into meditation the more you learn astral travel and your ability to enter into Quantum Realms you begin to learn how to program the light as an exercise close your eyes at random times during the day and for 30 seconds shrink your Consciousness smaller and smaller each second imagine yourself getting smaller and smaller the size of an insect germ a virus a molecule an atom try to move Beyond this space make it your intention to see the new fourth density light the light that makes up all the material around you that vibrates in everything within you there is a new light that is quite different than the light that you've been living with this third density light it is the fourth density light once you find one order it to take whatever shape you desire at first you'll get distracted and then it will seem difficult to manipulate the light the more you do it the better you will get at it eventually you'll be able to transform it into any shape expand them and access the information inside of them this is the same power as the atom in your heart which controls all the atoms in your body this is the central life force that has made your heart beat perfectly throughout your life each of these light particles are of the same power they are all around you they are not your grandmother's light this is a new form of light available to you as a potential in the quantum field of the new Earth you can now program light particles in groups they will do your bidding and can be used for protection blessing inspiration and Shifting the possibilities are endless quantum computers and microscope Technologies May reach a point in which this light particle can be detected just as discussed in the physics of Dey Larson you can use these light photons to travel instantaneously in time and space the whole universe and its many galaxies are now opened up to you in this fourth density environment program a light particle to travel to the future of your current timeline and come back to you ask it to protect your home or blush your food and water with it give it to your pets place it in the paint you use put it in the ink of your pen change change the light around your home program it you have 90 million years to master the fourth density light particle that's how long fourth density lasts not 25 or 75,000 years as third density lasts this is a powerful and magnificent drama and game created by the Creator for our next Incarnation we've now graduated into an Ever more complex universe and it is our duty to learn how to exist in this environment to serve others to our maximum ability this will be a heaven-like existence learning the subtle power of love and light you must learn how to use it the light works best and most efficiently when using it for others see anyone struggling with finances as prosperous see those struggling with bad Health as healed see those who are lonely as finding love see them as you would like to be imagine the most amazing life for everyone you see you have the power to do it with this life you can give immortality to any living thing it is a perfect and intelligent form of life you must now polarize toward service the more you do it the more the refined forms of light come to you until you begin to access fifth density light which is exponentially more dense with information along these lines begin to create energy balls when you improve at imagining you can adjust their shape and program them to do your bidding much like a magical cator try this technique sit quietly with your shoes off breathe deeply and tune into the energies of the earth feel the energies of the Earth come in through your feet and into your palms of your hands the palms of your hands bring in and project energy see this energy flooding your body each of your toes your ankles and calves the energy moves up through your thighs into your stomach and up through your heart and throat down your arms and up into your head now tune in for a few moments and follow the energy moving up through the top of your head see this energy moving directly to the very top of the universe a new form of intelligent Infinity then comes down through the crown of your head feel it flowing down your body in Reverse soon you will feel yourself as a conduit of energy for the energies of the universe and the Earth running through you You Now by intention open your heart you can do this by bringing your attention to your heart and opening yourself to the energy all around declare out loud I now attract fourth density light into my heart you'll feel a new form of light enter your body some people report they feel a warmth others feelings of elation and a great Rush of adrenaline for a moment see all three of these energies and move them into your heart the energies of the Earth the energies of the universe and fourth density like it can help to vibrate your vocal cords as you do this a simple will suffice hold your hands out and begin to feel a ball of energy forming from this Alchemy in your heart now let this energy build and breathe in hold your breath for as long as you can as you do you see the Mana and fourth density activated Chi moving into your hands breathe deeply in and hold your breath for as long as you can twice more once you've completed this understanding you are holding powerful energy in your hand you can use it for whatever purpose you want there are infinite possibilities you can give it intelligence you can name it you can instruct it to watch over your house and Aid your friends and family you can help to put the energy into a crystal this will act as a magnifier you must