Fender Extension Farmall 560

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[Music] alright guys today's video we have a project here for the farm all 560 okay so this kit this is a kit I got from Steiner tractor parts this is the fender extension kit for the clamshell fenders I am gonna put the original fenders on the the 560 so this is a kit that is pretty well complete I just took inventory everything is here you're gonna get eight spacers you're gonna get two plates you're gonna get they send the bolts in this kit for the fenders when you get your fenders a lot of times when you buy you use fenders you don't get the hardware to mount it so that's good that that's there we have the bolts that goes down through here into the axle as well as the lock nut so everything appears to be here how missing a bolt there that's over at the tractor I also have my tap to clean out the holes in the axle but let me explain to you guys kinda have why this kit is gonna work for this application and why I'm not just gonna bolt them right fast to the holes in the axle so let me show you guys a little bit of why I started this alright so may the lighting may not be the best I'll try my best to show you what's going on here okay so you have one two three four six holes here in the axle where you could bolt if you wanted to you could both the fenders rate directly to the axle the problem with that is I have two issues with that the first issue there the first issue is if you ball it here in the outside holes it is way too close to the to the deck plate and it's way too far away from the tire your fenders gonna be right where this pole is here for this roof here a lot of guys say I see them like that and I it bothers me because it's not quite the way that they should be mounted just because for one it gives you less room to get up and down on the tractor and also the fenders are so far away from the tires these tires are gonna be moved out a little but these are all the way in and I'm gonna slide them out a little bit so they're a little bit better on the hill and the workout better with the line up with the front axle this is out two holes so the front these front tires are pretty much here so these can come out a little bit make this a wider tractor so this is a kit to space your fenders in the proper location I like fenders close to the tractor or it's close to the tires I mean where they should be so this those little round spacers are gonna go you're gonna use four per side they're gonna go under this plate this plate is going to go on here like that and the nice thing is because I have this roof on here with this bracket and everything that's kind of the reason why I needed to use this if I'm gonna put fenders on here you can't bolt fenders directly directly on to them because of this extra framework I have here for this so I'll still be able to use the fenders and keep this on I'm pretty sure I'm not I'm not a hundred percent they do make a fender mount version of this but I kind of think it's gonna be too flexible it's gonna bounce more than it does already we'll see if we have to mount it to the fenders we can do that we'll modify it but either way this kit is something that I wanted to put on here so let's get into the installation the first thing of course these holes are threaded I think it's a half inch bolt or half-inch threads I got a half inch tap the first thing I want to dig as much dirt out as I can with a screwdriver and blow out the dirt because from all the years of being open like that they are full of dirt so let me work on that clean it out get some spray and just work that tap in and out so we can get the bolts in and we'll be able to install this then all right so I got four of the six holes here cleaned out I'm going to use this one this one this one and this one these Center ones are not Cerie really we're just gonna let them the way they are it's not really difficult you just keep spraying some oil in to keep the tap lubricated you just thread it in till it bottoms out then thread it out clean all the dirt off the tap and then just do that about three four times for each hole and I dug a lot of dirt out of these the holes here but the threads are good so I'm gonna go get the spacers and the bolts and we can actually put this plate on you guys know the drill with me anti-seize on the threads of the bolt and put it together so let me get the rest of the parts and of course we've got a brand new container of anti-seize my old container was just about that it wouldn't is starting to get hard so we got a brand new one so okay alright so the first thing you're gonna need to do is take these little spacers two three and two my pocket here if I can get it out and four okay so there is the four spacers that bolt might be yeah I'm gonna have to reverse reverse this bolt for this bracket so I can get this plate on maybe maybe not let me see but you see the advantage with the spacers now it lifts this plate up and it goes over top of this once this is mounted I can cut these two lengths I left them long until I was sure what I was doing here so let me let me check to see if this fits alright so I hand started all of them just to make sure we got everything lined up all the holes are drilled right no big deal for this I just had to flip this bowled around the other way to give enough clearance here now we have clearance and all that's left now is to just tighten them down and then when you get your fenders they're gonna mount right here it does seem a little close to the tire maybe I don't know I don't have the fenders here but