FFXIV OST Amaurot Dungeon Theme ( Mortal Instants ) SPOILERS
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Channel: Mekkah Dee
Views: 919,854
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ffxiv, ffxiv ost, ffxiv, ff14 ost, ff14 music, ffxiv theme, ffxiv soundtrack, ff14 soundtrack, shadowbringers ost, shadowbringers, ffxiv shadowbringers, amaurot, amaurot ost, amaurot music, amaurot theme
Id: YtxR97bgF-Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 9sec (309 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 30 2019
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Also what's the name of it, please?
You mainly keep your mouse in the bottom right of your screen. You should move your party list down there too. It will save you time.
Love this dungeon
With emet's dialogue over this music as u ran through this dungeon, At least in the Japanese VA, was really harrowing and made for epic story telling.
I also got this running with trusts. Couldn’t believe my fortune.