Felony Evasion Charges for Dado on Players Run

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he didn't realized police were chasing for like 20 minutes in our first foreign mystic movies were so used to getting away with breaking all kinds of traffic laws you know and run away from police - police we get caught we shake hands we laugh we apologize they send us on our way that's probably what we're really famous for except on the Oh for players run where dad oh my driver got into a lot of trouble you know - we did the gumball 3000 we took dad was yellow in 1999 m3 unfortunately after the rally and before next movie his car got stolen we featured the Oh three players run and our third movie mischief destroy that about a 1995 blue m3 the day before we started the rally it was LA to Miami and we weren't even sure if this car was gonna make it all the way because it had 150,000 miles on it but it made it all the way to Florida no problems he left the car their car got worked on for about a year was gutted had a roll cage it was road race ready but unfortunately wasn't tuned properly and it missed the plane going over to Europe for the camera all around Europe so we end up running in that Ford Mondeo so he's been waiting so long to actually have a fast car to compete with all these exotic cars in over the years and then finally he got his chance on the 2004 players run the players were in Daddy's car that used to be blue is now yellow it's fathering 50 horsepower turbo it wasn't exactly set up to race across country it was ready to race which meant there was no windows in the doors interior was gutted there was no it's no a/c no heater race seats no radio we even think this through there was a hole in the floorboard like right in front of me that would constantly blow hot air into my face and there was an exhaustion came out through the back that would always burn my hands if I did it like I stretched my jacket caught on fire back there we are so excited we actually had a fast car to compete with everybody so the first day we left New York City went to Niagara Falls down to Columbus Ohio and that I was going nuts we met this guy Adrian he had a highly modified 993 turbo and for she's an dad oh and Adrian went head-to-head for hours doing like 160 170 highway just racy and I was loving it first day he went a little nuts second day we headed out to Kansas and this is where it all goes bad we get to I can't remember what racetrack it was we had we got some we got some laps and of course not it was happy because those cars I was set up it's a race so there was a kid there with his father and they I think they took a Ferrari Testarossa on to the rally and his son was a big fan of dad I was like hey can I please ride with dad Oh for one leg and his guys like well you've seen that on the movies yeah yeah I'm warning you now if something happens and you guys get arrested I'm gonna leave you I said okay I'll just rub with somebody else in the kid while the ride with Dido well we leave the racetrack and dad was just gone he's just at this point like racing by himself the Denver because he was just so happy you know nothing but straightaways in Kansas and here he is in this fast car and the guy the kids loving it I started getting phone calls a couple hours in and people are in my little flip phone people are telling me can you get a contact with dad are you with dad I'm like no he's like dados being chased by police right now and I'm like oh but then again I was just like oh man I should be there because you know we're so used to sounds bad we're so used to getting away with it and and there's no cameras in the car we hear anything because we just cell phone service packed and sucked and we pulled over to this one gas station for a rest stop and then get another phone call that the kid was calling his dad saying that dad Oh got arrested and he's in jail and they impounded the car I'm like oh my god it's like the worst thing ever we couldn't really do anything because we just had a little bit of information we didn't know what jail we didn't know what County so we have going to Denver while in Denver I had to figure things out on how to get dad out of jail and I thought the rally was done by then so I couldn't do anything into the morning anyway so while the rally left Denver and they went over to Salt Lake City I rented a car and went to go back to get dad oh and definitely good you know get the kid and see if I can get the car so I drove about three hours all the way to this little town I couldn't get data out the kid was waiting without his car got it to a hotel but it was there with the Dickinson courthouse as you can see that owes that isn't a window yeah so we came up with a plan that while Dad would try to figures out how to get out of jail we put dados car into a storage unit and we told the ladies like look a friend of ours is coming to pick up this car and it store dude it was looking like at her house just when he comes you know just give him the keys and and and you know wolve outs for he's gonna take the car and she's like no no problem no problem we parked the car locked everything got all the stuff and then continued on the rally so we're still waiting for her data to get back back to us so it turns out but he got arrested when he was doing 160 he didn't realized police were chasing for like 20 minutes going along just not knowing these cars I think there was a guy there's some guys filming on an overpass and they were filming him go by and then the police came by and that's when they immediately started trying to call me and I wasn't in the car and well there was no phone service anyways when he finally saw a police car with its lights on come from the other direction and turn around into the gravel he decided like we usually do we take an exit hide somewhere in a ditch just hide somewhere so he went further down since the police chase was going on for so long they already had a helicopter up there he went down as some crunchy road and actually filming the guy the guy actually had at his video camera he's filming down at a distance you'll see a police car come up and then the camera cuts off and they got him I was 20 miles away and I could hear him like play-by-play on the radio he was saying where you were David it was what when you went north he went to jail he had he had a hearing that day they've figured out this is this road rally causing havoc all over their state the judge set a seventy-five thousand dollar bond the next day his second hearing with another judge the second judge is like seventy five thousand dollars that's ridiculous so he reduced it to twenty thousand dollars and he was able to pay it after saying two nights in jail he was trying to get to the finish line before that the rally was over so as soon as he got in his car he took off and the police department called they knew his route they so they called all the police departments out of Kansas so he got pulled over three or four more times and they searched his car they just wanted to hold him up because they wanted to make his life miserable and so I think the last police officer finally just gave him a police escort at the speed limit out of the out of the state just to get him out of there some parts in the mountains in Colorado it started snowing and remember there's no ventilation system no heat no windows in his hem three it's like the worst possible condition for a race car he's up in the mountains freezing here to pull over at some some gas station get one of those Spanish blankets they cover himself while he's driving through the mountains trying to go as fast as he can in a race car in the snow got down out of the mountains he cracked the wheel blew a tire and Utah's like 2:00 in the morning some shark diver picked him up took the wheel off they got to some repair station they welded it got in the next day got taken back to his car left the car on the side of the road put the wheel on he said from Colorado to LA it was flooring it 150 all away easily I'm gonna make this rally and the finish line with everybody else you know everybody was finishing up and were getting updates at him and he said he's gonna make it easy gonna make it to make it and he finally made it at the the closing party so he got there it's funny because one of the guys made a free Dino shirt right before the closing party and we're all wearing free Dino that he comes in the door and it was this amazing moment everything was over but it wasn't over fur dado he was facing felony evading charges his lawyers like look I'm when you go play golf for the judge and try to figure this out you know maybe you know get your felony lower to like reckless driving or something we'll see how much this is going to cost so dad I thought it was gonna be like thirty forty thousand dollars so the couple days later that his lawyer came back to him saying so how much do you want to spend to be free dad's like okay how much the guys like five grand five thousand dollars the job is felony to reckless or whatever it was deal a century man and like that's why we love the Midwest there's no way in hell we'd be able to do that in like DC Virginia area you mean she's probably still in jail [Music] [Applause]
Channel: VINwiki
Views: 457,396
Rating: 4.8914003 out of 5
Keywords: Mischief, Teckademics, Dustin Worles, Dado, VINwiki, Car Stories, DVD, Players Run, Gumball 3000, Mischief Destroy, Player's, Run, Rally, GoldRush, 2004, 2003, Cannonball Run, BMW, M3, E36, Race Car, Gutted, Active Autowerks, Active, Autoworks, CDOC, Travel, Driving, Speeding, Felony, Reckless, Endagerment, Cops, Police
Id: vjxaCiG_DvQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 54sec (534 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 07 2018
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