FEMALE CLOTHES COLLECTION (full body) | the sims 4 cc showcase + links

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there's so many ways to be happy you can do whatever you like you don't have to be ready hey cuties and welcome back today I have a really exciting video for you all because I'm gonna share all of the full body outfits that I currently have in game for female Sims and um there's a lot let's just say that there is quite a few you can find links to everything in the description down below and I've also done a bunch of these showcase videos for different categories not only for females but also male Sims and kids and toddlers in the past I'll make sure to link the playlist right now if you're curious to see more CC that's in my game but without further Ado you know the drill by now grab a snack grab a drink grab whatever you need to be comfy for the next few minutes because oh boy we're gonna be here for a minute this is gonna take a while I actually before I started recording this took a few hours to go through all of the CC I had in the full body category and I got rid of so much I feel like prior to this video because today we have like 260 ish items if I remember correctly and I feel like before there were more like 500 things in this category and there were a lot of items that I've had in my game for years that I didn't like because kind of felt outdated a lot of them weren't made as well because back then creators were still you know trying to get the hang I feel like of creating Max's match CC a lot of it just wasn't as high quality as I prefer in my game so I got rid of all of that things that I never used things that I don't like the style of I have a lot of things in game for like seasonal stuff so whenever Halloween comes around you know there's stuff added to the game where I'm like I don't need this because I'll never use it unless I want to make a Halloween lookbook and then I can just re-download a bunch of new things for that so got rid of so much CC and I was actually quite proud it felt really good because I feel like the first time I went through and I was like oh my God we still have like 400 plus items this is just not manageable I would have had to split it up in two two videos also you can let me know if you would have preferred that because obviously this video is like a chunky one we're here for 20 minutes um which I hope we can you know stick to together like it's just just a bit of time but I could have split it up into two 10 minute videos and then uploaded them on two Fridays for example or even on the same Friday I could upload two parts I don't know if you have a different preference let me know I just kind of like having it in this one video if at all possible I know that for the kids Cc or toddler CC I don't remember I split it up into two videos because in one I showed Off full body things and then the other a short of tops and bottoms which is not going to be possible for females I have so many tops in my game I don't know if I can ever make a video about that because I feel like I I don't know there's like probably a thousand or something or not even they don't even think I'm exaggerating like there's so many female chops I have in my game and currently I just don't see myself going through all of it all at once to make a video maybe I have to like gradually go through it also we do like CC holes here on this channel every second week so I just keep adding a bunch of new cc to my game every two weeks which then makes it harder to get rid of things I also like planned on after every CC hole going through the CC and being like okay what of these things do I actually want to keep in my game but do I ever do that um no I do not because I'm just unorganized it is how it is which also brings me to a topic I don't actually think I've discussed here that much which I think once I start explaining you will realize why um so some of you might remember that at the beginning of February I went to a Daily Clinic that you go to like for mental health I'm not gonna go too deep into like very triggering parts of mental health if that's something that you don't want to hear about I'm going to mainly talk about ADHD if you don't want to hear about anything that happened just skip ahead a few minutes totally understand that but just gonna go into like my ADHD diagnosis I've been trying to do one for two or three years now I feel like um because at the very start of the Big C I watched a report on a woman who got diagnosed with ADHD and just seeing her manage her life I was like oh my God that's me and my best friend at the time was like uh Cora that's literally like all of this is you like the way she would like have to remind herself of doing things by putting alarms on her phone the way she never knew where her keys are she started building this wardrobe like months ago and then never finished it's like all things that I see in myself where I was like oh like I thought that was just you know my personality I didn't realize there was like a word for it um turns out a lot of people during that time were like oh maybe I have ADHD because back in the days it wasn't actually known that ADHD carries over to adulthood like people would just believe it was something kids had and then you kind of outgrew it let alone women or girls having it that's like a whole nother issue because women with a lot of mental health things portray their symptoms in a different way because we'll race different with like different expectations like I as a child probably wasn't allowed to dance on tables be rough housing with other kids as much as boys might have been especially back in my day because I'm 27 so it's not like you know I grew up in the late 90s so um it was like not I think the awareness wasn't there I don't think it is now the way it should be that boys and girls should be raised the same and it doesn't really matter that's something I'm like really passionate about and I don't get why we haven't gotten there yet but it is what it is um but obviously back then it was even more so so I think I just from a very early age started masking certain things like I was always daydreaming always in my head I was just very inattentive couldn't do anything that I was not interested in which is like the biggest thing that I saw in myself was like oh I don't think this is normal because people always just put it down to me being lazy whilst I wasn't with things I was interested in like I could sit and do mouth tasks for example for 10 hours because I loved math so I was like doing that on my own terms at home but everything else at school that I wasn't interested in I was just kind of like doing when someone taught me to I