Fällen einer starken Rückhänger Buche geht schief!

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drive in the wedges and recut the hinge ( better not! ) We cannot make sapwood cuts Welcome the day after today we look at what happened yesterday we'll start right away with the good piece here lies the colleague and on the subject of the hinge, we can show everything we have the hinge on the pullside 8 cm below around the 7th in the middle I got a little too deep we have a fracture step of 15 centimeters we have chosen the height of the fracture step so high that the tree falls more easily due to the higher fracture step it's very important with such a heavy back leaner because the winch has already reached its limits now we look to the place where the tree was I will now show you a photo where you can see the tree standing it's a heavy back leaner the tree generally hung back the crown also hung down and on its left side why cut a heavy back leaner very easily In 2008 there was a landslide here with an existing spruce culture it used to be up to here the spruce as a shallow root could not survive in this area due to the heavy rain and the spruce and the earth are all going down the ditch after ten years we now have a beautiful natural rejuvenation and because of that we don't want to cut the trees down otherwise they will destroy all the young growth again I also briefly fade in a picture of the stump so you can make your own opinion of it in my opinion the cut was right heavy back leaner cutting technique with a bit of side leaner cut this side is the death zone in my opinion you always have to start on the pressure side with the heavy back leaner, cut the felling cut first and then the felling notch each start on the pressure side and finish cutting on the pullside the switchback was there, branches from the next trees have already fallen there the little mistake we made was that we have not changed the position of the winch after lunch up there you can see the cap the tractor was there we cut up the tree in that line and the winch was over there so we drawn the tree even further on the pressure side in the thought that by the direction of felling straight up the tree falls in this area as you can see did not work the winch should have been in this area so towards the pullside and what's interesting about it when the winch is on the pulling side then this area becomes just as dangerous as this area I can show you that we have a nice slope here and a tree the tree hangs down, the winch pulls the tree up and then over the dead center because of this high angle in which the tree moves often tears off the hinge and the tree either pulls away downwards or can fall on the pullside then you are no longer allowed to look like we filmed it stand on the right you must be in a safe area up here thank goodness the damage to the spruce is little The summit of this spruce broke off and the bark was slightly injured down there only the branches of this spruce were torn off and a spruce was completely destroyed on the whole, everything went safely a small mistake, a relatively small mistake with the winch has a big impact it is possible that something like this can be cut In my opinion, nothing was dangerous but it's interesting to see that such a thing would be possible if it had gone well it would of course be even better or more instructive the most important thing is to stay healthy then the work in the forest is even more fun and thanks for watching it Bye!
Channel: Daniel Kornfeld
Views: 142,071
Rating: 4.1315789 out of 5
Keywords: Waldarbeit, Baum fällen, big beech, große Buche, Motorsäge, chainsaw, forest work, forestworker, mistake, Fehler, Fällung geht schief, felling goes wrong, tree cutting, Bäume umschneiden, Forstkoppel, Husqvarna
Id: DVjQMAsGz6c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 13sec (793 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 14 2020
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