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[Music] I know I'm alive today folks we'll see you guys back on the older the editing game I'll get this one I'll tidy it up for you guys out there my new friends over and out be kind to your friends your family and people on the street over now it's just too nice outside to be sitting around editing videos when I could be out creating videos and making livin in this gorgeous country done this beautiful province of British Columbia I love it here surely is a beautiful place on the planet France beautiful British Columbia they used to have an ad on TV who's a tourism thing you know come to BC print cash and it was supernatural and the song was that the tune they played was really catchy super supernatural super supernatural it was deadly supernatural British Columbia check it out on YouTube or right or you know like google it it's really good supernatural that's all I gotta say up say okay we're just heading back to that property we're the maples and all the maples in the FIR were and I pulled that log out of the ditch you know friends yeah so that's where we are now we come in here it looks brighter already there's a snag there I gotta take care of but we'll go down and see what's going down here first I gotta find my axe the everything's the same but I left my axe here that darn shebang go axe I don't know what it is about that shebang go axe you know I'm saying friends hahaha I think my old shebang go axes behind a maple stump here we're gonna find out right now we're gonna check it out they might not be I better have a look let's see if we can find that France shall we I don't know what in the last place I was banging a wedge was was over here but I thought I was [Laughter] yeah I was using my axe here it should be here friends was the only other place I banged a wedge was was right here right it should be here but it might not be I could have moved it maybe they picked it up hey maybe the customers picked it up no they didn't it's right there friends hey there's something about this axe it wants to I got to keep my eye on this axe look at that friend it's been sitting there for a couple of days here you can tell that head ain't gonna fall off sitting in the water like that hey yeah I've been using it yeah it's actually a nice axe mm it's a real nice axe it's got some weight to it for bang hey maple stuff boy there should be once you get her gone oh yeah we split a lot of maple back in the day boy hey different button difference what knock day yes you guys know what that one a hey I just can't stop sweating hey I like it so much so there's this one have you get stuck right you know I mean this one here works good okay she Bango is the key we'll see if they're home if not we'll go cut trees okay friends here's the here's the next project on that same property they want these freakin weeds gone they're maple and alder and they're just they're gonna be a major problem you know so we're gonna out the field here with them Hank those ones are staying over there but all behind the fence here and everything all down here I think there's a couple I gotta climb other than that it's pretty good like I got a plan here - yeah see there's one leaning right back here but we can leave it because it's leaning back so just gonna put this here and start knocking this is the one I'm talking about right here I might even be able to wedge it beyond there I don't want it hit in the corner of the chef's that gets right there it's difficult to get out this one can go that way and take actually that one and that one this one here is a problem look at this one see this one it grows up and it comes up and goes right over top of the corner of the shed and it won't slip by that way because of these cedar limbs you see that it like it won't you won't go through those ceilings it'll hit those cedar limbs such a small tree and it'll just go right across there so I'm gonna open up those ones there I could actually do that now get rid of that but I'm gonna I'm gonna start on the bottom side and work my way up which I always like to do so there's a little structure on a fence here they're not worried about it we're going to cut it down open this up and start going so it looks to me what would be nice is if I could tear this fence down here just I'm gonna have to pull out the axe my little pouch back there I'm digging those so you can see our plan here so I brought the 81 just because it's got a nice long bar and I can buck all this fire without for them in short order ah [Music] this is a dutchman right there see that my first cut went in my first cut ended up over here my second cut came up and it didn't quite meet so now there's a plate of wood there's an actual plate so this tree fall sits down on that plate and drifts over watch what do you think buddy they're all going down you always start at the lower end and work up that comes from a falling background you want all those on the pond out - yeah want me to get what I can okay I know what about bucking okay what's that yeah another Dutchman [Music] [Laughter] [Music] so friends here's one where a Dutchman comes in kind of handy he got this tree here cut up it's leaning back into this crown a little bit so I've got to get it moving and as you can see it's leaning straight out to the field quite hard it's an alder tree they don't hold on really well I'm just gonna shoot for the top of the pile up in there I'm not gonna shoot high and it'll grab this little little sapling one-off sapling it's a little tree beside it and take it out but this is where the Dutchman really comes in handy and it's not a you don't have to use the Dutchman here that that's not what I'm saying and your best not to to be honest I could easily do it without but someone was asking about a Dutchman how working Dutchman okay once again here it is okay see there's the Dutchman right there it's a big plate of wood now you watch I've got the undercut facing a little bit here so I can get the tree moving I might have to take a little more out of here actually if it doesn't start moving I'll cut the high wood first that's why I would cut this high wood first and see if the tree will get moving I think it will but it may not I may have to open up that undercut a little bit watch what it does okay there's the Dutchman right there it just kicked in so it took that tree nicely so you see that look for that ended up right on the money so it's sitting on its gutsman right now it's waiting to go up there so that's kind of what they're handy for [Music] okay not actually hung on really well really well so there's the plate look at you can see it look where it laid down see it so it sits on this plate it didn't even sit here it hit right there and here and turns in there's the holding wood here's the plate of wood that's the Dutchman but don't do them because you don't really need them someone asked Oh Oh Oh okay hey boy so there's the bottom the bottom is all out and it's all in one spot like literally every top is like in a matter of 20 feet of the dirty tips to the tops it's all in one area so again I talked about this thinking about see for fallers we get in supreme manure if the if a whole operator comes in or the growl fiatter whoever's coming in next if it's a whole chuck usually you know a lot of guys don't care they just fall it where it's leaning and and it's horrible you get this Beaver Dam of craziness crisscross all over the place that's not called lay that's called crap that's not lay okay this is flat on the ground it's all