Feeling stuck - fuelling life from average to epic | Bosco Anthony | TEDxStanleyPark

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are you living life by default are you feeling stuck are you a human doing as opposed to a human being this unspoken dialogue in our head that resides here is the invisible disease that is crippling modern-day society today globally the numbers are rising of people struggling with living an average lifestyle for some this feels like imprisonment we are slaves dictated by life's pressures demands and oppressions I also like to call it a happy prison guilt has become our shackles shame has become our captor in a struggle has become our prison we're reinventing slavery all over again but this time this time it's happening from within us so how do we break free how do we feel unstuck I'm here to share some life real-life applications on how to live your life from average to epic I want to introduce you to two game-changing ingredients that will change your life purpose and momentum purpose and momentum you see purpose to me is so much more important than a passport or country of origin or the name given to you purpose to me is your identity purpose is defined as one life compass Mark Twain once said the two most important days in your life is the day you were born and the day you discovered why if I was to go back into into time I would argue over drinks with Mark Twain and we'd be having a cold one and I would say that the third most important day in one's life is when you align your purpose with your momentum you see in modern day society we compromise we tolerate we settle to life's mediocrity and routine and then when asked how we're doing we use a default answer you all know that word fine I'm fine we're fine everybody's fine someone asked me a few minutes ago how are you and I said I'm fine well my take off the mass what I'm really trying to say is I'm freaked out insecure neurotic and probably a little bit emotional that's what you say when you say you're fine you see discovering your purpose is like discovering teenage sex for the first time everybody wants to do it not many know know how Einstein would diagnose this as absolute insanity doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results so as an immigrant as a storyteller as a strategist my life's taken me across the world I've had the privilege of mentoring many people from different walks of life and I've been humbled by the catalyst that I've collided with the experiences that I've had and more importantly I've consumed the answers to life's questions and I found out and discovered that there's five real life applications to feeling your purpose in life and I'd like to share them with you the first real life application is articulating your intent by tapping into your origin story right our brain is constantly cluttered with memories pain pleasure sadness tragedy and you need to tap in and go back there I'd like to call this an origin story and here's one for you I'd like you to take you back into a time in Tanzania East Africa where little boy was getting ready for school I see there's someone else from the motherland he was getting ready for school and he heard the words in Swahili that said Weezy Weezy Weezy now obviously all of you speak Swahili Weezy means thief and his curiosity was piqued so he walked to the balcony to see what was going on and sadly he witnessed a man being stoned beaten and eventually burnt he was horrified his father noticed what was going on and rushed to the balcony to grab the boy away later the boy asked his father dad what was the man's crying and his father took a while and said hunger you see i resonate with this story I am that story and this was a defining moment in my life this was the moment when I discovered the power of love kindness and compassion and I've whisked witness many tragedies after that but I'd like to challenge you and I'd like you to dig deep and identify what your origin story is the second real-life application is mapping your journey mapping your vision when people come to me and ask me to help them tell their story online the first thing I say is where do you want to end up because once you know that it's easy to deconstruct backwards right our mind is constantly being cluttered by digital disruption every day right it's time for you to articulate your journey it's time for you to identify those experiences the moments the people that you want to meet the catalyst it's time for you to put it and paint that vision the third most real life application that is constantly overlooked is making a contract with yourself you see we sign bills every day we sign mortgages we make contracts with all kinds of stuff and all kinds of walks in life but the one thing we overlook is a contract with ourselves what are the values that you stand for what are the things you're going to tolerate and more importantly how are you going to teach people to treat you and a lot of the time many of us put ourselves last many of us don't love ourselves the fourth real life application is bringing a rhythm to your why right bringing a rhythm to your why asking yourself how are you going to attain your purpose in life a lot of you come up with a lot of great comfortable words typically around January 1st I think you call them resolutions right the happy words I'm going to lose weight I'm going to afford a house in Vancouver I'm going to - touchy a little bit right but how how are you going to do that right that is your rhythm you have to articulate the checkpoints the milestones the experiences the moments the people the catalyst that how is the rhythm your pulse that keeps you moving every day I call it activation energy and I want to share a story or four human being that inspires me I've been fortunate to mentor this human being and her name is Winnie Nunn sumba from Uganda East Africa Winnie discovered that she had HIV when she was 13 years old she lost her parents but this wasn't an obstacle for her she decided to create a movement called the innocent League and she's trying to help spread the word about this