experience this energy to to truly believe it try this exercise out and then you can begin to modify it to your own ends you can send the balls of energy into sigils or toward ideas and goals you are trying to manifest remember fourth density light is more complex it holds more information and you will experience profound and Powerful effects from using this energy I barely scratch the surface of the potentials of this energy and how to use it the next thing you should be aware of as we shift into fourth density is lucid dreaming gain access to different states through dreams in a dream you can start flying you can create a table out of a chair and in those experiments you can learn about ways to get around fundamental laws of reality here as well we can also program our dreams prior to entering into different realities so we can access information I talked about lucid dreaming in my first book but it's important to fully understand that this is a place where you can learn to shift in and out of realities and to manipulate reality because reality is just another form of dream as you're existing in this particular reality and density there are laws that you fundamentally agreed upon to govern the cause and effect actions around you if you can become Lucid in a dream and change the laws and restrictions there you can learn to become Lucid in this reality and learn to change it there are a variety of steps to becoming lucid and dreaming that I discuss in the reality Revolution and one of those most powerful is to just regularly question yourself through the day am I dreaming once we become Lucid in dreams we become Lucid in waking give yourself some triggers for this practice like walking through a doorway inevitably when this becomes a routine part of your day you'll ask that same question in a dream then when you do become Lucid in your dream start experimenting do things in your dreams that you would want to do in reality have a big party go on vacation buy a yacht put yourself in a mansion transform the world around you you may not see changes happen but there will be a bridge of incidents that will begin to awaken different realities as you get better and better you will see the differences and be able to influence your reality in the same way that you can influence a lucid dream if you can become good at lucid dreaming when the world shifts into the new Earth you will have practiced this ability to create so readily that you'll embrace it without as much fear finally when you wake up journal what you dreamed As you move into higher levels of consciousness memory seems to erode people don't remember big conscious moments perhaps because what we're doing doesn't fit in the 3D memory that the brain can hold write it down so you can acknowledge your progress and hone your steps I have several lucid dreaming meditations on the channel that you can try as well sleep meditations work great because you'll be prompted in the sleep meditation as a reminder and it will awaken you in the dream the next thing you should become good at or at least aware of is astral travel even the strangest possibilities in the new Earth aren't new at all but rather invisible to us now and becoming more accessible to us as we become able to access them therefore you may be able to strengthen your ability to interact in the New Earth by better understanding the astral plane and how we can access it now we could dedicate an entire episode to learning how to have out of- body or astral experiences as I already have so let's just stick to the basics here when we enter the astral plane we don't leave our body necessarily but rather connect to the plane through our bodies Neville Gard Robert Monroe and many others describe this connection surprisingly consistently as a silver chord extending from our bodies usually at the back or the top of the head some people have success listening to music as they meditate or using certain mudras or hand positions while they sleep or while dreaming some place their tongue to the roof of their mouth in my own experience it helps to listen for a high-pitched sound during sleep or deep meditation I focus on it and then a sort of Pop happens where you move out of the body alternatively I use the rope method as I lay in bed I try to imagine some other portion of my body trying to leave my body with a rope in front of me that I see myself grabbing to pull myself out of my body after a couple of weeks of doing this I was able to turn around and look at my own body when I first tried it once you find the method that helps you leave your body you can travel to other Realms other dimensions and back and forth in time after you've accessed some of the astral realm including the thought forms and other experiences I've met mentioned in several different episodes you may gain a greater awareness of the astral realm as it will appear in the new Earth Neville Gard appears to confirm that astral travel is an element in traveling through realities much of what he described in using the imagination to change reality is a movement of Consciousness to a place he explains another version of this technique in his lecture occupant or inmate in which you lay in bed and you imagine your reality Then Fall backward into it you induce a sensation of falling backwards into Infinite Space until you reach the reality that you want for more on out of- body experiences and accessing the astral realm I highly recommend any book by Robert Monroe check out my astral projection meditation as well the next key aspect that I would recommend in learning is numbering codes