Fiber Tales Podcast | Episode 49 | Under the Appletrees

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[Music] so [Music] hello and welcome to the favorite sales podcast my name is lager and this is a podcast all about knitting about knitwear design and about my life in general and as you can hear there's a chicken that just started to maybe you can hear her i think she's looking for the other two and they went for a walk and she has lost them so now she's probably gonna be really noisy and that was a pheasant so there's a lot of life outside today because spring is really here it feels like summer today i'm in short sleeves and a skirt and i'm so warm it's very humid today because it was raining this morning and now well yeah you're gonna listen to her and there's also plain that i can hear constantly and i don't know why it's i can just hear it rumbling so a lot of sounds today but i have this beautiful pile of knits that i want to talk about for today's episode i actually wrote the show notes a few weeks ago and then i got sick so all of my works in progress they're actually now finished so i have no works in progress i have a lot of finished objects to show you and some new okay and i have some new designs to show you wow i got distracted let me just put the pile away because it's too hot to sit under a pile of wool and i wanted to say today i'm outside um i just put up oh she went running i think she saw someone i put up a sheet behind me so hopefully it will be okay to sit here if the sun comes out and if it doesn't come out then it's just the way it is and yeah since the last time a lot of things has happened and i have some releases since last time first of all i want to say that last time i mentioned that i did a little sale to help support ukraine so i had a sale planned but i decided to donate 30 of that sale to the what did i end up going with i think i ended up going with red cross i can check that if you are curious because i it's been a while since i sent off the money and and we gathered together [Music] about one thousand i think one thousand eighty dollars so seven thousand six hundred danish kronos wow it's so noisy today and yeah so i managed to gather quite a bit to donate and i am really happy that you helped me do that and yes since the last time i managed to release this one which of course was just in time for the warm weather so it was not the most practical thing this is my lovely sweater i talked about it in great detail i think did i or did i say i would talk about it today anyways it's a big oversized plot to lobby sweater with the yarn held double so it's quite warm and thick and um yeah it's perfect for the winter months and not so much right now but you could use it as a jacket kind of in the warmer months so depending on where you live the thing about this one that i wanted to do is i wanted to have the shoulders being quite fitted so they're actually not a oversized drop shoulder they are a fitted shoulder and the sweater is worked with the contiguous method so you kind of cast on each shoulder then you um they meet in the back and then you work a little bit the back and then you gather everything in the front and then you just work the shoulders as you go i don't know if you can see so let me try to open the shoulder seam here you can see kind of what's happening um but since it's so warm and wintry uh i felt like yeah the pattern was a bit at a wrong time and of course i knew that beforehand but i also wanted to get the pattern out since it's been a long time coming and so what happened is i thought i could maybe knit it up in a different yarn a little more of a lightweight version and i came across this yarn when i went to the it's a fabric shop that we have here in denmark and also i think in in i think it's in sweden in germany and some other countries it's uh called stuff and steel and now it's called self-made so it changed the name and this yarn is a hundred percent organic wool so i thought it could be interesting to see how it is and i was anyway in the shop to get some fabrics so i got this and i wanted to try to cast this one on and make it with a looser gauge so it would be more of a drapey lightweight version but what happened with that is that my uh the shoulder construction the way i did it you're increasing on both sides and it didn't look nice it looks really nice in this yarn in the pluto lobby because it's so fluffy and filling out any spaces but it didn't look nice with them with the other yarn so i was feeling a little bit discouraged also because if anyone else wants to make this pattern with a different yarn they might be disappointed that it's not looking as neat as it looked in my sample so i tried a little bit um changing the how i placed increases just to see if i could figure out something that would still look very similar to the original um and i think i came up with a way of doing it so when i have a little more time to work on this i will definitely uh try to write down the pattern like not the pattern because the pattern is written but i would try to add the suggestion that how you can work around if your yarn is not looking so nice with the increases and what i wanted to do is make the sweater so in this yarn so very neutral but without the dots so just make it a very simple sweater because it has a really nice construction and