Ferrari Dino 308 GT4 review. 3.0 V8, Gandini design, loved by Enzo yet almost forgotten today. Why?

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[Applause] well welcome to a new Harry's Garage video and today's car is the Ferrari 308 GT4 now this was a Ferrari 2 plus2 that appeared in 1973 and back then in the early '70s this idea of a mid engin 2 plus2 new car was a sort of thing of the moment first of all we saw in 1970 the lamberghini urco appear designed by batoni and their star designer Marcelo gandini who also did the kunas as well and has sadly passed away a few days ago and his designs have always been celebrated this wedge design Enzo Ferrari was obviously watching what Lamborghini were doing and also Maserati with their marac and employed batoni and Marcelo gandini to design him a 2+ two Ferrari and this was it and when it appeared in 1973 it was bed Dino not Ferrari on the front and that sort of confused everyone because they had at the time the Ferrari 246 Dino that obviously wasn't a 2 plus2 why was this a dino was this a replacement from 246 Doo no it wasn't it was a new generation smaller Ferrari but it introduced a V8 3 L engine in it 255 horsepower and 2 plus2 seating a very exciting combination um but the market wasn't quite ready for it and this example is 1980 and it it's a beautiful example I've been itching to test this car it's one of my favorite Ferraris because I knew someone with one of these back in the'80s you didn't have Google to see Ferraris and there was a farmer I knew near West Wickham he had this for when I used to visit him you could see it just poking out the garage and I also raced against one when I used to do the hill climb championship in my little Lotus Alan there was also a Ferrari 308 GT4 that went particularly well so yeah it's one of those cars I've been very keen to have a go in and this is a beautiful example let's go and have a closer look I think it's a really neat design it almost has Echoes of the lotus of spree that came out in 1976 but as I say this is 1973 there were two versions with it this is a later C is 1980 built November 1979 but earlier versions had sort of fog lights on show at the at the bottom there but this one has Ferrari badging from new which I think came in 1976 but if you come around just have a look at the uh design of it I think it really works side profile because this you've got to remember came out before the 308 GTB that arrived 2 years later and the other thing o over the 308 GTB that came later was this is a longer wheelbase car it's about 200 mil longer wheelbase came with 14in wheels as standard this has the optional 7 and 1/2 in wide rims but you didn't get a bigger tile of it so it's 20570 by14 Mitch Lins on it the xwx tire that was what everything was fitted with back then and it's just a lovely side profile and you can see the obviously the glass area the size of it and the 2 plus two seating and this glorious vent here now this is actually the engine induction sound so if you were to wind down your window you have a proper bark from that I had that 308 GTB the fiberglass one and that was one of the best things about having a rightand drive car you got all the induction bar through there door handles i s recognize them almost from my little ancia for it was it was the design I think you also find it on as Stratos again 7 and 1/2 in around the back um you've got Electric Area on radio a standard on it so and here you get the badging Dino 308 GT4 and the Ferrari badging as well so when it first was launched he didn't get these Ferrari Badges and that's why they added the Ferrari badges basically to make it easier for dealers to sell people would pay more for a Ferrari than they would for a dino other things to note down here I think yeah that ganden sort of style these these rear lenses with the um reflective and the three lights within them almost hinted for me to contach but very distinct with design the quad pipes and you actually had this almost Chrome looking exhaust that is very much on show so when you're following this car you're fully aware of the sort of power it generates from that quad exhaust look engine HIDs underneath this cover and then you got these buttresses that sort of reminded you of the original 246 Doo but bigger glass area cuz this been a four- seater and quite practical too let's have a quick look inside the boots in there proper boot tool kits as well I you you know very definitely usable just beautiful condition this car and then the engine well that's under here there we are quad cam quad four carburetors hiding underneath this um rubber belts you can see the bunch of ban uh manifold on it and wet sumped in this application so it was only the early 308 GTB the fiberglass ones that got the dry sumped system this was wet sumped and a single distributor on this one originally came out with twin um Distributors so each Bank was a separate sort of engine but not anymore lots of points this is much easier for maintenance really neat insallation hiding behind there have a quick look up the front actually just why I've got that open have a quick look at the interior just lever upholster was actually