remember there's a universal mind and we are all a part of this universal mind the one thing that's missing from most discussions of the Multiverse is its infinite complexity if we're going to ever truly properly navigate a universe of infinite possibilities and a new Earth a system of categorization and identification should be developed day by day as we move into a greater connection with the universal mind we are connected to everything everyone has ever seen or done a number of numerical systems have been created to link number sequences to aspects of the Multiverse this becomes very helpful because it makes entering realities as easy as dialing a phone number in your mind the best systems available using numbers for attracting and defining different aspects of reality are the quantum healing codes the grab aoid numbers The Source codes anaha codes and the golden codes of Shambala check out my episode on Art Magic where I do an in-depth explanation of the grab void codes and the quantum healing codes you can create your own number code system too but these are effective because other people have used these numbers to shift into different aspects of memory into different aspects of reality grabo numbers often termed the cheat codes of the universe can attract Fame and lock love money health and healing there are thousands of codes out there and you can utilize them to attract positive energy and restore Health gregori grabavoy used his radionic machine to locate the numbers that are associated with different health conditions he would then instruct the clients to meditate and use the numbers and surprisingly it helped in treating health conditions and recoveries happened for Quantum healing codes just look up Quantum healing codes and how to use them a booklet originated by Mark gamma and Isabelle hen as channeled numbered sequences given by Archangel Raphael the spaces are important too check out the video by your Universe to get all the video codes properly delivered in video form and the YouTube channel grabavoy numers / switchwords Diana cerona Toya and karolina Rodriguez Amaya's amazing book The Manual of sacred codes also uses this understanding with numbers to communicate with light beings and Heaven itself the sacred codes have been sent by heaven to close that Gap they explain they are a revolutionarily spiritual technology delivered by the Light beings through Jose Gabrielle yube to help us increase our Consciousness these are numerical series that by being repeated with intention and Faith allow us to connect with heaven in a fast simple and direct way they are short sentences that use numbers instead of words to pray thank and ask for different aspects of our well-being since they are composed of digits the sacred codes are direct way to communicate with the universe as the cosmos is made out of perfect math therefore they are a powerful and efficient tool to connect with light beings without the need of mediators therapists or psychics by using them we are talking to the universe in its own language avoiding any noise or ambiguity in our message we can be sure that heaven is listening to us in working to grant our petitions it is a fast way to get surprising results no matter which religion or beliefs you have they claim that sacred codes work for everyone georgeos monea shares the golden codes of Shambala yet another powerful system to use to shift into the Multiverse and take advantage of its infinite complexity the golden codes of Shambala are utterly and absolutely positive in nature they're of the highest and purest light possessing true spiritual properties and qualities their immediate Effectiveness and transformative nature their cleansing healing and empowering ing potential in all areas of human life are manifested in various ways to the ones who practice them in their daily lives check out my interview with Holly hola she channeled the anaha codes which is a comprehensive database of the numerical equivalent to every element in everything which makes a lemon a lemon a dog a dog it's deciphered by these numbers I found these number codes to be powerful and a verse I've included some of these number codes with art sigils I use in my art if you check out my website earth. every one of my pieces of art will carry an affirmation that I write into the canvas and I also try to channel the energy of my intention into the painting by using these different kinds of number codes it's a focusing technique and I can write the numbers down on my canvas before I paint and it makes my paintings magical as many people will attest that have purchased my painting the intention is to communicate with you on a deeper level than the surface you may have noticed shifts in energy as we have just talked about this stuff you will continue to feel this as you explore the Multiverse and its infinite complexity the key here is that any number system will work just as in remote viewing they're given random number strings so as not to color the remote viewer by bringing their own Impressions into the viewing there's a number linked to everything in the universe you can even create your own number code to identify the signature of the energy or intention you are imbuing into the painting or whatever it is you want to do number codes are no more dangerous than any other set of numbers or math equations some people may say number codes are dangerous but much like everything else with the law of attraction and manifesting and utilizing these powerful principles these numbers are only as strong or safe as your intention if you have negative intentions