Feed Your Family for Less than £3 a Meal #budgetfriendly #frugalmeals

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[Music] hello and welcome to my channel sensibly Frugal Living I hope you're having a great day today today I've got two meals each meal came in under3 that I fed my family first meal is Jack of potatoes can't go wrong with Jack of potatoes I paid £135 for the potatoes 56p for two tins of beans and 99 P for colaw so that came in at £290 my family will eat Jack potatoes we're not massive Jack like the skin eaters we won't eat the skin so much so we I cook mine in the microwave because I don't worry about the crispy skin but if you do like crispy skin and you're bit picky about that put it in the oven or the air fryer do them to your preference so I prick mine all over and then I just microwave them I forget about them microwave them till they're done till a a i till a butter knife goes through them is my pref so here I am pricking them get them in the microwave ready to go and I think they took about 17 minutes so I also have two tins of beans I just buy the cheap beans my kids love school beans they always go on about how like they love the school beans better than hindes and School meals are particularly healthy so that's saying something about school beans must be because it's different from when I was back at school I can tell you that so here's me getting the beans ready I microwave these as well I wait for the potatoes to be finished and then give the potatoes time to like cool a little before I handle them and just cook the beans in that time so here I got the potatoes and they are boiling be very careful boiling boiling potatoes uh my son I scoop the mashed potato I scoop it out like a mashed potato if that makes sense he won't eat the skin at all and that's a good idea if you have children that are picky about potato skins CU make it like a mashed potato and then they're just eating the same as you still it's just one meal I can't be doing we cooking multiple meals that's not me no way is that me uh you can see me here stopping if you see me stopping and looking out I'm looking out the back door at my children who are fighting and I'm shouting at them to pack it in you'll see my husband in a minute coming he hears them and comes to see what Earth's going on and you know when dad comes you need to be quiet so here I am fluffing the potatoes before I add the butter I always do this there's my husband fluffy potatoes and then I add a little bit of butter to the children I add a little bit too much to mine on purpose accidentally on purpose I love butter you've got to have a buttery potato don't you anyway there's me adding it to mine and we're adding the beans oh I forgot to say my husband wasn't eating this meal this day he actually had stomach in the freezer that he was eating instead that we didn't want to go to waste that's why I have two Jack potatoes cuz I'm being greedy and I didn't finish them all so it definitely does feed for people um you can top them that I've topped mine with colaw yummy so now the second meal is P Pizza can't go wrong with P Pizza I paid two no10 for two packs of pits 55 P for pataa 69p for mozzarella and 55p for tuna here I am grating the mozzarella I didn't use both packs of pitters I overestimated what we'd need so I do substitute that for a little bit of cheddar cheese and I'm glad I did I think it needed a little bit more cheese so bear that in mind the there's the great mozzerella and here's the Pata have lots of Pata left as well bear that in mind but yeah these pizzas are quick they take a few minutes in the air fryer that's all so they are perfect if you've got a busy evening and if you need to do different toppings you can put whatever you like whatever you've got in the fridge bit of ham bit of pepperoni whatever so here I am putting the pat on good amount you can put herbs in the Pata as well my kids aren't a great fan of that so I just don't bother but you do whatever suits your family and if you want to keep it to a budget this is pretty simple but yeah bear in mind that I used one pack of pitters and substituted that for Cheesa it still came in for less than3 but still throwing a bit of cheese on even if you use both packs of pits isn't going to push the budget Sky High is it so here's me putting the mozzarella on and yeah it would be enough if you were really really scrimping it that would be enough but the cheddar cheese just had that more gooey yumminess to it if you know what I mean so here I am making it I leave two without tuner on in a minute I know I'm jumping ahead of myself but I just remember while I'm thinking it or I'll forget to say it because my son is not a massive fan of tuna and I just leave one they don't always all get eaten so if I leave one without tuner on as well he he might eat it for breakfast the next day or whatever so here I am putting tuna or four and that tinner tuna would have easily done more than six I am piling it so not to waste it on these pizzas so there's the cheese I added and it really did help see just a little sprinkling but it did help and it was super yummy so thanks for watching guys I'll see you next time bye [Music]
Channel: Sensibly Frugal Living
Views: 30
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: frugal, frugal living, frugality, frugal meals, frugal food, budget living, budget food, budget meals, cost of living, cost of living crisis, cost of living crisis uk, sensibly frugal living, save money, money saving, saving money, low income, making ends meet, struggle meals, spend less, pay less, getting by
Id: DqpSF1ZZaW0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 39sec (339 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 25 2024
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