FFXIV: The Stormblood Trial Experience

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hello and welcome back it's to the big blue purple Channel today I'll be taking a look at every single storm blood trial and ranking them from worst to best in my opinion exclusively talking about normal trials here this is technically the third part of my trial ranking Series so if you haven't seen my Aroma reborn or heavensward rankings yet and would like to see them then they are on my channel go check them out the stormblood trials are in an interesting spot because I think the heavensward trials are a little bit better overall but stormblood trials are still absolutely fantastic and they're all worth talking about and I also don't think there's a low Point half as bad as Bismarck in Stormborn anyways without further Ado let's rank these from worst to best foreign [Music] coming in at Last Place on my stormblood trial ranking list we have Rathalos this is honestly a really strange fight so let's start with the positives first off the music is a banger Monster Hunter music as hard as and the concept of facing off against a wrathalos in Final Fantasy is really damn cool the problem is it's designed in a way that a monster hunter fight would be designed the tank doesn't have aggro and the healers don't get to heal from the second phase and onwards in the Rathalos fight if you take damage you need to heal using a potion and the healers can't heal you at all what this means is that if you're playing healer this fight is really boring because you have nothing to do but spam one button and if you're a tank a Rathalos doesn't actually egg grow to anyone he just kind of swings at whatever he wants to obviously in Monster Hunter this makes sense and works but within the context of 14 this really doesn't feel good it's hard to avoid his attacks and properly understand what's happening you kind of just have to get away from him when he's looking at you I also think the normal mode of this fight being eight people was a huge mistake because the extreme version where it's only four people feels much much better to play and just makes a lot more sense as a monster hunter crossover I don't hate this fight by any means and if I get it as a DPS player it's honestly a pretty good time it's just that if you're a tank or a Healer this fight is really really tedious and you don't really get to play your role at all so I can understand why there's a group of players who are gonna hate this fight at the end of the day though I don't think it's half as bad as Bismarck and this being the worst trial in storm blood is not really a bad thing at all but hey if nothing else at least we have a Rathalos mount in the game now that's pretty sick thank you foreign coming in at number eight on my storm blood ranking we have Lakshmi and I want to make it very clear that Lakshmi is a massive Step Up in terms of quality from Rathalos I just personally don't love this fight and I have some issues with it this is still a great trial though and I can absolutely see why people would love it the mechanics are honestly really good and it's very spicy and chaotic for a normal trial lots of interesting markers that you could kill your teammates with and a lot of stuff to look out for with real and whatnot I suppose it's just the design and concept of this boss that doesn't get me super invested in comparison to every other storm blood trial it's not bad by any means and Lakshmi is a cool boss but it's not quite as cool as you know the four Lords or susano in my opinion The Cinematic that plays is cool but I don't think it has quite the same weight as some of the other cinematics in the other trials I guess it's just a little bit forgettable to me in comparison to everything else in this expansion again not bad at all and significantly better than Raffles overall a great great addition to the game but just not my favorite trial to play and I don't really know why perhaps I've just had one too many bad experiences in trial roulette on this fight [Music] coming in at number seven I have suzaku now this is really where the list kind of just becomes how I'm feeling today about these trials because honestly all of them from this point onwards are really really good and I like all of them a lot I think suzuka's biggest shortcoming would just be the first phase I don't find it all that interesting and I don't really enjoy it that much but as soon as you get to playing Dance Dance Revolution this fight gets really damn cool I think strange and experimental mechanics like this are really what makes certain trials super memorable and this is what normal trials are all about to me this cool cinematic experience it's not all about having the craziest and most intense mechanics because we have extreme for a reason I think the normal trials just really need to appeal to everyone by having a crazy cinematic scope and excitement value to them the first couple of times you get to experience them and suzaku definitely does this really well in my opinion but that's not to say that this fight is mechanically uninteresting because I think the second phase is actually really cool I like when the arena gets divided into four quadrants and you need to pay attention to where the Phoenix is flying to get in the safe spots and of course you know me I love the fact that people can fall off the arena in this fight it brings me so much joy to see people going flying off the edge I think it is hilarious and you all know you feel the same deep down the music is also an absolute Banger in this fight but that's pretty much commonplace when it comes to trials in Final Fantasy 14. I overall just really like this fight and I don't have much negative to say about it it's just that the other trials I'm gonna talk about much like Heaven's Ward are trials that I happen to like a little bit more for whatever reason I think it really just goes to show how far trials have come since A Realm Reborn cause let's be honest like half of the arom reborn trials are not fun and you pretty much don't want to do them but when it comes to Heaven's word and storm blood and beyond all of the trials