i was really happy with the fit this is fitted on the shoulder but much more relaxed so i'm probably going to hold this double with a mohair a strand of mohair and i already made a swatch but i couldn't find it for the episode since yeah a few things has happened since i made it and i don't know where it went or if i completely unraveled it but i will show you once i get going and then as i said once i'm i am happy with the result i will add it into the pattern so there's the option to to work them yeah to work the pattern uh with um a little bit of a different shoulder construction wow i'm getting distracted by everything happening around me i'm sitting under my blood the apple blossom trees you cannot see it right now but i will show you in a little clip or something at the beginning probably and it's all the leaves are falling right now and it just smells heavenly it's really nice these days everything is blooming so yeah a lot of things to distract me little butterflies and bees and chickens and airplanes so um yeah and when i was working on this and thinking if i should change the pattern a bit and so on i just realized that maybe other of my parents could have issues that i didn't notice because i used a specific yarn or and that's why i always have my patterns tested but none of my testers noticed this or mentioned this issue as well and probably because they used similar yarns so unspawn yarns for this platoon sweater and it made me just think how much i can go back and revisit patterns [Music] and i don't know it's definitely something that i have to decide when to stop kind of because you can always improve patterns you can always keep working on them but i also have to move forward if not i get totally stuck in the patterns and it happens to me quite a lot so yeah that's uh one thing i if i can and if i have time i love to revisit patterns but also sometimes i need to work on something new not to burn out myself always looking at the same things i'm not this kind of perfectionist in that way so i don't feel any joy from revisiting patterns unless i see something that makes sense and then of course i can do it um and talking about pattern that is a bit stuck i think i have mentioned it a couple of times whereas it's behind me it's this one it's the vilnius sweater and it is it has been tested my test is finished the deadline was at the end of april i was just thinking what month when it's really hot today so it doesn't help with my scattery brain um and this is the one and i was planning to work on it in the first week of may and that's when we got sick and then what happens when you are a one-person business make it all happen by yourself is that um when you get sick your emails kind of pile up and then maybe you even had some emails piled up from yeah just being busy for a week and then it just gets really overwhelming everything and you try to get to the bottom of things and you're kind of running behind so that's one thing that happens when you get sick or your kids get sick it's just that it's so easy to shift the yeah the balance of how i'm normally doing things and if you don't know i run two businesses at the same time i'm also working as a photographer and it has been quite busy because it's spring and everything is blooming and beautiful and i have weddings coming in the summer so i have a lot of weddings happening um yeah so just normally it fits really nicely that i can plan patterns in between shoots and stuff but when you get sick things just kind of slide a bit but the plan is definitely to try to get that pattern ready and now again it's gonna get ready when it's too hot but it is what it is at least it's a nice lightweight jumper this one a sweater so i think it's gonna be nice either way and you can have it ready for them for the fall so those were a few patterns um but i have a finished pattern that is i think almost done being tested i have to look into the the tester's comments and that is this pair of socks i've been waiting to show them because yeah i wanted to keep it a secret but i thought i could show it for this episode and this is the homeless socks they are um based a bit on my homely b shawl pattern so if you know that one so i have two socks and um they have the little row of bumblebees and then they have orbeez and then they have a row two rows of flowers that are eyelets and they are made the same way as in the in the shawl pattern and i actually been thinking about and a lot of people asked me are you going to make some bee socks when i came out with the homey bee shawl but the thing is um to make these bees you kind of have to work bottom up and i hadn't found a heel construction that i liked for bottom-up socks so it kind of kept being pushed away to the side but then i saw this heel construction that is the fleegal heel um and it's just brilliant i really love it it's actually really fun to work it's easy you don't have to pick up stitches you just kind of increase here and then you decrease there and you do short rows as you normally would but it has a more of a triangular shape than uh with the heel flap and the thing is of course you might say why are you not making a short row heel or fish lips kiss heel on one of those heels but i don't they don't fit my foot very well um so i wanted to find another way to make socks so here they are they are bottom-up