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Wow really really good Wow I mean she's not messing around hey guys so it's been a while since I've been home I'm gonna give you an update on all of my tanks here we're also gonna teach my cousin how to feed all of my different fish because the YouTube algorithm loves feedings before we do that you might be wondering George George man huh how's your summer going some loves this video was supposed to come out last week before I left for Florida but I accidentally dropped my hard drive so we couldn't get all the footage until now last week I celebrated my birthday I turned 22 didn't really know what to do so I once got funniest part about that was I didn't tell my younger brother what we were doing until we got there he was really nervous all right so um I gotta get in there yeah yeah you got a little bit up so they can see me oh no go get another chair then they can't see you YouTube algorithm loves Gianni what's up no doubt rhythm definitely has a crush on you though skydiving telling us got it so what happened skydiving was like pretty sick Wow this DVD Yanni uh but we have to like fall no we're not we're not doing that although that's a big thing people love when you fall no all right you're done taking the reigns back on this one we also hung out with the gingerbread twins they taught me how to ride a dirt bike yeah I almost went straight into their family I've been hanging out with Nick and Chris a lot besides visiting their fish store over in Naperville they also came over the other day and finally helped me finish setting up my fish room Chris helped me put all my artwork up on the walls dude that is a very big boy all right now is one of the most painful things we're gonna do we're gonna have to put my apex system up I think we're gonna put it on this wall right above this tank Nick actually installed a full-auto di mixing station for me which is so nice like bro when you don't have to worry about flooding your dorm rooms bathroom anymore - my are leis I'm sorry about that again but yeah now I have unlimited water to do water changes which I mean I just been dishing out water changes honestly like whenever I want I just dish your mouth like water changes love change check out my green spotted puffers wait little guys okay they have grown like crazy I've been feeding these guys eight pond of clams you guys are probably pretty hungry aren't you all right well before I can feed you guys I've been feeding you so much that you you're living in filth so I'm gonna do a water change on this tank you see how these empty shells I'm gonna take these out got a shell graveyard here one last thing we're also going to change the filter because these fish eat so much that the tank actually gets pretty dirty this is the new one this is the old one look all right so get this guys you guys have been sending me graduation gifts but they're not for me so I got this one yesterday it's for my clownfish I just think it's crazy that my fish are getting graduation gifts oh I mean it is 2019 so all right guys are you ready to open up your gift oh that's incredible so they took the limit Edition aqua shawl shirt from Dallas and turned it into a pillow yeah we'll put it right behind you here how's that feel all right love kids all right guys now that I've done some water changes changing out the filter sponges I mean the only thing that's really left is we need to prepare the person who's gonna be taking care of these tanks while we're gone which I'm hoping big George can do because I don't have mom and dad are gonna be around do you trust big George that's exactly why we need to go teach him how to feed all the fish we're going upstairs give the food I keep it in my freezer in the kitchen because that freezer is better than the one down here it's always best to keep your food as frozen as possible to help maintain that nutritional value you know what day it's today [Music] dating three scoops is a little overboard no it's not because if I scream and you scream we all scream for ice cream yo George while you're over by the freezer can you also get the fish hood why I was hoping that you could feed my fish while we're at monster fish bash this weekend I'm happy to feed your fish I really will I'll do the best I can so gonna keep the fish food so I think these two out alright alright so this is the frozen mices basically it's gonna pop one of these into the can that okay fight the urge to actually eat it yourself okay you never know half shell clams okay so we're gonna take one of these and you're also gonna put it in there alright let's go feed the fish all right what number is that on the McDonald's menu I think it was a seven folia fish so what you're gonna do can take these tongs you're gonna give the clownfish just a like a couple pieces of that my sister your that's perfect does like a piece or two dump it in there yeah oh no clowning around here that's it today yo guys are you okay with someone else feeding you hold on they want to check you out first you got to put your finger in there just so they can give you like some kisses you're gonna take that clam these guys eat clams yeah I didn't know that it helps trim their beaks you're gonna throw this in there and they're gonna go beast mode on it you just take the clam and you in there and you wait until in the home that is cool hobby just like nosedive to it that's curvy Furby and for you so this is Pegasus and Poseidon oh there it is yeah yeah there so there's one and then there's the other you're gonna grab some that mices there's a nice big chunk yeah you'll come out into the open and you just put right in front of them good you snap sonic boom there I just fed sidon you're gonna do Pegasus Tom apart yeah ones bigger ones the mail and ones technically the female do you know that males carry the babies I do that's cool like you yeah get to mobility that way here goes oh it's a big chunk oh that's a quick snap like snap back to Pegasus yeah you've got a show-off trying to get you a zoo so I'll look at you this looks like a fire hazard yes so the gingerbread twins they helped me do everything but they're coming back next week to their other really nice guys actually became friends on Facebook yeah do you on LinkedIn yeah how about you stay on topic I we're shooting a video yes we'd the monster okay so he's in here Donny you know I get a Meyer no peace no yeah I mean that's my for real yeah what's his name Hulk Hulk / wow oh my god he's a beast dude heat out on this and then I know all-powerful you so what do i do should I let go it I'm really bad with chopsticks regardless of the camera that that was awesome yeah dude yeah I'll take them out on a date since you're solipsism okay so then we're gonna give that to oh the blue crap it's actually a crayfish a crayfish oh great she's out and about right now this is a Smurfette alright so that's the same thing you're gonna put it in front of her she doesn't bite does she oh wow really really good Wow I mean she's not messing around she might be attracted to you George never know I mean look at me too when you're done feeding her yeah you're gonna want to put this lid on the tank because she can actually escape she can crawl out of the tank and she's done it for real yeah you got it make sure you take this lid you got to put it all the way over here cuz what she can do is she can climb up on this side on this side she has nothing to climb up on so you just put it over there and she'll be good good okay so that's cool Ireland's feeder now do I let go whatever she's gonna grab it from me eventually there she goes again yeah it's a crayfish elite I mean a lot of different things sometimes you give them sinking pellets but since you're already gonna be feeding all these other guys mices it's ok whatever food you have left since these are just little baby nano fish you're gonna fit to them they're called Cardinal tetras oh oh nice look at that oh you know we got this green screen right here if you stand in front of it you can make you feed any animal in the world series alright go what are you feeling right now I'm feeding uh hammer shark oh here comes the blue the Willing so cute doing I don't know I'm not feeling the green screen how do I get rid of this do I just all right so the leftovers yeah come over here leftovers you just throw out in the sink you want some okay never dump all that water into the tank because that'll just make it super dirty George this pretty much it all you got to do is do that once a day for the entire weekend and efficient will be fine will do yeah I'm sure they're gonna get even stronger while you're gone because I feed well remember to keep those nitrates low George
Channel: undefined
Views: 412,610
Rating: 4.8777294 out of 5
Keywords: paul cuffaro, fish tank, pond, fish, nick and paul, nick bingo, house, arrowana, redtail catfish, dog, tetras, pool pond, exotic fish, koi fish, fresh water shark, shark, florida, feeding, turtle, food, exotic pets, fishing, fishes, fishy, backyard pond, pond pump, ponds, fish feeding, pet, entertaining, learn, aquarium, aquarium fish, molly fish, betta fish, betta, seahorses, mantis shrimp, all my fish, coralfish12g, feeding all my fish, new fish, nano reef
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 17sec (617 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 04 2019
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