have interesting and memorable set pieces and even the worst of them at least tried something experimental and interesting foreign [Music] it genuinely pains me to put him this low on the list I guess but again these storm blood trials are really damn good and I just happen to like the other ones a little bit more mechanically than Susana but susanoo is like the ravana of storm blood I guess you could say he's got that whole rejoice in the glory of combat going on and I absolutely love that kind of character in a trial boss I'm just such a sucker for that type of attitude from bosses I think it's so cool and makes for such an interesting fight I guess usana's biggest problem to me is just how simple the mechanics are but like I said earlier mechanics aren't everything when it comes to normal trials and I think susano gets that scope perfectly I mean that goddamn cinematic sets the bar so high as the very first storm blood trial and I guess maybe that's the reason Lakshmi disappointed me a bit getting to tank this fight is a really awesome experience going to pick up the sword and just Mash buttons as hard as you can to deflect it it's not hard at all but it's that cinematic experience that makes the fight so memorable and interesting everyone remembers susano because he hit the arena with his giant ass sword into his badass as I also like the little Titan jail mechanic where he puts someone in a rock jail and then moves them around a bunch so you have to figure out which one is is actually the real one to save your teammate it's a nice little twist on the Titan gel's mechanic and it sticks out to me for some reason a year ago if you would have asked me what my favorite stormblood trial was I definitely would have told you that it was susano but of course I played the game a lot more since and I've had a ton of experience with all these storm blood trials and at this point susano is definitely not my favorite anymore but I still love this fight I think it's absolutely fantastic and everybody loves Susana [Music] foreign blood trial ranking we have none other than Yojimbo AKA Gilgamesh AKA Greg this is actually a trial I only recently unlocked because I hadn't done storm blood Hildebrand for whatever reason very glad I got around to that because it was honestly awesome this fight is extremely fast paced and just absolutely visually stunning all of the mechanics in this fight just look really damn cool and the phase transition is amazing I really had no expectations going into this because it was a Hildebrand trial and at the end of the day two of the three Hildebrand trials I had played I was not a fan of at all if you've seen my A Realm Reborn trial ranking this fight though is an absolute Banger this fight doesn't quite have that cool crazy experimental moment like the four Lords do but it's just overall a really well-designed fight with a lot of cool things going on in it it has that great clean dodgy feeling that that final Gilgamesh fight from A Realm Reborn also has it just feels much more polished and like the best type of version this fight could be perhaps because my expectations were pretty much non-existent for this fight I'm ranking it a little bit higher right now off of recency bias and just being overall Blown Away by how good this was at the same time though I'm sure many of you also really really love this trial and would rank it even higher than I did on this list it really is just a fantastic trial it also can give you a Yojimbo barting for your Chocobo which looks sick as and for some reason you hadn't unlocked this trial yet just like me go and do it it is totally worth your time and it is a really damn cool try thank you [Music] biaco is the next boss on my list and I love biaco this dude is cool as he probably has my favorite visual design out of any of the four Lords he just looks so damn cool he's the first and I think only boss I've seen in this game that will make you stack where he tells you to stack not on some player that he wants to kill bro will just place a stack marker on the side of the arena and be like yup go here or you're all dead nothing crazy at all it's just a stack marker at the end of the day but it's a cool little spin on the idea I guess this fight also changes a lot which keeps me engaged while I'm playing it first you're fighting him in his humanoid form then he turns into his tiger form then you go skydiving before getting to the second phase is just overall really cool and an exciting trial to play the skydiving segment in this fight gives it such a unique identity that really makes it stick out every time you do it it's hard to forget biako because he has such cool and interesting mechanics like I said before it's just kind of that cinematic experimental mechanic that keeps these normal trials very memorable and exciting it leaves such a significant first impression on the player which can be really important with these trials because a lot of the other trials in this game you just kind of wail on the boss until he dies and if there's no cinematic Moment Like This you can easily forget about that trial just due to the sheer amount of content in this game crazy and weird mechanics like this keep trials fresh in your memory I really think with stormblood the developers started to understand how important these cinematics were to the overall trial experience and did a great job of kind of integrating a cinematic experience with actual gameplay piako is a really good fight but surprisingly enough he's not actually my favorite of the four Lords [Music] foreign [Music] is actually my favorite forlords fight and this definitely wasn't always the case but lately I've really really been enjoying this fight every time I seem to play it the first phase of the fight really isn't anything crazy or groundbreaking but the second phase of this fight is absolutely brilliant and I love it first of all you get this dope cinematic where cereu generates a bunch of water and destroys the Arena but it's the way the arena plays into the fight in the second phase that I think makes this fight so interesting rather than having a weird experimental gimmick like biako and