Feeding a 958 Gallon Worm Bin

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hey wor people Captain Matt here good to see you again tonight we're going to talk about our Mega bulk bins and these are them right here they're the bins are 4T by 8T and they're 2T High when these are filled which they will be by April 1st these should be filled right up and again we've done the math three 5 gallon buckets go into each bin each bolk bin a week and that will bring us to that place but first of all we have to uh say hello to the people that are making all of these castings tonight and these are my dear employees they're not very uh they don't talk very much but um they don't they generally don't stop whoa look at that some of them are trying to escape I think they're on a picket line no picketing all right here we go with the the bulk worms I mean we got look at that that was a piece piece of watermelon down there and they're just massively going over it and so these worms are they're what we're doing is three times a week we put five gallons of bedding in here spread it out and then we put food on top of it and U that's Monday Wednesday and Friday so we're going to feed them tonight but then everything we put here we're going to turn around and do it again on Wednesday and then do it again on Friday so that with the number mass of number of worms here they are going through that five gallon so fast with all the food in two days it flabbergast me I look it I pick it up on a Wednesday after feeding the Monday and I'm sure there's going to be leftover food in there they couldn't have eaten everything like that but they did and it's all gone and guess what they left behind worm castings and so we are building a mega bulk bin bringing it to the 8ot mark and we will have have more castings than we can really than we can shake a stick at but we this year is going to be a great year our sales are up I'll be starting my sales tomorrow I'll visit M I'm going to start visiting every one of my vendors and so we're going to know exactly where we're headed by the time uh spring comes so Jude and I are going to go ahead and feed them tonight and we'll we just let you know what we're going to start with we're going to put the five gallon bucket down first they love to hide under things that was put on top and they came from underneath okay wormies get back in there oh okay and let's just lift that a little Jude you don't have to I'll slide it out from underneath it now oh look at the worms here oh my goodness and I Disturbed them this afternoon so I wasn't even sure yeah yeah let's see I mean what what we have great way to gather worms um you don't have to sift them because it's just pure pure worms and that's the result of a very very smelly piece of watermelon and they're just in there eating it up so here's what here's what we're going to do we are going to first put the compost down and then we're going to put some feed down uh actually we'll put some vegetables down so this is our take from our grocery local grocery store that gives us vegetables and and fruits and we put it through the grinder already and it's just I mean it's just a wonderful mix it almost almost get hungry looking at it so we'll first we'll put the the compost down and then we'll go ahead and put the this liquid or the the ground up food down on top of that we're going to put Captain Matt's mix um Chow mix all sorts of wonderful things in there coffee that's been sitting around for a week or so and and we're going to spread that in there so Jude why don't you do this pick that bin right up and pour it right on top of these guys and we don't want it all to go down the hill we want it up here and I'll show you what we're going to do then this yep yep yeah good and you can spread it to the left and right but you don't want everything going down great and let's do that again over here beautiful if you notice that's five gallons three times a week and we just I fill the corners in first because we're building a top platform first so I just take so it doesn't get too high on me I just take the stick and we go right along and kind of level level it out now there are a bunch of worms under there as you can see they're really close and so we're going to do the same thing over here spread this first by hand and kind of fill in the upper section put it right on there just back and forth that's the best way to move it yep beautiful all right and so as you notice this this Plateau is going to just continue to grow until we get full but we won't be down there until early April so the next thing I'll do is um I'm going to spread the chopped up vegetables in here and I just simply this may be a little gross for some of you but this is what I do and these these veggies and fruits and a lot of melon in here we had broccoli uh lot of cucumber and I'll just spread all this stuff around and the worms when they get a hold of this and it it it sat around for a while it's already starting to break down and a lot of the food that I do pick up uh at the markets already is moldy I mean I sometimes I put my hands in it and I'm like ah because it's all decomposing already that's what the worms love next thing I do is simply take um 2 lbs of of food uh Captain Matt's worm toow and we spread one you can spread it just like I do don't go back too far we don't want it to go back too far cuz we're trying to keep the momentum of the worm movement forward we'll sprinkle some of the coffee worms love coffee and it's just um it's a fact I've I've watched them it's hard hard to see it but they just they they just eat the coffee right up so put that in here just spread the coffee around the next thing I do is water everything down so if you notice the compost that we put in was not very wet and so we want to just keep this baby nice and nice and moist and the bottom there is no floor on this this is just a frame sitting on concrete so when there is excess water in here it just goes down and it leaks out from underneath the bottom and we have a drain here in the garage I want to keep this nice and moist all the time uh damp and that's what it will be tomorrow I put my hand in here I won't feel all this moisture but it's plenty damp so that the microorganisms in here are more than happy I take this and put it in a bucket of non-chlorinated water and I spread it try some