went to like um I don't know if it's that common in other countries but here we have a place like a kindergarten but for school kids that after school you can go to because your parents are working and then they can pick you up I think in other countries it's a lot more common to have like nannies or other parents taking care of you I don't know but here a lot of times you either stay at school and they take care of you there until your parents pick you up or you go to like a different place and that's where I went and they structured my life for me because they made me eat and then we had to brush our teeth and then we had to do our homework and there were a lot of kids from my class so I didn't even get to be like I don't have homework today or like I never knew what I had to do to be honest but they sat me down and they knew exactly what I had to do because other kids rolled it into their little homework um booklet that we had I don't know if you had that too just like a little homework thing where you had to write down all the homework you had to do and I would never have remembered that and I also was just the type of kid who would just do things for the sake of doing it I would just rush it and be like I'm done with this it doesn't matter and I think I just compensated in school because I was very good at picking up information when I just half listened and I think I was also fortunate to grow up how I grew up with like parents who had like good education who then could you know take me to museums um just stuff like that I had books growing up you know like it's definitely very privileged to grow up like that and I don't know if I would have gone through school the same way if I didn't have that because I think as a child I was quite intelligent compared to like a lot of others sorry I just might like uh compared to other kids just because of the way I was brought up um so I was fortunate enough to just like kind of manage through school but when I got older I just never even went to school the only I I honestly from today's perspective I have no idea how I ever wrote exams because like I was never at school growing up um but it somehow managed and like I said I think I just got really good at masking certain things that weren't expected from me as a female and that caused a lot of like inner Stress and Anxiety and I also read that people with uh women especially with ADHD often just get diagnosed with depression and anxiety I'm not going to go into those topics because they can be triggering but um that's what happened to me but I never fully felt like that was like the root of issues because I went to therapy took meds and I like it never really felt like that was really truly it um but it was it's super hard right now to do an ADHD diagnosis and I know it's like that in a lot of countries it's not just in Germany um but it's like almost impossible you have to get so lucky to get somewhere where they don't have either a waiting list of like month and months which I would have been fine with but mostly they're like we don't even have a waiting list anymore because it's just so full just like that's that um so when I went to the clinic which my psychiatrist taught me to do I was like I'm just here for the diagnosis like I don't care about anything else that's like what I want to do and I don't know I feel like the whole experience there wasn't really good for me first of all because what we did wasn't what I needed and second of all because I felt the same things that I would hear throughout my life oh you don't seem like this you don't seem like that all the time which was just so upsetting to hear from professionals because I was like yes I'm just very good at masking things and that's just how I grew up but when I talked to my therapist 101 I would tell them like everything that was going on in my mind and we did the whole diagnosis you have to do because when you do an ADHD diagnosis you have to do like a whole screening thing for a bunch of other mental illnesses and diversities because it can often portray as symptoms of ADHD when you have something else so I went through all of that got all cleared out for that and then I sat down with my therapist and he said well you have all the criteria for ADHD so I have ADHD but he didn't want to put it into my like proper Health file like I have a report from the clinic where it does State fulfills all the criteria for ADHD which you only do if you have ADHD if you don't have any of the other things that often portray as it um which I don't like I said um but that was just a mess because I like I cried so much because I was like oh does this mean I have to start from like Ground Zero again because people are always like oh I don't know about ADHD can't do the diagnosis and it was just so frustrating for me and the main doctor in the clinic who was responsible for like not just our part of the clinic but also like the stationary one where you stay overnight and like a bunch of other parts in that hospital um he saw me for five minutes every Thursday and all he ever said to me was like oh you don't seem like that you don't seem like this and he pretty much let me go as oh you're healthy and it was just so weird because I've talked to so many like therapists and psychiatrists in the past and never have they said I'm fine so I was just like it it was really bad I talked about this in another video and then someone said oh you kind of got like gaslit there and I like thought about it and I was like yeah like what happened was actually not okay that they knew I had things going on and it states that clearly from my therapists like all of my other diagnoses as well it states all of them and then this doctor's just like you're fine and I was like yeah but I'm not that is just so odd um it was also weird because he obviously didn't know me like seeing a person for five minutes every week doesn't do anything and like I said I'm good at masking because I also have social anxiety so I don't want people to notice that I behave in a different way but that's what makes it so exhausting to do certain things because obviously if you always mask who you are and what you feel it becomes more exhausting to do social things but um that's that that's why for me it was very hard to know what to do with like the half diagnosis because it was like he said yes you have ADHD you have all the criteria for it but he didn't put it down anywhere so I was like can I say that I have it now like is it fair to other people who have it but I talked to a friend I met at the clinic who he also got diagnosed with ADHD because he's a man he portrays exactly the same symptoms at me as me but he's a male so he got diagnosed