an option on this car but really smart this one this always reminds me of uh Sparta Series 3 sort of the controls and that wrap round driver controls and also if you just look at these controls for the rear uh engine cover and boot exactly the same as the contach yeah they did a lot of sharing of Parts back then right under here don't actually get a boot you get a a fulls size spare battery and there's I think there's water washes the other side right what this car is all about is the driving Let's Take It Outside now First Impressions when you get in this is the feeling of space you just don't expect have this much freedom in this glass area uh the second thing you notice is a slightly strange driving position in that if I sit upright I'm I'm sort of touching the roof and if I take uh do the sun visor it almost whites my nose you'll Z far forward and I suppose it's all part of having the two plus two seating so you got to relax into a sort of a italianesque drive position of the 70s and just have go slightly slumped and be slightly further the wheel and that's then it suddenly all makes a bit more sense in here other things on here well obviously all this lever I mean that was an option if I look at the option list lever interior is £66 on this car air conditioning £ 747 and wide wheels £350 uh the actual cost of the car in 1979 £775,000 another option you could get was actually a sunroof um people ordered it and then were told by their dealers be aware if you have the sun roof it lowers the roof quite a lot so they then didn't order the sunroof canceled it so you don't see very many with sunroofs on it and the 2 plus two what it's is pretty compact in the back if you're slightly above average size I suppose and sitting in the front the the seats are super slim and then the beautiful Momo wheel thin rimmed delightful instruments um easy all to hand here fan fog uh hazards wiper speeds 180 mph Speedo and a rev counter with a bit of red paint as it goes past 7,000 RPM typical gated gear change first dog leg and then five-speed and then very distinctive the sort of radio at 90° it works quite well actually the other Oddity is this handbrake that like someone hasn't fitted quite straight I think I think it's meant to be like that but it's a sort of an angle rather than sort a dead straight pointing ahead but this is such a lovely example I was looking at this beautiful you know Ferrari handbooks and all the all the literature you got with your new Ferrari in 1979 80 there we are eight cylinder um manual book in here this car there we are right hand a chassis number first delivered 15th of May 1980 uh expiration date of warranty on the 14th of May 1981 so you only got yeah one year but if I look through here this car has every every stamp first service yeah 3680 3680 5 980 10 1080 gosh it was doing quite a lot why is it getting so many yeah 10 10,000 km stamp there 15,000 no to Etc it's fully St stamped up and it still has a few more to go so there a 595,000 m service the next one 63 and A2 and yeah I think the book ends at that point that was yeah 100,000 km was your limit but just lovely to see on a car like this of this age you got to remember this is 40 C approaching it's 45th birthday anyway let's start it up if I do that yeah first thing very distinctive the fuel pump there it is all pumping it through straight into life yeah really very nice I say I I wriggle down view out the first thing I see are the wiper blades they are very much on show but let's not worry about that let's go and take it out and go find some better roads it's so short geared this car I didn't speak cuz you're going through the gears doesn't give you time to speak I wanted you to hear the engine and uh yeah even in in fifth I'm actually at a true 20 M an hour per th000 RPM so you it always sounds quite busy I did measure it on my little bit of Road 78 DB at 60 MPH and do anyone thinks who can see the speedo and thinks I'm speeding and must be arrested and locked away as a really bad person this car has the most optimistic Speedo I have ever encountered I measured an indicated 60 on this Speedo at 49 true mil an hour so 11 M hour out at 60 you have to be doing 78 or something to be a true 60 mil an hour so yes you always think this car's really quick if you went off the speedo but it's not actually that quick in reality just can't get over the view out of cars of this age tiny sort of pillars on it um great big rear screen and lovely sort of heater elements that you can't actually see in the back screen it just lovely how they did it and the rib lever in the roof probably not lever but um yeah really nicely done right let's just see what it does up here I'm in third around 30 I'm going to put it into second actually let's just see here we go yeah yeah you can stretch the gear a bit up there up the hill fighting against the weight of the car it's not that heavy this car I think it's about 1,300 kilos but uh you just sense the sort of power it's not a giant bark from this engine it's not Ferrari as we now know how they just have this extreme barkness High Rev in energy this is more workland like it's induction bark and just a general