Fellowship: Mother's Day, Albert Tate

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hello and happy mother's day welcome to fellowship church my name is larosa tate i am joined by two of our amazing pastors on staff who happen to also be mothers happy mother's day ladies thank you um you are a fellowship church we are a gospel-centered multi-ethnic intergenerational church and we exist to make disciples um just a little bit about us we value being transformed by the gospel growing in a life of worship gathering together in community and giving our lives away on missions right right and becky's going to give us a little bit about what's going on in the life of our church this this month thanks larissa we have so much going on and we want to welcome you to fellowship at home we have been scattered together now for over a year this weekend actually for mother's day is our very first in-person service many of you are probably going to be joining us others of you that didn't get in tickets on time don't worry we have more services coming up check out our website madeforfellowship.com for the updates on when those are coming may is a big month we have so many things going on beginning with mother's day um these are two of my favorite moms too and we are all moms but we're moms in very different and unique ways angela what's your mom journey oh yeah so i actually became a mom the day i said i do i gained my bonus daughter lizzie um so i stand here and like just i'm so gladly glad to represent like the stepmoms um and the families that were made in our families that way and i also am a mom to two babies i have a two-year-old and a one-year-old and so that's a whole different phase and that's crazy so and then you know for eight years i was a surrogate mom as a youth pastor so i loved getting to like be a mom as well in that space too so that was so fun uh what about you rosa well i'm mom to four i have an almost 15 this month uh 12 nine and in almost three there's a little bit of a six year gap in there just a little bit just a little bit and yes we're just in all the phases right now um even just on a journey right now where we're discovering that our youngest one has some unique needs and so just starting that journey too it's it's beautiful you learn a lot and becky has been so instrumental in just walking me through as we start this journey and but not only in that way but you've also been pseudo grandma because our our grandparents live across the united states so she's been suitable grandma to my to my four kids too so so thankful i love spoiling those kids and i feel them very regularly um with our target runs are the best um it has been a privilege to walk through motherhood with you i've known you before isaac was born a long time and uh mothering is an amazing adventure i do have four sons including triplets which is crazy in and of itself um but one of my son's special needs cameron he's 26 along with his other two brothers and i have a 31 year old who this year gave me a grandson which is kind of a cool thing in fact cooper is a year old today happy birthday i'm pretty crazy about him i would show pictures but you don't have time for that um there are so many ways we as women nurture that something got put deep within us we all love the next generation of children and so we are so grateful on this mother's day to honor all women as we serve god as we serve others but may is an important month for a lot of other reasons as well larissa tell us a little bit about that yeah i like becky said at fellowship we value kids we love kids and because we do we want to recognize that this month is foster care awareness month um in our church within our church we have foster care families we have safe families we love you we see you we're thankful for you and we want to be involved in this when we hear the statistic that 35 000 35 000 kids are in the system just in la county alone we have to do something as a church and as a community so if you're feeling compelled to find out more information about that please go to our website tomayforfellowship.com we have so many resources to help you find out how you can get involved how you can support families who are foster care families are safe and safe families check us out get involved yeah yeah absolutely minute fellowship we value being multi-ethnic one of the reasons me and my husband would say that we would be at fellowship even if i wasn't on staff is because we're a multi-ethnic family and one of the things that we get to celebrate in may is asian-american pacific islander heritage month which is near and dear to our heart as my husband is korean and i'm raising korean children and so um we want to celebrate in may our asian american pacific islander brothers and sisters and also just call and recognize um that it has just been a difficult time it's been a difficult year for our asian american pacific islander brothers and sisters and so i want to say from my heart and on behalf of fellowship we see you and we love you so much we say that so frequently but it could not ring more true and so this month and always we pray that you feel celebrated seen and known we love you so much and know that as a church we will continue to fight for justice and walk towards justice in solidarity with all of you as well amen amen i love that we care about all people and especially those little tiny ones we love the babies and so we have actually a baby dedication coming up on father's day it will be both virtual and in person but what you need to know is may 30th is the class so go ahead to our website and sign up for that class we also have youth that happens every single tuesday our kids have had an unbelievably challenging year with school and friends and just so many different things that has been a safe haven for them so check out our youth program as well oh yeah and now it is time for one of my favorite parts of service worship um i invite you to take a seat you know slow down if you're cooking breakfast just sit down for