killer disease through Creative Arts Pope Francis was visiting Uganda and asked Winnie to speak he asked two people when he and a child soldier speak on behalf of the Pope later that day the Pope blessed her and gave her a rosary see Winnie use this moment to fuel her purpose in life today she's taking the movement globally and her purpose in life is to inspire current and future generations by tapping into their potential through hope and confidence what's your activation energy the fifth real life application was designed by a very dear mentor he thought me the word honza which in Japan means to reflect and when I came to Canada I was looking for a mentor you see for immigrants coming to Canada is like winning the lottery for me speaking in front of you today at Ted is like winning the jackpot I have to pinch myself so I'm entered his name's David Reath is in the audience today design a movement called unleash culture and now where we started this movement called unleash dreams and he helps people find their purpose in life and the two most valuable questions he has shared with me there has changed my life where the following what have you done of meaning today and what are you going to do different tomorrow these two questions have changed my life so to reflect create a form of introspection and to sum up these five real-life applications here's what you're going to have when you when you articulate your intent to discover your purpose you start to create an identity and a vision when you start to identify where you want to end up you start to get clarity in your purpose when you make a contract with yourself you start to hold yourself accountable when you boost the how to your why you start to build a rhythm and more importantly when you answer your daily reflection you start to design introspection and optimize yourself better so I want to share with you another story and we'll go we're going to stick to the David Rives story here David and I were fortunate enough to do mentoring through Google Hangouts in a village in Uganda where there was no power and these kids came from everywhere and they said you got to hurry up we only have 30 minutes before this laptop runs out so David and I had to rush through and try to find those breaking moments with these people amazing human beings they keep us humble and I was struggling I was having a crisis and I looked at David I said I don't get it this is so hard for them and David said well you're also having Millenial attention disorder it's a crisis of your own David puts me in check and he said something that was really profound and I think all of us can resonate with this most people choose to live their life by default very few live it by design I want you to think about this for a moment most people choose to live life by default very few live it by design you see for some of you that haven't discovered your purpose it's okay for some of you that aren't aligning your purpose with the work that you do it's okay you're one step closer to feeling your purpose the key is to accept where you are in life the key is to embrace who you are in life and that is the start you see there's a storm brewing inside each and every one of us and it's time for you to say yes to that storm some of you are waiting for the divine moment we call it if this then that right you slash that divine moment is in you so I was reading a sign that said is your mind full or are you mindful it's important for you to ask yourself that are you mindful are you happy are you living the life by design I want to leave you with three challenges these three challenges need to happen today now the first I would like to invite you to embrace the hero within you we all have one you need to embrace it you need to accept who you are the second challenge is we all collectively need to make our purpose and our momentum the latest fashion trend we need to do it at home we need to do it at work we need to do it in our daily lives imagine if you went to work tomorrow and your employer said let's check out the performance reviews we're going to start with our purpose reviews how many of you have had those moments with the people in your life you know the your vibe is your tribe how many of you have gone back to your tribe and said I need help I certainly did a couple of years ago when I said I would like to speak for Ted and put this on my bucket list and all I did was went out there and put it in the universe the third challenge which is probably the most important one comes for my mentors purpose in life you see David Rives purpose in life is to discover greatness within and leave people better than he found them and that sentence leaving people better than he found them is what articulated my purpose in life so why is this important at a time we're about to build walls all right that's the latest fashion trend um we need to leave this world better than we found it right we need to leave our kids better than we found them as well we need to engage the future it's time for us collectively to introduce mindfulness purpose mental illness self awareness self love into our schooling systems I can assure you this will help our future generations I'm pleura I implore you for all of us to collect when we find a way to engage the masses in the future so I love Bob Marley and one of his quotes really inspired me when I was younger and he said live a legacy leave the legacy and I want to leave you with this question you see the power has started and always stayed and ended with will end with you and the question is very simple are you ready to leave a legacy are you ready to live life by design as opposed to default one love you
Channel: TEDx Talks
Views: 562,794
Rating: 4.8314295 out of 5
Keywords: TEDxTalks, English, Canada, Life, Achievement, Choice, Connection, Goal-setting, Identity, Motivation, Personal growth, Positive Thinking, Purpose, Self improvement, Society
Id: FV5AUAle2Zs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 48sec (1128 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 15 2016
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