up on the level top I always give that a shot so it doesn't dry out out so the next thing we'll do is we'll put mosquito bit in it or bti and so there's always a bucket of bti here and I always push that down uh so that the stuff on the top doesn't clog it and so I'll take the next can and with the bti because we've got a lot of fruit in here and just make sure uh we get a lot of it but I'm going to pour this entire can right on top again I want moisture and and the the bti um the Flies if if you don't use bti the Flies are going to start they they love to lay eggs on the on the worm chow and they love to lay eggs the fruits and vegetables too and if you notice there are no flies in here at all that's what we do and we'll repeat it again on Wednesday we'll repeat it again on Friday we'll repeat it again on Monday and we will just continue this for 32 weeks this entire area is filled and that's our worm castings that's what we bu box the wonderful thing about this plan is that the worms are moving along with the food and as we build pretty soon we'll have a level area right across here and the slope will be over here but guess where the worms are they're here when we get to the end the worms are all at the end I can come in and take the castings out of here uh where there'll be no worms then as I get closer I'll have some worms I might have to sift a bit and then as I get really close to the end we're going to just stop and start the process all over again the worms are there and then we're going to start building back this way so what that allows us is continuously making worm casting this is a another type of continuous flow bin but it's a little different than the one we started out with folks have asked along the way what you know why is it that we went from the cfts that's where the bin is up on legs and we SC scratch from underneath and drop the material down it's a great process wonderful process for a home Gardener or for someone with a very small business our business just grew we we will package all of this and so we'll actually step in here and shovel it out and uh make sure dry it out on the floor we have a concrete floor where the car is we'll dry it out there and then we'll sift it for uh packaging when I use uh the bti die continuously it's not only serving me but it's serving my customers because we're packaging without a whole bunch of uh eggs in there from insects from the uh fungus Gat uh those are dead and so they're getting a cleaner product and they're not going to have to deal with those problems so we we'll close her up and look around for some worms on the top cuz there always a handful that slip slip by what we're using here is landscape in fabric breathable it it will take the water in it will breathe out but it gives the darkness that is necessary uh for the worms to feel really comfortable okay and then take that one board Jude and we put it right on the edge here and uh we have just tucked the the kids into bed and uh told them uh we won't see them in the morning we'll see them on Wednesday morning everywhere I go these days I'm hearing worm castings worm casting worm casting any soil sold in stores these days that is used in any way for growing you'll notice there's worm castings in there I don't know how many there are in there and I wouldn't trust them to be quite honest to uh to think there's a lot of worm castings but the worm castings have in the past three years have become extremely popular I don't have to explain worm castings half as much as I used to because there's articles about them all over the place and all the organic magazines it's a household word now for for organic gardeners we need not to forget this is not all about just about producing worm castings for ourselves but this is about getting the worm castings out into our local community so that our folks in this community can get a really really good fresh product that hasn't been in a plastic bag for uh 6 months sitting in a warehouse somewhere or maybe maybe even longer than that it it's a wonderful product and you know when I first went out and uh was doing sales I'm not a salesperson I did not want to go out and do sales at all first store I went to had seven stores and they told me I was too late come back next year they've done all their purchasing and I was like I was almost defeated and I went to the next door boom they bought it and the next door boom they bought it and all of a sudden it's been growing now people are calling me asking me why I haven't stopped by to see them and offer my castings to them the market is very very large I'm retired and I this is this is my joy part of the joy is teaching others how to do how to work with a really wonderful product for their for their Gardens as a retired guy I'm just doing this you know for little extra change in our pockets and yet there is an income there and the reality is if I was 10 years younger than I am today I might consider turning this into a a business what I'm saying is this there's a market for you if you want to raise some go out and see your local nurseries find your local farmers market see if you can't set up a booth especially in April May and June you'll be amazed at how your business will it may not make a lot of money at first but after a while it's going to expand it's going to expand more than we even imagined people are going to be looking for worm castings almost fretting about the fact that they don't have enough worm castings and you can be the person that's going to make the difference for them it's a good product don't give up we have the best organic fertilizer on the planet let's serve our community so guys thanks for being with us again tonight I hope we had didn't overdo it but uh we're sharing our heart with you I wish you the very very best and I thank God for Jude and for my family that's always here with me helping me along the way look forward to seeing you again real soon God bless you have a wonderful night subscribe now and then head over to worm people.com to jumpstart your worm farming Journey
Channel: Captain Matt and the Worm People
Views: 22,144
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: tOs0FjOfHvI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 6sec (846 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 29 2023
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