FFXIV OST - Oracle of Darkness Theme (The Extreme)
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Channel: Ikari
Views: 1,341,686
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ffxiv e12s, e12s theme, ffxiv gaia theme, ffxiv eden's promise, eden's promise eternity ost, e12s phase 2, ffxiv the extreme, eden's promise savage, eden's promise eternity savage, ffxiv oracle of darkness, ffxiv ultimecia, ff14 the extreme, e12s the extreme, the extreme, ff8 the extreme, oracle of darkness, oracle of darkness theme, ffxiv gaia savage
Id: dRTefk-XgDU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 40sec (640 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 10 2020
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Soken is amazing as always
I liked this cover
There is a little melody in the first section of the original version that is sung by some kind of ethereal voice and I always thought that was somehow Ultimecia "singing" or crying but in this cover it doesn't appear, I wonder why