thoughts or desires you can attract less desirable experiences you you can write them on your wrist on a piece of paper tuck them under your pillow at night label your water bottle with a code to manifest with water write the secret sheet codes alongside your affirmations in the 369 method or the 55 by5 method charge a crystal with your intentions and send the code as instruction a couple codes I'll give you right now manifest love 888 4121 128 9018 or good health 808 4570 how about your ideal future 813 791 and for this particular episode activate the new Earth portal 111 17777 17171 7777 1111 the next thing I would recommend is briefly related to what I just mentioned and that's creating art sigils you may have seen mine you can check out again earth. art and others art and its power as a magical sigil for some it may seem subtle but for others as you've gazed upon images you may notice real world physiological and psychological effects I've had friends and students who were report discernible shifts and several positive emotions using these images sigils are a starting point to using fourth density energy a Sigil is a type of symbol used in magic the term has usually referred to a type of pictorial signature of a deity or spirit in modern usage especially in the context of chaos magic sigil refers to a symbolic representation of the practitioner's desired outcome sigils are a powerful magical technology that has been used for thousands of years as we globally develop it is important for us to look to past magical teachings to integrate into everyday living the use of symbols for Magical or cultic purposes has been widespread since at least the Neolithic era the term sigil derives from the Latin cilum meaning seal in medieval magic the term sigil was commonly used to refer to occultt signs which represented various Angels and Demons which the practitioner might summon the magical training books called grimo often listed pages of such sigils a particularly well-known list is in the Lesser key of Solomon in which the sigils of the 72 princes of the hierarchy of hell are given for The Magician's use such sigils are considered to be the equivalent of the true name of the spirit and thus granted the magician a measure of control over the beings the word sigil has a long history in Western magic the members of the Golden Dawn were perfectly familiar amiliar with it combining the letters colors the attributions and their synthesis thou mayest build up a talisma image of a force the sigil shall then serve thee for the tracing of a current which shall call into action a certain Elemental force and it was used in the making of talismans the sigil was like a signature or sign of an ultic entity the artist and occultist Austin Osman spare developed his own unique method of creating and using sigils which has had a huge effect on Modern occultism essentially he turned the medieval practice of using sigils to evoke entities on its head arguing that such supernatural beings were simply complexes in the subconscious and could be actively created through the process of sigilized are made by combining letters of the alphabet the the idea being to obtain a simple form which can be easily visualized at will and has not too much pictorial relation to the desire the true method has a much greater virtue which cannot be explained briefly being the secret of thought form as degree of suggestion and what exactly is in a name there are numerous examples of sigils that can be found online in old books from the Golden Dawn to the amazing books of Damon brand as we become a social memory complex one of the consequences is that certain symbols become powerful within the universal mind a social memory complex is a sort of hive mind or group mind that forms when many many Souls begin to awaken into the fourth density light you're individual but you also have access to the social memory complex it's very much like a universal mind but specific to this planet and if one person uses a symbol or sigil in a magical fashion you become linked to all the Impressions that a symbol is manifested the more obscure the symbol the more powerful for example if you see the symbol of the heart billions of people have seen that and use that symbol and it its meaning is watered down within the Universal Mind expression on an individual basis inspired by the work of Sydney Eileen and her Blog the balancing and Thor Templar who writes about systems of magic using art and images as sigils I began using art to create sigils this is a very powerful way to use fourth density light to clarify and broadcast your intentions on an individual level Sitel have fewer links with the universal mind and can be more potent and magnified another concept related to sigils that you should evaluate further Beyond this book is hypers sigils I believe this will become more important later in the fourth density cycle as we allow greater complexity into your manifestation process Grant Morrison coined the term hyperal to refer to an extended work of art with magical meaning and willpower created using adapted processes of sigilized Invisibles was intended as a single hypers sigil movies could be hypers sigils TV series it'll become more and more complex and will have magical power modern corporate logos like the McDonald's gold nches the Nike Swoosh are a form of viral sigil Walt Disney died long ago but his sigil that familiar cartoonish signature persists carrying its own vast weight of meaning you will notice the hypers sigils relate to the concept to pendulums which we have talked about in previous