Felling a heavy “LEANER”

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so friends you remember mitch we remember friends this is the stump that that we sent good morning boom friends just a quick little interjection this is the little opportunities come up when you're cutting trees this is an opportunity to to share information with my friends being you that especially if you're a tree cutter uh we all know that using other trees called push you know push fallen or dominoes or whatever yeah sometimes we need to do that to overcome a difficulty in some scenario but there are times when trees are bound together that you will think they're gonna go doing this like this this like that no problem this that no problem but this or this it's not it's not gonna happen for you and it's gonna you're gonna create a problem for yourself and i'm trying to save you that problem right now and the reason i know this happens is because i did it years ago and it stung me and uh so take a minute just listen to my gums flap before you race ahead and go you know get the quick fix on the tree going down because we have that option with youtube but if you're a tree cutter don't don't do it just listen to what i'm saying here it'll assist you in your journey and then you can share with someone else and we can all become better and stronger back to the video stand up and butt it was a 90-foot top we let that tree go right off of here remember friends and it's on the it's on the the channel and it come down here right over top of this beautiful little maple and we didn't even touch it it tickled the foliage remember friends [Music] and it went up there by that little pedal bike and that and uh there was some survivors thought i killed the tree and it just it was remember that mitch and it literally friends it just right in this hole look at this just clink right in here just it couldn't have been and now we got beautiful grass it's gorgeous no them were big trees but now friends now what we got is another great big sucker right here i think we can fall it i think there's room through there there's lots of targets but that's not the main concern he's got me he's got me thinking today i got my thinking cap on mitch would you mind grabbing that tripod yeah i'll take this off if you want oh we got it look at these look as we walk up to these two look at the leans on them all the bones on one side okay like friends they're leaning they're leaning hard i don't know what the wind's doing uh but it's not pretty this this is not pretty uh for for fallen uh i've done worse but this is getting there don't go down here we'll get down i'm just doing a little preamble as we jump up now we'll head right down so friends what this is is i thought we could go across here and just lay them into the lean see that look at the lean on them they're freaking bone heavy up here across here but they're septic here he tells me so we can't go there and then i looked at this freaking leaner sucker from back further it looks gives you the idea it's not pretty look at the bow in it she's leaning hard back so what we're gonna do is it's kind of got a weird stump on it too there we go that the old bucking special my old old faithful friends she's b she's been there with me a long time that old girl long time now yeah i was hoping i could shift this one up over the hump here because because the septic's there and if i went over the hump it wouldn't be a bad ordeal it just wouldn't be but we can't do that we just can't do it they're freaking intertwined together and it's not pretty it is not pretty that limb kind of freaks me a bit there this might be a bit troubling actually i wonder if that's going to fight me that might actually it's going to be interesting yeah that's not that's not exciting but if i can get that as a big lean if i can get two wedges in sunk right in i might even go backward back cut first i think i will oh my goodness that's leaning hard and then all the bones on this one is going to be difficult this is going to be a big bang i might need more wedges which i do have in the truck okay so we're gonna walk you guys straight through this we're gonna we're gonna show you what's going down sun's over there i i'm gonna bang that little one out as hard as i can and not depend on this one to hit it over yet i won't just depend on it because it's just gonna bat up against this one and if most fallers know as you're doing trees like like together like this is difficult but that is a different story that's no problem even this but straight off like this friends can create problems for you ones you didn't expect so let's get down on the stump and investigate can i cut this shrubbery down okay so here's our stump investigate our stump ooh oh dear it's lazy all right holy smokes mitch see it it would have been just nice if we could throw them right over there but we're not doing that we we're we're not going to do that look beautiful wow there's a palm tree there i mean i would love nothing better to just hook that right over here but you got septic you said but to be quite honest them limbs are freaking way up there let's just look at our options you don't like that idea do you no we got our freaking palm tree we can't hit our palm tree and you got a fence there we're not doing that we're going off the lean friends we got to do it wow okay well i'm gonna get in here and inspect good morning friends four o'clock here am building a video for you listen when the time is right for you think about this back cut first scenario think about the ramifications of putting an undercut in this tree first think about what happens when you break that front plate there's no putting a cut in the back it's over you've you've you put yourself in a terrible position you will not get a back cut in it it won't happen you would have to bore which even then you're it's going to be reckless it's it's just going to be reckless just