in one spot all the logs were laying in one you know relatively once play out you know like straight out straight along so I'm just saying if you get into a situation like this friends new guys obviously I'm talking to new guys old guys know this stuff or qualified men but there's a lot of new guys that are poking around on YouTube now it's just the way of our society we look to YouTube for things that we don't know how to do that we're interested in right so I just I didn't do any of this before I never stopped I was just cut and then get home and a couple days later I'd have comments and people say oh yeah and then people started fishing in for information how'd you do that or what why did you do that and stuff less so I started I started sharing them or sharing the information so we're come looking for information so I bought like it was my boy he calls it edutainment edutainment I love that so yeah neck is this massive madness crazy stuff I got a bit of Riggin to do back there it's gonna be a little bit a little bit funny actually yeah so but I don't want to you know that thing's gone that little side trailer thing they're not trailer it'll den or whatever it's leaving but what was I gonna say nothing fueling up see in a minute okay we're in behind the shed now Oh grunts all cleaned out oh my god yes here we're into some pretty interesting stuff this one here's right up against the shed I might have to I don't know I don't think I can get out we'll see maybe I can it's an alder it's maybe I can get it to bang over there if I do it right but it's right on the shed and this one here's got a bowl that way which is we got a long span left but it should be okay it'll probably take out that maple with it that's my plan anyway because I can't get that one by itself I'd have to climb it and then there is one climb it's this one here mind you I don't have to call it I could probably wedge that over if I if I did it right or maybe back in there I don't know yet I hope not fine it doesn't look promising no if I get this one you know so we'll see maybe I can get a rope in that one and pull it over let's start cutting Oh Oh Oh Oh okay I gonna bash this fence off the singer it's not going anywhere right yeah it's even attached to this thing let's see maybe not no I don't think it is that would be handy if it isn't no I don't think it is oh maybe this is no that's good let's see if we can get this thing to hang on the stump shall we you guys still with its good look at that I mean he doesn't care about this thing but I'm gonna try and get it to hang on I might even reach up and cut that branch off cuz wouldn't that be epic Oh so you see thy friends you see that it almost came it almost came look at it sat down right there you can see it folded wood but that tree literally almost came right around if I had a shot even a little higher I probably could have got it but he totally wasn't not concerned this thing's rotten and gone he told me smash it down keep it this way okay friends I know I'm gonna run out of battery so I just want to show you the scenario tell you what I'm gonna do okay we've got it right up to here now okay we're right behind the shed now we got this than that now I've already showed you this once this thing's incredibly yeah on the shed there's no two ways about it but I'm gonna try and bang it out of here but I can't get a wedge in it until I get this tree out of the way the plan is cut this up this one here that one there because it's looped into the cedar terribly but I got to take those ones out front first it's a puzzle get those out of the way then this one I'll cut it up but I won't cut it right off cuz it'll land on the shed it'll roll out off these cedar them and then I'm gonna take it out with this one here all of it in there to see if it works buh-bye okay that one's cut up Oh Oh nobody watch the top of the tree walk away from that one here thanks you know what's that okay I'm gonna put some more wedge to it I'll go off the back side here so I can slip right out maybe yeah I'll be able to slip right up the back side there here she comes and then I'll be able to double up you see yeah I'm bought him dope that's the problem yeah yeah see that's the problem oh there she be all right oh there she goes as a matter of fact Baba all right came out beautifully back of the shed here yeah everything saved out this was our main concern here some heavy leaners just a man and his power saw stuff I dreamed about doing years ago and just started going I just knew I just knew I couldn't work for the man anymore I saw the writing on the wall I just couldn't do it I worked for a big conglomerate for probably a year that was about it fed my family through the winter and I was grateful for that and but but I you know at $17.50 an hour for for climate you know the funny thing was I enjoyed the heck out of it because I just loved it I was I was you know everybody's green at one point all right you're green at one point everybody is bakken was green it takes time so but I just knew I knew that my dream was to just rip around them I made my pickup with my power saws and do exactly what I just finished doing there I started work at noon I did all my YouTube jargon from from 3:30 in the morning on trust me friends you guys don't hear about me crying about oh how family's been done you can't be the enemy I don't that's my choice to do that nobody supports for me to do nothing and nor are they forcing you so that's why you don't hear me complain friends I'm not a complainer I never happened my mom taught me that we don't have we don't have the right to complain there's people a lot worse off than we are me I'm talking I can't speak for you but but you know what I mean that it was my dream to do that and and I did it for other people for a while but then I realized that you know I'm busting up your body and and and barely scraping by I just I love the work and it started it started to get to the point I remember when it was like god I'm almost enjoying this right now going to work and I love running power saw that was a bad sign for me so I thought I got a guy gotta get out like I gotta go do this on my own I gotta go yeah so he did it was one of the best decisions I ever made in my life hands down the first one was getting my head screwed on right that was backing well it was 21 years ago now 22 21 20 do some words longer okay but yeah that was the first one good decision I made hey and then and then doing this was the second one going up my own yeah a little story little rambling and flapping at the gums I'm packing up and going home France thanks for watching my videos I appreciate it I appreciate the positive comments and we're growing friends thank you for welcoming the new subscribers to my true blues and people that have been here for a while Black Rock and rusty is all tons just black Rob just popped into my head but you know who you are I just want you guys know what's going on thank you for welcoming the new subs it makes my heart swell I love it we do that as a as a group as a community it's just awesome it really is I love it I don't see that anywhere else I'm getting tired and haven't eaten I gotta go you know to get like hmm now ropes wet I'll take it out on my side of the truck when I get home need
Channel: Buckin' Billy Ray Smith
Views: 48,900
Rating: 4.9485979 out of 5
Id: e5eQiJcDxV4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 3sec (2223 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 19 2018
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