episode which are energetic structures that in some cases become conscious and can exert power in relation to your thoughts or groups of people thinking the same thought you can use sigils for anything you want they're powerful aids to Anchor your manifestation and speed up reality creation they trick the subconscious and take the psychic centers of the subconscious directly to key points in the process of Spiritual Awakening because of the universal mind and developing social memory complex sigils can be transmitted to others once they are created to influence and serve others in the process due to your link in the complex they are tools to transmit deep feelings into the subconscious this creates a programming code that anchors the transmission of complicated and specific ideas or energies for example I had a friend struggling to find the right partner in a relationship after talking to her and giving her affirmations nothing was working I created a Sigil painting and had her peer into it briefly before and after meditating prayer or sleep I asked her to then bring up her manifestation and within 3 days she found true love I had another friend struggling to find a job they were simply too fearful to modify their feelings so I created a painting that gave them new and wonderful employment within a week after just putting the painting on their wall they found their dream job I I had another friend struggling with astral projection I created an art sigil with the express purpose to make it easier to astral travel within days they found success astral traveling I have dozens of additional stories like the ones given above that have proven to me personally that the sigil Works beyond my own subconscious mind and connects to the Universal Mind using this understanding of sigils I found the most powerful way to create sigils is through ART and fluid art everybody has a different process using a combination of a variety of schools and different philosophies this is my 11 step process that you can use first I cleanse the room in which I paint I do a banishing ritual light candles use salt and Sage anything to clear the energies of the room so it's sort of a vacuum I want the highest and purest energies second I will do a short meditation to put myself in the right head space and third I'll write down the tension on the canvas directly onto the canvas for instance I'll write improve my memory and then fourth I'll write down an affirmation into the canvas such as I have Perfect Memory sometimes I also write down a number from Quantum healing codes or grab aoid numbers although that's not mandatory I think it's really helped and then sixth I meditate on the intention using my imagination I create a variety of different scenes to confirm that this painting has the effect of improving memory I do not just imagine for myself but imagine the painting having the effect for instance that I heard a friend tell me that after looking at the painting their memory has improved then seventh I charge the paint I hold the paint I use both hands and I vibrate oh or sometimes yua which is something I learned from Damon brand or some personal Mantra into the paint I'm going to use for flow paint we wait until the paint is fully mixed we use the same technique I employed my episode on charging water and I charge the paint I paint with my wife for every painting Mutual intention is more powerful we complement each other we each have different Specialties and we really enjoy the painting process it's something we really love she declares the intention for the painting and meditates briefly with me prior to painting then eighth I write down the affirmation and codes on the back of the painting so that you remember what you painted on if you a lot of paintings you might forget which ones you did and what the intention was cuz you're going to paint over the affirmation and then ninth once the painting is done I project an emotional charge into the painting in relation to the intention I create a feeling related to the intention 10th I command my subconscious and higher self to charge the painting to create a broadcasting effect in alignment with the affirmation or tension that I used and then 11th I just forget about it I let the subconscious and higher self do the work required to finalize the sigil painting and then let it go I try to do it for others not just for yourself becomes much more powerful you can create Absolute Energy Transformers that shine like the sun energetically you can transfer this process to sculptures or to gardening or to anything that you use to create I use this for painting but you could definitely use it for anything you want there's so much potential for the application of this technique with the new Earth reality these and other techniques will become powerful another technique I wanted to discuss is water bending this is similar to creating energy balls water should be mentioned separately as a tool to use in the new Earth as Holly Hallowell States in her wonderful book light memory an alchemist guide to water bending water sustains life gives life is life it is a sacred fractal through which all things exist simultaneously and through which everything is manifested water when provided the light of Consciousness will memorize and emote the resonance you seek making you an exact match to anything you desire you can charge water using the same exercise that I described for charging the paint water is effective because it acts like a memory it will retain the signature of energy eternally unless it is altered or changed when you access water