suzaku in the middle of the fight serious entire second phase has its own unique flavor and I believe it's the only fight in the entire game to actually have swimming incorporated into the arena sir you will summon waves and try to knock you off the arena but the cool part about these waves is that you can actually swim straight back onto the stage even if you get knocked off I feel like this fight is so so underrated in terms of one of the four Lords fights I absolutely love how the mechanics are executed here and it just feels great to play Sergio will also summon like a big wave monster in the back and you have to pay attention to which hand is swinging to know which side of the arena is going to be safe all while dealing with serious mechanics it gets that nice dodgy feeling just right I also love this boss's design visually he's not quite as cool as biako or susano in my opinion but he still looks cool as the music is also a banger and I think it's one of the most underrated trial songs in the game too many people sleep on this trial in my opinion and I'm here to tell you that he is in my top three storm blood trials sitting nicely at the number three spot foreign [Music] at the number two spot on the list we have tsukuyomi what you'll notice about these last two flights on the list is that they have a lot of story significance and this gives them a lot of extra points in my eyes these next two trials don't quite have that crazy experimental cinematic moment like the four Lords but they don't need to because they themselves are the big cinematic buildup that we we've been waiting for and that's the purpose that they serve as a fight that being said tsukiyomi still has an absolutely amazing cinematic moment when Wayward Daughter starts playing and the phase transition happens to phase three that moment is amazing and I think everybody's first time through this fight that is such a memorable moment music can seriously make or break a normal trial in my opinion and the way Wayward Daughter is placed in this fight is just absolutely perfect this is also one of the only fights in the game where I think the ad phase is enjoy available and cool I'm not usually big on the ad phases in games like this even though they're pretty common but I feel like in this fight it's it's cool and it's a big cinematic moment it's just done really well for an ads phase and it fits perfectly into the story The Night Bloom explosion for the phase transition is also super sick the arena is also absolutely stunning in this fight I love the background I love the way it looks and the moon mechanic where you need to stand on one or the other side of the arena and make sure you don't get too many stacks of the debuff I think this is a really cool and interesting mechanic and it's fun watching people die to it who are not sure what they're doing yet my first like one or two runs of this trial I was so confused on why I kept instantly dying before someone finally explained it to me so it's always a good time seeing a sprout Here For the First Time die to the moon this is just an absolutely amazing trial and I'm sure that it's many people's number one storm blood trial but for me there is one other that I think is just a little bit better [Music] [Applause] [Music] if you hadn't guessed it by now Shin Ryu is my personal favorite stormblood trial not only is xenos one of my all-time favorite villains in the story but this trial is so well executed as the final trial for storm blow and most importantly above all else this is the fight where the most people I've ever seen will fall off the stage there are seriously so many mechanics that will try to knock people off the stage this is totally my type of fight it has a cool little active time maneuver event to have that kind of cinematic effect on the player while also just being the culmination of the entirety of storm blood the arena for the second phase of the fight is also just visually so so cool to look at not even to mention shinriyu's design like this looks so damn cool it's not even fake the music in this fight is also just such a fitting theme for the a final battle in Stormborn I love it so much it is just absolutely great I also like how you have to attack different parts of shinrio to do more damage like his tail or his heart it just gives my brain like a little bit more to do which keeps me more engaged with the fight I honestly just adore this fight and not only is it my favorite storm blood trial but also one of my favorite trials in the entire game this is also one of those trials that I'm totally interested in trying on Extreme synced with minimum eye level and no Echo I just want to really experience this fight how it was from what I've seen of the extreme version of this fight it looks insanely cool and I totally want to try it so all in all that has been my ranking of the stormblood trials I'd be curious to hear your favorite stormblood trial in the comments down below feel free to leave your entire ranking if you'd like I'd always love to know trials are some of my favorite pieces of content in this game and stormblood trials are no exception to that they are absolutely fantastic and all of them are memorable in their own way I still plan to cover the shadowbringers trials in the near future but end Walker will probably need to wait until we get all of the trials for Ann Walker remember to drop a like on this video but only if you did and go play yourself some storm blood trials [Music] thank you
Channel: BigBluePurple
Views: 2,253
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ffxiv, final fantasy xiv, final fantasy 14, endwalker, stormblood, Trial, Final Fantasy XIV Trials, The FFXIV Experience, the final fantasy xiv experience, BigBluePurple, Boss Ranking, Tier List, Ranking Video, top 10 stormblood bosses, best bosses stormblood, final fantasy xiv best experience, Worst to Best, Gaming, PC, Steam, Square Enix, FF14, FF14 ost, ffxiv 6.3, ffxiv endwalker
Id: mo_gKPljYXQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 29sec (1169 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 22 2023
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