a moment and allow this worship to uh to watch over you we have a special guest and i actually we can't even call him a guest now at our home when you come visit for the first time and you learn to live the land you are now family so i would say that mr jonathan reynolds mecca reynolds is now family and he is here today to give a special worship on this mother's day so sit back enjoy and let this worship wash over you church is such an honor to worship with you this morning it's an incredible morning right we're honoring the mothers so let's start by giving god phrase form he is great and he's greatly to be praised you learn this song pretty quickly get it great is the lord here we go the great is the lord my conqueror he never failed me yet through all my trials tribulations he will deliver he's the greatest one he's got come on [Music] all my trials [Music] is the lord he's my comforter and he has never left me yet in all my days i've never seen the righteous forsaken he's the greatest one he's god come on let me hear [Music] [Music] and he's never lost one yet the enemy comes like a flood but he raises standing he's the greatest one he's got come on [Music] let me all sing it y'all [Music] he's been great [Music] for me [Music] is [Music] everybody [Music] is [Music] [Music] he's just too good to just be good come on everybody [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] hey come on welcome to the life room that's where god hears our heart as we make room come on [Music] [Applause] fellowship i need right where you are to make some noise for jesus if you know that he is absolutely great so you're the name above all names and you're worthy of our praise and my heart will see how great is our guide i know you know i go ahead and sing it so you're the name say you're the name [Music] how great [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh come on one more time see how great is [Music] how great is our god [Music] such a great god that we serve and listen i just feel like the institutions that god has put on this earth for us to live in like marriage and parenthood they are all such incredible examples first of all there's greatness but especially his love for us and when i think about a mother's love now i come from the hood now don't judge me i come from the hood where maybe a mother's role and importance is even more outsized than ideal but at the end of the day i know that there are some things that i just would not have had and understood if it wasn't for the unconditional love of my mother and then i think even further there's some things i just wouldn't have and be able to experience if it weren't for the unconditional love and grace of my father in heaven so i guess this song is kind of to mom but really to god because both of them and all my failures all of my imperfections and flaws they never stop loving me wherever you are remember that he always loves you [Music] [Applause] [Music] i'm nowhere close to a perfect man and it takes a supernatural love to even understand that beyond the walls behind the mask and confident smile was a broken man trying to grow up and make life worthwhile and i know there were times that you probably shouldn't but i thank you for always loving me and i know anyone else they probably wouldn't so i thank you for always loving me now i know there were days i had looked at myself i felt like less of a person compared to everyone else what about this flaw too big too small can i exchange and trying to make up for what i fell short i let sin slip away and when i look in the mirror and don't like what i see oh i thank you for always loving me and i know i get bad but you wait patiently [Music] fellowship church let me just hear you sing that lord i wanna thank you for always love lord i just really [Music] see you just keep loving me and you don't let go you just keep loving me [Music] lord i really want to thank you for and regardless of every mistake that i make you [Music] on my face you're keeping loving lord i just really wanna thank you for [Music] always [Music] when my friends walked away lord i want to thank you for yeah and when my old family wrote me all lord i thank you for it and when i really really didn't love myself [Music] lord i thank you for always love me [Music] hey fellowship family i am so excited because we are celebrating the mothers today happy mother's day you've heard it a lot you're going to hear it a lot because you're worthy of a lot a lot of celebration um and and i've just been thinking away how can we change it up how can we honor the mothers in a fresh way you guys have put in so much work and i thought you know what i'm going to dedicate a song to the mothers in my sermon i i want you all to feel so seen and so loved i thought what better way than to give my gift of singing to you so here you go here you go let me let me work okay all right here we go i've been working on this song all week okay um [Music] i need a little bit more rest my voice is a little rough but i think i got some guys that could do do a much better job guys come and encourage and bless our mothers y'all check this out [Music] oh [Music] you taught me everything and everything you've given me i always keep it inside you're the driving force in my life [Music] there isn't anything or anyone that i can be and it just wouldn't feel right if i didn't have you by my side [Music] you were there for me to love and care for me when skies were great whenever i was down you were [Music] you will always be the girl in my for all times [Music] your love is is [Music] me up just thinking about you [Music] [Music] oh [Music] queen of my heart i just want you to know yes it is i told you i wasn't ready that was so good i you know i um i just got to be honest though i i i wanted to be a part of it but they didn't they didn't let me in the group they didn't i wanted to be in the group they said pastor you need to focus on preaching whatever that means so here we go but today's all about encouragement uh we're gonna