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That smile bro

👍︎︎ 19 👤︎︎ u/PeanutStrongTogether 📅︎︎ May 15 2021 🗫︎ replies

Barry Harris still does workshops most Saturdays via Zoom. I attended a few recently.

Because of Zoom, he only picks a few people he knows to play, and the rest of us are auditing. Because of that, it is probably not going to be beginner level. Still it is great to experience Barry Harris in person.

Here is the link if you want to get on the mailing list for the Saturday seminars. https://barryharris.com/webinar/

👍︎︎ 14 👤︎︎ u/mitnosnhoj 📅︎︎ May 15 2021 🗫︎ replies

Whenever I feel like I need a lesson I put any Barry Harris masterclass video on and pretend I’m one of the students

👍︎︎ 13 👤︎︎ u/The_chordmaster 📅︎︎ May 15 2021 🗫︎ replies

That man was HAPPY when they started to play! That was some good stuff!

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/SeasonsPierre 📅︎︎ May 15 2021 🗫︎ replies

Who is this? I’ve seen videos of him, but can’t remember his name

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Bob_Kazamakis17 📅︎︎ May 15 2021 🗫︎ replies

I've watched all these videos 50-100 times probably. I'll probably watch them all that many times again. Hail to the king!

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/naJm- 📅︎︎ May 15 2021 🗫︎ replies

That smile he cracks when the horns come in could bring tears to your eyes.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/FondleMeh 📅︎︎ May 16 2021 🗫︎ replies

When this man dies it's gonna be a tragedy

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/TheSidewinder1964 📅︎︎ May 15 2021 🗫︎ replies

