Feeling the "and"
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: BarryHarrisVideos
Views: 785,511
Rating: 4.9653635 out of 5
Keywords: Barry Harris, BarryHarrisVideos
Id: _uMNrujMdJU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 54sec (2634 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 01 2013
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
That smile bro
Barry Harris still does workshops most Saturdays via Zoom. I attended a few recently.
Because of Zoom, he only picks a few people he knows to play, and the rest of us are auditing. Because of that, it is probably not going to be beginner level. Still it is great to experience Barry Harris in person.
Here is the link if you want to get on the mailing list for the Saturday seminars. https://barryharris.com/webinar/
Whenever I feel like I need a lesson I put any Barry Harris masterclass video on and pretend I’m one of the students
That man was HAPPY when they started to play! That was some good stuff!
Who is this? I’ve seen videos of him, but can’t remember his name
I've watched all these videos 50-100 times probably. I'll probably watch them all that many times again. Hail to the king!
That smile he cracks when the horns come in could bring tears to your eyes.
When this man dies it's gonna be a tragedy
I love the way Mr. Harris sings the lines.