Female Hits of the 2010s
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Channel: japaroldo
Views: 10,313
Rating: 4.9405203 out of 5
Keywords: hits of the decade, songs of the decade, female hits, female songs, female artists, female artists of the decade, female hits of the decade, female songs of the decade, top songs of the decade, top female songs, best female songs, top female hits, top hits of the decade, songs of 2010, hits of 2010, female hits of 2010, female songs of 2010, 2010s hits, 2010s songs, top 100 songs, top 100 artists, top 100 hits, best hits, best songs, 2010s top hits, billboard hot 100
Id: i_AFsk0SSS8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 35sec (1235 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 12 2020
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