I love the way Mr. Harris sings the lines.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/--Niko-- 📅︎︎ May 15 2021 🗫︎ replies
and and and and and okay okay now we know I see cuz you got to feel that one two three four one and I tell you what we do this time let's do this let's do let's do a thing where we do that we come forward we do the end of the one we come we go through the next major we'll do the end of the two the next major we'll do the end of the three in the next lecture we will do the end of the floor I don't even know if I can do it here we go one two three four what to that me I see that you see what happen on the end of the floor we had some we had some echoes we wasn't supposed to have any echoes in the one two you know it's almost like want you to have a class like this you know it should be a class where people really learn about ants because that's what them that's what themselves two people held overs you know see themselves to people they'd be playing they'd be playing their music maybe playing messing with their hands and people be up dancing and having a ball jazz musicians go and play and it's like you said dog you can't dance to it or nothing and all we did was dance to jazz that's all the way I learned about jazz was dancing I know a lot of you never heard of dancing to jazz but that's all we ever went when we went to hear Charlie Parker we went to a dance hall when we hit went to hear one of the big bands we went to a dance hall when we went to hear Stan Kenton we went to a dance hall people danced to the music we had Duke Ellington you go to the dance hall Count Basie dance hall Charlie Parker dance hall Dizzy Gillespie dance hall see we danced to the music so that's why you can't see jazz musician has been getting away with murder they ain't got no people dance to the music they just do anything they want to do and you couldn't dance to it if you wanted to bad as some of them sound then they go out on you avantgarde yummy as well realize this right now we're in the Dark Ages the Golden Age past we are in the dark edge it's time for Renaissance now the way the Renaissance is supposed to start is right here at this school there are no other schools like this believe me now with these kind of your teachers no no so the Renaissance here you must know about as you must know things that others know and you really must if I am going to consider you my scoop otherwise I'll keep looking I've been to about 30 schools I tried to get each one to be my school I want you to be my school we're gonna learn little simple chords without that you next to that elf and then a next to that b-flat in the G minor 7 you know and the E flat minor 7 gonna put the elf next to the G flat no no no you know somebody comes in plays those thing people say uh we don't allow that in the school everybody's supposed to know what ands are a singer a singer not take a singer for instance now the bass player is doing one two three four they doing one two three four a singer should know how to come in on the end play uh play misty man come on that cigarette out you're too young to be smoking you let us let us old people smoke you let us old ones smoke these cigarettes not you too young here we go what key what key weird we hit the hit the first hit to see seventh please look that's not a good one is it I think you already have some F sharp or E natural D flat in that c7 something stuff like that look look ready look at me no no hit my tempo now listen hit the car look at me novice in my tempo was set now hit the card all are you ready look at me I'm that's the end of the for I'm as helpless as a kitten up a tree three four one two and I'm sitting on the cloud whatever the words are I can't understand that was the hair I grew misty just holding your hand what's even HIPPA is when you thank one two three one two look at me one two I'm double tree all I know is the kiddin up the tree and I feel like I'm floating from a cloud no hold on hold it no that cord right there hit me hit me at eight seven right quick I can't what put put a b-flat d-flat in it I can't you know instead of hitting they'll form a just sometime you know uh uh I love you daddy da da da da b-flat major the dee da dee ya da da dun go to D minor log D minor not that department not that Augmented 9 got em D minor now you can see minor you can put an e next to an elf I don't want it why is it you can't always play that that augmented 9 4 D minor just some D minor now let me hear that let me hear that C minor 7 TL C minor 7 happy as a kitten up a tree and I feel like I'm laying to cloud I can't understand I get misty just holding your hand whiz gotta breathe you three you can see see that one two three that you leading me on all the ants and yes just what that was all and dig and it's just let's do that all this thing is gonna do that you can see that you leave every end and I'm what I and you feel those ants no wait wait I got to make sure you felt it I got to make sure he felt it you can see that you leading me are you okay so even that watch let's do that with all and one two three you can see that you'll need there we go one let me do it right huh I wasn't dead mother oh what's that doing the triplet okay here we go here we go hold it I'm doing the triplets ooh boy I'm doing them quarter note triplets again okay here we go let me try the man's again here we go one you got one two three you kiss me see what happens this just what I want you to do keep going don't oh I was doing triplets aren't you notice I hopelessly I'm lost that's why I guess I guess that might be legitimately right on my own one two three would I wander through this Wonderland one two along one two alone so okay all of you know we have to do we have a course a course and an singing and quarter note triplets against two right quarter note triplets against - right sir and and and know where every and is that's right sir right that's even better right I knew you'd agree with me okay now now you got to start paying attention to ants you got to start paying attention that we're gonna play the melody to the blues and I do want to hear you cats act like you know where the hands are okay ready the drummer is gonna start us out nice little clip you know how the melody goes Deepa dooby doo doo de about the tempo now what do you think it should be about huh I let melody go do it wave no not that one we're doing it did the Blues we were doing remember that people do better but do-dah do do-dah do but