socks or toe-up let's say and they're almost ready to be released i took some pictures yesterday and yeah i'm really excited to to release them and have them out i always love stock patterns a little more quick and easy to to get out than a garment so i like to work on garments and socks as how you call them interchangeably and also i like also to throw in shawls sometimes i am actually don't have a shawl pattern in the works at the moment so i'll have to see if i can come up with something because i love working on shawls as well they're a lot of fun um but kind of ideas have to come a little bit by themselves so yeah and the socks they admit let me just show you again they are knit in a yarn that is um a collab with the yule from woolen twine as so many times before but it's because she has really beautiful stunning yarns and i used her bfl massam uh yarn for the shawl and we talked about it and she said that she had heard people having success with using this as a sock yarn as well so this is the bfl massm four ply not the dk that i used for the short but the four ply and it's in the same colorway that is the caramel um and yes she she said she had uh heard good things about using it as a sakyan but none of us have tried it so it's a bit with a caution that i don't know how it works how well it holds up the thing is it's a the bfl massam is a worsted sponge so it means it's a bit stronger and more sturdy than a woolen sponge so it might be good it does seem nice i've only tried it on very carefully to take pictures so i cannot tell you i don't want to you know make it look not so nice for pictures so i don't always wear my samples that much because i want them to look nice if i want to show them off at yeah if i ever have anything to show them off at but um so yeah here they are i think i've shown them many times i don't know exactly when they will be out but i hope by the end of may or the beginning of june so in a week or two probably crossing my fingers it's gonna happen and that also means i don't have any patterns on the needles because i finished off a few things so before i talk about the last finished object i just wanted to talk about my next i have a sock project in mind and for that i got these beautiful neutral uh sock can i can i kind of balance it oh god wait for it wait for it wait for it okay therefore four colors that i got um of the wool sakyan so this is the shotgun and let me see if i can show you a label here we go there so i got the tuku wool sock yarn that has a bit of nylon and just for durability but they also have a fingering weight yarn that is very similar so you can get that one if you want to avoid the the polyamide the thing is uh i talked about this in the past i haven't always had good luck with the none with the more natural sock ends so yeah i just wanted to get this one to be sure that it works as i said with the other ones this is a bit more of a risky sock yarn and this one i think it's a bit more of a safe socket but let's see it's not always that way um but yeah i got these beautiful skeins that i have won't wound into balls and hoping to make a little pattern with these so it's going to be interesting i think i would also use a white i don't know if i will use all the colors but i wanted to have a bit of a some colors to play around with and i might use a white but i didn't want to order a white because i have a lot of white yarn and i only need it for a little bit so i'm and maybe also some colored yarn i will see what i end up making maybe i have some leftovers i can use in combination with these but they're very beautiful natural yarns so i'm excited to work with them i have used the chocobool sakyan before in my a pair of mitts i made once in the are called my luis mitts and they are on in my revelry shop and and they're holding up quite well they're getting quite like the fuss is kind of being worn off but the yarn is quite sturdy so i'm happy with those and i can also tell you the colorway no i cannot cannot read and they're kind of a bit from different so this one it says anger it's number five this one is number 181 is that possible no number seven zero seven and it's called manu no i cannot read it it's written in with a handwriting so i'm not sure what i'm reading this one is called and it's number six and this one that is more of um i would say it's a bit lighter than this one that i just showed you and this is called runo and it's number eight so there i just wanted to try to see how i like this one it's a more warm brown and then the last one is a very dark a little bit cool brown so it's going to be interesting to see how they work and i'm sorry i'm just taking the camera once in a while to make sure it's recording and everything um yeah and the only other thing that i finished that i want to show you is um [Music] the sun came through look how nice that's why i put up the the sheet behind me so i don't have the sun placing into the camera but i can kind of get a bit of light um i've made this little jumper thing it is the most adorable squishy um how is it called brush uh sweater and it's a size two one to two year old and it is not my pattern by the way i will tell you in a moment what pattern it is but it has these amazing voluminous balloon sleeves it's really soft and i made this one for when i photograph families and a lot of times they