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[Music] hi everyone this is marina the passionate gardener I live in Riverside California and I am a homestead homey you guys are watching off-grid with Doug and Stacey hi hey guys I am fermenting it's one of my favorite thing to do I ferment probably like every other day I ferment I ferment can leave so much the link above we have lots and lots of fermenting videos so what I wanted to do is I'm just kind of thrown some stuff together there's so many things you can do with ferment you can ferment any vegetable so over the coming summer we're going to be doing a lot of different kind of recipes on different permits so stay tuned for that but I wanted to show you today I had you know we just had Saint Patrick's Day and so there was cabbage everywhere so I have a lot of extra cabbage that I got so I'm going to go ahead and format some cabbage and then what I did was in my little chopper I chopped up like three carrots and onion and some ginger knob and some garlic and some green onions and I did the top so that's what I do I'm just going to put it in there with some salt and then show it kind of show you what I did the neat thing about what's permanent is you can do anything that you want you can put whatever herbs and seasonings that you want I mean whatever your tastes like I mean there was nothing right there's nothing wrong I mean you can do whatever your little safe side like now what we're going to do is I'm just going to put in a couple I'm going to probably do about a half a gallon which is this big here and I'm going to do about two heaping tablespoons in here so kind of put them all over the place and then I'm going to mash it up high masher now I really really really enjoy trying new things as you can see over here I have a couple permits that I for money right now I did that's the green onions and the carrots and red cabbage and then this one here is just garlic and carrots and then this one over here is just be thinking garlic love I love love love love the beef so what I'm doing over here and I'm getting my little master and I am going to mash up to get all the juices kind of break the cell wall of a cabbage and I'm going to get some natural juices to kind of flow out of them Dominic this is a different way of fermenting they call it like fly salting because I'm just going to use the salt compared to like if I would did the carrots over here I did which is more of line and then the carrots and cabbage I did that in a brine which is going to be the salt in the water mix so this is more of a try one that I'm doing there's two different ways of doing it okay so I'm just going to mash this I'm just going to keep mashing and while I'm mashing I want you to look at the firmness that I had over there and look at the difference between the two the one on that has the cabbage red cabbage and the carrots you notice how the liquid is clear to the top because that is a newer firm egg I just did that about a day and a half or day and a half ago I think and then the one over that do it has a carrots in it have a cloudy one it means it's a good ferment it's doing really good over here and that's probably fermented about a week and I can I want to eat that I could if I wanted or I could let it go and other weekers also just depends on how sour you want them or if this is the case so those are both really good permits now what I'm going to do on this dry path are the dry salting that I'm doing I'm going to go ahead in a second and put it in the container and show you how I do that alright so it's been about 30 minutes and it's starting to get a nice liquid in there now you can let it set longer if you wanted but I'm in a hurry so I'm not going to do it and I'm going to show you what you can do you're in a hurry - all right so what I'm going to do is get my Mason job you're going to do it for if you're going to do a half gallon whatever you're going to do and if you want to you can add more seasonings so like if you want to put peppercorns in there you could do red pepper flakes so what I think I'm going to do is just put a little bit of red pepper flakes and it's going to give it a little bit of a spicy flavor just a few and then I'm going to put a few peppercorns in there too okay then I'm going to mash it up and we'll go ahead and put it into my mason jar I would love to ferment with Mesa dark it is the easiest thing because there's so many different sizes if I want to give it some as a gift to someone I can put them into smaller Tzar but the mason jars are the best they're easy to store you know I don't have to worry about a great big crock I don't have to worry about you know the airlock breaking and all that and I just really love the way mason jars works so that's what I've always used so what I wanted to show you is I'm going to go ahead and put my stuff in here if you want to fill it up to the top now as you were noticing earlier I was using this wooden packer and it's made out of acacia wood complete fermentation kit a Mason top complete fermentation kit that has this called a pickle packer and it's made out of the casein wood and I really like it because it's really aerodynamic and it works very well and I have to show you the creme de la creme it's like the most awesome invention and has worked wonderful I do all my ferments with it now and hi I can't believe it makes my life so much easier now all right so don't fill this out tap it good because