we're going to be loosening these axle bolts of clamps and we're gonna be sliding these out maybe I don't know four or five inches so it'll be in the right place when all is said and done but for now this is prepped and ready to go once I get these tightened down and you see how nice and easy to take the time to clean out the holes and put some anti-seize how easy these you can hand tighten them now like I say these here are unnecessary I don't know the fenders themselves if they're gonna stick out or be any wider I might have to but I figured use the outside hole to keep the vibration down and use the far the far inside one if you guys ever do this you can do it however but this is what I came up with so I'm gonna snuggle and then basically it's just on to the other side so I'm going to cut these two lengths also like I said so a little bit of work here yet and this side should be done alright so same deal here on the other side I got my snap on tap here that's another place I won't cheap out or tap and die sets I try to buy quality and it's just about bottom doubt so that's as far as I want to go I don't want to snap it off and we bring it back out just on threaded here the threads seem good they're just filled with years and years of accumulated dirt from getting up and down using the axle and you see so I'll just wipe all that off spray some more and do it again I do it about three times depending on how bad it is but it's not too bad alright so then like I say it's just the same deal for this side we got all these cleaned out and can throw them in by hand I just got to tighten them all down now if I had a guess I'd say this tractor is probably set for plowing you see this sides a little bit wider than the side over there so we're gonna try to duplicate that on the other side so now I'm gonna tighten these down and then I have to run and get my I'm gonna just use my sawzall with a sharp metal blade and just nip these off so they're not as long one thing I wish they made for these tractors and I haven't been able to find it yet if anybody out there has seen it is a step what would be nice is if you had a step right here to get up and down using this bolt hole here and somehow some other location I'd think about making one but I just don't have the steel here to do it but getting on from the back now with having gonna have fenders here and this this is the best way up and down it's not the easiest to get on and off of on the back but yeah it would be I know they make a step kit for the 66 series as well as the 86 series but I haven't seen one for the chassis for like a 656 maybe have five maybe it'd be the same as like a 544 I'm not sure but you do have this area on both sides you just have to find some other place over there but I'll have to keep looking but anyway let me tighten these down go get my saw and finish this up alright guys that's where this project will end another thing off the list another thing ready to go the bolts for the fenders themselves I figured I would just put here in these holes and tighten them down that way I won't lose them and I won't be tempted to use them for other projects being that I'm short on bolts all the time when I do get fenders installed out there right there did clip off these to a pretty good length I'm happy with that so they're not sticking out anymore should be pretty solid now to mount fenders on and if I can get the other side spaced similar to this one and your fenders are gonna mount here should be perfect clearance wise everything should work out so that's good now I'm excited to find some fenders like I said I know where there's a set I just have to get them it's a little bit of a drive but if I can get this wheel moved out and we mount them on here shouldn't have any problems at all once the fenders are on should look a little bit better and also eventually the seat will get the right seat on here and the restoration process of this tractor should be coming to an end it just seems like the more I do to it the more I find anybody that has restored tractors in the past you guys know that all too well it's just basically turns into a money pit you don't think you're gonna do such a good restoration or you're so there's different approaches some guys start off very fussy and they're really in depth with things and get tied up with stuff and then it just as the project goes on you get less fussy for me it was the opposite I wasn't fussy at first and then as I saw it coming together I just get more and more fussy as time goes on but it's his wood it is but in the end its it should be a pretty nice tractor should have a real nice value to it like I say was working now this was probably going to be sold this year just because of the year we had here but now with the job it's safe so it's still gonna be around so we're getting there so another thing off the list another thing done we're just slowly making progress here so that's finished the next project probably I don't know if it'll be the next video we'll be putting this alternator on here so we'll get to that shortly so alright guys thanks for watching and I will see you on the next one
Channel: PA Farms
Views: 2,805
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: farmall case ih international harvester cummins new holland massey, Pa Farms starting a farm farm credit beginning farmer, Baling hay bailing hay mowing hay, Farming simulator
Id: A928EV1AOLk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 25sec (745 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 22 2019
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