he was also he did his therapy with like a doc a doctor there who builds up the clinic so I think she had more of a standing when it came to like giving diagnosis I don't know what the plural of diagnosis is diagnoses diagnosis I don't know um so I think she had more of a stunning so that was that but um he was like yeah of course you have it like you fulfill the criteria just because they're being like careful about it doesn't mean you don't have it you know and that gave me gave me a lot of like con not confidence but like I felt better about it because he got diagnosed with it and he didn't think I was like an imposter I don't know I have that feeling all the time when I get diagnosed with things where I'm like do I actually have it like is it okay to say this but I have accepted for myself at this point I feel like half maybe a quarter I don't know um that I've got it which is not the end of the world for me that's like a good outcome because I can point a lot of things that I do to that but there's also a lot of strategies and there's also a lot of good things like um there's something called a hyper focus when you have ADHD and it means if you're very interested in something you can work for like a long time and you're very concentrated very focused which a lot of people don't know or even think about because you know they just think people with ADHD are generally inattentive and count Focus but if you're actually interested in something like I am a lot of times with videos I sit here especially with these like CC videos I sit here for 10 hours on end don't take breaks I'm just like working and enjoying it and that's the good part about it so I just have to kind of like manage find a therapist who actually gets along with me and like sees who I actually am under all of the masking which I show in therapy all the time like I have no issue because I overshare which a lot of people with ADHD do too so I'm a little bit of an oversharer so I don't mind like if you ask me a question I'll tell you anything I don't see the point of not saying something I also don't have the same filters I feel like which a lot of times in the past with friendships and things was not good and it's something I've learned the hard way because people are always like oh I love how honest you are until they don't and then they leave like I wish you would have told me earlier you know before it all went downhill uh but that's just humans I feel like that's just part of growing up I it's just odd because I would say I'm like very empathetic but I definitely know as a teenager was often like very harsh without wanting to be because that filter just hasn't built up yet I didn't know what was good to say and what wasn't good to say so I just said whatever was on my mind and I definitely do regret that these days because I'm like oh I think that was probably like hurtful a lot of times or whatever but I just honestly I didn't know like a lot of times as well when people were like oh It's upsetting because of this and this I would be like oh really like it it doesn't I don't know it didn't seem like that to me it just seemed like I was being honest and that's what people always said like oh we love when you're honest and I was like okay but what kind of honest do you want me to be so you know I think that was like a struggle of me uh being a teenage and young adult but I think I've overcome that for the most part like for the most part I can figure out what will but people now and what is honest and productive but that was a long journey until I got there that was a lot of like hard work um but yeah like I didn't realize I could talk about this for this amount of time but it's obviously something I'm very interested in um if you have ADHD or suspect to have it and you want to share anything in the comments feel free it was also funny because um the first time I suspected to have it I like I don't like self-diagnosing so I would always be like saying that I want to do a diagnosis and I feel like I might have it or might not you know but I I never say I have it I went to like a self-help group I don't know what you guys call that for ADHD on Wednesday with a friend and oh there are so many people who said like oh I have it I don't even need a diagnosis and to me that felt really I don't know uncomfortable because so many things can portray as it and I think self-diagnosing can often be really harmful for people um because the more you tell yourself you have something the more you will become that you know kind of like a self-fulfilling prophecy and a lot of things you don't want to have like there's so many things out there that you don't want to have and it's better if you don't and it's okay if you struggle it's okay if you do therapy it doesn't need to be something that's like I don't want to say it wrong with you but you know like it doesn't need to be something as Grand as like having a proper diagnosis it could just be that you're struggling um but yeah let me know I don't know any thoughts you have I'm sorry I just knocked the mic again because I'm talking with my hands a lot today so unprofessional but that's just me that's why you're here okay you're not here for me being professional you're just here for the wild ride if you're still even here hello you made it this far I'm so proud of you um I was gonna say though when I first thought about potentially having ADHD I got so many comments of people being like Oh I have ADHD do you maybe have ADHD like I hope this is not like offensive anything but you maybe have ADHD because like I see myself in you so much and I was like huh that is so interesting so I guess I just need to Now find some friends that have the same symptoms as me to not feel like an alien that is the journey I will go on soon anyways this video is coming to an end real soon here I hope you enjoyed it I hope you found some new CC and if you did please don't forget to leave a like comment and subscribe if you have not already and I will see you all next time [Music] and I'll sing for you all the way home [Music]
Channel: The SimPanions
Views: 37,366
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sims, sims 4 cc, cc sims 4, sims 4 cc male, sims 4, sims 4 big cc pack, cc shopping sims 4, sims 4 maxis match cc, sims 4 cc clothes, sims 4 cc maxis match, sims 4 custom content, maxis match cc, maxis match cc folder, sims 4 maxis match, the sims 4, sims 4 mods, sims 4 cc folder, maxis match cc sims 4, the simpanions, sims 4 maxis match cc folder, sims 4 cc showcase
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 11sec (1211 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 23 2023
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