do petite feed out is it up got it same take a little bit of it I got out and put I don't put on the ecology on this brain okay here we go one to start out temple one two three four four more you're gonna have eight we're anaphor and before there's one phrase I hate and that's what the drum is doing that Philly Joe thing on the fourth beat I detest it it is one of my detestation I become a raving maniac when I hear it now if you play the end of the 2 and the 4 I'll go along with it because that salsa but just that 4 by itself sort of ripples my rump you know I have a they say I'm suicidal and they found out that that that want that one phrase you know that that uh-huh you know that one with that two three huh yeah you know which one I mean don't you oh you you can't do that one because my psychiatrist said that every time I hear that phrase some of my worst things some of my worst memories come after the two at the end of the floor if you hit the enter the two before that for I might go for it because that's Elsa because they say nothing if you gonna do that I don't mind seltzer but please don't give me just that for I know Philly Joe had a ball with it he's very dear friend of mine my psychiatrist told me to stay with him because of that very same thing I had to stay away from me I couldn't I couldn't go in when they played I couldn't go I couldn't even go to here and play because of that so you because it saw that it makes me tend towards suicide you know and why I don't know but I mean I mean out of difference to me in my age I think that you should oblige me by not playing it I think I met the age to be catered to better get your cigarette man I think we gonna stop you from smoking you too young you know let us old people smoke man you don't young people don't need to smoke y'all y'all make it harder for us see we old folks we can smoke people's they say we crazy anyway look at ok ok here we go gentlemen we're gonna play this something we're gonna play this sight this blues the house shorts gonna sit on the singles are going to start us out we're going to do we're gonna do this song here there's some music there's the words I have been typed out and we have the music right up here somebody might somebody might want to pass some of this out so those do it again one two three four almost now you just got to wait a little longer for last way do you did badoo badoo badoo badoo boost uh-oh did it lead a lock oh did it lead on Dewey dooba dooba dooba dooba dooba uh-oh dude Lulla let me hear you say oh did it looter now you'll say Dewey dooba dooba dooba dooba dooba da oh did it leave that I do it down you play one two three four your arm was a little beef a little bit of hair one two three four a little bit about little bit uh ah so they're easy doo doo boo boo boo boo boo boo boo dude leader everybody play it why everybody playing sing it yeah one two three four you know what's weird about note triplets I think I like to start mostly on the end of the floor and tied you don't like to take it take the eighth note and tie it over to the first note triplet one two three four little boo boo boo boo boo boo do look rather than double the double do but I like one two three four Elliot abou do boo boo boo boo boo you dig what I'm saying one two yeah one two three four man now you you feeling it on now see we got to fill them arms - one two one two three four that's good man the drum that that's that's that's nice because sometimes that's the way you post it you know like we're doing like a prepared phrase but sometime that's gonna happen and that's what you're supposed to do you know - me either sometimes a phrase is going to be like that and you suppose you do that and that'll instigate up on it'll instigate upon me doing something see if I say if I didn't know what to do during the boo boo boo boo boo boo you do look obviously you hit that on the beat during the badoo badoo badoo badoo badoo do neither now I post you said on watch doo doo buh doo buh doo buh boo boo boo diddly doo doo see that instigate up on me another thing one two three to do it boo boo boo boo boo boo doo no I can't no no it can't be oh that's not like the bunny hop I love you remember the bunny hop you should go didn't dad dad did down no no you done done done done done they used to go around the floor Da Funk job dude but the bunny hop you know that kind of thing I better stop that well I'm getting too old for that kind of stuff whoo stick my head up uh-huh but see that's the way you can instigate up on a cat playing a phrase and that's the way we're supposed to son try to think of the music just like you you gotta feel those doo doo boo boo boo boo boo boo boo - baby dude that's even with the arm we could still do the other phrase doo doo boo boo boo boo boo boo boo boo dude bird leader it's the same thing did it boo boo boo boo boo boo boo boo boo Oh dead leader but we could put two ounces now see now I'm just trying to show you all some few things let me show you one that yard did do a bit of a boo boo boo boo do did he did want did you bid it and I to go did you do doot doot doot doot da doot da da dee da da that's like playing five six seven come down a chord and then hit the seven to the three of F da dee da dee da da da da ya and this is what I said five six seven down the court from the 7th of a c7 and didn't hit the seventh 7 to the three but I've gone to the 3rd 11 yeah so you say doo doo bee doo boo bah will do will do the rest of that other phrase with that so it'd be like 1 & 2 1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & 1 2 dooby doo boo blue 1 2 1 2 3 4 oh now see if they got now if they're gonna start a phrase let me just say this if they're gonna start a phrase on the end of the one you got to hit the end of the 4 before they hit the end of the 1 1 2 1 2 3 4 but play a little louder here we go one two a-one two three four yeah you could have done to do two after one two one two three four lit up let's do that one two one two three four oh man I like what you did what did you do that's right and that was beautiful you didn't tripoli with the e by Italy's I did do that again that's pretty like that yes that's what I'm talking about sticking it in a triplet that must be a 1601 two ain't it yeah Dulli idea has gotta be at tripoli then children then Dada Dada Dada yeah but it was on yeah like that but it'll do that see all of you should practice triplets you'll be the most different musicians in the world some of your favorite