are asking me if they can borrow a sweater because they don't have anything nice and i just really wanted to have something cute and sweet i would put a picture um this is actually my friend from air crochet she came out with her daughter to take a few pictures when the japanese cherry cherry trees were blooming so i'm just gonna put a picture here and you can see how sweet she looked in this um very big sleeves uh yeah it's a pattern by let me because i've opened the it's called the ava sweater and it's by me mirela tainio i think she's finnish and i just found it looking for a pattern so the only thing is you have a really really aggressive increase along the raglan so it does seem a little bit insane when you're working on it you're working on really big needles i think it's a eight millimeters you're using so it is kind of chunky like not very pleasant for the hands and so on but it's really worth it and since it's such a small project it doesn't bother me that much i'm i think i'm gonna need another one in a size um uh in a size three to four she has those two sizes so i think that's what i'm gonna do and just to have it for clients um to borrow if they need a nice little sweater to put over their kids um yeah i think that's it for today let me just sip a little bit because i'm dying of heat it's not that it's super warm it's just i mean it is warm but it just went up from not very warm to extremely hot today and yesterday so just a little bit of adjustment to get used to it yeah i think that's it for today's episode i will keep you updated on the lovely sweater how the shoulder construction and everything how i like um the new increases and i will also yeah show you what else is gonna come um and if you need want to know when things are gonna be released instagram is always the best place to find me and in my stories and if you don't see me on instagram you just have to kind of turn on notifications and stuff because instagram is being really harsh when it comes to the reach um i mean i have 30 something thousand followers on instagram and i can see that it's maybe in my store it's just a few thousand that see my stories and yeah that happens but if you want to follow along with what i'm doing and you just have to turn on the notifications and instagram will hopefully remember that you want to see my posts but that's where i normally keep up to date with things and in case you have sent me a question about a pattern and i haven't answered yet please resend it i just probably got buried and i want to say with that that i'm not really using revelry message system right now it's just getting too much having to answer messages in so many places i haven't opened my messages in a while i have to admit it just is a bit overwhelming so to keep things simple for myself and to make sure i can answer everyone send me an email there's always my email address is at the end of the pattern and it says that's where you're supposed to contact me so that makes things easier for me but also if it might also be a good idea to send me a message on instagram because i really enjoy using their voice message system and it's a lot easier sometimes to explain pattern questions when i can explain it in a voice message when there's a lot to explain and yeah it's easier for me to do than in writing and it's quicker so if you have sent me an email and you can always send me a little a reminder on instagram and that way i can get back to you because sometimes i don't know who you are on instagram so for example if you send me an email with a pattern question and you're okay with me answering back in a voice message it's really nice if you put your name or anything and i can find you there that normally helps to get things moving i mean i might need to to find someone to help me with pattern support because i it's one thing that can feel yeah it just i don't always have time for it unfortunately so that's things to to work on in the future and find the best way to have things um with my little business anyways i think that's enough for today i want to keep this short and sweet let me see how long i've been talking for yeah 25 minutes or something so with a little bit of cutting out weird things i say i think we should be good to go and i hope to see you in the next episode bye hi again you thought i was done i'm not i just realized that i forgot to talk about something and i actually already removed everything from where i was sitting so but i am wearing a new design and i didn't mention it and that is also one of my finished objects i was like that was short i don't know i did i forget to talk about something yes because it's still warm and i'm totally sweaty and um i've got to talk about this design but i decided and instead of sitting down and talking about it now i will talk about it in the next episode i will try to get it ready for testing and then i can talk more about it next time so sorry about that if you're curious this is a new design it is a linen knit in a linen yarn and has some really pretty details but you will have to wait and hear more about it next time bye
Channel: Fiber Tales
Views: 13,707
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: T-pz4St3Y3I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 51sec (1551 seconds)
Published: Fri May 20 2022
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