spend some time in god's word but i just want you to know the goal is um moms i just want you to be encouraged i want you to see and feel the love as we lean into the word of god and allow the word of god to encourage us we're going to the book of isaiah chapter 41. uh we're going to start reading at around verse 8. isaiah 41 around verse 8. hear these words but you israel my servant jacob whom i have chosen you descendants of abraham my friend i took you from the ends of the earth from its farthest corners i called you i said you are my servants i have chosen you and have not rejected you so do not fear for i am with you do not be dismayed for i am your god i will strengthen you and help you i will uphold you with my righteous right hand so don't fear he's with you don't be dismayed he is your god and he will strengthen strengthen you and he will help you and uphold you with his right righteous hand let's pray together god thank you so much father we know that today isn't a place of celebration for everyone so all day with within our time together we want to continue to create space and acknowledge uh grief lamenting frustration [Music] unexpected triggers uh from the relationship we all have a mother we all got different relationships and dynamics so father would you just meet us in that space wherever we find ourselves in would you just meet us meet us and father encourage us father these next few moments would you tune our ear to your voice so that we might hear you ever so clearly turn our hearts toward you so that we might experience the fullness of all that you have for us god is to that end that i ask that you stand in my body think through my mind speak with my vocal cords those things you would have us say know and do may the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in thy sight o lord you are my strength you are my redeemer get glory in this place in jesus name amen amen pastor ray johnston a great friend of mine uh tells the story of his daughter doing a project um concerning uh leadership um and she had to write a paper so she used surveying and asking her dad all these questions about leadership and he gets to the last question they get to the last question and i've talked about this before and she says what's the most important thing you do what's the most important thing as a leader what's the most important thing you do and rey thought about it and his response is a little underwhelming it's prett it's it's almost on the verge of being oversimplified and if you're not careful you'll run right past the significance and miss the impact of his answer he answered her he thought about it he said you know the most important thing that i do is staying encouraged huh staying encouraged that's out of all the stuff you do you do a lot of important stuff that's the most important thing you do he said yeah because if you're not encouraged it's hard to do anything else discouragement when it gets in when it gets in your mind when it gets in your heart when that when that discouragement creeps in and settles in it opens up the door for every other urgement you can have the greatest vision you can have the greatest excitement you can have the greatest of day but if that lands on a discouraged heart it's going to turn sour moms i got one job today and that's to tell you what's the most important thing that you do and that is stay encouraged you want to talk about a season and a time where i'd imagine it's been challenging it's been overwhelming it's been hard but my job and my assignment today is just two words to convince you to stay in courage and to talk about it i've got a lot i'm going to need some room because i want to encourage you and i want to talk about encouragement um and how to stay encouraged in every season of mothering that you find yourself in in every season of mothering that you find yourself in i i'm going to need some room so that i can talk about how i want to encourage you to stay encouraged so so we got we we practiced this little trick there's a little there's a little thing a little sensor in my hand and i should be able to just snap and make some changes on the stage we'll see if the wi-fi is connected and it's connected so we'll see all right here we go first i need to make some room so i can encourage you here we go whoa hey that actually worked now i can move around a little bit this kind of looks like the last episode of the fresh prince uh when all the furniture was going but i i needed some room because i want to unpack what isaiah is saying here he's encouraging the children of israel they um they're experiencing serious fear because they have significant opposition uh their enemies and their foes are rising up against them and they are experiencing fear and discouragement and the word of the lord comes unto them and it says fear not don't be dismayed don't be discouraged and there are four reasons why you should not be dismayed or discourage children of israel number one i am your god number two i'm going to strengthen you number three i'm going to help you and number four you see it in the text i'm going to hold you with my right hand i think that same god sits on the throne and that same god will still stand behind that same promise for every mother that will believe him and trust him in this season i just want to encourage you with this thing your your encouragement is going to be found in your ability to acknowledge lord you are my god you are my god lord you are my strength the only way i'm going to survive the only way i'm going to be the mom that you call me to be the only way i'm going to survive is through your strength and lord you're my helper because there are areas where i desperately need your help and you have been a very present help in the time of trouble and then he says and i'ma hold you that's so important because if we're honest there are seasons and moments and times when we can't hold ourselves we try to hold it together most of the time but sometimes there's seasons when we need to we need