stars if you win and listen to them I'll tell you what counter triplets that they counted triplets that they play and I'll give you a nickel for every one and I wouldn't have to give you about 10 cent say triplets they don't play too often that was buted in that that's the way the cat supposed to play music it's weird I can't even tell you see I give you the phrase but you made the phrase something then when you did that that little triplet really was pretty play a phrase what and I want two little triplet like he had it one two three four kv los ninos Ramiro the amigo Vito Sontag it'll kingu squad one two one two three four see you gotta learn to put some triplets down - buddy - dude look my little piano player you too but Italy Luda better you do that one two one two three four huh this is really done maybe the Augmented triad body da Dogma to try out of C down ba dee da ba dee da dee de de da f seven knows F seven second and tonic dee da dee da da - seven da dee da dee da dee dee dee da get it that is no see I made up Dida Dida uh yes that's all it is that's all it is ii ii tonic dee da dee da ii tiny ii tonic seven of the f7 right dee buddy but uh better diddly not watch your chair doo doo boo boo boo movie - dude did leave our baby diddly did it or maybe at the top little dude yeah diddly deee to the dude did it maybe we'll put a little funk in the game we put a little funky after that okay okay play that phrase 1 2 3 4 on dude diddly doo doo dah okay 1 2 do it again 1 2 3 4 it nah no with that flat fat dude it uh yeah like that the dude leader dude yeah like you did refresh was a little glitz yeah like that do you need to do the looser da but also did liebe Duda is either one two three four no no hesitate did did we do buy a one two one two three four doo dee doo dee doo doo da da da da da da da da ya da Lisa a da da da dee da doo da yeah do it again B ba boo boo boo boo boo boo doo da da da da huzzah you got a piano player you da da dee do you do Ruth yeah yeah I play it yeah like that do it again let me play that must let me see what it feel like that's pretty uh it did really did I witness yes sir there did add a little either a baby baby du-du-duh there's another place for your triplet will do but do you they do do that right let's play that one too you gonna do that do that triplet at the top of it do-do-do-do-do-do the Kenny Jenna doo doo doo doo the other one two whole phrase 1 2 3 4 yeah and you know what you got it really now you know we have to do see how the drummer's not helping us now when we played that just in the rhythm was questionable see now you got to fill these spaces as if the time is being played by the drummer doo doo boo boo boo boo boo boo boo boo they build it up build diddly doo doo da doo doo boo t see that that part we didn't come in good you know why might start on the end and to entry that's what it is to see we don't feel we don't feel Anne's good with it without without it being told to it you know like uh did you video boo boo boo boo boo boo boo doo doo doo da doo diddly doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo booty just like diddly doo doo doo doo doo doo doo boo it's like that the end of four again I bet you did you did you yeah did lead to do the it they're done doo doo doo deee Boo Boo Boo's Duda it's the end of the for you got a feel the man of the force you see the m240 and put that in beforehand I did lead to do the do did I know that's too soon did did they do the it did are not that you too soon did did they do the did it uh that's it one two did did it who the it did not too soon did did it who the it did too soon did Liberty but baby about three four arms doo doo boo boo boo boo boo boo the come on boys let's do this now let's start the beginning 1 2 3 4 1 2 beginning beginning 1 2 3 4 see see see what at me okay I tell you what don't don't do anything I want to hear huh you want that los precios Java meanwhile on the end of two know it starts on the hand of the one one and two and three and four and one and two and three and four that's where it is I went on the third let me see one - Eddie doo doo doo doo doo doo no no we can't do it the same we'd have to do a different one - one - doo doo booty booty boot we could do it like that on the end of the two but on the hand of the one is one booty booty booty booty dude one and two and one and two and three and four and one and two and okay here we go play the phrase drum don't help us this time we're gonna play this phrase and we go fill it by ourselves one two three four see that you met yet well you know but you know something you had the right idea you knew you had messed up and you did come in with the rest of it just about right so that wasn't that wasn't bad that that wasn't bad one two one two three four that's not that's not it all right there one two let's do that again just like that do a little brighter one two one two three four so just imagine just imagine one thing in these little spaces you imagine that you're making up this next phrase you know like in the space you imagine that you're making up that phrase that will fix the play and and you know what you ought to practice maybe since we're doing this like this you know what you should practice doing seeing that phrase before you play it you know what you know what I mean like what know whether we have a pause to do bubu bubu bubu bubu do I see the phrase phrase they lit up before you play just try just see if you can try to see the phrase before you play it that it did it or did it did it well see we can see the beginning of the phrase we can see the beginning of the phrase we might not be able to see the whole phrase but we can see the beginning and that'll make us started and we'll just imagine that we made it come out that way but try to try to be trying to think I think that's part of the deal it's for you to see a little bit ahead so so since we are making up some phrases try to see it even though it's a made-up phrase try to see it a little bit ahead one to one display it one two one two three four oh here you play there by yourself good good man that's really good that little part I mean that what that wasn't no blow you know see see the whole thing about this is I'm really you know it's not that I want you to play these phrases particularly don't think that I'm just trying to show you how to put things together and then I'm trying to make you conscious of rhythm and I hope that you learn to put things together like this