mechanical thrash but it gets a bit of a move on I think it's 6.4 seconds to 60 MPH and about 16.4 seconds to 100 100 mph and a top speed of 154 mph that last figure is pretty impressive for your you know 2+ 2 3 l Mid Engine car so you can see why you bought Ferrari that was as quick as anything anything that went through 150 mph in 1973 was well bordering super car but again even though I'm fit I keep thinking I ought to change up into an invisible six gear but no I'm I'm doing an indicated 65 mph so 55 and 3,000 RPM yeah it's busy in here lovely pedal position for heel and toe Chuck it in little bit of lean off we go [Music] Little Wheel wobble on this example it's not he a bit of a balancing but the ride quality as you'd expect with those sort of tall 70 tires dismisses this bumpy road it's so unlike a modern car there is a slight softness to the helm it's just because of the taller ratio tires but very nice how it goes down here just swallows bumps no following a camber and with no power steering you feel everything through the wheel including a bit of wheel wobble as you can see there but uh yeah thin Rim as well very delicate you don't have to grip it the and the loads is not sort heavy like the cont or anything it's all pretty light try it through here see what it does on this bump it doesn't exist turn in here on flat out well here turn in not huge amount of grip but just an honest sort of feel to it through there yeah you can feel it lean on its taller tars but you thread it through no surprises whatsoever with it yeah it's probably time to do some likes dislikes first dislike I suppose it's the Italian driving position it's what you come to expect with cars of this age unfortunately there are certain examples that are worse than others but this is very Italian and weirdly I've have it with the asada you get in it feel feels a bit odd and then you step out after 500 miles and you feel absolutely fine so he not as bad as you think it should should be it's not uncomfortable over distance second dislike well probably the view out the the front screen one cuz the Bonnet sort of Falls away there's no distinctive sort of bulb of the front wheel arches and two I get this huge view of the wipers and it's all distracting I wish they were sort of parked a little below seems a silly thing to complain about but when you're sat here it's what do you see a lot of I don't really want to look at the wipers [Music] [Music] then they in third dislike perhaps just the staring it's not as quite as striking as the Lamborghini uro um it's a good looking car I like the rear I like the side profile but from the front it really doesn't have a real Ferrari face but there's plenty of likes obviously the practicality but I think my biggest light is the way I'll demonstrate through here it's just the way it handles oh it's just lovely I can shut this car around you can still hear me no way would I drive the 308 GTV I own with the Verve I have this I just Chuck it into the bend let it settle and just boots out of it and it's that long wheel base and I something about the hand of this car is that much better than it is in a 308 GTB it's super friendly and you just can this car and I love it for [Applause] that I can't get over the condition of this car this is just like driving a new 308 GT4 it has to be I'm I'm just so happy to have found this car it actually came from The Hairpin company I saw it come in I knew the previous owner and he is an absolute perfectionist and put a history far together on all these cars it's exceptional this one so I'm very grateful Neil haping company it's on sale I think it's £65,000 for it but it's just just lovely to sample a 308 as healthy in as beautiful condition as this one anyway conclusions on this car well it's got quite a lot going for it really cuz it's of a time in the UK where it's 1980 and therefore it's historic Road tax and UL friendly and noots and all things it's quite easy to run so I think the key thing about this car is just its handling it's friendliest at the limit how you can just play with it with the Natural Balance this car seems to have I Now understand why that guy used to Hill Climb and Sprint his cuz he could just Shu it the scenery and enjoy it and revel in its sort of neutral handling very unlike in my experience my 308 GTB that with a shorter wheelbase was just that little bit more edgy and not always in a good way yeah it's just a very enjoyable car it's a previous generation of Ferrari it's an Enzo Ferrari period car and the V8 hums along at the background doesn't have a crazy but but it's its usability its crowning glory and as I say on the driving position you you surprise yourself and you do get used to it so there you go there's my review of the thari 308 GT4 hope you enjoyed this video if you did well keep watching keep subscribing more videos coming along very [Music] soon
Channel: Harry's garage
Views: 231,026
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ZNImX4r2vPo
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Length: 20min 51sec (1251 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 24 2024
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