FENG SHUI for the Living Room - How to Use the Bagua Map | Julie Khuu

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hello everyone welcome back to the channel i'm julie and today we are back with a highly requested feng shui video today we're discussing feng shui guides for your living room and how to energize every corner of your living space with specific elements and symbolic home decor if you've ever wondered what type of home decor items you should be decorating with to bring in more positive energy into your home and space this video is for you [Music] the essence of good feng shui is all about positive energy flow which is essentially known as chi you may have heard the term before this home either has really good chi or it has bad chi auspicious energy which is lucky energy moves through your home and meanders through the space inauspicious energy moves fast and in a straight line and that is what is considered batchy feng shui is the art of spatial alignment it's a good idea to learn how to rearrange your furniture in your living space so that chi is not blocked by huge sofas heavy furniture or bulky furniture or even a lot of little furniture and worst of all clutter the first step to introducing great qi and feng shui into your home is to purge get rid of everything that no longer serves a purpose it doesn't function for your space it doesn't feel inviting or inspiring and make room for the items that matter most clutter causes chi to stagnate and go stale chi must always have a place to slow down meander orbit and accumulate gucci fills a room with so much vibrant energy and that is definitely what you want for your space the goal of qi is to achieve harmony and balance in a space allow chi to meander through your space so lucky sectors are activated poison arrows dispelled and the end result is that you feel lighter uplifted and more positive within your own personal domain don't worry about getting every room perfect there's no such thing as a perfect feng shui home because your needs change the users of the space change life is in constant transition so that's the beauty of interior design and feng shui you're able to adapt the rules according to your lifestyle and current needs [Music] feng shui offers an analysis of why things might not be going right for you if you have the opportunity to control the situation with spatial alignment of your furniture i mean why not give it a go there are so many ways to tap into feng shui aspects if some fix issues can't be changed like bathrooms being in your lucky corner when toilets are not so lucky remember to start where you are use what you have and do what you can before we get started this is just a friendly reminder to consider each image as i'm showing a topic or illustrating a point it's virtually almost impossible for me to find a perfectly functuated room with every condition perfect and kind of illustrates all the topics that i'm speaking about in one video i get so many comments from viewers stating that i see the bed is in a command position but you also talked about the nightstand being taller than the bed and that's a poison arrow that's kind of jutting at the user of the space you have to isolate the image and isolate the topic that i'm speaking of clearly not every interior designer or even homeowner follows feng shui rules and guidelines so it's very very difficult for me to find an image and share it in the video where one image just encapsulates every single point so please just take the images point by point and topic by topic where you need to make a decision between two conflicting recommendations always do the one that's easiest for you choose the one that promises a little bit more positive luck with the aspects that you may be dealing with in your life let's dive right into feng shui tips for your living room the main living area in your home is a great place to have water features mirrors beautiful lighting and lucky symbols because unlike private bedrooms in the home all the members of your family will benefit from the good fortune [Music] here's how you energize every single corner of your living space step one is to sketch out your space [Music] get out a piece of paper and sketch out your living room the best method of applying feng shui guides is by focusing on the things we have and can do something about there's no point in crying about the things that we cannot change divide the room up into nine squares don't worry if your room is l-shaped or it's open planned oblong shaped or even irregular do your best to divide the room up into a grid and take note of any protruding corners or missing sectors the next step is to stand in the center of your living room you can take out a physical compass if you don't have one you can simply use your phone's compass app and stand in the middle of the room and note where the north direction is [Music] you can get your orientations by standing in the middle of the space i use true compass directions for this application as opposed to the location of the main door which you might find in other feng shui guides i find my practice more accurate and consistent this way [Music] find north then plug in the remaining corners north south east west northeast southeast southwest northwest and plug it on your plan accordingly [Music] now let's have some fun each direction of the compass correlates to ruling elements based on the bagua map you can enhance the qi and good vibes in the corner of each room by placing decorative elements there that correspond to each sector the east and southeast corner correlates to the wood element [Music] this is the perfect corner to place indoor plants and trees a money plant is the perfect energizer for a southeast corner remember that the plant needs to stay strong and healthy clip off dead or yellowing leaves when you see it keep the plants nourished and fed remember to rehabilitate the plant in a different corner if it needs help and definitely remove the plant if it looks like it's dying everything in the east and southeast corner needs to stay fresh and healthy [Music] if you don't have a green thumb and you're a little reluctant about having indoor plants in your space specify fake trees or faux flowers with silk leaves i mean they generally look more realistic and they're a little bit of a higher price point but you'll benefit from all of the good cheese that those faux varieties bring in dried flowers are an absolute no-no because dry flowers are dead flowers there are a list of auspicious plants and flowers like magnolias peonies orchids chrysanthemums bamboo plants and plum blossoms that bring in great positive chi steer clear of prickly plants like cacti or flowers with thorns or even those plants with spiky leaves the west and northwest corners correlate with the metal element [Music] place metal bells metal sculptures and