you're always EMB bibing the memory that comes with it if the driver who pulled the water off the crate is angry or fearful this emotion seeps into the water you will notice it when you drink the water but your body will retain the memory of it so get in the habit of charging your water if you're in a rush just hold the water for a brief moment and see the three energies coming in up from the heart from the heart into the hands and into the water you can do it for only a couple seconds remember there is water in most foods like fruits or sauces bless these in the same way you can also Imagine a specific reality when charging the water for instance imagine a reality with all your bills paid or 500,000 in the bank you push those thoughts into the water remember you are a conglomeration of all thoughts so you'll have to continue to do this because water retains memory it will slowly start to shift your body and mind into that reality you should start to integrate flowing water into your visualizations flowing water is naturally cleansed and charged usually negative energies will stay away from flowing water to avoid cleansing this has always been an effective method of psychic protection which is used to stand in the river to protect themselves from negative Spirits even the sound of flowing water can have this effect this can be seen by the effects we see in fangi using waterfalls and fountains in certain areas of your home remember in the new Earth environment you're going to see all kinds of spirits and thought forms and different things you might not normally see in third density and and having water as a protective measure can be very powerful there are several forms of glasses that hold crystals on the bottom allowing you to charge crystals that perpetually charge the water when it's placed into them this is a powerful way to shift into realities check up my episode on manifesting with water drink a glass charge with visualization of an alternative timeline in which youve whatever you desire if you do this on a regular basis you will find that you seamlessly shift into these realities get into the practice of adding fourth density light into your water send it into the water you see at the store and along these same lines you can do fire bending you can use fire in the same way that you use water and you can also use the Earth Earth bending is a major skill and fire bending will be a major skill all these elements can be charged and you can speak with the fire you can communicate with the fire by tuning into the fire you tune into the Eternal fire you can look into candle flames and by doing this it's a way of programming and focusing the Mind by entering in to the power of the fire earthbending is another major skill that I mentioned you vibrate in fourth density by entering into nature you can plant something get a bamboo tree a bonsai tree which is great something I love you can grow vegetables fourth density foods will blow your mind once you begin to integrate biophotons which are light particles that are actually fourth density B photons it's going to be amazing eating raw foods will become more and more popular because they will be imbued with fourth density light currently there are about 40 scientific groups worldwide working on biophotons and I believe they're going to be some of the first they're going to start to notice the fourth density light that I'm talking about it is thought that the higher the level of light energy a cell emits the greater it's vitality and the potential for the transfer of that energy when you invite fourth density into your food it carries greater density it has more light per particle more information is contained and this will be expressed in your body as you eat it you become a conduit for the Sun and Earth and through you a whole world forms you begin to bend the Earth to your will once you've linked to the Earth it will be common to communicate with the trees the birds most animals and insects some insects are vastly intelligent complexes that you can commun Comm unicate with all of it is available to you you are a child of the earth and as you enter into this fourth density now is the time that you'll be guided to do these things and these are some different tools that you can use to thrive in a fourth density environment some parts of this episode were read from my book called the new Earth Field Manual that I have not published and will not publish that I have released to a few people through my email list if you join the email list I may send that out again but in any case understand that your mind is becoming more and more powerful and the more and more you access the light of fourth density some amazing things are going to happen for you you can find all episodes of the reality Revolution at the reality and welcome to the reality Revolution
Channel: Brian Scott
Views: 35,106
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the new earth, new earth, the shift, 5d earth, dolores cannon, higher consciousness, 5d earth frequency, the new earth explained, new earth brian scott, astral travel, psychic power, water bending, fire bending, field manual for the new earth, law of one, fourth density, fourth density new earth, how to live in the new earth, shifting into the new earth, the coming shift, higher dimensional tools, embracing the shift into fourth density new earth, reality revolution, 4d, 5d
Id: jtCiovHcSHE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 32sec (2672 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 31 2023
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