him to hold us together while we get it together there there are seasons and moments and times when we're just in pieces and we cannot hold it together any longer and god says i'm there for your weakest moments i'm there for your weakest seasons for your weakest moments i'm there to hold you mom i want to encourage you acknowledge him as your god if you don't know him as your lord and savior jesus christ acknowledge him as your god let him be your god you can't be god you you although you pretty close to supernatural you're not you're natural and he's the super add his super to your natural and you'll see the mighty hand of his glory in your life acknowledge him as god and there you will find as he is your god you will find strength in him he will be your strength and he will be your help i love it the writers has the very present help in time of trouble i i don't know about you but when trouble hits we need a very present help he'll be your very present help in time of trouble and he'll hold you let him hold you and find encouragement in your god that is your strength your present help and your and the hand in his hand holding you together and and i want to encourage you to experience that in every season because you know as we think about being a mom they're they're just different seasons and i want you to see these four promises of god in every season of your life beginning with this season watch this [Music] there we go yeah yeah do y'all remember this season like some some of y'all are in this season right now i call this the the very beginning season this is the this is the this is what i call the lean in season the the when when you have the kids you got like the baby and then they start crawling and start walking and then it's it's this season when bike riding isn't really bike riding it's more so mom pushing uh-huh this this requires a bend over it requires a lot of intentionality a lot of strength and it is it's no no no no power from the kid at all that just no power from the kid at all just he just just okay all right i'm just pushing all day let's go for another round okay mommy's pushing another round this is the all-in lean in season where they need you for everything and and you know father's day is coming in june and i and i'll have a message there but you know i'll just be honest my kids will walk right past me like as if i'm not even there i just have to not not be offended i was like mom mom and then i was like i'm standing right here and she's like your daddy's trying to ask your daddy i was like yeah i'm standing right here and then i say i'm trying to figure out this fraction with my math class and i was like yeah you got to talk to your mama mom it's the season where you're all in and some of you if we're to be honest this season has been longer than normal because of pandemic because of school because of all the dynamics you've been leaning in some of you got those newborns those toddlers and you've been all in providing everything and if you're honest some of you may be weary maybe tired frustrated afraid discouraged dismayed can i encourage you in this season when you're all in sacrificing it's it's everything they can't do anything without you you feel like they're just pulling on you all the time you feel like it's just you just pouring out pouring out pouring out pouring out can i just tell you we see you mom we see some of you in this season they're running around you have child proof the house house don't even look cool no more you got plastics bumpers all over the place you're all in can i tell you we see your mom we see the sacrifice we see you leaning in and i want to remind you in this season stay in courage he is your god he is your strength he is your present help and he will hold you he'll hold you together as you navigate this season of motherhood be encouraged especially those of you that are in the lean in season next point y'all ready watch this ah now this i call this uh the hold and release season the whole and release season um mom some of you in this season and this is a very interesting season because this is a season uh where where it's easy to get discouraged because there's this dynamic happening you remember this is the season where you're kind of running alongside holding holding holding and then you got to let go it's kind of like you're you're you're running alongside you've been all in and you're holding a holding hold and it's like go go go go and and there's there's a tension because i've got a hold on but at the same time i have to release and if you miss the vision and the opportunity to release and if you hold too long then you delay the development see a part of the season is for them to master the balance of writing on their own they get to practice the lessons and the investments that you've made you get to hold them but there's a piece of this where you got to release them and they've got to be able to float on their own they've got to be able to find the balance on their own it's a difficult time because some of us if if you release too soon they they may fall uh if but if you hold too long then you're gonna delay their ability to move forward so there's an interesting timing here that you're just down right need the holy spirit to help lead and guide you it takes wisdom because there's moments when you want to hold on you're like oh i'm gonna i'll let you go you can go but call me as soon as you get there let me know text and then some some folks you know how you get the little cart on the side of the bike some of y'all y'all just be like well i'm not letting go i'm so i'm gonna be on one side and you're gonna be there and we just gonna roll together that ain't healthy at all that's that's not good that's that's not a good look that's not gonna help them become who they need to be so in this season what you got to hold on to are the promises of god and release them so that they might fulfill their purpose in god you got to hold on to the promise of god and release them so that they might fulfill