I can stretch so what's going to happen with this ferment is I'm not going to really put a lot of water into it because it's going to get more liquid since I have it waiting and I haven't really um let it set long enough so I'm going to put in what I can and I'm not going to fill it all the way up to the top because it will get more water poly by tomorrow all right that with a whole head of cabbage and three carrots and onions and some garlic and some ginger my people Panther here by the Mason top more and then show you a little tip on the top and I always had problems with the way I was using a rock you know I was using you know food and I was fermenting using it putting it on top but they came up with like the mason jars this thing called a pickle puck it looks just like a hockey puck it's really heavy-duty and I just love it and you'd use when you use this you use it on the wide mouth jars and it just fits just like that and it's going to keep the stuff down just like that okay and then what I'm going to do is it has this thing called a pickle pipe kind of looks like a little nipple thing has a little hole in it and what it's going to do is when I go to wipe it off you're going to put it on top and it will let the air come out and you don't have to worry about burping it I would have to burp it worried about it dub wood this is so easy you just ferment it leave it and then when you're ready you can go ahead and you know take the lid off so this has been fabulous what I'm going to do since it's a little early and I didn't let it fit long enough alright what I'm going to do is put a little bit of filtered water in there just a little because it's going to get some more juice in here alright and then need to make sure you have enough headspace because you're going to get more juice in here then I'm going to put my pickle pipe on top of it and then all you do is use the ring from your Mason Josh and you put it over it just like that and then you are going to set it somewhere and let it ferment now fermenting this is kind of sauerkraut it could be kimchi if I wanted a little more crunchy I might not let it ferment as long I might let this firm it just maybe four five six days or I can let it go longer if I wanted to just depends how quickly I want to eat it so I just I really truly this has been the greatest thing for me at home and helped me out so much and the neat thing about this mason top kit it comes with a fermenting guide so it's like you know those stories are those books about fermenting you know or doing things for dummies this thing is great it goes over lots of different recipes just basic things for about fermenting very easy beautiful color pictures in it and it just really makes life easy so some of you guys who are you know scared about fermenting are not quite sure how to do it this really helps tremendously on how to do it alright so I really want to bring the best thing for you guys that you can help with your health because I am a big advocate of adding a fermented food into your diet every single day and this is a great easy way of doing it especially with gardening season coming and all the fresh vegetables coming you know you need those probiotic rich foods to help you know with your gut and healing and I cannot tell you what a great product this is the pickle type which is made of silicon and what's so nice about that it doesn't leach any chemicals like a plastic or anything wood so I really like that and then the pickle tops that you put in to pack it down made out of that nice glass you know from the mason jar companies or Nathan Tops and the pickle pepper I mean this is just like I said earlier fermenting or dummies it's so simple so easy I mean I love it I love it it's so so simple because I don't ever have to worry about burping it again it was always that's a hassle for me and then I mean it's easy and then the great thing is when you're done fermenting it you just take the pickle pipe off and then you just put the flat back on it and then you put it in your refrigerator or your root cellar I mean it's easy peasy lemon squeezy as those kids say so we have secured you guys a 10% coupon below check it below there with with mason tops and 10% so you can on any product you know on the whole complete kit like this is you can get that and get the top so I mean there's so many neat things just check on the link it'll have our picture on it and I cannot stress enough what a wonderful thing this is and has just saved my life so much because now I can just keep fermenting and not worry about them and I mean I just love it so check us out on Facebook Instagram and Twitter check out the cute film coupon code below I'm getting cuckoo here I think it's time for me to go and I will talk to you guys later half of fermenting hey guys thanks for watching our video you might want to check out these videos and if you want to become a homestead homey click the picture box below we will be in a mile
Channel: OFF GRID with DOUG & STACY
Views: 377,760
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: offgrid, off, the, grid, homesteading, homestead, minimalist, chickens, horse, sheep, how, to, cow, chicken, cooking, natural, holistic, garden, canning, fermenting, mason jars, masontops, cabbage, carrots
Id: sHcTcdm-cl4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 33sec (753 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 22 2017
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