slam the back cut in so what happens now is on the back cut first is you snap the back plate that runs all the way to the tippy top of the tree it's called a plate you slam your wedges like i'm doing right here so you've lost nothing it's all gains actually like i'm talking big gains watch the top of the tree here as we go up this is a major major cut that a lot of guys don't know about and it's an amazing advantage ah [Applause] [Music] [Music] um this was the only time in my career of cutting trees that i tagged the corner of a house doing this method right here be careful if you cut that corner off right there it's going over your shoulder and that's actually what happened to me years ago see that now we double up right at the back beautiful here thanks mitch you got some good footage here didn't he do a good job friends let's give mitch a big piece out so here's what i done i wanted to make sure that i was on the stump and on my power saw when the tree left to steer it in to drop it on the outside of all this rig in here all this we wanted it just on the outside of this towards the ladder so it's come out pretty good mitch hey the stu the the uh the well's a little over to the right i would think good okay good where's the next one it's pretty much same place i was thinking it's longer so it could go in the hole here so can i just do you want to pull that ladder out of there so just smash it so if you want me to keep it on the right i will keep it on the right yeah okay so friends what i done is you can see right there i just i was hoping it was caught up on a limb i was hoping that i would tickle the center of the wood and it would give way but it didn't it needed a couple more bangs so i just wanted to be on the stump when it left so if it was going too far to the left my left i could just snip snip the high wood and and drop it in the hole so that's when you hear about steering wheel so that was that that that's that come out really nice but without the back cut you wouldn't even have done that tree with an undercut first you wouldn't even have done it because so once you break the front plate off that tree it caves you can literally watch a tree when you cut the make the first cut watch some timber going down guy makes his cut even if you're standing way back you'll notice the crown it'll go it'll cave because you've broke the front plate that front plate held that tree straight solid and i was able to lift that thing probably four feet hey mitch easily four feet out of there to break it free from this thing now i'm not so afraid of this tree because of you can see what what it's got going on she's big time bone heavy to the house but not as heavy as a lean so i'll get this one no problem you need me to do any bucking next [Music] [Music] [Applause] ah ah [Music] um oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] friends i want to show you something with wedging a tree this thing's leaning back okay it's leaning back hard as a matter of fact so i've started my cut now i've got all this wood left right there that i haven't i haven't cut yet so that's going up that tree that's helping that tree sit there now if i was to keep cutting it would start to sit on my wedge so as like this so that i've got room for wedges here if i come in straight depending on what i got going on for me [Music] [Music] uh so probably eight inches of wood left right there okay so friends you'll notice here i get a little greedy on my banging here and i just pick up the tip of the wedge on my bar i just quickly knock it off and carry on but that's what can happen that's it [Music] ah um [Applause] ah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] um okay we got one more to do it's a it's probably let's go up here mitch you want to grab that stuff okay well friends yeah you guessed it it's me the drifter friends and uh well as most years know my eyes are a little squinty from it's just by habit you see because when i'm cruising down on the motorcycle i'm used to squinting my eyes to keep the bugs only on short journeys friends remember just the short journeys yes indeed that's what i do friends well i'll tell you friends we're on the salt spring island ferry and we're cruising over to see the manlies that's right the manliest bruce and rob and manly i'll tell you friends those people they've been so supportive to this channel it it boggles my mind the people that we have on this in this community excuse my nose but i'm going to tell you something friends this is the epitome of the drifter the drifter makes up his mind he's gonna go somewhere he just ships up and he goes hence the name the drifter friends you gotta drift and if you're one of those types of folks that kind of maybe doesn't like to go anywhere by themselves anywheres just remember one thing friends you're never alone you're never never alone that hurts to open my eyes like that so i try to keep it to a minimum i drift remember i'm the drifter so just remember friends if you're one of those types of folks that likes to maybe be around people all the time and not drift as much as the drifter might if you decide you want to go on a drift somewhere just remember the spirit of the drifter will be with you some people call it god some people call it jesus others call it buddha and allah galawala bam flandana i call it love and the spirit of the drifter is full of love today friends i'll be heading off to the manlies i'll pick up later when we get off the boat friends and we'll catch over on the ferry they're on the island actually because we're on the ferry the drifter loses his mind sometimes it's the eyes it's it's when you stress the ice drift on
Channel: Buckin' Billy Ray Smith
Views: 105,436
Rating: 4.9486632 out of 5
Id: WgqTiYhvfXc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 9sec (1389 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 21 2021
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