the purpose of god and will they make some wrong turns will they hit some bumps they probably will fall but that's when you hold on to the promises and you keep directing and pushing them to the purpose this is a very strategic season because the hold on in the release daily asking god lord help me to hold on to the right things help me to release the right things so that i might parent and raise up someone who glorifies god someone who fulfills the purpose in which they were created so moms if you're in this season i'm praying for you um but i also want you to know to be encouraged don't fear don't be dismayed because in this season he is your god he is your strength he is a very present help and he's holding you as you release them and he's holding them as you release them the hold and the release come on come on something some of you need to practice that some of you need to go home you just gotta go go go get the bike just to practice and your kids will be like what you doing and like trying not to try trying to be a better better mother child i'm trying to help you out because because because it's a balance invite the spirit in and he'll help you this is the tricky season i'm gonna play with this a little bit all right all right all right y'all ready here we go oh ho ho ho ho now we now we're talking oh come on now now this is what i like to call the coach consultant season the coach consulting season because as you can see the game has now changed in in the ideas for those of you that are parenting and mothering in this season this is not hold on you ain't holding on and i love to see you running down the street alongside this bike i'd love to see you trying to keep up running around no no this is full release this is full you you go and you're not you're not in the ear coaching in this season to turn left do this no no no no you're you're on the sideline doing more consulting uh giving direction uh giving perspective and insight it's helpful in this season if it's solicited this is a season where you kind of got to step back and say god i'm so thankful um that i get to watch my children blossom and bloom fail struggle make their way but but but knowing the season that you're in is a really big deal because if you try to act like you're in the tricycle season the lean in season at this stage it's not gonna match that ain't gonna work well can you imagine you come on honey turn the wheel it don't work that way this isn't the run alongside season and try to keep up now this is the consult season this season is marked by more silence than it is words this season is marked by more prayer than oftentimes presents this this season is is more so about praying and less about you being present all the time this the back seat on this bad boy is small and it's hard this one this one's cushioning this is small and hard ain't designed for two people well this is a this is a this can be a very challenging season so to the moms that are in this season can i just encourage you he is your god he is your strength in this season he's going to help you because some of you one of the hardest things to do is to pull away some of the hardest things you do is to release and pull away and see the previous season was was hold and released this season is all released it's it's all released there's a there's a there's a uh uh episode on the cosby show where uh alvin what kept kept getting into it with sandra his wife and they just kept arguing and his dad heathcliff huxtable his his father-in-law said hey elvin evan you just ate hey you just gotta you gotta pull back so instead of arguing back and forth bickering back and forth you just gotta you just gotta do this so sandra came in and and elvin started doing and and he cliff looked at him saying alvin alvin don't hey pull back this ain't the season be quiet hush some of your parents moms one of the greatest things you can do this this year to stay encouraged look well why did you do that why was that duck hey okay honey well what what you mean you do it practice it it'll bless your life and it'll bless your kids life too it's a season of helping them find their purpose and it's a season of you finding your knees way more often it's a prayer season it's a beautiful season it's a season where you got to trust god to be your god to be your strength to be your help and to hold you he'll do that to keep you encouraged even in the consulting season all right i'm almost done i got one more i think my battery's about to go out on my little finger thing so let me try let me do one more here we go y'all ready one two [Music] being a mom in every season i call this the um the reverse season the reverse season it's it's that season where you need you need more help than the years prior and it's the season where you've been used to guiding and giving help and being the strength it's the season where you need their strength you need their help and it's important that you acclimate to this season or else it could create a lot of frustration you've poured in you've poured in this is the season where they need to pour into you and you need to be able to receive it mom some of you moms this is the hardest season because you're so used to the posture of pouring out you don't know what it feels like to be poured into and it it you wrestle with your identity it wrestles with who you are and you're a mom and guess what sometimes moms need help sometimes moms need to be held together and support it by those that they've given their life to holding together and supporting this is a crucial season because it's a reversal season but it's also a harvest season it's time for you to reap a lot of what you sowed so your ability to trust god in this season is a big deal and no in this season you don't it doesn't have to be marked by fear it doesn't have to be marked by discouragement no be encouraged mom be encouraged even in this season even in seasons when you need more help than others even in seasons when you're more dependent than you'd like to be even in