metal home decor in that corner you can even place six to seven rod wind chimes to activate this corner just remember never to sit under a wind chime because metal above your head suggests a weapon ready to strike think swords and knives of the olden days which were all associated with the metal element [Music] southwest and northeast symbolize the earth element place objects like ceramics and crystals think things found in the earth a cluster of natural quartz crystals can also be placed here if you place these earth elements in a bowl or a tray you can enhance the crystals by shining a bright light on it [Music] you can even try a large rock or a boulder or even a painting that depicts this type of earth landscape [Music] a marble statue would be fabulous in this corner as well as a marble table [Music] do [Music] you can even burn incense in this corner which creates ash a natural product of earth compounds [Music] the south corner or sector of the living room is all about fire [Music] think bright lights table lamps floor lamps pendant lights even candles [Music] [Music] [Music] do a mirror located in this corner reflecting bright light can enhance your luck and positive chi the north corner or sector correlates to the water element [Music] think aquariums small table fountains even a painting of a moving water scene like ocean waves think active yang water for active living rooms [Music] still water like a lake is inactive resting energy [Music] you're trying to inject the living room with positive energy and good chi you want qi to meander around the room so definitely think about active water elements as opposed to inactive yin elements [Music] [Music] in addition to activating those specific corners with symbolic elements keep these tips in mind do not place any mirrors opposite the front door qi comes in through the front door and the last thing you want to do is bounce that energy right back out in living rooms itself mirrors should not reflect the door this will cause chi to fly out immediately even when that mirror is reflecting a beautiful landscape the straight flow of chi is deadly in feng shui terms watch my video on feng shui tips for mirrors in the home for more inspiration [Music] do not place a water feature whether or not it's a pond an aquarium or a fountain on the right side of your entry door this means if you're inside the home and you open your entry door that water feature is not on the right hand side when water is on the right hand side of the door the man of the house is said to be [Music] unfaithful always have a focal piece of furniture in your living room and position it in a way that when she enters the space it has time to focus on the piece and meander around to all of your smaller accent pieces the more chi is allowed to curve in your space and move around the better i would love to dive into more detail about all of the specific elements that correlate with feng shui the bagua map how to use your quad number and personalize your space with positive energy and good flow i mean there's so much more to share so if you love this type of video and you want more feng shui definitely give this video a thumbs up to summarize here's a little cheat sheet that you can take a screenshot of so that you can implement these elements and home decor items into your living space remember that the methods that you choose to apply in your own space should be dependent on two factors one your existing conditions and two your budget constraints practicing feng shui room by room will get easier as you understand the principles since the same rules can be applied to each room although some rooms become more important than others for different reasons the primary bedroom is probably the most important and home office if you work from home since they deal with single users of the space check out my video on feng shui taboos for the bedroom and common design mistakes for the home office for more feng shui tips remember that the rooms that are typically used the most in your home should take priority when it comes to feng shui and space planning sometimes it's simply impossible to apply all the feng shui rules guidelines and recommendations in one space do what you can move things around and see how you feel if you can't tell the difference then there's no harm and there's no foul i mean i feel absolutely unstoppable when the feng shui is good in my home and the chi moves around i mean i really just feel it from my head to my toes at the end of the day feng shui much like interior design should be fun use the recommendations to custom fit to suit your lifestyle and needs don't take every rule super seriously or else you'll be adding more fuel to the fire all it takes is a simple mindset switch to get feng shui applications going in the right direction always leave a little room for creativity when it comes to your practice of feng shui comment below and let me know if you have any questions when it comes to feng shui tips for your living room and your home remember that i am not the resident expert i just consider myself a lifelong practitioner first in my family home with my mom and her feng shui masters and later with my husband as i purchased our first home i love the historical root of this ancient practice and i love to see how i can switch my place up using feng shui recommendations i'll do my best to help guide you but remember that the most important aspect of feng shui is how you feel in the space and there's no amount of books or youtube videos for that matter that's going to help discern that for you if you like this type of content and you're loving the feng shui series please give this video a thumbs up comment below and let me know if you have any questions when it comes to feng shui or let me know if you want any additional feng shui topics covered in this series remember to share this video with anyone you know who's interested in feng shui and subscribe to my channel if you haven't already click that little notification bell to be notified of new videos that we drop every tuesday thank you so much for watching i'll see you next week
Channel: Julie Khuu
Views: 598,181
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Keywords: living room feng shui, feng shui, feng shui tips, feng shui interior design, feng shui julie khuu, feng shui tips 2022, feng shui tips for home, how to feng shui, how to feng shui your home, interior design, feng shui bagua, bagua map, home feng shui, feng shui living room, interior design for home, feng shui basics, feng shui 2022, ba gua, interior design trends 2022, feng shui tips and tricks, feng shui tips for mirrors, feng shui bagua 2021
Id: P4JPCUerDe8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 8sec (1148 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 06 2021
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