see now that's the way you should try to play the piano you know that's the way you should try the solo because you got nice legato he's got nice legato touch too and that was the way to do it he was doing it good and powerful too you know with power really good it's fair to get 1 1 2 1 2 3 4 dude is a leader do no g7t dot ODG 7 d da da da all white notes d da da da a FG i think in the ADF g simple little white notes right here da da da III didn't helmet that bad B da da da that was a time well you should view her me home you say ain't no way they'll nobody I'll get that you know the only thing that helped me starting to be able to do this was dealing with singers you know because the thing is see what we used to do with sing is what I would do I make singers learn a song and I go through five or six keys with them with that song and then in my talking about phrasing and stuff it's weird I never could hold a tune to save my life I mean really I really couldn't I was really bad and then I start trying to sing the phrases to the horn player it was one horn player every time I sing the phrase he just blurred right back at me and then I knew I was singing all right you know cuz he played it exactly you know the way I was I was singing it you know now what was that phrase bit over do Yeah right you did it wrong right a efg okay boobity boo boo doo da doo did Luther me nobody's leader thing that you do we did leader play it now but yeah make sure you play the note vidarbha diba dee da it's easy to do oh boo doo buh doo buh doo buh doo da doo dee doo da doo doo buh doo buh doo buh doo da doo lead leader do it 1 2 3 4 I played a little better my jumping you playing a little better be da Budi Budi de play a part but don't make it so staccato make it look Otto still more legato now you know see beeboo da da are you doing that dee da da now make that make that legato you're like that and I play it yeah that's better see legato came before staccato remember that you take a log out you have to take a legato note and write it on the thing and then you put a dot over it that says staccato so we know which came first that dot did not come before that look I don't know you had to write that legato note and you put a dot over and that's a first plant is legato believe me you know legato even the piano the same thing first plan is legato their most piano players are staccato piano play because the piano is a staccato instrument you know the piano is a percussion instrument it is staccato and it's up to us to make it not staccato one way you make it not staccato is you don't worry about going down to the key bed you find out where sine sound is and you roll around on it and that's how you make it legato you know you got to roll around on the sound where the sound is because because one thing about the piano once you hit sounded dies so I don't care how much you hold that bit down then holding tough that sound is still down so you find out where sound is and you got to learn this to float around on where sound is the newbie DVD booze dude big leader that's the way it's almost supposed to be for trumpets for the boo boo boo boo boo boo you know it's almost like that let's play it one to another one one two three four oh you go a little easy to tena one two one two three four oh and don't don't and another thing let me just say this don't make swang particularly don't think that you have to make it like like maybe you might think yes a doo doo doo doo doo doo doo you don't have to do that you just say buh doo doo doo doo doo doo doo dah that's way one two three four oh yeah that's right you don't don't exaggerate it that much you have to exaggerate to mix way one two one two three four oh this way the whole thing one two one two three four get an ad to the one is a mess to feel you see that we'll just try to get one two one two three four yeah you see what I'm talking about y'all still don't y'all y'all is feeling that an to the one and all this dude let's do our phrase for a minute where you take off a note it's fair a c7 ba Budda Budda Budda Budda here we go one taking off a note at a time one two one two three four ba ba da da da da dee da ba da da ba da ba ba I believe it uh we limit of it uh be Mahna Mahna but I'm allowed to soon Tina even I too soon Tina I don't know ba da ba da ba da ba da ba da Billy but I would that's the end of the to see there I am the one derivative a little bit uh there but even though Mohammed on we got to do that again see the ants get you and we should be able to do this without yeah ba Budda Budda Budda Budda say we should be able to do that like a harmful are supposed to be able to say Papa Dibby Dibby Dibby Dibby Dibby Dibby da buff a little bitter bitter bitter with the be believer da ba da ba da da da ba da ba da ba da ba da be bitter with a little bit of it uh Boppity boo doo da doo doo be doobie doobie da be Liberty renewed oh that's it and that's without you know it's almost a phrase that one should make a habit of practicing and you don't count or nothing and you got to do it perfect without counting it's good one to one just do it phrase 1 2 let's do it slow so everybody can do it 1 the singers can do it too so the phrase is da dee da booty bar do be da da dee da so you got leave off the first note dee da booty but Abu Dodd and got you off the first two notes bar booty buddy but uh so singers come on let's go 1 2 1 2 3 4 I believe a little bit of it now you give it everything now so you messed up on the second beat hold on are we gonna mess up on the second beat now that's all to be 1 2 1 2 3 4 and them two three and of the 3/4 beat and to the 4/4 beat and of the 3/3 beat and of the two-second be and of the one first be let's do it again one two one two three four and one second beat and the two third be and to the 3/4 Pete and to the floor fourth be and of the three and the five and of the six and of the seven and the day well good ah I got saw the end of the eighth that's the end of the eighth let's play this played out phrase down what do do bitter boo boo boo boo boo boo one two one two three four dooba dooba dooba dude I do this little a 1/2 d da da da neither one two a one two three four
Channel: BarryHarrisVideos
Views: 785,511
Rating: 4.9653635 out of 5
Keywords: Barry Harris, BarryHarrisVideos
Id: _uMNrujMdJU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 54sec (2634 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 01 2013
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