seasons when you don't have the same strength that you used to have in seasons where you need them a little more be encouraged because even in this season isaiah 41 hear it hear it he is your god and even in your weakness he is your strength and he will help you and he will hold you in this season to the kids that are caring for mom to the kids that have aging parents be patient be loving be present and know that as you get weary in doing the work isaiah 41 he is your god be he is your strength be encouraged don't give up on them be patient hang in there god is your present help he's your present help and he's going to hold you so that you might hold mom so that you might hold mom be encouraged every season every season to the moms that are in the lean in season god is all in on you trust him i know it's hard i know you're tired some of you ain't slept in three years you're like oh lord can i tell you he's your strength he's your help he's holding you to those that are in the hold and release season that hold and release trust him trust him let him be your strength the teenage years those out of early adolescence that that season can be very devastating it can be very dramatic but know that your god is so present in that season for those of you that are in the full-on release season where you're a consultant now and you're just consulting as they go along the way oh your prayer life should be strong every season is pray life is strong but this this season you're doing more praying about them than you are talking to them more praying for them than talking sitting with them god is with you and he's present and he's gonna be your strength and in this season when mom when you have to receive the harvest of love and care because you poured it out when you're more needy than you probably like to admit that you are know that god is your strength i'll close with this i i want you to be encouraged but i know that there are those that mom isn't with them because mom has gone on they're those that have rough relationships with mom there are those that in this season you come face to face with the traumatic reality of maybe a desire for kids but that hadn't been able to be fulfilled or as a mom you're feeling the loss of kids that left you way too soon can i just tell you son daughter and whatever dichotomy disposition or place you have with mom that might not be worthy of celebration can i tell you that even on this mother's day god's word is true for you so this is a hard day for you remember he is your god let him be your strength let him be your present help and let him hold you let your heavenly father hold you on this mother's day friends be encouraged be encouraged be encouraged because it's the most important thing you do for his glory amen teach me how to order teach me how to let go [Music] teach me when to hold them teach me when to let go [Music] it's hard to hold on it's hard to let go but you never let me go never let me go [Music] you said you split the sea so i could walk right through it my fear was drowned in perfect love your perfect love you rescued me so i could stand and sing you are my strength [Music] strength like no other oh yes you are strength like no other even in the dark times it reaches to me [Music] yes lord you're there you are my strength i can rest in your strength like no other i can lay on you strength like no other [Music] you've got a way of reaching and finding me lord that is the cry of our hearts you are our strength god's separated apart from you we can do nothing and to be quite honest we don't want to so god i just pray right now that your holy spirit would continue to speak and move and minister to every single person under the sound of my voice god would you continue to do the work that only you can do in our hearts and in our minds and our souls would you bring restoration would you bring rejuvenation would you bring strength could you bring healing lord would you do all of that no matter where we are in our phases of life meet us right where we are because you are god who can do that jesus we love you so much as in your mighty and much let me pray amen amen fellowship we just want you to know that um if the lord is speaking to you in this moment we want you to respond reach out there's a number on your screen you can go to maidfellowship.com nextsteps and we would just love to journey with you as you discern with the holy spirit what your next faithful step is we want to thank you to fellowship you are an incredibly generous church so much of what we do we could not do without you so thank you for giving to and through fellowship there are many ways to give you can see that on the screen or check that out on our website as well uh don't forget go to face our facebook website for a racial wreck and listen to reflections and stories from our aap i brothers and sisters um yeah thank you for joining us again today yeah fellowship we love you so much we're here for you um if you didn't know every single day we have a pastor on duty who is ready to care for you and love for you so any day um you can email pastor madfordfellowship.com and we are ready to respond to you and in so many different ways we are here for you yeah connect with us on facebook on instagram join us on saturdays and sundays for uh service every morning monday through friday 8 a.m good news today we're so glad that you are joining us continue to join us and connect with us we love you fellowship may the lord bless you and keep you may he make his face to shine upon you and give you peace happy mother's day happy mother's day you
Channel: Fellowship
Views: 582
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: weekend services, Albert tate, midweek service, worship, fellowship, fellowship church, fellowship monrovia, midweek message, weekly service, fellowship worship, fellowship music, jesus
Id: P-MBfOBrmNs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 7sec (3307 seconds)
Published: Mon May 10 2021
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